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- A F O R T H
- -----------
- A FORTH-79 Standard Implementation For The AMIGA®
- -------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.0
- -----------
- V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N
- ------------------------------------
- Copyright © Stratagem4, 1994
- ----------------------------
- All Rights Reserved
- -------------------
- AFORTH was written by Steve Martin
- Address: Stratagem4
- 125 Broadview Avenue
- Rainham
- Gillingham
- Kent
- ME8 9JD
- United Kingdom
- Telephone: (0634) 261412
- Program and Documentation Copyright © Stratagem4, 1994
- AMIGA is a Registered Trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- FORTH is a Registered Trademark of FORTH, Inc.
- All rights reserved.
- This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk
- Vendors and Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the AFORTH
- package.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part 1: Program Information:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Program Name, Category:
- -----------------------
- AFORTH, Language (Program)
- Preferred File Name For BBS's Etc:
- ---------------------------------
- AFORTHxxx.LHA, where xxx is the version number. For example,
- version 1.03 would be AFORTH103.LHA. Of course, other file name
- extensions are perfectly acceptable when compression programs
- other than LHA are used.
- Description:
- ------------
- AFORTH is an implementation of the FORTH programming language for
- the Commodore Amiga, it adheres very closely to the FORTH-79
- standard as defined by the FORTH Standards Team.
- Registration Information:
- -------------------------
- Registration costs are as follows:
- UK: £30.00 (Sterling)
- Europe: £32.00 (Sterling)
- USA & Canada: $60.00 (US Dollars)
- Australia: $85.00 (Australian Dollars)
- Rest Of The World: £35.00 (Sterling)
- The benefits of registration include the latest version of the
- software and free lifetime support.
- Author/Publisher Information:
- -----------------------------
- Please feel free to contact us at any (reasonable) time if you
- have any questions, comments, suggestions or (dare I say it!) bug
- reports. We can be reached by mail at the following address:
- Stratagem4
- 125 Broadview Avenue
- Rainham
- Kent
- ME8 9JD
- UK
- or Telephone : (0634) 261412
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Part 2: Distribution Requirements
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who wish to distribute
- AFORTH must comply with the following restrictions:
- In order for us to ensure that only current versions are
- distributed, we require that you register your distribution with
- us (Stratagem4), please use the Vendor Registration Form at the
- end of this document (for your convenience this form is also
- contained in the file VREGISTER.DOC).
- When registering please ensure that we have your correct address
- and phone number, as well as the name of the person we may
- contact if necessary. Please also enclose the latest version of
- your Shareware catalogue for our perusal.
- Registration as a vendor is free and provides the following
- benefits:
- 1) you know that you are distributing up to date software;
- 2) access to bulletins detailing upgrades, fixes and
- enhancements, which may only be available in registered
- user copies;
- 3) access to support from the author;
- 4) preferential distribution of upgrades, registered vendors
- will receive copies of new distribution versions direct,
- at least two weeks before any uploading to BBS's or
- discretionary releases to other, unregistered, vendors;
- 5) preferential distribution of new product releases,
- subject to the conditions detailed above.
- Please remember that if you use this product yourselves then you
- should also register as a user.
- Please Help Us Serve You Better:
- --------------------------------
- We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding
- AFORTH. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles,
- catalogue descriptions, or other information you print or
- distribute regarding the AFORTH package. Thank you for your time
- and assistance and for supporting the Shareware marketing
- concept.
- Copyright © 1994, Stratagem4
- /* ------------------ cut here------------------------------*/
- V E N D O R R E G I S T R A T I O N
- --------------------------------------
- I wish to register as a distributor of AFORTH. Please send me
- the latest distribution version and all subsequent updates. I
- agree to distribute only the current, approved, version and
- destroy all copies of any, and all, previous versions which may
- be in my possession.
- Name _________________________________________________________
- Company _________________________________________________________
- Address _________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- Telephone _______________________________________________________
- Current Distribution Version ____________________________________
- From Where Did You Obtain AFORTH? ______________________________
- Signed __________________________________________________________
- (for, and on behalf of, the above named distributor)
- Mail to:
- Stratagem4
- 125 Broadview Avenue
- Rainham
- Gillingham
- Kent
- ME8 9JD
- UK