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- { ** bc **
- Unix-style basic calculator with extras.
- Legal operators: +,-,*,/,^,(,)
- functions: sin(n),cos(n),tan(n),log(n),sqr(n),fix(n),int(n)
- Variables are supported.
- bc uses a recursive descent parser.
- usage: bc [?]
- Author: David Benn
- Date: 21st,22nd March 1992,
- 26th January 1993 }
- '..boolean constants
- const true=-1&
- const false=0&
- '..stack
- const maxstack=100
- dim stack(maxstack)
- shortint stacktop
- stacktop=1
- '..functions
- const maxfunc=7
- dim funcs$(maxfunc)
- for i%=1 to maxfunc
- read funcs$(i%)
- next
- data "SIN","COS","TAN","LOG","SQR","FIX","INT"
- '..symbols
- const alpha=1
- const number=2
- const plus=3
- const minus=4
- const mult=5
- const div=6
- const pow=7
- const lparen=8
- const rparen=9
- const equal=10
- const eos=11
- const letsym=12
- const undef=13
- const maxsym=13
- {dim sym.name$(maxsym)
- for i%=1 to maxsym
- read sym.name$(i%)
- next
- data alpha,number,plus,minus,mult,div,pow
- data lparen,rparen,equal,eos,letsym,undef}
- '..reserved words
- const maxword=1
- dim word$(1)
- for i%=1 to maxword
- read word$(i%)
- next
- data "LET"
- '..errors
- longint bad
- const DIVBYZERO=1
- const SYNTAX=2
- const STKOVFL=3
- const STKUFL=4
- '..globals
- shortint n,length
- ch$=""
- equ$=""
- obj$=""
- sym=undef
- '..variables
- dim var(25)
- for i%=0 to 25
- var(i%)=0
- next
- '..forward references
- declare SUB expr '...factor will call this
- {SUB show.sym(n)
- shared sym.name$
- print sym.name$(n)
- SUB er(n)
- shared bad
- case
- n=DIVBYZERO : print "division by zero"
- n=SYNTAX : print "syntax error"
- n=STKOVFL : print "stack overflow"
- n=STKUFL : print "stack underflow"
- end case
- bad=true
- SUB nextch
- shared ch$,equ$,n,length
- if n<=length then
- ch$=mid$(equ$,n,1)
- ++n
- else
- ch$=""
- end if
- SUB rsvd.wd%(x$)
- shared word$
- shortint n
- for i%=1 to maxword
- if x$ = word$(i%) then n=i%
- next
- if n=0 then rsvd.wd%=alpha else rsvd.wd%=n+eos
- SUB insymbol
- shared ch$,sym,obj$
- shortint periods
- obj$=""
- sym=undef
- '...skip whitespace
- if ch$<=" " and ch$<>"" then
- repeat
- nextch
- until ch$>" " or ch$=""
- end if
- '..end of string?
- if ch$="" then sym=eos:exit sub
- '...characters
- if ch$>="A" and ch$<="Z" then
- while ch$>="A" and ch$<="Z"
- obj$=obj$+ch$
- nextch
- wend
- sym=rsvd.wd%(obj$)
- else
- '...unsigned numeric constant
- if (ch$>="0" and ch$<="9") or ch$="." then
- sym=number
- while (ch$>="0" and ch$<="9") or ch$="."
- if ch$="." then ++periods
- obj$=obj$+ch$
- nextch
- wend
- if periods > 1 then
- sym=undef
- er(SYNTAX)
- end if
- else
- '...single character
- obj$=ch$
- case
- obj$="+" : sym=plus
- obj$="-" : sym=minus
- obj$="*" : sym=mult
- obj$="/" : sym=div
- obj$="^" : sym=pow
- obj$="(" : sym=lparen
- obj$=")" : sym=rparen
- obj$="=" : sym=equal
- end case
- if sym=undef then call er(SYNTAX)
- nextch
- end if
- end if
- SUB push(x)
- shared stacktop,stack
- if stacktop>maxstack then
- else
- stack(stacktop)=x
- ++stacktop
- end if
- SUB pop
- shared stacktop,stack
- --stacktop
- if stacktop<0 then
- er(STKUFL)
- else
- pop=stack(stacktop)
- end if
- SUB func%
- shared funcs$,obj$,sym,bad
- longint found
- shortint funct
- funct=0
- found=false
- i=1
- while i<=maxfunc and not found
- if funcs$(i) = obj$ then funct=i:found=true else ++i
- wend
- if funct then
- '..function
- fun$=funcs$(funct)
- else
- '..variable
- func%=0
- exit sub
- end if
- '...push the argument
- if funct then
- insymbol
- if bad then func%=0:exit sub
- if sym<>lparen then
- er(SYNTAX)
- else
- insymbol
- if bad then func%=0:exit sub
- expr
- if sym<>rparen then call er(SYNTAX):funct=0
- end if
- end if
- '...which function?
- case
- funct=1 : push(sin(pop))
- funct=2 : push(cos(pop))
- funct=3 : push(tan(pop))
- funct=4 : push(log(pop))
- funct=5 : push(sqr(pop))
- funct=6 : push(fix(pop))
- funct=7 : push(clng(pop))
- end case
- func%=funct
- SUB factor
- shared sym,obj$,bad,var
- if sym=number then
- push(val(obj$)) '...number
- else
- if sym=lparen then
- insymbol
- if bad then exit sub
- expr
- if sym<>rparen then call er(SYNTAX)
- else
- '..function or variable
- if func%=0 then call push(var(asc(obj$)-asc("A")))
- end if
- end if
- insymbol
- SUB expterm
- shared sym,bad
- factor
- while sym=pow
- insymbol
- if bad then exit sub
- factor
- op2=pop
- op1=pop
- push(op1^op2)
- wend
- SUB negterm
- shared sym,bad
- longint negate
- negate=false
- if sym=minus then negate=true:insymbol:if bad then exit sub
- if sym=plus then call insymbol:if bad then exit sub
- expterm
- if negate then call push(-pop)
- SUB term
- shared sym,bad
- shortint op
- negterm
- while sym=mult or sym=div
- op=sym
- insymbol
- if bad then exit sub
- negterm
- op2=pop
- op1=pop
- if op=mult then
- push(op1*op2)
- else
- if op2<>0 then
- push(op1/op2)
- else
- end if
- end if
- wend
- SUB expr
- shared sym,bad
- term
- while sym=plus or sym=minus
- op=sym
- insymbol
- if bad then exit sub
- term
- op2=pop
- op1=pop
- if op=plus then
- push(op1+op2)
- else
- push(op1-op2)
- end if
- wend
- if sym=undef then call er(SYNTAX)
- SUB assign_var
- shared sym,bad,obj$,var
- '..variable assignment
- insymbol
- if sym<>alpha then call er(SYNTAX):exit sub
- variable$=obj$
- insymbol
- if sym=equal then
- insymbol
- expr
- if bad then
- exit sub
- else
- var(asc(variable$)-asc("A"))=pop
- end if
- end if
- SUB parse
- shared sym,bad
- insymbol
- if sym=eos then exit sub
- if sym=letsym then
- assign_var
- else
- expr
- if not bad then print pop
- end if
- SUB usage
- print
- print "Unix-style basic calculator with extras."
- print
- print "operators: + - * / ^ ( )"
- print "functions: sin(n) cos(n) tan(n) log(n) sqr(n) fix(n) int(n)"
- print
- print "Variables are also supported. There are 26 variables which"
- print "correspond to the first letter of an identifier (ie: A is the"
- print "same as ALTITUDE)."
- print
- print "bc ignores 'flotsam' at the end of a legal line."
- print
- print "bc is not case sensitive."
- print
- print "Examples"
- print "--------"
- print
- print " (12+2)*3.5-log(7)"
- print " 47.054088"
- print " let n=log(10)/log(2)"
- print " n*2.25"
- print " 7.4743376"
- stop
- '...main
- print "* bc *"
- if argcount=1 and arg$(1)="?" then call usage
- repeat
- bad=false
- stacktop=1
- ch$=" "
- n=1
- input ,equ$
- equ$=ucase$(equ$)
- if left$(equ$,1) <> "Q" then
- length=len(equ$)
- parse
- end if
- until left$(equ$,1)="Q"