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- { Henon Attractors -- cf Becker & Dorfler, pp 62-64,68 }
- const xscreen=640,yscreen=400
- const maxReal = 1E+18
- const maxInt = 2147483647
- '..planetary Henon attractor data
- const lt = -1.2
- const rt = 1.2
- const top = 1.2
- const bottom = -1.2
- const phaseAngle = 1.111
- const x0 = 0.098
- const y0 = 0.061
- const dx0 = 0.04
- const dy0 = 0.03
- const orbitnumber = 40
- const pointnumber = 700
- sub set_universal_point(xw,yw)
- xs = ((xw-lt) * xscreen / (rt-lt))
- ys = (yw-bottom) * yscreen / (top-bottom)
- pset (xs,ys)
- end sub
- on mouse gosub finish
- mouse on
- sub HenonAttractor
- single cosA,sinA
- single xNew,yNew,xOld,yOld
- single deltaxperpixel,deltayperpixel
- longint i,j
- longint ok1,ok2
- shortint pcolr
- cosA = cos(phaseAngle) : sinA = sin(phaseAngle)
- xOld = x0 : yOld = y0 '..starting point of first orbit
- deltaxperpixel = xscreen/(rt-lt)
- deltayperpixel = yscreen/(top-bottom)
- for j=1 to orbitnumber
- i=1
- '..set foreground pen color
- pcolr = (pcolr + 1) mod 3
- color pcolr+1
- while i <= pointnumber
- if (abs(xOld) <= maxReal) and (abs(yOld) <= maxReal) then
- xNew = xOld*cosA - (yOld - xOld*xOld)*sinA
- yNew = xOld*sinA + (yOld - xOld*xOld)*cosA
- ok1 = (abs(xNew-lt) < maxInt/deltaxperpixel)
- ok2 = (abs(top-yNew) < maxInt/deltayperpixel)
- if ok1 and ok2 then
- set_universal_point(xNew,yNew)
- end if
- xOld = xNew
- yOld = yNew
- end if
- i = i + 1
- wend
- xOld = x0 + j * dx0
- yOld = y0 + j * dy0
- next
- end sub
- mouse off
- { ** main ** }
- screen 1,xscreen,yscreen,3,4
- palette 0,0,0,0 '..black
- palette 1,1,1,1 '..white
- palette 2,0,1,0 '..green
- palette 3,1,0,0 '..red
- palette 4,1,1,0.13 '..yellow
- palette 5,1,0.13,0.93 '..violet
- '..border and title
- line (0,0)-(xscreen-5,yscreen-5),5,b
- title$ = "Planetary Henon Attractor"
- color 4
- locate 2,40-len(title$)\2
- prints title$
- color 2
- locate 47,50
- prints "press left mouse button..."
- HenonAttractor
- finish:
- color 3
- locate 47,50
- prints " hit a key..."
- while inkey$="":wend
- screen close 1