home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- { ** Send a file to the printer **
- If the program is started from the shell,
- the file name is taken to be the first
- argument. Likewise if the program is
- WorkBench launched. Otherwise the
- program invokes a file requester.
- If the requested file doesn't exist
- the program quits with a beep.
- Page size can also be specified.
- }
- #include <WBarg.h>
- DEFINT a-z
- page_size=0
- SUB usage
- print "usage: ";arg$(0);" ? | [<filename>][page-size]"
- '..get the filename
- if WBargcount=2 then
- '..Workbench args
- x$ = WBargPath$(1) + WBarg$(1)
- else
- if argcount > 0 then
- '..CLI/shell args
- if argcount = 1 then
- x$ = arg$(1)
- if x$ = "?" then
- usage
- stop
- end if
- else
- if argcount = 2 then
- x$ = arg$(1)
- page_size = val(arg$(2))
- else
- '..too many args
- usage
- stop
- end if
- end if
- else
- '..no args
- x$ = FileBox$("Select file to print")
- end if
- end if
- '..print the file
- open "I",1,x$
- if handle(1)=0 then beep:stop '..doesn't exist.
- open "O",2,"PRT:"
- ln$=""
- count=0
- while not eof(1)
- line input #1,ln$
- print #2,ln$
- ++count
- if page_size > 0 and count = page_size then
- count=0
- print #2,chr$(12) '..form feed
- end if
- wend
- close 1,2