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- {
- << play a sound file! >>
- Currently handles IFF 8SVX format.
- If format is unknown, a default
- sampling rate is assumed.
- -----
- CLI/Shell: Play [<file> [<sampling rate>]] | ?
- Author: David J Benn
- Date: 6th,7th April,16th May,
- 30th June,
- 1st,3rd,4th,8th,28th July 1992,
- 6th,21st,25th January 1993,
- 3rd February 1993,
- 10th July 1993,
- 3rd January 1994
- }
- declare function xRead& library
- longint offset&,samples_per_second&
- string path$
- SUB parse_sample(f$)
- shared offset&,samples_per_second&
- const default_rate=10000&
- { if IFF 8SVX sample, return
- offset from start of file to
- sample data and sampling rate in
- samples per second. }
- open "I",1,f$
- '..skip FORM#### ?
- dummy$=input$(8,#1)
- '..8SVX ?
- x$=input$(4,#1)
- if x$="8SVX" then
- sample_format$="IFF 8SVX"
- '..skip VHDR###
- dummy$=input$(8,#1)
- '..skip ULONGs x 3
- dummy$=input$(12,#1)
- '..get sampling rate bytes
- hi%=asc(input$(1,#1)) '..high byte
- lo%=asc(input$(1,#1)) '..low byte
- samples_per_second&=hi%*256 + lo%
- '..find BODY
- '..skip rest of Voice8Header structure
- dummy$=input$(6,#1)
- offset&=40 '..bytes up to this point
- repeat
- repeat
- x$=input$(1,#1)
- offset&=offset&+1
- until x$="B" and not eof(1)
- if not eof(1) then
- body$=input$(3,#1)
- offset&=offset&+3
- end if
- until body$="ODY" and not eof(1)
- if not eof(1) then
- x$=input$(4,#1) '..skip ####
- offset&=offset&+4
- else
- print "Error in file format!"
- stop
- end if
- close 1
- else
- close 1
- sample_format$="unknown"
- offset&=0
- if argcount<>2 then samples_per_second&=default_rate
- end if
- '.. give info about sample
- print "Sound file format is ";sample_format$;"."
- if sample_format$="unknown" then
- if argcount<>2 then
- print "Playback rate is";samples_per_second&;"Hz."
- end if
- else
- print "Sample was recorded at";samples_per_second&;"Hz."
- end if
- SUB play_sound(f$)
- shared offset&,samples_per_second&
- const maxsample=131070
- const channel=1
- const CHIP=0, MAXCHIP=2
- dim wave_ptr&(100)
- print
- print "*** ACE sound player ***"
- '..file sample_size?
- open "I",1,f$
- sample_size&=lof(1)
- close 1
- if sample_size&<>0 then
- print f$;" contains";sample_size&;"bytes."
- else
- print "Can't open ";f$;"."
- stop
- end if
- parse_sample(f$)
- '..get the sample bytes
- buffer&=Alloc(sample_size&,CHIP) '...sample_size& bytes of CHIP RAM
- if buffer& = NULL then
- avail&=fre(MAXCHIP) '..max. contiguous CHIP RAM
- print "Largest contiguous CHIP RAM is";avail&;"bytes."
- stop
- end if
- open "I",1,f$
- fh&=handle(1)
- if fh&=0 then
- print "Can't open ";f$;"."
- stop
- end if
- bytes&=xRead(fh&,buffer&,sample_size&)
- close 1
- '..calculate period
- if argcount<>2 then
- per& = 3579546 \ samples_per_second&
- else
- sample_rate_requested&=clng(val(arg$(2)))
- per& = 3579546 \ sample_rate_requested&
- print "Requested sampling rate is";sample_rate_requested&;"Hz."
- end if
- '...setup waveform table for voice 0
- sz&=sample_size&-offset&
- if sz& <= maxsample then
- '..play it in one go
- wave channel,buffer&+offset&,sz&
- dur&=.279365*per&*bytes&/1e6*18.2
- sound per&,dur&,,channel
- else
- segments&=sz&\maxsample
- buf&=buffer&+offset&
- '..get the segment pointers
- for i&=0 to segments&
- wave_ptr&(i&)=buf&+maxsample*i&
- next
- '..play sample in segments
- for i&=0 to segments&
- if sz& >= maxsample then
- wave channel,wave_ptr&(i&),maxsample
- bytes&=maxsample
- else
- wave channel,wave_ptr&(i&),sz&
- bytes&=sz&
- end if
- dur&=.279365*per&*bytes&/1e6*18.2
- sound per&,dur&,,channel
- sz&=sz&-maxsample
- next
- end if
- { ** main ** }
- if argcount=0 then
- path$ = FileBox$("Choose a sound sample")
- else
- if arg$(1)="?" then
- print "usage: ";arg$(0);" [<file> [<sampling rate>]] | ?"
- stop
- else
- path$ = arg$(1)
- end if
- end if
- if path$<>"" then
- play_sound(path$)
- else
- dummy = MsgBox("No sound file selected.","OK")
- end if