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- { Displays the positions of the Galilean
- satellites relative to Jupiter for a
- given date and period of time.
- The view is as it would appear through
- an inverting telescope in the Southern
- Hemisphere.
- All dates and times must be entered in
- Universal (Greenwich Mean) Time.
- Method taken from Jean Meeus'
- "Astronomical Algorithms", ch 43.
- Author: David J Benn
- Date: 11th,12th,13th,17th,26th July 1993,
- 18th December 1993 }
- CONST radconv=57.295779
- CONST xorigin=320!, yorigin=116!
- CONST radius=5
- CONST true=-1&, false=0&
- CONST JovianColor=2
- CONST black=0
- CONST xscale=10, yscale=7.5
- SINGLE d,V,M,N,J,A,B,K,R,rr,delta,psi,DE
- SINGLE first_u1,first_u2,first_u3,first_u4
- SINGLE u1,u2,u3,u4
- SINGLE r1,r2,r3,r4
- LONGINT first
- DIM x(4),y(4),lastx(4)
- SUB SINGLE decimal_hours(hrs,mins,secs)
- '..return decimal hours
- decimal_hours = hrs + mins/60 + secs/3600
- SUB SINGLE JulianDay(dy,mn,yr)
- SINGLE m1,y1,a,b,c,d,dj
- '..This routine calculates the number of days elapsed
- '..since the epoch 1900 January 0.5 (ie: 1200 GMT, 31st Dec 1899).
- if yr = 0 then
- dj=-1 '..error
- else
- m1=mn : y1=yr : b=0
- if y1 < 1 then ++y1
- if mn < 3 then m1=mn+12 : --y1
- if y1 > 1582 or mn > 10 or dy >= 15 then
- a=int(y1/100) : b=2-a+int(a/4)
- c=int(365.25*y1)-694025
- if y1 < 0 then c=fix((365.25*y1)-0.75)-694025
- d=int(30.6001*(m1+1))
- dj=b+c+d+dy-0.5
- else
- if (y1<1582 or (y1=1582 and mn<10) or (y1=1582 and mn=10 and dy<5)) then
- c=int(365.25*y1)-694025
- if y1 < 0 then c=fix((365.25*y1)-0.75)-694025
- d=int(30.6001*(m1+1)); dj=b+c+d+dy-0.5
- else
- dj=-1 '..error
- end if
- end if
- end if
- JulianDay = dj '..Return Julian Date (error = -1)
- SUB STRING time_from_day_fraction(SINGLE fd)
- '..return time string from day fraction.
- SINGLE hrs,mins
- hrs = 24*fd
- mins = 60*(hrs-fix(hrs))
- hr$ = str$(fix(hrs))
- min$ = str$(fix(mins))
- hr$ = right$(hr$,len(hr$)-1)
- min$ = right$(min$,len(min$)-1)
- if len(hr$)=1 then hr$="0"+hr$
- if len(min$)=1 then min$="0"+min$
- time_from_day_fraction = hr$+":"+min$
- SUB STRING date_and_time(dj!)
- '..This routine converts the number of (Julian) days since
- '..1900 January 0.5 into the calendar date and time.
- SINGLE a,b,c,d,g,i,fd
- d=dj!+0.5 : i=int(d) : fd=d-i
- if fd = 1 then fd=0 : ++i
- if i > -115860 then
- a=int((i/36524.25)+9.9835726e-1)+14
- i=i+1+a-int(a/4)
- end if
- b=int((i/365.25)+8.02601e-1)
- c=i-int((365.25*b)+7.50001e-1)+416
- g=int(c/30.6001) : mn=g-1
- dy=c-int(30.6001*g)+fd : yr=b+1899
- if g > 13.5 then mn=g-13
- if mn < 2.5 then yr=b+1900
- if yr < 1 then --yr
- '..return a date string (whole days only)
- dy$=str$(int(dy)) : if dy < 10 then dy$="0"+right$(dy$,1)
- dy$=right$(dy$,2)
- mn$=str$(int(mn)) : if mn < 10 then mn$="0"+right$(mn$,1)
- mn$=right$(mn$,2)
- yr$=str$(int(yr))
- yr$=right$(yr$,4)
- date_and_time = dy$+"-"+mn$+"-"+yr$+" "+time_from_day_fraction(fd)
- SUB SINGLE in_range(n)
- '..ensure n is in the range 0..360 degrees
- if n<0! then
- in_range = 360! + (n mod 360!)
- else
- if n>360! then in_range = n mod 360!
- end if
- SUB SINGLE sinh(x)
- '..return hyperbolic sine of x
- sinh = (exp(x)-exp(-x))/2!
- SUB JovianEphemeris(SINGLE JDE)
- SHARED d,V,M,N,J,A,B,K,R,rr,delta,psi,DE
- '..calculate circumstances of Jupiter at JDE
- '..days since 2000 January 1, 12h
- d = JDE - 36525.0
- '..argument for long-period term in motion of Jupiter
- V = in_range(172.74 + 0.00111588*d)
- '..mean anomalies of Earth and Jupiter
- M = in_range(357.529 + 0.9856003*d)
- N = 20.02 + 0.0830853*d + 0.329*sin(V/radconv)
- '..difference between mean heliocentric
- '..longitudes of Earth and Jupiter
- J = in_range(66.115 + 0.9025179*d - 0.329*sin(V/radconv))
- '..equations of the center of Earth and Jupiter
- A = 1.915*sin(M/radconv) + 0.02*sin((2*M)/radconv)
- B = 5.555*sin(N/radconv) + 0.168*sin((2*N)/radconv)
- K=J+A-B
- '..radius vector of Earth
- R = 1.00014 - 0.01671*cos(M/radconv) - 0.00014*cos((2*M)/radconv)
- '..radius vector of Jupiter
- rr = 5.20872 - 0.25208*cos(N/radconv) - 0.00611*cos((2*N)/radconv)
- '..Earth-Jupiter distance
- delta = ABS(SQR(rr*rr + R*R - 2*rr*R*cos(K/radconv)))
- '..phase angle (Earth-Jupiter-Sun)
- sin_of_psi = (R/delta)*sin(K/radconv)
- psi = sinh(sin_of_psi)*radconv
- '..longitudes of central meridian in systems I and II
- w1 = in_range(210.98 + 877.8169088*(d-(delta/173!)) + psi - B)
- w2 = in_range(187.23 + 870.1869088*(d-(delta/173!)) + psi - B)
- '..heliocentric longitude
- lambda = 34.35 + 0.083091*d + 0.329*sin((V+B)/radconv)
- '..planetocentric declination
- DS = 3.12*sin((lambda+42.8)/radconv)
- DE = DS - 2.22*sin(psi/radconv)*cos((lambda+22!)/radconv)
- DE = DE - 1.3*((rr-delta)/delta)*sin((lambda-100.5)/radconv)
- SUB AngleFromInfConj
- '..calculate angle from inferior conjunction
- SHARED d,delta,psi,B
- SHARED first_u1,first_u2,first_u3,first_u4
- SHARED u1,u2,u3,u4
- deltaterm = d - (delta/173)
- first_u1 = in_range(163.8067 + 203.4058643*deltaterm + psi - B)
- first_u2 = in_range(358.4108 + 101.2916334*deltaterm + psi - B)
- first_u3 = in_range(5.7129 + 50.2345179*deltaterm + psi - B)
- first_u4 = in_range(224.8151 + 21.4879801*deltaterm + psi - B)
- '..correct for mutual perturbations
- G = 331.18 + 50.310482*deltaterm
- H = 87.4 + 21.569231*deltaterm
- u1 = first_u1 + 0.473*sin((2*(first_u1-first_u2))/radconv)
- u2 = first_u2 + 1.065*sin((2*(first_u2-first_u3))/radconv)
- u3 = first_u3 + 0.165*sin(G/radconv)
- u4 = first_u4 + 0.841*sin(H/radconv)
- SUB DistFromCenter
- '..calculate distance of each satellite from
- '..center of Jupiter
- SHARED first_u1,first_u2,first_u3,first_u4
- SHARED r1,r2,r3,r4
- r1 = 5.9073 - 0.0244*cos((2*(first_u1-first_u2))/radconv)
- r2 = 9.3991 - 0.0882*cos((2*(first_u2-first_u3))/radconv)
- r3 = 14.9924 - 0.0216*cos(G/radconv)
- r4 = 26.3699 - 0.1935*cos(H/radconv)
- SUB calc_x_y(SHORTINT n)
- '..calculate rectangular coordinates
- '..of four satellites
- SHARED x,y
- SHARED r1,r2,r3,r4
- SHARED u1,u2,u3,u4
- case
- n=1 : r=r1:u=u1
- n=2 : r=r2:u=u2
- n=3 : r=r3:u=u3
- n=4 : r=r4:u=u4
- end case
- x(n) = r*sin(u/radconv)
- y(n) = -r*cos(u/radconv)*sin(DE/radconv)
- SUB LONGINT moving_east(SHORTINT moon)
- '..return true if moon is moving east.
- SHARED lastx,x
- if lastx(moon) > x(moon) then
- moving_east = true
- else
- moving_east = false
- end if
- '..return true or false according to whether
- '..a satellite is in the region of the disk
- '..of Jupiter.
- if point(x-1,y)=JovianColor and point(x+1,y)=JovianColor then
- in_disk_region = true
- else
- in_disk_region = false
- end if
- SUB LONGINT behind_disk(SHORTINT xcoord,SHORTINT ycoord,SHORTINT moon)
- '..return true or false according to whether
- '..a satellite is behind the disk of Jupiter.
- if in_disk_region(xcoord,ycoord) and moving_east(moon) then
- behind_disk = true
- else
- behind_disk = false
- end if
- SUB RemoveMoons
- SHARED x,y
- SHORTINT moon,xx,yy,colr
- '..clear moons
- for moon=1 to 4
- xx = xorigin+x(moon)*xscale
- yy = yorigin-y(moon)*yscale
- if in_disk_region(xx,yy) then
- '..in transit across disk or behind it
- colr = JovianColor
- else
- colr = black
- end if
- pset (xx,yy),colr
- next
- SUB ShowJovianSpace
- '..display Jupiter and the Galilean satellites
- SHARED x,y
- SHORTINT xx,yy,moon
- '..plot moons
- for moon=1 to 4
- xx = xorigin+x(moon)*xscale
- yy = yorigin-y(moon)*yscale
- if not behind_disk(xx,yy,moon) then pset (xx,yy),moon
- next
- '..draw Jupiter
- circle (xorigin,yorigin),radius,JovianColor
- paint (xorigin,yorigin),JovianColor
- SUB DisplayData
- '..display Jupiter/satellite data
- CONST startcol=15
- SHARED JDE,x,y,rr,delta
- '..Date & Time
- locate 2,10
- color 1,0
- print date_and_time(JDE);" UT"
- '..Earth-Jupiter distance
- locate 4,10
- color 4,0
- print "Earth-Jupiter Distance (AU): ";
- color 5,0
- print delta;" "
- '..Jupiter's Radius Vector
- locate 5,10
- color 6,0
- print " Sun-Jupiter Distance (AU): ";
- color 5,0
- print rr;" "
- '..headings
- locate 7,startcol
- color 7,0
- print " Io"
- locate 7,startcol+15
- color 6,0
- print " Europa"
- locate 7,startcol+30
- color 7,0
- print " Ganymede"
- locate 7,startcol+45
- color 6,0
- print " Callisto"
- print
- '..satellite's X coordinate
- locate csrlin,10:print "X: ";
- col=startcol
- for moon=1 to 4
- locate csrlin,col
- color moon
- print x(moon);" ";
- col=col+15
- next
- '..satellite's Y coordinate
- print
- locate csrlin,10:print "Y: ";
- col=startcol
- for moon=1 to 4
- locate csrlin,col
- color moon
- print y(moon);" ";
- col=col+15
- next
- '..main
- if arg$(1)="?" then
- print
- print "usage: Jovian date start duration interval"
- print
- print " where: date is of the form dd mm yyyy"
- print
- print " start, duration and interval"
- print " consist of hh mm ss "
- print
- print " Date and Time are taken to be UT.
- print
- stop
- end if
- if argcount=12 then
- dd = val(arg$(1))
- mm = val(arg$(2))
- yy = val(arg$(3))
- hrs = val(arg$(4))
- mins = val(arg$(5))
- secs = val(arg$(6))
- hr_dur = val(arg$(7))
- min_dur = val(arg$(8))
- sec_dur = val(arg$(9))
- hr_int = val(arg$(10))
- min_int = val(arg$(11))
- sec_int = val(arg$(12))
- else
- window 1,"Jovian Satellite Simulation",(0,0)-(640,70)
- print
- print "Start Date (UT):"
- print
- input "Enter day ",dd
- input "Enter month ",mm
- input "Enter year ",yy
- cls
- print
- print "Start Time (UT):"
- print
- input "Enter hours ",hrs
- input "Enter minutes ",mins
- input "Enter seconds ",secs
- cls
- print
- print "Duration:"
- print
- input "Enter hours ",hr_dur
- input "Enter minutes ",min_dur
- input "Enter seconds ",sec_dur
- cls
- print
- print "Interval:"
- print
- input "Enter hours ",hr_int
- input "Enter minutes ",min_int
- input "Enter seconds ",sec_int
- window close 1
- '..An interval of 6 minutes is the finest resolution
- '..possible with single-precision floating-point math!
- if hr_int=0 and min_int<6 then min_int=6
- end if
- day_fraction = decimal_hours(hrs,mins,secs) / 24!
- JDE = JulianDay(dd,mm,yy) + day_fraction
- duration = decimal_hours(hr_dur,min_dur,sec_dur) / 24!
- end_point = JDE+duration
- interval = decimal_hours(hr_int,min_int,sec_int) / 24!
- screen 1,640,225,4,2
- palette 0,0,0,0 '..black
- palette 1,1,.73,0 '..orange (Io)
- palette 2,1,.87,.73 '..tan (Europa, Jupiter)
- palette 3,.93,.2,0 '..fire engine red (Ganymede)
- palette 4,.8,.6,.53 '..brown (Callisto)
- palette 5,1,1,1 '..white
- palette 6,0,.93,.87 '..aqua
- palette 7,.33,.87,0 '..green
- palette 8,0,0,1 '..blue
- palette 9,1,1,.13 '..yellow
- '..border
- line (5,5)-(635,195),8,b
- '..N,S,E,W markers
- color 9,0
- locate 15,5
- print "E"
- locate 15,76
- print "W"
- locate 12,41
- print "N"
- locate 18,41
- print "S"
- locate 23,3
- color 6
- print "Hit key/left mouse button."
- '..initialise lastX array
- for moon=1 to 4
- lastx(moon) = -99
- next
- first=true
- repeat
- JovianEphemeris(JDE)
- AngleFromInfConj
- DistFromCenter
- if not first then
- RemoveMoons
- else
- first=false
- end if
- for moon=1 to 4
- if not first then lastx(moon) = x(moon)
- calc_x_y(moon)
- next
- ShowJovianSpace
- DisplayData
- JDE = JDE + interval
- until mouse(0) or inkey$<>"" or JDE > end_point
- locate 23,3
- color 7
- print "Press Q key. "
- while ucase$(inkey$)<>"Q":wend
- screen close 1