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- A68k - a freely distributable assembler for the Amiga
- by Charlie Gibbs
- with special thanks to
- Brian R. Anderson and Jeff Lydiatt
- (Version 2.70 - February 25, 1991)
- Note: This program is Freely Distributable, as opposed to Public
- Domain. Permission is given to freely distribute this program provided no
- fee is charged, and this documentation file is included with the program.
- This assembler is based on Brian R. Anderson's 68000 cross-
- assembler published in Dr. Dobb's Journal, April through June 1986.
- I have converted it to produce AmigaDOS-format object modules, and
- have made many enhancements, such as macros and INCLUDE files.
- My first step was to convert the original Modula-2 code into C.
- I did this for two reasons. First, I had access to a C compiler, but
- not a Modula-2 compiler. Second, I like C better anyway.
- The executable code generator code (GetObjectCode and MergeModes)
- is essentially the same as in the original article, aside from its
- translation into C. I have almost completely rewritten the remainder
- of the code, however, in order to remove restrictions, add enhancements,
- and adapt it to the AmigaDOS environment. Since the only reference book
- available to me was the AmigaDOS Developer's Manual (Bantam, February
- 1986), this document describes the assembler in terms of that book.
- Let's get these out of the way first:
- o The verification file (-v) option is not supported. Diagnostic
- messages always appear on the console. They also appear in the
- listing file, however (see extensions below). You can produce
- an error file by redirecting console output to a file - the
- line number counter and final summary are displayed on stderr
- so you can still see what's happening.
- o The file names in the INCLUDE directory list (-i) must be
- separated by commas. The list may not be enclosed in quotes.
- o Labels assigned by EQUR and REG directives are case-sensitive.
- o Strange things will happen if your source code (including
- INCLUDE files and macro expansions) exceeds 32,766 lines.
- Tough darts. Break up your source file. Can you actually
- read that monster? :-)
- o The following directives are not supported, and will be flagged
- as invalid op-codes:
- I feel that NOPAGE, LLEN, and PLEN should not be defined within
- a source module. It doesn't make sense to me to have to change
- your program just because you want to print your listings on
- different paper. The command-line switch "-p" (see below) can
- be used as a replacement for PLEN; setting it to a high value
- (like 32767) is a good substitute for NOPAGE. The effect of
- LLEN can be obtained by running the listing file through an
- appropriate filter.
- Now for the good stuff:
- o Labels can be any length that will fit onto one source line
- (currently 127 characters maximum). Since labels are stored
- on the heap, the number of labels that can be processed is
- limited only by available memory.
- o The first character of a label can be '@' if the next character
- is not numeric (this avoids confusion with octal constants).
- This provides compatibility with the Lattice C compiler.
- o Since section data and user macro definitions are stored in
- the symbol table (see above), they too are limited only by
- available memory. (Actually, there is a hard-coded limit of
- 32,767 sections, but I doubt anyone will run into that one.)
- o The only values a label cannot take are the register names -
- A68k can distinguish between the same name used as a label,
- instruction name or directive, macro name, or section name.
- o Section and user macro names appear in the symbol table dump,
- and will also be cross-referenced. Their names can be the same
- as any label (see above); they will be listed separately.
- o INCLUDEs and macro calls can be nested indefinitely, limited
- only by available memory. The message "Secondary heap
- overflow - assembly terminated" will be displayed if memory
- is exhausted. You can increase the size of this heap using
- the -w switch (see below). Recursive macros are supported;
- recursive INCLUDEs will, of course, result in a loop that
- will be broken only when the heap overflows.
- o The EVEN directive forces alignment on a word (2-byte)
- boundary. It does the same thing as CNOP 0,2.
- (This one is left over from the original code.)
- o Backward references to labels within the current CODE section
- will be converted to PC-relative addressing with displacement
- if this mode is legal for the instruction. This feature is
- disabled by the -n switch.
- o If a MOVEM instruction only specifies one register, it is
- converted to the corresponding MOVE instruction. Instructions
- such as MOVEM D0-D0,label will not be converted, however.
- This feature is disabled by the -n switch.
- o ADD, SUB, and MOVE instructions will be converted to ADDQ,
- SUBQ, and MOVEQ respectively if possible. Instructions coded
- explicitly (e.g. ADDA or ADDI) will not be converted. This
- feature is disabled by the -n switch.
- o ADD, CMP, SUB, and MOVE to an address register are converted to
- ADDA, CMPA, SUBA, and MOVEA respectively, unless (for ADD, SUB,
- or MOVE) they have already been converted to quick form.
- o ADD, AND, CMP, EOR, OR, and SUB of an immediate value are
- converted to ADDI, ANDI, CMPI, EORI, ORI, and SUBI respectively
- (unless the address register or quick conversion above has
- already been done).
- o If both operands of a CMP instruction are postincrement mode,
- the instruction is converted to CMPM.
- o Operands of the form 0(An) will be treated as (An) except for
- the MOVEP instruction, which always requires a displacement.
- This feature is disabled by the -n switch.
- o The SECTION directive allows a third parameter. This can be
- specified as either CHIP or FAST (upper or lower case). If
- this parameter is present, the hunk will be written with the
- MEMF_CHIP or MEMF_FAST bit set. This allows you to produce
- "pre-ATOMized" object modules.
- o The synonyms DATA and BSS are accepted for SECTION directives
- starting data or BSS hunks. The CHIP and FAST options (see
- above) can also be used, e.g. BSS name,CHIP.
- o The following synonyms have been implemented for compatibility
- with the Aztec assembler:
- CSEG is treated the same as CODE or SECTION name,CODE
- DSEG is treated the same as DATA or SECTION name,DATA
- PUBLIC is treated as either XDEF or XREF, depending on
- whether or not the symbol in question has been
- defined in the current source module.
- A single PUBLIC directive can name a mixture
- internally- and externally-defined symbols.
- o The ability to produce Motorola S-records is retained from the
- original code. The -s switch causes the assembler to produce
- S-format instead of AmigaDOS format. Relocatable code cannot
- be produced in this format.
- o Error messages consist of three parts.
- The position of the offending line is given as a line
- number within the current module. If the line is within a
- macro expansion or INCLUDE file, the position of the macro
- call or INCLUDE statement in the outer module is given as
- well. This process is repeated until the outermost source
- module is reached.
- Next, the offending source line itself is listed.
- Finally, the errors for that line are displayed. A flag
- (^) is placed under the column where the error was detected.
- o Named local labels are supported. These work the same as the
- local labels supported by the Metacomco assembler (nnn$) but
- are formed in the same manner as normal labels, except that
- they must be preceded by a backslash (\).
- o The following synonyms have been implemented for compatibility
- with the Assempro assembler:
- ENDIF is treated the same as ENDC
- = is treated the same as EQU
- | is treated the same as ! (logical OR)
- o Quotation marks (") can be used as string delimiters
- as well as apostrophes ('). Any given string must begin
- and end with the same delimiter. This allows such statements
- as the following:
- MOVEQ "'",D0
- DC.B "This is Charlie's assembler."
- Note that you can still define an apostrophe within a string
- delimited by apostrophes if you double it, e.g.
- MOVEQ '''',D0
- DC.B 'This is Charlie''s assembler.'
- o If any errors are found in the assembly, the object code file
- will be scratched, unless you include the -k (keep) flag on
- the command line.
- o The symbols .A68K, .a68k, .a68K, and .A68k are automatically
- defined as SET symbols having absolute values of 1.
- This enables a source program to determine whether it is
- being assembled by this assembler, and is effectively
- insensitive as to whether or not it is checked in upper case.
- o A zeroth positional macro parameter (\0) is supported. It
- is replaced by the length of the macro call (B, W, or L,
- defaulting to W). For instance, given the macro:
- moov MACRO
- move.\0 \1,\2
- the macro call
- moov.l d0,d1
- would be expanded as
- move.l d0,d1
- o If an INCLUDE file doesn't generate any code and no listing
- file is required (including suppression of the listing using
- NOLIST), it won't be read again in pass 2. The statement
- numbers will be bumped to keep in proper alignment. This
- can really speed up assemblies that INCLUDE lots of EQUates.
- o The ORG directive is supported. It works like RORG, except
- that it takes the actual address to be jumped to, rather
- than an offset from the start of the current section.
- The given address must be in the current section.
- As far as A68k is concerned, the only real difference
- between ORG and RORG is that the ORG value must be
- relocatable, while the RORG value must be absolute.
- o Branch (Bcc, including BRA and BSR) instructions will be
- converted to short form if possible. Shortening a branch
- may bring other branches within range of shortening - this
- can set up a ripple effect, and A68k may not catch all
- branches that could theoretically be optimized. Any branches
- which A68k misses (there shouldn't be too many under normal
- circumstances) can be displayed by specifying the -f switch
- (see below). Branch optimization is disabled by the -n switch.
- o The INCBIN directive allows the contents of any file to be
- included in A68k's object code output. Its format is the same
- as the INCLUDE directive, but the file can contain any data
- at all, printable or not. Rather than being processed as
- source code by the assembler, the entire contents of the file
- is copied directly to the current position in the object code
- output file with no reformatting whatsoever. The effect is
- the same as if DC statements whose constants represent the
- file's contents were inserted in place of the INCBIN directive.
- o The opcode TTL is accepted as a synonym for TITLE.
- o A command-line option (-g) causes A68k to treat any undefined
- symbol as XREF.
- o The register list in a MOVEM instruction can be an
- immediate operand which specifies the actual mask bits.
- Version 2.4 implements a rudimentary small code/data model.
- It consists of converting any data reference to one of the following
- three addressing modes:
- address register indirect with displacement using a
- specified address register, defaulting to A4
- (for references to the DATA or BSS section)
- program counter indirect with displacement
- (for references to the CODE section)
- absolute word
- (for absolute and 16-bit relocatable values)
- These conversions do not take place unless a NEAR directive is
- encountered. The NEAR directive can take one operand, which
- must be either an address register or a symbol which has been
- equated (using EQUR) to an address register. Register A7 (SP)
- may not be used. If no register is given, A4 is assumed.
- Conversion is done for all operands until a FAR directive
- is encountered. NEAR and FAR directives can occur any number
- of times, enabling conversion to be turned on and off at will.
- Backward references which cannot be converted (e.g. external
- labels declared as XREF) will remain as absolute long addressing.
- All forward references are assumed to be convertible, since during
- pass 1 A68k has no way of telling whether conversion is possible.
- If conversion turns out to be impossible, invalid object code will
- be generated - an error message ("Invalid forward reference") will
- indicate when this occurs.
- Although the small code/data model can greatly reduce the
- size of assembled programs, several restrictions apply:
- o Small code and small data models are active simultaneously.
- You can't have one without the other, since during pass 1
- A68k doesn't know whether forward references are to CODE
- or to DATA/BSS.
- o Programs can consist of a maximum of two sections,
- one CODE, the other DATA or BSS. If you try to define
- a third section, the message "Too many SECTIONs" will
- be displayed. The NEAR directive is active only within
- the CODE section.
- o While the NEAR directive is active, external labels (XREF)
- must be declared before they are used, CODE section references
- must be with 32K of the current position (i.e. expressible as
- PC-relative), and DATA/BSS section references must be in the
- first 64K of the DATA/BSS section (i.e. expressible as
- address register indirect with displacement). Any instructions
- which do not satisfy these requirements cannot be detected in
- pass 1, so A68k has no choice but to display an error message
- in pass 2 ("Invalid forward reference") which in this case
- indicates that invalid code has been generated. To properly
- assemble such instructions, you can temporarily disable
- conversion with a FAR directive, then resume afterwards
- with another NEAR directive.
- o Conversion cannot be done for references between modules.
- All external references must be left as absolute long.
- o A68k assumes that the base register (normally A4) points to
- the start of the DATA/BSS section plus 32768 bytes. (This
- assumed offset can be changed by the -m command-line parameter.)
- The register must be preloaded with this value before executing
- any code converted by the NEAR directive. One way to do this
- is to code the instruction that loads the register prior to
- the NEAR directive. Another way is to use a MOVE.L with
- immediate mode, which is never converted. Here are examples
- of the two methods:
- LEA data+32768,a4 NEAR
- NEAR ;defaults to A4 MOVE.L #data+32768,a4
- <remainder of code> <remainder of code>
- data: data:
- <data areas> <data areas>
- I'll be the first to admit that this is a very crude and ugly
- implementation. I hope to improve it in future versions.
- A68k uses the following files:
- o The source code file - this file contains the program to be
- assembled. This file is an ASCII text file whose last line
- must be an END statement.
- o The object code file - this file is created by A68k, replacing
- any previous version which may exist. If any errors are
- encountered during the assembly, this file will be scratched,
- unless the -k (keep) switch is specified (see below).
- Although this file is normally written in AmigaDOS format,
- the -s switch (see below) will cause it to be written in
- Motorola S-record format instead.
- o The listing file - this file is optionally created by A68k
- and contains a listing complete with page headings (including
- form feeds), generated object code, and error messages if any.
- It is suitable for feeding to a printer.
- o An equate file - this file is optionally created by A68k
- and consists of a leading comment line followed by EQU
- statements, one for each symbol encountered by A68k whose
- value is absolute. This file is only created if the -e
- command-line switch is specified (see below).
- o A header file - if requested, this file is read by A68k
- immediately prior to the source code file. It treated
- exactly as if it were requested by an INCLUDE statement
- at the front of the source file, but is selected only if
- the -h command-line switch is specified (see below).
- o Include files are selected by INCLUDE directives within the
- source file, and are inserted in the source code in place
- of the INCLUDE directive itself. A68k first searches the
- current directory for INCLUDE files; the -i command-line
- switch (see below) specifies additional directories which
- can be searched.
- The names of the above files can be explicitly specified.
- However, A68k will generate default file names in the following cases:
- o If the -o switch is omitted, a default name will be assigned
- to the object code file.
- o If the -e switch is specified with no file name, a default
- name will be assigned to the equate file.
- o If the -l or -x switch is specified with no file name, a
- default name will be assigned to the listing file.
- A default name is generated by deriving a stem name from the source
- code file name, and appending .o for an object code file name (.s
- if the -s switch is specified to produce Motorola S-records), .equ
- for an equate file name, or .lst for a listing file name. The stem
- name consists of all characters of the source file name up to the
- last period (or the entire source file name if it contains no period).
- Here are some examples:
- Default names
- --------------------------------------------
- Source file Object file Equate file Listing file
- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
- myprog.asm myprog.o myprog.equ myprog.lst
- myprog myprog.o myprog.equ myprog.lst
- new.prog.asm new.prog.o new.prog.equ new.prog.lst
- The command-line syntax to run the assembler is as follows:
- a68k <source file name>
- [<object file name>]
- [<listing file name>]
- [-d[[!]<prefix>]]
- [-e[<equate file name>]]
- [-f]
- [-g]
- [-h<header file name>]
- [-i<INCLUDE directory list>]
- [-k]
- [-l[<listing file name>]]
- [-m<small data offset>]
- [-n]
- [-o<object file name>]
- [-p<page depth>]
- [-q[<quiet interval>]]
- [-s]
- [-t]
- [-w[<hash table size>][,<secondary heap size>]]
- [-x[<listing file name>]]
- [-y]
- [-z[<debug start line>][,<debug end line>]]
- These options can be given in any order. Any parameter which is not
- a switch (denoted by a leading hyphen) is assumed to be a file name;
- up to three file names (assumed to be source, object, and listing file
- names respectively) can be given. A source file name is always required.
- If a switch is being given a value, that value must immediately follow
- the switch letter with no intervening spaces. For instance, to specify
- a page depth of 40 lines, the specification "-p40" should be used;
- "-p 40" will be rejected.
- Switches perform the following actions:
- -d causes symbol table entries (hunk_symbol) to be written
- to the object module for the use of symbolic debuggers.
- If the switch is followed by a string of characters, only
- those symbols beginning with that prefix string will be
- written. This can be used to suppress internal symbols
- generated by compilers. If the first character is an
- exclamation mark (!), only symbols which do NOT begin
- with the following characters are written out.
- Here are some examples:
- -d writes all symbols
- -dabc writes only symbols beginning with "abc"
- -d!x writes symbols which do not begin with "x"
- -e causes an equate file (see above) to be produced. A file
- name can be specified; otherwise a default name will be used.
- -f causes any branches (Bcc, BRA, BSR) that could be converted
- to short form to be flagged. A68k will convert as many
- branches as possible to short form (unless the -n switch is
- is specified), but certain combinations of instructions may
- set up a ripple effect where shortening one branch brings
- another one into range. This switch will cause A68k to
- flag any branches that it may have missed; during pass 2
- it is possible to tell this, although during pass 1 it might
- not be. If the -n switch (see below) is specified along
- with this switch (suppressing all optimization), no branches
- will be shortened, but all branches which could be shortened
- will be flagged.
- -g causes any undefined symbols to be treated as if they were
- externally defined (XREF), rather than being flagged as errors.
- -h causes a header file to be read prior to the source code file.
- A file name must be given. The action is the same as if the
- first statement of the source file were an INCLUDE statement
- naming the header file. To find the header file, the same
- directories will be searched as for INCLUDE files (see the
- -i switch below).
- -i specifies directories to be searched for INCLUDE files in
- addition to the current directory. Several names, separated
- by commas, may be specified. No embedded blanks are allowed.
- For example, the specification
- -imylib,df1:another.lib
- will cause INCLUDE files to be searched for first in the
- current directory, then in "mylib", then in "df1:another.lib".
- -k causes the object file to be kept even if any errors were
- found. Otherwise, it will be scratched if any errors occur.
- -l causes a listing file to be produced. If you want the listing
- file to include a symbol table dump and cross-reference, use
- the -x switch instead (see below).
- -m changes the assumed offset from the start of the DATA/BSS
- section to the base register used when the small code /
- small data option is activated by the NEAR directive.
- If this parameter is not specified, the offset defaults
- to 32768.
- -n causes all object code optimization (see above) to be disabled.
- -o allows the default name for the object code file (see above)
- to be overridden.
- -p causes the page depth to be set to the specified value.
- This takes the place of the PLEN directive in the Metacomco
- assembler. Page depth defaults to 60 lines (-p60).
- -q changes the interval at which A68k displays the line number
- it has reached in its progress through the assembly. The
- default is to display every 100 lines (-q100). Specifying
- larger values reduces console I/O, making assemblies run
- slightly faster.
- If you specify a negative number (e.g. -q-10), line numbers
- will be displayed at an interval equal to the absolute value
- of the specified number, but will be given as positions
- within the current module (source, macro, or INCLUDE) rather
- than as a total statement count - the module name will also
- be displayed.
- A special case is the value zero (-q0 or just -q) - this
- will cause all console output, except for error messages,
- to be suppressed.
- -s causes the object file to be written in Motorola S-record
- format, rather than AmigaDOS format. The default name for
- an S-record file ends with ".s" rather than ".o"; this can
- still be overridden with the -o switch, though.
- -t allows tabs in the source file to be passed through to the
- listing file, rather than being expanded. In addition, tabs
- will be generated in the listing file to skip from the object
- code to the source statement, etc. This can greatly reduce
- the size of the listing file, as well as making it quicker to
- produce. Do not use this option if you will be displaying or
- listing the list file on a device which does not assume a tab
- stop at every 8th position.
- -w specifies the sizes of fixed memory areas that A68k allocates
- for its own use. You should normally never have to specify
- this switch, but it may be useful for tuning.
- The first parameter gives the number of entries that the hash
- table (used for searching the symbol table) will contain.
- The default value of 2047 should be enough for all but the
- very largest programs. The assembly will not fail if this
- value is too small, but may slow down if too many long hash
- chains must be searched. The hashing statistics displayed by
- the -y switch (see below) can be used to tune this parameter.
- I've heard that you should really specify a prime number for
- this parameter, but I haven't gone into hashing theory enough
- to know whether it's actually necessary.
- The second parameter of the -w switch specifies the size (in
- bytes) of the secondary heap, which is used to store nested
- macro and INCLUDE file information (see below). It defaults
- to 1024, which should be enough unless you use very deeply
- nested macros and/or INCLUDE files with long path names.
- You can specify either or both parameters. For example:
- -w4093 secondary heap size remains at 1024 bytes
- -w,2000 hash table size remains at 2047 entries
- -w4093,2000 increases the size of both areas
- If you're really tight for memory, and are assembling small
- modules, you can use this switch to shrink these areas below
- their default sizes. At the end of an assembly, a message
- will be displayed giving the sizes actually used, in the form
- of the -w command you would have to enter to allocate that much
- space. This is primarily useful to see how much secondary
- heap space was used.
- NOTE: All other memory used by A68k (e.g. the actual symbol
- table) is allocated as required (currently in 8K chunks).
- -x works the same as -l (see above), except that a symbol table
- dump, including cross-reference information, will be added
- to the end of the listing file.
- -y causes hashing statistics to be displayed at the end of the
- assembly. First the number of symbols in the table is given,
- followed by a summary of hash chains by length. Chains with
- length zero denote unused hash table entries. Ideally (i.e.
- if there were no collisions) there should be as many chains
- with length 1 as there are symbols, and there should be no
- chains of length 2 or greater. I added this option to help
- me tune my hashing algorithm, but you can also use it to see
- whether you should allocate a larger hash table (using the
- first parameter of the -w switch, see above).
- -z was provided to help debug A68k itself. It causes A68k to
- list a range of source lines, complete with line number and
- current location counter value, during both passes. Lines
- are listed immediately after they have been read from the
- source file, before any processing occurs.
- Here are some examples of the -z switch:
- -z lists all source lines
- -z100,200 lists lines 100 through 200
- -z100 lists all lines starting at 100
- -z,100 lists the first 100 lines
- The actual symbol table entries (pointed to by the hash table,
- colliding entries are linked together) are stored in 8K chunks which
- are allocated as required. The first entry of each chunk is reserved
- as a link to the next chunk (or NULL in the last chunk) - this makes
- it easy to find all the chunks to free them when we're finished. All
- symbol table entries are stored in pass 1. During pass 2, cross-
- reference table entries are built in the same group of chunks,
- immediately following the last symbol table entry. Additional chunks
- will continue to be linked in if necessary.
- Symbol names and macro text are stored in another series of linked
- chunks. These chunks consist of a link pointer followed by strings
- (terminated by nulls) laid end to end. Symbols are independent entries,
- linked from the corresponding symbol table entry. Macros are stored as
- consecutive strings, one per line - the end of the macro is indicated by
- an ENDM statement. If a macro spans two chunks, the last line in the
- original chunk is followed by a newline character to indicate that the
- macro is continued in the next chunk.
- Relocation information is built during pass 2 in yet another
- series of linked chunks. If more than one chunk is needed to hold one
- section's relocation information, all additional chunks are released
- at the end of the section.
- The secondary heap is built from both ends, and it grows and
- shrinks according to how many macros and INCLUDE files are currently
- open. At all times there will be at least one entry on the heap, for
- the original source code file. The expression parser also uses the
- secondary heap to store its working stacks - this space is freed as
- soon as an expression has been evaluated.
- The bottom of the heap holds the names of the source code file
- and any macro or INCLUDE files that are currently open. The full path
- is given. A null string is stored for user macros. Macro arguments
- are stored by additional strings, one for each argument in the macro
- call line. All strings are stored in minimum space, similar to the
- labels and user macro text on the primary heap. File names are
- pointed to by the fixed table entries (see below) - macro arguments
- are accessed by stepping past the macro name to the desired argument,
- unless NARG would be exceeded.
- The fixed portion of the heap is built down from the top. Each
- entry occupies 16 bytes. Enough information is stored to return to
- the proper position in the outer file once the current macro or
- INCLUDE file has been completely processed.
- The diagram below illustrates the layout of the secondary heap.
- Heap2 + maxheap2 -----------> ___________________________
- | |
- | Input file table |
- struct InFCtl *InF ---------> |___________________________|
- | |
- | Parser operator stack |
- struct OpStack *Ops --------> |___________________________|
- | |
- | (unused space) |
- struct TermStack *Term -----> |___________________________|
- | |
- | Parser term stack |
- char *NextFNS --------------> |___________________________|
- | |
- | Input file name stack |
- char *Heap2 ----------------> |___________________________|
- The "high-water mark" for NextFNS is stored in char *High2,
- and the "low-water mark" (to stretch a metaphor) for InF is stored
- in struct InFCtl *LowInF. These figures are used only to determine
- the maximum heap usage.
- Please send me any bug reports, flames, etc. I can be reached
- on Mind Link (604/533-2312), at any meeting of the Commodore
- Computer Club / Panorama (PAcific NORthwest AMiga Association),
- or via Jeff Lydiatt or Larry Phillips. I don't have the time
- or money to live on Compuserve or BIX, but my Usenet address is
- Charlie_Gibbs@mindlink.UUCP (...uunet!van-bc!rsoft!mindlink!a218).
- Charlie Gibbs
- 2121 Rindall Avenue
- Port Coquitlam, B.C.
- Canada
- V3C 1T9