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- { Easter Day Calculator.
- from "Astronomical Formulae for Calculators", Jean Meeus, 4th ed
- Willmann-Bell. chapter 4
- Valid for all years in the Gregorian Calendar (1583 on)
- DIVIDE by Quotient Remainder
- the year X 19 - A
- the year X 100 B C
- B 4 D E
- B+8 25 F -
- B-F+1 3 G -
- 19*A+B-D-G+15 30 - H
- C 4 I K
- 32+2*E+2*I-H-K 7 - L
- A+11*H+22*L 451 M -
- H+L-7*M+114 31 N P
- then N is the number of the Month (3=March, 4=April)
- (P+1) is the day of the month upon which Easter Sunday falls.
- The extreme dates of Easter are March 22 (as in 1818, 2285)
- and April 25 (as in 1886, 1943, 2038)
- Information supplied by Arlin B Collins bcollins@utdallas.edu
- }
- defint a-z
- shortint mn,dy
- '..read month names
- '..(only March and April will be used here!)
- dim month$(12)
- for i=1 to 12
- read month$(i)
- next
- data January,February,March,April,May,June
- data July,August,September,October,November,December
- sub usage
- print "usage: easter yyyy"
- print " where yyyy is year >= 1583"
- stop
- end sub
- sub calculate.easter(yr)
- shared mn,dy
- a = yr mod 19
- b = yr\100
- c = yr mod 100
- d = b\4
- e = b mod 4
- f = (b+8)\25
- g = (b-f+1)\3
- h = (19*A+B-D-G+15) mod 30
- i = c\4
- k = c mod 4
- l = (32+2*E+2*I-H-K) mod 7
- m = (A+11*H+22*L)\451
- mn = (H+L-7*M+114)\31
- dy = ((H+L-7*M+114) mod 31) + 1
- end sub
- sub future(yr,mn,dy)
- today$=date$
- c.yr = val(mid$(today$,7))
- c.mn = val(mid$(today$,1,2))
- c.dy = val(mid$(today$,4,5))
- future=yr>c.yr or (yr=c.yr and mn>c.mn) or (yr=c.yr and mn=c.mn and dy>c.dy)
- end sub
- sub show.date(yr,mn,dy)
- shared month$
- print "In";str$(yr);", ";
- print "Easter Sunday ";
- if future(yr,mn,dy) then
- print "falls on ";
- else
- print "fell on ";
- end if
- print month$(mn);str$(dy);"."
- end sub
- '..main
- if argcount<>1 then
- usage
- else
- yr = val(arg$(1))
- if yr < 1583 then
- usage
- else
- calculate.easter(yr)
- show.date(yr,mn,dy)
- end if
- end if