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- { Julian Date calculations.
- These routines were taken from Peter Duffett-Smith's
- "Astronomy with your Personal Computer".
- Conversion from line-numbered BASIC to C to ACE-BASIC
- by David Benn, 2nd,8th,9th April 1993. }
- SUB julday(caldate$)
- single m1,y1,a,b,c,d,dj
- { This routine calculates the number of days elapsed
- since the epoch 1900 January 0.5 (ie: 1200 GMT, 31st Dec 1899). }
- '..convert date string (mm-dd-yyyy) into dy,mn,yr
- dy=val(mid$(caldate$,4,2))
- mn=val(mid$(caldate$,1,2))
- yr=val(right$(caldate$,4))
- if yr = 0 then
- dj=-1 '..error
- else
- m1=mn : y1=yr : b=0
- if y1 < 1 then ++y1
- if mn < 3 then m1=mn+12 : --y1
- if y1 > 1582 or mn > 10 or dy >= 15 then
- a=int(y1/100) : b=2-a+int(a/4)
- c=int(365.25*y1)-694025
- if y1 < 0 then c=fix((365.25*y1)-0.75)-694025
- d=int(30.6001*(m1+1))
- dj=b+c+d+dy-0.5
- else
- if (y1<1582 or (y1=1582 and mn<10) or (y1=1582 and mn=10 and dy<5)) then
- c=int(365.25*y1)-694025
- if y1 < 0 then c=fix((365.25*y1)-0.75)-694025
- d=int(30.6001*(m1+1)); dj=b+c+d+dy-0.5
- else
- dj=-1 '..error
- end if
- end if
- end if
- julday = dj '..Return Julian Date (error = -1)
- SUB calday$(dj!)
- single a,b,c,d,g,i,fd
- { This routine converts the number of (Julian) days since
- 1900 January 0.5 into the calendar date. }
- d=dj!+0.5 : i=int(d) : fd=d-i
- if fd = 1 then fd=0 : ++i
- if i > -115860 then
- a=int((i/36524.25)+9.9835726e-1)+14
- i=i+1+a-int(a/4)
- end if
- b=int((i/365.25)+8.02601e-1)
- c=i-int((365.25*b)+7.50001e-1)+416
- g=int(c/30.6001) : mn=g-1
- dy=c-int(30.6001*g)+fd : yr=b+1899
- if g > 13.5 then mn=g-13
- if mn < 2.5 then yr=b+1900
- if yr < 1 then --yr
- '..return a date string (whole days only)
- dy$=str$(int(dy)) : if dy < 10 then dy$="0"+right$(dy$,1)
- dy$=right$(dy$,2)
- mn$=str$(int(mn)) : if mn < 10 then mn$="0"+right$(mn$,1)
- mn$=right$(mn$,2)
- yr$=str$(int(yr))
- yr$=right$(yr$,4)
- calday$ = mn$+"-"+dy$+"-"+yr$