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- @NODE MAIN "AIDE v1.0"
- ---------
- AIDE v1.0
- ---------
- @{" Introduction " link introduction}
- @{" Setting Up " link settingup}
- @{" Using AIDE " link usingaide}
- @{" AIDE's Make Process " link makeprocess}
- @{" Final Comments " link comments}
- @NODE Introduction "Introduction"
- Introduction
- ------------
- AIDE (ACE Integrated Development Environment) is a freely distributable
- graphical environment for the development of ACE programs.
- It is written in ACE and currently requires AmigaOS Release 2.04 or higher
- to run.
- I will try to get a future version of AIDE running correctly under 1.3
- when I get some time, but for anyone wishing to have a go at doing this I
- have included the source code (which is also freely distributable but I
- retain the copyright to it). The problems under 1.3 seem to be related to
- the way in which AIDE uses a NewShell and PIPE. In any case, at present if
- you start the program under 1.3, a requester will appear telling you that
- you need Wb 2.04 or higher to run AIDE.
- ** Please note that this restriction only applies to AIDE not ACE!! **
- Anyway, if you do have Release 2.04 or higher, you can start AIDE by
- double-clicking its icon from the Workbench. With AIDE, you never need to
- start from a shell again when developing ACE programs, although you may
- spawn a shell by selecting an item from AIDE's @{"Project Menu" link projectmenu} (see below).
- Before starting AIDE for the first time however, you must modify one file.
- This configuration file is discussed next.
- @NODE settingup "Setting Up"
- Setting Up
- ----------
- AIDE requires a file called AIDE.config to be present in the same directory
- as itself. Without this, the program won't run.
- A sample AIDE.config is included in the AIDE archive. It looks like this:
- #
- # AIDE configuration file.
- #
- # For each AIDE configuration variable,
- # replace its value with the full path
- # of the tool or directory of your choice.
- #
- # An entry with a "*" next to its comment
- # is NOT optional.
- #
- # Editor *
- EDITOR=sys:tools/memacs
- # File viewer *
- VIEWER=ACE:bin/muchmore
- # Temporary directory for preprocessor,compiler,assembler & linker. *
- # Directory in which to put built executables and icons.
- # If not specified, this defaults to the directory in which
- # the source file which is being compiled resides.
- # Directory in which docs for the compiler, assembler & linker reside. *
- ---------------
- There are currently four entries which MUST have valid values. Notice
- that in the example above, it is assumed that ACE: is a valid ASSIGN. See
- the "@{"Installation" alink ace:docs/installation/main}" file which comes with the main ACE archive. Note also
- that lines commencing with a "#" are taken to be comments.
- AIDE has no built-in editor so you need to specify your favourite. I may
- eventually write an editor, but my current feeling is that I can spend
- my time more productively in other ways, given the plethora of text editors
- available for the Amiga. The same is true for file viewers.
- If anyone wishes to write a text editor for AIDE, feel free to let me know
- about it. Likewise, if you think I should supply a particular FreeWare
- editor with AIDE, I'll be glad to consider any suggestions you have.
- Note that the editor you specify in AIDE.config must be capable of taking
- command-line arguments (namely: a file name). The same applies to the file
- viewer.
- Once you have set the entries in AIDE.config to your satisfaction, you can
- start AIDE from the Workbench.
- @NODE usingaide "Using AIDE"
- Using AIDE
- ----------
- There are five pull-down menus in AIDE: Project, Program, Compiler, Linker
- and Help. The Project menu is for general house-keeping tasks; the Program
- menu is for editing, compiling and running ACE programs; the Compiler menu
- is for setting compiler options; the Linker menu allows you to specify a
- number of object files or scanned libraries to link with your main ACE
- program; and the Help menu gives you access to documentation for the
- compiler, assembler, linker and the ACE language.
- The entries in each menu will now be described briefly.
- @{" Project Menu " link projectmenu} @{" Program " link program} @{" Compiler " link compiler} @{" Linker " link linker}
- @{" Help " link aidehelp}
- @NODE projectmenu "Project Menu"
- Project Menu
- ============
- New - Invokes the editor with a blank slate.
- Open... - Invokes the editor with a file name
- which you must specify via a file
- requester.
- View... - Lets you view a file which is selected
- via a file requester.
- Delete... - Lets you delete a file specified via a
- file requester.
- Print... - Lets you choose a file to print via a
- file requester.
- Execute... - Allows an AmigaDOS command to be executed.
- The command and its arguments are entered
- into an ACE input requester, a console
- window is opened for any I/O associated
- with the command and the latter is executed
- if possible.
- Spawn Shell - A NewShell process is started for more
- comprehensive house-keeping than the
- "Execute..." option is intended for.
- About - Brings up a message box telling you briefly
- about AIDE.
- Quit AIDE - Exits from AIDE.
- @NODE program "Program"
- Program
- =======
- Set Source... - Lets you specify the ACE source file
- to work with via a file requester. No
- other Program menu items are accessible
- until this has been done for the first
- time.
- Edit Source - Invokes the editor with the current
- source file as its argument.
- Run - Runs the current program, compiling it
- first if necessary.
- Compile - Compiles the current program, putting
- the target assembly source file into the
- temporary working directory specified in
- AIDE.config. No executable is produced.
- This is useful if you just want to see
- whether a program compiles and/or want
- to inspect the assembly source file.
- Make Executable - "Makes" the current program, putting
- all intermediate files and the final
- executable program into the temporary
- working directory specified in AIDE.config.
- Build Application - Does the same as "Make Executable" but
- also copies the final executable from
- temporary storage to the same directory
- as the original source file or to the
- directory specified by the BLTDIR config
- variable. If an icon is requested, this
- is also copied.
- View Assembly
- Source - Allows you to view the target assembly
- source file which results from compiling
- a program.
- View Preprocessed
- Source - Allows you to view the APP preprocessed
- source file.
- Show Compiler
- Errors - Lets you see the errors (if any) generated
- by the last compilation. This pertains to
- ACE errors only at this stage.
- @NODE compiler "Compiler"
- Compiler
- ========
- There are six compiler options in this menu: Break Trapping,
- Assembly Comments, Create Icon, List Source Lines, Optimise
- Assembly and Window Trapping which correspond to the compiler's
- command-line swicthes: b,c,i,l,O and w respectively.
- See Ace.Guide's "@{"Compiler options" alink ace:docs/ace.guide/2options}" section for details of each
- of these.
- Since AIDE always uses ACE's -E switch to create an error file,
- this option is not available in this menu. Compilation errors are
- however, viewable from the Program menu's "@{"Show Compiler Errors" link program}"
- item (see above).
- The "Optimise Assembly" option is set by default when AIDE starts.
- Note that if you want AIDE to create an icon for an executable,
- the file ACE:icons/exe.info MUST exist. This is required by ACE
- as well (see @{"Ace.Guide" alink ace:docs/ace.guide/2options}).
- Items in this menu which have a check mark to their left are set.
- @NODE linker "Linker"
- Linker
- ======
- In addition to the normal assembled program file and the scanned
- libraries incorporated by the linker into the final executable,
- additional object files to be linked can be specified via this
- menu.
- Unless you are using external functions from other scanned
- libraries or modules (written in C or assembly etc), you may
- never have cause to use this facility.
- The list of extra modules to be linked is displayed as part of
- the menu. These new items cannot be selected and are for display
- only.
- Add Module... - Adds an object file or scanned
- library to the list of modules to
- be linked.
- Remove Module... - Removes an object file or scanned
- library from the list of modules to
- be linked.
- Remove All Modules - Removes all modules from the list
- of extra files to be linked.
- @NODE aidehelp "Help"
- Help
- ====
- This menu provides access to the documentation for the compiler,
- assembler and linker from within AIDE.
- In addition, access to the ACE Language Reference file (@{"Ref.Guide" alink ace:docs/ref.guide/main})
- is possible via this menu.
- @NODE makeprocess "AIDE's Make Process"
- AIDE's Make Process
- -------------------
- As you may have gleaned from the above, AIDE has a simple inbuilt "make"
- capability.
- This means that before it builds or makes an exectuable and prior to
- compiling or running a program, AIDE checks to see whether compilation
- needs to take place at all.
- If you have created an executable and then decide to run the it, AIDE
- will not re-compile the source first. Likewise, if you want to build
- an executable and the program has already been compiled, the executable
- will be copied from AIDE's temporary workspace.
- In like manner, if you have compiled a program to produce an assembly
- source file, so long as you don't edit the ACE source file, AIDE will
- not recompile the program before assembling and linking it.
- On the other hand if you edit a source file, next time you go to run it,
- AIDE will "bring the program up to date" by compiling, assembling and
- linking it first.
- If you modify the modules list in the Linker menu, AIDE will recompile
- everything. This is overkill really and a future version will limit this
- to the link phase.
- In order to preprocess, compile, assemble and link a program, AIDE first
- creates a shell script and then executes it, opening a shell in order to
- do so.
- Meanwhile, AIDE awaits a communication from the shell process via a PIPE
- before continuing. In addition to some status messages which AIDE will
- display, one of two final messages will be received.
- MakeDone
- or
- MakeAborted
- If an error or user break occurs during preprocessing or compilation, the
- shell process returns a "MakeAborted" message and AIDE acts accordingly,
- by, for example, not running the program.
- If an error or user break occurs during assembly or linking however, you
- will be left staring at a shell prompt. The simplest way out of this is
- to issue the following two commands at the shell prompt:
- QuitMake
- EndCli
- one at a time. These will: (i) send a message back to AIDE telling it that
- something has gone awry during assembly or linking; (ii) close the shell.
- In case you are interested, "QuitMake" is an alias (for "MakeAborted") set
- up by AIDE.
- This is one of those areas in which AIDE could be better, but at least
- this solution is workable.
- @NODE comments "Final Comments"
- Final Comments
- --------------
- As you can see, there is certainly scope for improvement and it is my hope
- that AIDE will continue to get better over time.
- Feel free to make any suggestions about AIDE and please report any bugs
- to me. See @{"Ace.Guide" alink ace:docs/ace.guide/4final} for details of how to contact me by e-mail, snail-mail
- or telephone.
- If you make any substantial changes to AIDE I'd appreciate knowing about
- them, since I may be able to incorporate such modifications into the next
- release. Naturally any contributions will be acknowledged.
- In any case, I hope you find AIDE to be a useful tool for developing ACE
- programs.
- Regards,
- David Benn, Tasmania
- 15th January 1994