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- #1zz
- A F O R T H
- ____________________________________________________________
- Version 1.00
- A FORTH-79 standard implementation for the Amigaz
- Stratagem4 AFORTH for the Amiga
- Program and Documentation Copyright (c) Stratagem4, 1994.
- AMIGA is a Registered Trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- FORTH is a Registered Trademark of FORTH, Inc.
- All rights reserved.
- Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- A F O R T H
- U S E R ' S G U I D E
- ______________________________________________________________
- Version 1.00
- A FORTH-79 standard implementation for the Amiga
- Stratagem4
- 125 Broadview Avenue
- Rainham
- Gillingham
- Kent
- ME8 9JD
- England
- Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Stratagem4 AFORTH for the Amiga User's Guide
- Copyright (c) Stratagem4, 1994.
- AFORTH was written by Steve Martin
- Support Address: Stratagem4
- 125 Broadview Avenue
- Rainham
- Gillingham
- Kent
- ME8 9JD
- England
- Telephone: (0634) 261412
- AMIGA is a Registered Trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- AmigaDOS and Workbench are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- FORTH is a Registered Trademark of FORTH, Inc.
- All rights reserved.
- Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- __________________________________
- Table of Contents
- __________________________________
- Introduction 1
- Hardware Requirements 1
- AmigaDOS Compatibility 2
- Software Requirements 2
- Installation 3
- Product Registration 3
- Diskette System 4
- Single drive Workbench copy 4
- Multiple drive Workbench copy 4
- Single drive CLI copy 5
- Multiple drive CLI copy 5
- Difficulties 5
- Hard Disk System 6
- Workbench 6
- CLI 6
- The Forth Language 7
- A Brief History 7
- Standard Comparison 8
- Environment 8
- Files, blocks and buffers 8
- Addressing 9
- Programming 9
- Language Extensions 9
- Programming In AFORTH 11
- Programming 11
- Interpret 11
- Compile 12
- Example Programs 13
- CASE.F 14
- iz
- Table of Contents
- Appendices
- Bibliography 15
- FORTH 15
- AmigaDOS 17
- Motorola 68000 17
- FORTH Loading Concepts 18
- AFORTH Reference 20
- ii Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Section 1
- __________________________________
- Introduction
- __________________________________
- This is a user's guide for the AmigaDOS version of AFORTH. It
- explains how to install and operate the AFORTH environment, and it
- also discusses the FORTH language as implemented by Stratagem4.
- If you are already familiar with FORTH and AmigaDOS, then you
- should have no problems using this guide. However, if you are new
- to FORTH and/or AmigaDOS, you may find it useful to refer to some
- of the publications listed in Appendix A, Bibliography.
- Hardware Requirements
- The Stratagem4 AFORTH environment may be used on any Amiga
- computer with at least 512K of main memory and one diskette drive.
- Additional memory will be used if it is available.
- AFORTH is a very memory efficient implementation, utilizing only
- 100K when loaded. This provides the complete environment, the
- primary dictionary, and a 64K 'page' for your own extension words
- and vocabularies.
- Extra hardware items you may want to consider are:
- - Additional memory
- - Additional diskette drive
- - A hard disk drive
- - A printer
- - A colour monitor, 80 column mode is utilized by this
- system, you may experience difficulties using it with a
- normal television
- 1z
- Introduction
- Please bear in mind that 100K is a minimum requirement to run this
- environment, and that any memory used by your own programs is
- not, for obvious reasons, included in this calculation.
- AmigaDOS Compatibility
- The Stratagem4 AFORTH environment, related programs, and
- utilities are compatible with AmigaDOS version 1.2 and above, as
- are the programs produced by the system, subject to the use of the
- correct library calls when needed. If you find any
- incompatibilities please contact Stratagem4 at the address
- printed on the facing pages of this manual, or telephone the
- number printed thereon. At the time of writing AFORTH has been
- successfully tested with AmigaDOS versions 1.2, 1.3, 2.0 and 3.0
- in various configurations.
- Software Requirements
- The Stratagem4 AFORTH environment requires the use of a text
- editor for the construction of programs. An editor is not
- supplied as any editor capable of producing ASCII output is
- suitable, experience has shown that people have their own
- preferences and should not be required to change. If you do not
- own a text editor then MEMACS, supplied on the Extras disk of your
- Workbench disk set, or Ed, contained in the C directory of the
- Workbench disk, are suitable. We realize that this is an
- implementation decision that may offend FORTH purists and we
- apologize to those sad souls, a detailed discussion of this, and
- other implementation decisions, follows later in this document.
- 2 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Section 2
- __________________________________
- Installation
- __________________________________
- The Stratagem4 AFORTH environment is a Shareware distribution, as
- such we have little control on the form in which it is
- distributed. If you received this package directly from us then
- it will be in the form of a single diskette ready to be used, you
- should, however, make a backup and store the master in a safe
- place. Other distribution sources may distribute the package in a
- variety of compressed forms, in this case you should follow the
- instructions accompanying that distribution. All distribution
- methods should lead, eventually, to a single diskette form.
- Product Registration
- If you received this package as a new product, instead of an
- update, you must register with us in order to receive technical
- support and future updates. The accompanying document USER.DOC
- explains the registration procedure and the Shareware marketing
- concept. Please take the time to read the documentation and, if
- you continue to find AFORTH useful, register as it may save you
- time in the future.
- If you experience difficulty installing or using the package
- please contact us immediately. You may do this by telephone or in
- writing, USER.DOC explains these options more fully.
- 3z
- Installation
- Diskette System
- If you do not have a hard disk then you only need to make working
- copies of your original AFORTH disk. Below we detail the
- procedure for single and multiple diskette drive systems, using
- both the CLI and Workbench environments.
- 1. Single drive Workbench copy
- 1.1. Insert your AFORTH disk in drive DF0:, this is your
- SOURCE disk, ensure that it is write protected.
- 1.2. Select the disk's icon by left clicking on it.
- 1.3. Select
- 1.3.1. COPY from the ICON menu, 2.0 systems and
- above, OR
- 1.3.2. DUPLICATE from WORKBENCH menu, 1.2 systems and
- above.
- 1.4. Follow the on screen requesters, this may take several
- disk swaps in lower memory capacity machines.
- 1.5. On completion of the above steps you will have a
- complete working copy of the master diskette.
- 2. Multiple drive Workbench copy
- 2.1. Insert your AFORTH disk in one of the drives, this is
- your SOURCE disk, ensure that it is write protected.
- 2.2. Insert an unprotected disk in any other available drive,
- this is your DESTINATION disk.
- 2.3. Left click and hold the SOURCE disk's icon.
- 2.4. Drag the SOURCE icon over the DESTINATION disk's icon.
- 2.5. Drop the SOURCE icon by releasing the left mouse
- button.
- 2.6. Follow any on screen requesters.
- 2.7. On completion of the above procedure you will have a
- complete working copy of the master diskette.
- 4 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Installation
- 3. Single drive CLI copy
- 3.1. Type 'DISKCOPY DF0: TO DF0:'<return>.
- 3.2. Follow the on screen requesters, inserting SOURCE and
- DESTINATION diskettes as required.
- 3.3. On completion of the above procedure you will have a
- complete working copy of the master diskette.
- 4. Multiple drive CLI copy
- 4.1. Insert your AFORTH disk in one of the drives, this is
- your SOURCE disk, ensure that it is write protected.
- 4.2. Insert an unprotected disk in any other available drive,
- this is your DESTINATION disk.
- 4.3. Type 'DISKCOPY DFx: TO DFy:'<return>.
- 4.4. Follow the on screen requesters.
- 4.5. On completion of the above procedure you will have a
- complete working copy of the master diskette.
- 5. Difficulties
- In case of difficulty with any of the above procedures
- consult the documentation which came with your Amiga system.
- 5 User's Guidez
- Installation
- Hard Disk System
- If you intend to run AFORTH from a hard disk then installation is
- very straight forward. Details follow for both CLI and Workbench
- methods. Note that it is assumed you are familiar with the
- necessary steps to create directories, if this is a problem please
- consult your system documentation.
- 1. Workbench
- 1.1. Create a new drawer on the hard disk to hold the AFORTH
- programs.
- 1.2. Open the AFORTH diskette window and drag at least the
- AFORTH icon and the PROGS drawer icon to your new
- drawer.
- 1.3. AFORTH is now installed.
- 2. CLI
- 2.1. Create a new directory on the hard disk to hold the
- AFORTH programs.
- 2.2. Type 'COPY AFORTH:AFORTH TO <newdrawer>'<return>.
- 2.3. Type 'COPY AFORTH:PROGS TO <newdrawer> ALL'<return>.
- 2.4. AFORTH is now installed.
- 6 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Section 3
- __________________________________
- The Forth Language
- __________________________________
- This section discusses the origination and definition of FORTH, as
- described by the 79-Standard document, and the specific
- implementation of that standard, on the Amiga, as AFORTH. We are
- not providing a language specification, Appendix A lists several
- sources which fulfil this function.
- A general knowledge of FORTH is assumed, although not essential,
- and some technical issues are discussed which will be of interest
- to those well versed in the language. Appendix C, AFORTH
- Reference is provided for your convenience and details each word
- in the base dictionary by function, you may find it helpful to
- refer to this whilst studying this, and the following, section.
- A Brief History
- Created in the early 1970's by Charles Moore and Elizabeth Rather,
- primarily for the control of radio telescopes, FORTH is a fast,
- flexible interactive programming language allowing the creation of
- applications by means of extensions to the original language base.
- It has been used in many diverse fields, from the creation of
- video games, to the animation sequences in 'Star Wars'.
- FORTH has been promoted in many ways, FORTH,Inc. promote a
- commercial version known as polyFORTH, the FORTH Interest Group a
- public domain version known as figFORTH. The FORTH Standards
- Team, a subset of the FORTH Interest Group, have promoted FORTH-79
- and FORTH-83 with some success. In recent years most applications
- have been in the field of embedded control systems, ie. vending
- machines, production lines, robots, et al. Some recent software,
- notably Real 3D version 2, has incorporated an internal FORTH
- system proving that there is quite some life left in this peculiar
- language yet!
- 7z
- The FORTH Language
- Standard Comparison
- AFORTH is a 100% assembly language implementation of the FORTH-79
- standard for the Amiga. Most of the original standard has been
- implemented without modification. However, various
- implementation decisions were taken which have resulted in the
- loss of some words, the modification of some standards, and the
- addition of new words.
- The following list highlights the differences between AFORTH and
- the original 79-standard.
- 1. Environment
- Normally FORTH offers a complete operating system which
- replaces that of the host machine. In the case of the Amiga
- it was decided that it was not desirable to replace a
- perfectly good operating system, indeed we wish to use AFORTH
- as a development platform for stand alone, Amiga friendly,
- applications. Thus AFORTH provides a multi-tasking console
- environment from which the Amiga, and the language, may be
- manipulated.
- 2. Files, blocks and buffers
- The original storage method consisted of addressing the
- storage media as a series of 1K 'blocks', a number of virtual
- blocks were maintained known as 'screens'. Data and programs
- were addressed by a series of block numbers, which you had to
- maintain. This is obviously not satisfactory within the
- current computing model and we have, therefore, implemented
- 'file' storage in its common form - by file name.
- 2.1. The following FORTH-79 words do not exist as a direct
- result of this change:
- 2.1.1. LIST (n ->) List block n and set
- SCR to n
- 2.1.2. SCR (-> addr) System variable
- holding listed block number
- 2.1.3. UPDATE ( -> ) Mark last block
- access as updated
- 2.2. The following FORTH-79 words have been modified, the
- 79-standard definitions are given here. Refer to
- Appendix B for a detailed discussion and redefinitions.
- 2.2.1. LOAD (n ->) Interpret block n,
- the resume normal input
- 2.2.2. BLOCK (n -> addr) Leave address of
- block n, reading block from storage if
- necessary
- 8 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- The FORTH Language
- 2.2.3. BUFFER (n -> addr) Assign free buffer
- to block n, leaving its address
- 2.2.4. SAVE-BUFFERS ( -> ) Write all updated
- blocks to storage
- 2.2.5. EMPTY-BUFFERS ( -> ) Mark all buffers as
- empty
- 3. Addressing
- FORTH-79 uses 16 bit addressing, AFORTH implements full 32
- bit addressing. This may appear trivial but it impacts many
- defined FORTH words and you should be aware of this change
- when converting programs from other systems or, indeed, many
- of the example programs given in the texts listed in Appendix
- A.
- 4. Programming
- FORTH programs are normally entered via a screen editor
- written in FORTH, it is important to note that there is no
- official standard for the editor, individual FORTH
- implementations vary greatly in this area. We have taken the
- decision not to provide an editor as any text editor capable
- of producing ASCII files will suffice, as AFORTH multitasks
- the range available is quite large. Further discussion
- regarding this point may be found in Section 4.
- 5. Language Extensions
- The following words represent extensions added to ease the
- changes in implementation, ease the language generally or are
- common extensions we felt should be included.
- 5.1. SYSTEM ( -> )
- Return to AmigaDOS
- 5.2. MODE ( -> addr)
- System variable, zero when word is immediate
- 5.3. VLIST ( -> )
- Print each word in dictionary search path from CONTEXT
- to beginning
- 5.4. D>R (d -> )
- Move double number to return stack
- 5.5. DR> ( -> d)
- Retrieve double number from return stack
- 5.6. DR@ ( -> d)
- Copy double number from return stack
- 5.7. C, (byte -> )
- Compile byte into latest defined dictionary entry
- 5.8. D@ (addr -> d)
- Fetch double number at address
- 5.9. D! (d addr -> )
- Store double number at address
- 9 User's Guidez
- The FORTH Language
- 5.10. N->UD (n1 n2 -> ud1 ud2)
- Make top two signed single precision numbers unsigned
- double precision numbers
- 5.11. DROPD (d -> )
- Drop double precision number
- 5.12. DUPD (d -> d d)
- Duplicate double precision number
- 5.13. D- (d1 d2 -> d3)
- Double precision subtraction
- 5.14. D0< (d -> flag)
- TRUE if d less than zero
- 5.15. D0= (d -> flag)
- TRUE if d equals zero
- 5.16. D= (d1 d2 -> flag)
- TRUE if d1=d2
- 5.17. DABS (d -> |d|)
- Absolute double value
- 5.18. D, (d -> )
- Compile double value into the dictionary
- 5.19. S->D (n -> d)
- Make single precision number double precision
- 5.20. 1D+ (d -> d+1)
- Add 1 to double precision number
- 5.21. 2D+ (d -> d+2)
- Add 2 to double precision number
- 5.22. 4D+ (d -> d+4)
- Add 4 to double precision number
- 5.23. 1D- (d -> d-1)
- Subtract 1 from double precision number
- 5.24. 2D- (d -> d-2)
- Subtract 2 from double precision number
- 5.25. 4D- (d -> d-4)
- Subtract 4 from double precision number
- 5.26. D. (d -> )
- Print d with one trailing space
- 5.27. D.R (d n -> )
- Print d right justified in field width n
- 5.28. .R (n1 n2 -> )
- Print n1 right justified in field width n2
- 5.29. EVEN (n -> flag)
- TRUE if n is even
- 5.30. ODD (n -> flag)
- TRUE if n is odd
- 5.31. MYSELF ( -> )
- Compile CFA of word we are compiling into itself,
- recursion!
- 5.32. ASCII ( -> n)
- Leave ASCII value of <char> following
- 10 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Section 4
- __________________________________
- Programming In AFORTH
- __________________________________
- This section will describe the programming environment available
- within AFORTH. An introduction to FORTH programming is presented
- with reference to the examples to be found in the PROGS drawer.
- This is not an instruction text, such works may be found in
- Appendix A.
- Programming
- FORTH is an extensible language, programming involves writing new
- words to perform new operations utilizing, mainly, existing words.
- All of these words are truly compiled, so you get maximum
- performance from the system at all times.
- Words are stored in a dictionary which may be divided into
- vocabularies. You initially get a dictionary which holds the
- FORTH vocabulary. You could conceivably have a database
- vocabulary, a game vocabulary, a French vocabulary....any
- vocabulary you want!
- FORTH has two modes of operation - interpreted and compiled. We
- will now examine both modes using small programming examples to
- clarify each point.
- 1. Interpret
- Interpreted mode is the standard interactive mode of
- operation seen in languages such as BASIC. From the AFORTH
- console type the following:
- CR ." Hello world!" CR
- and press the return key (from now on we will assume this at
- the end of each line, unless stated otherwise). You should
- receive the response:
- Hello world!
- ok
- 11z
- Programming in AFORTH
- the 'ok' is AFORTH's input prompt. This is a fairly trivial
- example of interpretive mode, you type some instructions
- (providing they fit on one input line!) and AFORTH
- immediately responds. Try these few lines:
- 2 2 * .
- 2 2 * 2 BASE ! . DECIMAL
- 10 2 + .
- 10 2 + 16 BASE ! . DECIMAL
- This helps to emphasize the interactive nature of the AFORTH
- environment and introduces Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).
- RPN is the method by which FORTH performs mathematics, first
- we declare the operands and then the operator. Lines 2 and 4
- also show the use of the number BASE variable, line two
- prints 4 as a binary number and line 4 prints 12 as a
- hexadecimal number. The word DECIMAL sets BASE to base ten.
- 2. Compile
- Compilation is the means by which new words are added to the
- FORTH dictionary. Returning to our previous example type the
- following:
- : HI CR ." Hello world!" CR ;
- Congratulations, you have just written your first FORTH
- program! So what happened when you pressed return? Nothing?
- Type this:
- HI
- You should receive the response:
- Hello world!
- ok
- The instructions have been compiled and the word HI has been
- added to the dictionary. Now, for completeness, type the
- following:
- HI
- notice the amnesiac response:
- HI ? ok
- FORTH has forgotten HI, it has been removed from the
- dictionary.
- 12 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Programming in AFORTH
- This method of compilation, ie. on the terminals command
- line, is rather limited. You must finish your definition
- before the end of the line, 80 characters, is reached or you
- get a nasty message. There is no scope for comments using
- this method either and, worse still, no way to save your
- programs.
- The interpreted program method, and line entry compilation,
- are ideal modes for testing your programming ideas, they
- encourage short, succinct, words and will help you to think
- in a modular way but, for real programming purposes, you need
- a text editor. You enter your program in the text editor
- using comments, indentation and multiple lines, your source
- file may include several word definitions, and then you LOAD
- it into AFORTH.
- The PROGS drawer contain several example programs, replacing
- <pathname> with your system path to the PROGS drawer type the
- following:
- Providing you have entered the path correctly, and installed
- AFORTH according to the instructions in this manual, you
- should, after a small delay, receive the 'ok' prompt. Type:
- and you will notice that a number of new words have been
- added to the dictionary. You have just loaded and compiled a
- complete vocabulary, named calendar, which was entered on a
- text editor away from the AFORTH environment. Note that as
- AFORTH is a multitasking environment you may have the text
- editor loaded simultaneously and flip between the two by
- using the screen depth arrangement gadget in the top right
- corner of your screen.
- Example Programs
- As mentioned earlier the PROGS drawer contains several example
- programs. These programs have been carefully selected to
- demonstrate certain points about programming in FORTH in general,
- and AFORTH in particular. Below you will find a list of these
- examples together with an explanation of their particular
- relevance to AFORTH.
- A simple new programming construct which illustrates how to
- build constructs in FORTH and the use of modules in your
- development.
- 13 User's Guidez
- Programming in AFORTH
- An example of a large project type, unlike STEPDOWN this
- example produces a useful working vocabulary. Once again a
- modular approach is exemplified, in this case the equivalent
- of assembling the engine parts into a complex drive
- mechanism.
- This example demonstrates the use of the modified loading
- concept to save and load program data. It also offers an
- object lesson in FORTH's ability to modify memory addresses
- directly. This file also auto-boots its own demonstration
- program.
- 4. CASE.F
- Finally a useful, some would say essential, extension to the
- FORTH vocabulary in the form of a CASE construct. The
- included word TESTCASE demonstrates the use of this
- important new construct.
- 14 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Appendix A
- _____________________________
- Bibliography
- _____________________________
- Listed below are a number of publications and articles which have
- directly, or indirectly, influenced the production of this program
- and its documentation. Also included are a number of works
- representing further studies the reader may wish to investigate.
- ~~~~~
- Davis, Chris [1988]
- Roll Your Own Language, article published in October 1988 issue of
- Program Now, Intra Press, Intra House, 193 Uxbridge Road, London
- W12 9RA, England.
- Pountain, Dick [1988]
- Changing Reverse Polish To Infix, article published in January
- 1988 issue of BYTE, One Phoenix Mill Lane, Peterborough, NH 03458,
- USA.
- The FORTH Standards Team [1984]
- FORTH-83, The FORTH Interest Group, PO Box 1105, San Carlos, CA
- 94070, USA.
- Grandis-Harrison, Dick de [1983-1984]
- Various articles published monthly from June 1983 to March 1984 in
- SOFT, Sportscene Specialist Press Ltd, 14 Rathbone Place, London
- W1P 1DE, England.
- Winfield, Alan [1983]
- The Complete FORTH, ISBN 0-905104-22-6, Sigma Technical Press, 5
- Alton Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5DY, England.
- Winfield, Alan [1983]
- Pascal In FORTH, article published in September and October 1983
- issues of SOFT, Sportscene Specialist Press Ltd, 14 Rathbone
- Place, London W1P 1DE, England.
- 15z
- Bibliography
- Pountain, Dick [1983]
- UnPolished FORTH, article published in June 1983 issue of SOFT,
- Sportscene Specialist Press Ltd, 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P
- 1DE, England.
- Pountain, Dick [1983]
- Raster Is Faster, article published in July 1983 issue of SOFT,
- Sportscene Specialist Press Ltd, 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P
- 1DE, England.
- Ting, H C [1983]
- Inside F83, Offete Enterprises, 1306 South B Street, San Mateo, CA
- 94402, USA.
- Knecht, K [1982]
- Introduction to FORTH, Howard W Sams & Company, 4300 West 62nd
- Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, USA.
- Brodie, Leo [1981]
- Starting FORTH, ISBN 0-13-842922-7, FORTH Inc.
- Fritzon, R [1981]
- Write your own pseudo-FORTH compiler, article published in
- February and March issues of Micro-computing.
- Loeliger, R G [1981]
- Threaded Interpretive Languages, ISBN 0-07-038360-X, Byte Books.
- Katzan, H [1981]
- Invitation to FORTH, Petrocelli Books, Research Park, 251 Wall
- Street, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA.
- Moore, C H [1980]
- The Evolution Of FORTH, An Unusual Language, article published in
- August 1980 issue of BYTE, One Phoenix Mill Lane, Peterborough, NH
- 03458, USA.
- The FORTH Standards Team [1980]
- FORTH-79, The FORTH Interest Group, PO Box 1105, San Carlos, CA
- 94070, USA.
- Rather, E D, L Brodie and C Rosenberg [1979]
- Using FORTH, FORTH-79 standard edition, FORTH Inc.
- James, J S
- FORTH on microcomputers, Dr Dobbs, no 26.
- Moore, C H & E D Rather [1974]
- FORTH: A new way to program a minicomputer, Astron. Astrophys.
- suppl. 15.
- 16 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Bibliography
- Moore, C H & E D Rather [1973]
- The FORTH program for spectral line observing, Proc. IEEE, vol 61
- September 1973.
- AmigaDOS
- ~~~~~~~~
- Commodore-Amiga Inc. [1986]
- The AmigaDOS Manual, ISBN 0-553-34294-0, Bantam Electronic
- Publishing, 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10103, USA.
- Commodore-Amiga Inc. [1986]
- Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Exec, ISBN 0-201-11099-7,
- Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA, USA.
- Commodore-Amiga Inc. [1986]
- Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries and Devices, ISBN
- 0-201-11078-4, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA,
- USA.
- Commodore-Amiga Inc. [1986]
- Amiga Intuition Reference Manual, ISBN 0-201-11076-8,
- Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA, USA.
- Commodore-Amiga Inc. [1986]
- Amiga Hardware Reference Manual, ISBN 0-201-11077-6,
- Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA, USA.
- Mortimore, Eugene P [1986]
- Amiga Programmer's Handbook, Volume I, ISBN 0-895880-343-0, SYBEX
- Inc., 2021 Challenger Drive #100, Alameda, CA 94501, USA.
- Mortimore, Eugene P [1986]
- Amiga Programmer's Handbook, Volume II, ISBN 0-895888-384-8,
- SYBEX Inc., 2021 Challenger Drive #100, Alameda, CA 94501, USA.
- Motorola 68000
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Kane, G, D Hawkins and L Leventhal [1987]
- 68000 Assembly Language Programming 2nd Edition, ISBN
- 0-07-881232-1, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2600 Tenth Street, Berkely, CA
- 94710, USA.
- Motorola Inc. [1986]
- The MC68000 User's Manual 5th Edition, ISBN 0-13-541475-X,
- Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, USA.
- Williams, Steve [1985]
- Programming The 68000, ISBN 0-89588-133-0, SYBEX Inc., 2021
- Challenger Drive #100, Alameda, CA 94501, USA.
- 17 User's Guidez
- Appendix B
- _____________________________
- FORTH Loading Concepts
- _____________________________
- The FORTH-79 Loading Concept
- The original FORTH implemented a VIRTUAL MEMORY MODEL for its
- storage requirements, that is to say that it divided the storage
- medium (disk or cassette) into a series of 'blocks' and loaded a
- range of 'blocks' into memory areas known as 'screens'. A
- 'block' was given an arbitrary size of 1024 bytes (1K), the
- editing screen was also 16 lines high and 64 characters wide-
- another 1024 bytes.
- This storage method was quite adequate for the fairly
- unsophisticated computer systems of the time where 16K of RAM was
- considered to be 'massive' and floppy disks normally held about
- 360K of data. Furthermore, the FORTH system normally replaced the
- computers native operating system which meant that it was free to
- use the storage media in any way it saw fit.
- Typically a user would select an arbitrary range of block
- numbers, write a program, using a fairly simple screen editor
- implemented in FORTH, over a number of screens, saving them
- sequentially to the blocks already selected. File names were not
- employed and it was necessary to maintain an index of used blocks,
- together with a synopsis of their contents. The LOAD command was
- used to load these programs back into memory and submit them to
- the FORTH interpreter. The command <100 LOAD> would fetch block
- 100 from the current storage device and submit it to the
- interpreter. A special command (normally ==>) would enable the
- automatic loading of the next sequential block.
- The AFORTH Loading Concept
- As you can see the original FORTH concept does not translate
- easily to the modern arena, especially when applied to the Amiga
- specifically. In the modern context we MUST implement a file
- naming mechanism, usurping a perfectly good operating system is
- NOT an option. However, we do not need to provide an editor as
- 18z
- FORTH Loading Concepts
- any ASCII text editor can provide us with source files, this also
- means that the user is not restricted to some compromise solution
- and can use any editor with which s/he is familiar.
- As implemented the user can enter simple programs, ie colon
- definitions (new WORDs), on the command line but they cannot
- exceed the length of the line, 80 characters from colon to
- semi-colon. An ASCII source file is the only way in which WORDs
- exceeding 80 characters may be entered, this has the side effect
- of allowing definitions longer than allowed in the original
- standard implementations, the limit then being a screen full. In
- the interests of readability and modularity, not to mention
- debugging and code maintenance, you should restrict your
- definitions to small simple types, building complexity from their
- use in other definitions.
- Word Summary
- a variable array containing two 32 bit values, first the
- address of the current buffer (zero indicates keyboard
- input), and second the size of that buffer. This information
- is initialized and maintained by LOAD.
- attempts to allocate a memory area of the size requested on
- the stack, to be Amiga specific we pass a memory type value
- as well where: 0=public, 1=chip, 2=fast.
- frees memory allocated by BUFFER.
- opens and loads a file into memory, calls BUFFER to obtain
- the required memory, leaves a size and address on the stack
- and reports any errors to the screen.
- saves memory allocated by BUFFER under a given name.
- opens file with name following, various error reports, calls
- 19 User's Guidez
- Appendix C
- _____________________________
- AFORTH Reference
- _____________________________
- Listed below, and on the following pages, is the complete FORTH-79
- dictionary, as implemented in AFORTH, including details of all
- language extensions. For a detailed discussion of the main
- variations and deviations from the standard please refer to the
- main text.
- Stack notation: (stack before -> stack after)
- Operand key:
- n,n1 .. 16 bit value
- d,d1 .. 32 bit value
- addr .. 32 bit address
- byte .. 16 bit value whose lower 8 bits only are set or
- used
- char .. 16 bit value whose lower 7 bits only are set or
- used
- flag .. 16 bit value representing a Boolean flag
- zero=false, non-zero=true (the 'true' value is
- normally -1)
- u .. unsigned number prefix
- Stack Manipulation
- DUP (n -> n n) Duplicate top of stack
- ?DUP (n -> n (n)) Duplicate only if non-zero
- DUPD (d -> d d) Duplicate double precision
- number
- DROP (n -> ) Lose top of stack
- DROPD (d -> ) Drop double precision number
- SWAP (n1 n2 ->
- n2 n1) Reverse top two stack items
- OVER (n1 n2 ->
- n1 n2 n1) Duplicate 2nd item on top
- ROT (n1 n2 n3 ->
- n2 n3 n1) Rotate 3rd item to top
- PICK (n1 -> n2) Duplicate n1th item on top
- ROLL (n -> ) Rotate nth item to top
- 20z
- AFORTH Reference
- DEPTH ( -> n) Count the number of items on
- the stack, item = 16 bits
- >R (n -> ) Move top item to return stack
- R> ( -> n) Retrieve item from return stack
- R@ ( -> n) Copy n from return stack
- D>R (d -> ) Move double number to return
- stack
- DR> ( -> d) Retrieve double number from
- return stack
- DR@ ( -> d) Copy double number from return
- stack
- Comparison
- < (n1 n2 ->
- flag) TRUE if n1 less than n2
- = (n1 n2 ->
- flag) TRUE if n1=n2
- > (n1 n2 ->
- flag) TRUE if n1 greater than n2
- 0< (n -> flag) TRUE if n is negative
- 0= (n -> flag) TRUE if n=0
- 0> (n -> flag) TRUE if n is greater than zero
- U< (un1 un2 ->
- flag) TRUE if un1 less than un2,
- unsigned compare
- D< (d1 d2 ->
- flag) TRUE if d1 less than d2
- D= (d1 d2 -> flag)TRUE if d1=d2
- D0< (d -> flag) TRUE if d less than zero
- D0= (d -> flag) TRUE if d equals zero
- NOT (flag -> -flag)Reverse truth value
- Note that this is effective for
- all flag producing comparison
- operations, ie. FALSE=0,
- TRUE=-1, but may be ineffective
- in other situations
- EVEN (n -> flag) TRUE if n is even
- ODD (n -> flag) TRUE if n is odd
- Arithmetic and logical
- + (n1 n2 -> sum) Add n1+n2
- - (n1 n2 ->
- diff) Subtract n1-n2
- * (n1 n2 -> prod)Multiply
- / (n1 n2 ->
- quot) Divide, n1/n2, quotient rounded
- toward zero
- MOD (n1 n2 -> rem) Divide, n1/n2, remainder has
- sign of n1
- 21 User's Guidez
- AFORTH Reference
- /MOD (n1 n2 ->
- rem quot) Divide with remainder and
- quotient, n1/n2
- */MOD (n1 n2 n3 ->
- rem quot) n1*n2/n3, with double
- intermediate
- */ (n1 n2 n3 ->
- quot) n1*n2/n3, with double precision
- intermediate
- U* (un1 un2 ->
- ud) Multiply unsigned, leave
- unsigned double result
- U/MOD (ud un ->
- urem uquot) Divide double number by single,
- all unsigned, leave unsigned
- quotient and remainder
- 1+ (n -> n+1) Add 1
- 2+ (n -> n+2) Add 2
- 1- (n -> n-1) Subtract 1
- 2- (n -> n-2) Subtract 2
- D+ (d1 d2 ->
- dsum) Double precision add
- D- (d1 d2 -> d3) Double precision subtraction
- 1D+ (d -> d+1) Add 1 to double precision
- number
- 2D+ (d -> d+2) Add 2 to double precision
- number
- 4D+ (d -> d+4) Add 4 to double precision
- number
- 1D- (d -> d-1) Subtract 1 from double
- precision number
- 2D- (d -> d-2) Subtract 2 from double
- precision number
- 4D- (d -> d-4) Subtract 4 from double
- precision number
- MAX (n1 n2 -> max) Compare n1 n2 and leave
- greater
- MIN (n1 n2 -> min) Compare n1 n2 and leave lesser
- ABS (n -> |n|) Make absolute value of n
- DABS (d -> |d|) Absolute double value
- NEGATE (n -> -n) Change sign, 2's complement
- DNEGATE (d -> -d) Change sign of double number,
- 2's complement
- AND (n1 n2 -> and) Bitwise logical AND
- OR (n1 n2 -> or) Bitwise logical OR
- XOR (n1 n2 -> xor) Bitwise logical XOR
- 22 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- AFORTH Reference
- Memory
- C@ (addr -> byte) Fetch byte at address
- C! (byte addr ->) Store byte at address
- @ (addr -> n) Fetch number at address
- ! (n addr -> ) Store number at address
- D@ (addr -> d) Fetch double number at address
- D! (d addr -> ) Store double number at address
- ? (addr -> ) Print the number stored at
- address
- +! (n addr -> ) Add n into number stored at
- address
- MOVE (addr1
- addr2 n -> ) Move n numbers starting at
- addr1 to addr2
- CMOVE (addr1
- addr2 n -> ) Move n bytes starting at addr1
- to addr2
- FILL (addr
- n byte -> ) Fill n bytes starting at addr
- with byte
- Control Structures
- DO (end start ->) Set up DO..LOOP or +LOOP given
- index range
- LOOP ( -> ) Add one to index, exit loop
- when index>=end
- +LOOP (n -> ) Add n to index, if n>=0 exit
- when index>=end, else exit
- when index=end
- I ( -> n) Fetch current loop index value
- J ( -> n) Fetch next outer loop index
- value
- LEAVE ( -> ) Force DO loop termination
- IF (flag -> ) Construct IF...THEN,
- ELSE ( -> ) In construct IF..ELSE..THEN
- THEN ( -> ) In construct IF..THEN,
- BEGIN ( -> ) Mark start of UNTIL or WHILE
- loop
- UNTIL (flag -> ) Construct BEGIN..UNTIL, loop
- until flag is true
- WHILE (flag -> ) In construct
- REPEAT ( -> ) Loop while flag true at WHILE
- EXIT ( -> ) Prematurely exit this colon
- definition
- EXECUTE (addr -> ) Execute word whose CFA is at
- address
- 23 User's Guidez
- AFORTH Reference
- Character input-output
- EMIT (char -> ) Print character
- CR ( -> ) Print carriage return and line
- feed
- SPACE ( -> ) Print one space
- SPACES (n -> ) Print n spaces
- ." ( -> ) Print text delimited by "
- TYPE (addr n -> ) Print the string of n
- characters at address
- COUNT (addr ->
- addr+1 n) Fetch count byte n and point to
- string
- -TRAILING (addr n1 ->
- addr n2) Reduce character count by
- trailing spaces
- ASCII <char> ( -> n) Leave ASCII value of <char>
- STATE smart - if compiling
- compiles n as LITERAL
- KEY ( -> char) Wait for a key press and leave
- its ASCII value on the stack
- EXPECT (addr n -> ) Read n characters, or until
- return, from keyboard into
- memory at addr
- QUERY ( -> ) Read 80 characters, or until
- return, from keyboard to input
- buffer
- WORD (char -> addr) Read next word from input
- stream using char as terminal
- delimiter. Leave address of
- length byte.
- Number input-output
- BASE ( -> addr) System variable, current
- numerical base
- DECIMAL ( -> ) Set BASE to decimal
- . (n -> ) Print n with one trailing space
- U. (un -> ) Print unsigned with one
- trailing space
- D. (d -> ) Print d with one trailing space
- D.R (d n -> ) Print d right justified in
- field width n
- .R (n1 n2 -> ) Print n1 right justified in
- field width n2
- CONVERT (d1 addr1 ->
- d2 addr2) Convert string at addr1+1 to
- double, add to d1 leaving d2,
- addr2 is address of first non-
- convertible character or 0 if
- converted ok
- 24 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- AFORTH Reference
- <# ( -> ) Begin a formatted number
- conversion
- S->D (n -> d) Make single precision number
- double precision
- N->UD (n1 n2 ->
- ud1 ud2) Make top two signed single
- precision numbers unsigned
- double precision numbers
- # (ud1 -> ud2) Convert next digit of ud1 and
- HOLD it
- #S (ud -> 0 0) Convert and HOLD all remaining
- significant digits
- HOLD (char -> ) Insert character into formatted
- string
- SIGN (n ud -> ud) HOLD minus sign if n is
- negative
- #> (ud -> addr n) End formatted number
- conversion, drop ud and prepare
- string for type
- Mass storage input-output
- BUFFER (d n ->
- d addr) Allocate a memory block of
- size d and type n, leave the
- size d and address of the
- allocated block. Addr will be
- zero if the allocation failed.
- n=type where 0=PUBLIC, 1=CHIP,
- 2=FAST
- d=size in bytes
- BLOCK (addr1 ->
- d addr2) Open and read into storage the
- file whose name is at addr1,
- report errors to the console.
- Leaves buffer size, d, and
- address, addr2. Both values
- will be zero if failed.
- LOAD <name> ( -> ) Load and interpret file <name>
- SAVE-BUFFERS (d addr1
- addr2 -> d
- addr1 flag) Write contents of buffer at
- addr1, size d, under name at
- addr2 to storage. Report all
- errors to the console. Leave
- the size, address and a flag.
- EMPTY-BUFFERS (d addr -> ) Frees memory block at address
- of size d, the block should
- have been allocated by BUFFER
- 25 User's Guidez
- AFORTH Reference
- Defining words
- : <name> ( -> ) Begin colon definition of
- <name>
- ; ( -> ) End colon definition
- VARIABLE <name> ( -> ) Define variable <name>.
- <name> ( -> addr) Returns PFA when executed
- CONSTANT <name> (n -> ) Define constant <name> with
- value n.
- <name> ( -> n) Returns n when executed.
- VOCABULARY <name> ( -> ) Define a vocabulary <name>.
- <name> ( -> ) Becomes CONTEXT vocabulary
- when executed
- CREATE <name> ( -> ) Create an empty dictionary
- entry <name>.
- <name> ( -> addr) Returns PFA when executed
- DOES> ( -> ) Defines run time action of
- most recently defined word.
- Used to define defining words.
- Vocabularies
- CONTEXT ( -> addr) System variable, vocabulary for
- word searches
- CURRENT ( -> addr) System variable, vocabulary for
- definitions
- FORTH ( -> ) Set CONTEXT to main FORTH
- vocabulary
- DEFINITIONS ( -> ) Set CURRENT vocabulary to
- CONTEXT vocabulary
- ' <name> ( -> addr) Find PFA of <name>
- STATE smart - if compiling
- compiles address as a LITERAL
- FIND ( -> addr) Find CFA of next word in input
- stream
- FORGET <name> ( -> ) Forget all definitions back to
- <name> inclusive
- VLIST ( -> ) Print each word in dictionary
- search path from CONTEXT to
- beginning
- Compiler
- C, (byte -> ) Compile byte into latest
- defined dictionary entry
- , (n -> ) Compile n into latest defined
- dictionary entry
- D, (d -> ) Compile double value into the
- dictionary
- ALLOT (n -> ) Add n bytes to the Parameter
- Field of the latest defined
- dictionary entry
- 26 Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- AFORTH Reference
- IMMEDIATE ( -> ) Mark most recently defined
- word as immediate
- LITERAL (n -> ) Compile n as a literal
- STATE ( -> addr) System variable, non-zero when
- compiling
- MODE ( -> addr) System variable, zero when word
- is immediate
- [ ( -> ) Stop compiling and start
- executing
- ] ( -> ) Stop executing and start
- compiling
- COMPILE ( -> ) Compile the CFA in the
- following PFA
- [COMPILE] ( -> ) Compile the CFA of the
- following word even if
- immediate
- MYSELF ( -> ) Compile CFA of word we are
- compiling into itself,
- recursion!
- Miscellaneous
- ( ( -> ) Begin comment, terminated by )
- HERE ( -> addr) Address of next available
- dictionary location
- PAD ( -> addr) System variable, address of 256
- byte scratchpad
- BLK ( -> addr) System variable, details
- current input buffer
- >IN ( -> addr) System variable, offset into
- input buffer
- EOF ( -> addr) System variable, TRUE when end
- of buffer
- DPL ( -> addr) System variable, number of
- decimal places in most recently
- converted word, -1 if single
- precision
- SYSTEM ( -> ) Return to AmigaDOS
- ABORT ( -> ) Clear all stacks and return
- control to keyboard
- QUIT ( -> ) Clear return stack and return
- control to keyboard
- 79-STANDARD ( -> ) Verify that system conforms to
- FORTH-79 standard
- 27 User's Guidez
- __________________________________
- Index
- __________________________________
- iz
- Index
- . 24 Addressing 9
- ." 24 AFORTH 1, 2, 3, 7, 8
- .R 10, 24 disk 4, 5
- , 26 diskette 6
- : 26 environment 1, 2, 3
- ; 26 icon 6
- ! 23 programming
- ? 23 environment 11
- ?DUP 20 programs 6
- ' 26 Standard Comparison
- ( 27 8
- [ 27 AFORTH environment 2
- ] 27 AmigaDOS 1, 17
- + 21 compatibility 2
- +! 23 version 1, 2
- +LOOP 23 AND 22
- - 21 Arithmetic and logical 21
- -TRAILING 24 ASCII 2, 9, 10, 24
- * 21 Backup
- */ 22 Difficulties 5
- */MOD 22 Multiple drive CLI 5
- / 21 Multiple drive
- /MOD 22 Workbench 4
- < 21 Single drive CLI 5
- <# 25 Single drive
- = 21 Workbench 4
- > 21 BASE 12, 24
- >IN 27 BEGIN 23
- >R 21 BLK 27
- # 25 BLOCK 8, 25
- #> 25 BUFFER 9, 25
- #S 25 C, 9, 26
- @ 23 C! 23
- 0< 21 C@ 23
- 0= 21 CALENDAR.F 14
- 0> 21 CASE.F 14
- 1+ 22 Character input-output 24
- 1- 22 CMOVE 23
- 1D+ 10, 22 Comparison 21
- 1D- 10, 22 Compile 12, 27
- 2+ 22 Compiler 26
- 2- 22 CONSTANT 26
- 2D+ 10, 22 CONTEXT 26
- 2D- 10, 22 Control Structures 23
- 4D+ 10, 22 CONVERT 24
- 4D- 10, 22 COUNT 24
- 79-STANDARD 27 CR 24
- ii Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSz
- Index
- D. 10, 24 FigFORTH 7
- D.R 10, 24 FORTH,Inc. 7
- D, 10, 26 History 7
- D! 9, 23 Interest Group 7
- D+ 22 PolyFORTH 7
- D- 10, 22 Standards Team 7
- D< 21 The,Language 7, 11
- D= 10, 21 FORTH purists 2
- D>R 9, 21 FORTH-79 7, 8
- D@ 9, 23 FORTH-83 7
- D0< 10, 21 Hard disk 4
- D0= 10, 21 Hard disk install
- DABS 10, 22 CLI 6
- DATAFILE.F 14 Workbench 6
- DECIMAL 12, 24 Hard disk installation
- Defining words 26 CLI 6
- DEFINITIONS 26 Workbench 6
- DEPTH 21 Hard Disk System 6
- Diskette System 4 Hardware Requirements 1
- Distribution sources 3 HERE 27
- DO 23 I 23
- Documentation 3 IF 23
- DPL 27 Implementation decisions
- DR> 9, 21 2
- DR@ 9, 21 Incompatibilities 2
- DROP 20 Installation 3
- DROPD 10, 20 Installing 3
- DUP 20 Interpret 11
- DUPD 10, 20 J 23
- Ed 2 KEY 24
- Editor 2 Language Extensions 9
- ELSE 23 LEAVE 23
- EMIT 24 LIST 8
- Environment 8 LOAD 8, 13, 25
- EOF 27 Loading
- EVEN 10, 21 AFORTH 18
- Example Programs 13 FORTH-79 18
- EXIT 23 Mass storage input-output
- EXPECT 24 25
- Extras disk 2 MAX 22
- Files, blocks and buffers MEMACS 2
- 8 Memory 23
- FILL 23 MIN 22
- FIND 26 Miscellaneous 27
- FORGET 26 MOD 21
- FORTH 1, 7, 26 MODE 9, 27
- iii User's Guidez
- Index
- Moore, Charles 7 VARIABLE 26
- MOVE 23 VLIST 9, 26
- MYSELF 10, 27 Vocabularies 26
- N->UD 10, 25 VOCABULARY 26
- NOT 21 WORD 24
- Number input-output 24 Workbench disk 2
- ODD 10, 21 Working copies 4
- OR 22 XOR 22
- OVER 20
- PAD 27
- PICK 20
- Product Registration 3
- Programming 9, 11
- QUERY 24
- QUIT 27
- R> 21
- R@ 21
- Rather, Elizabeth 7
- Registration procedure 3
- Reverse Polish Notation
- 12
- ROLL 20
- ROT 20
- S->D 10, 25
- SCR 8
- Shareware
- distribution 3
- marketing 3
- SIGN 25
- Software Requirements 2
- SPACE 24
- Stack Manipulation 20
- STATE 27
- SWAP 20
- SYSTEM 9, 27
- Text editor 2, 9
- THEN 23
- TYPE 24
- U. 24
- U* 22
- U/MOD 22
- U< 21
- UNTIL 23
- iv Stratagem4 AFORTH For AmigaDOSc