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- .TL
- Little Smalltalk Users Manual - Version Three
- .AU
- Tim Budd
- .AI
- Department of Computer Science
- Oregon State University
- Corvallis, Oregon
- 97331 USA
- .AB
- .PP
- Version three of Little Smalltalk was designed specifically to
- be easy to port
- to new machines and operating systems.
- This document provides the basic information needed to use Version Three of
- Little Smalltalk, plus information needed by those wishing to undertake the
- job of porting the system to a new operating environment.
- .AE
- .PP
- The first version of Little Smalltalk, although simple, small and fast, was in
- a number of very critical ways very Unix specific. Soon after the
- publication of the book \fIA Little Smalltalk\fP, requests started flooding
- in asking if there existed a port to an amazingly large number of different
- machines, such as the IBM PC, the Macintosh, the Acorn, the Atari, and even
- such systems as DEC VMS. Clearly it was beyond our capabilities to
- satisfy all these requests, however in an attempt to meet them partway in
- the summer of 1988 I designed a second version of Little Smalltalk, which
- was specifically designed to be less Unix specific and more amenable to
- implementation of different systems.
- .PP
- This document describes is divided into two parts. In part one I describe
- the basic features of the user interface. This is essential information
- for anybody wishing to use the system. In part two we give the basic
- information needed by anybody wishing to undertake the task of porting
- version three Little Smalltalk to a new machine.
- .NH
- Getting Started
- .PP
- How you get started depends upon what kind of system you are working on.
- Currently there are two styles of interface supported. A line-oriented,
- tty style stdin interface is available, which runs under Unix and other systems.
- There is also a window based system which runs under X-windows and on the
- Mac.
- .NH 2
- The stdin/stdout interface
- .PP
- Using the stdin/stdout interface, there is a prompt (the ``>'' caracter)
- typed to indicate the system is waiting for input.
- Expressions are read at the keyboard and
- evaluated following each carrage return. The result of the expression
- is then printed.
- .DS I
- > 5 + 7
- 12
- .DE
- Global variables can be created simply by assigning to a name.
- The value of an assignment statement is the value of the right hand side.
- .DS I
- x <- 3
- 3
- .DE
- Multiple expressions can appear on the same line separated by periods.
- Only the last expression is printed.
- .DS I
- y <- 17. 3 + 4
- 7
- .DE
- .NH 2
- The windowing interface
- .PP
- The windowing interface is built on top of guido van rossums standard
- window package, and runs on top of systems that support standard windows.
- These include X-11 and the Macintosh.
- .PP
- When you start up the system, there will be a single window titled
- ``workspace''. You can enter expressions in the workspace, then select either
- the menu items ``do it'' or ``print it''.
- Both will evaluate the expression; the latter, in addition, will print the
- result.
- .PP
- A number of other memu commands are also available. These permit you to
- save the current image, exit the system, or start the browser.
- .PP
- The browser is an interface permiting you to easily view system code.
- Selecting a class in the first pane of the browser brings up a second pane
- in which you can select methods, selecting a method brings up a third pane
- in which you can view and edit text. Selecting ``compile'' following the
- editing of text will attempt to compile the method. If no errors are
- reported, the method is then available for execution.
- .NH
- Exploring and Creating
- .PP
- This section describes how to discover information about existing objects
- and create new objects using the Little Smalltalk
- system (version three).
- In Smalltalk one communicates with objects by passing messages to them.
- Even the addition message + is treated as a message passed to the
- first object 5, with an argument represented by the second object.
- Other messages can be used to discover
- information about various objects.
- The most basic fact you can discover about an object is its class.
- This is given by the message \fBclass\fP, as in the following examples:
- .DS I
- > 7 class
- Integer
- > nil class
- UndefinedObject
- .DE
- .PP
- Occasionally, especially when programming, one would like to ask whether
- the class of an object matches some known class. One way to do this would
- be to use the message \fB= =\fP, which tells whether two expressions
- represent the same object:
- .DS I
- > ( 7 class = = Integer)
- True
- > nil class = = Object
- False
- .DE
- .PP
- An easier way is to use the message \fBisMemberOf:\fP;
- .DS I
- > 7 isMemberOf: Integer
- True
- > nil isMemberOf: Integer
- False
- .DE
- .PP
- Sometimes you want to know if an object is an instance of a particular
- class or one if its subclasses; in this case the appropriate message is
- \fBisKindOf:\fP.
- .DS I
- > 7 isMemberOf: Number
- False
- > 7 isKindOf: Number
- True
- .DE
- .PP
- All objects will respond to the message \fBdisplay\fP by telling a little
- about themselves. Many just give their class and their printable
- representation:
- .DS I
- > 7 display
- (Class Integer) 7
- > nil display
- (Class UndefinedObject) nil
- .DE
- .LP
- Others, such as classes, are a little more verbose:
- .DS I
- > Integer display
- Class Name: Integer
- SuperClass: Number
- Instance Variables:
- no instance variables
- Subclasses:
- .DE
- .LP
- The display shows that the class \fBInteger\fP is a subclass of class
- \fBNumber\fP (that is, class \fBNumber\fP is the superclass of
- \fBInteger\fP). There are no instance variables for this class, and it
- currently has no subclasses.
- All of this information could be obtained by means of other messages,
- although the \fBdisplay\fP form is the easiest.
- [ Note: at the moment printing subclasses takes a second or two. I'm not
- sure why.]
- .DS I
- > List variables display
- links
- > Integer superClass
- Number
- > Collection subClasses display
- IndexedCollection
- Interval
- List
- .DE
- About the only bit of information that is not provided when one passes the
- message \fBdisplay\fP to a class
- is a list of methods the class responds to. There are two
- reasons for this omission; the first is that this list can often be quite
- long, and we don't want to scroll the other information off the screen
- before the user has seen it. The second reason is that there are really
- two different questions the user could be asking. The first is what
- methods are actually implemented in a given class. A list containing
- the set of methods implemented in a class can be found by passing the
- message \fBmethods\fP to a class.
- As we saw with the message
- \fBsubClasses\fP shown above, the command \fBdisplay\fP prints this
- information out one method to a line:
- .DS I
- > True methods display
- #ifTrue:ifFalse:
- #not
- .DE
- .PP
- A second question that one could ask is what message selectors an instance of a
- given class will respond to, whether they are inherited from superclasses
- or are defined in the given class. This set is given in response to the
- message \fBrespondsTo\fP. [ NOTE: again form some reason I'm not sure of
- this command seems to take a long time to execute ].
- .DS I
- > True respondsTo display
- #class
- #==
- #hash
- #isNil
- #display
- #=
- #basicSize
- #isMemberOf:
- #notNil
- #print
- #basicAt:put:
- #isKindOf:
- #basicAt:
- #printString
- #or:
- #and:
- #ifFalse:ifTrue:
- #ifTrue:
- #ifFalse:
- #not
- #ifTrue:ifFalse:
- .DE
- .PP
- Alternatively, one can ask whether instances of a given class will respond
- to a specific message by writing the message selector as a symbol:
- .DS I
- > String respondsTo: #print
- True
- > String respondsTo: #+
- False
- .DE
- .PP
- The inverse of this would be to ask what classes contain methods for a
- given message selector. Class \fBSymbol\fP defines a method to yield just
- this information:
- .DS I
- > #+ respondsTo display
- Integer
- Number
- Float
- .DE
- .PP
- The method that will be executed in response to a given message selector
- can be displayed by means of the message \fBviewMethod:\fP
- .DS I
- > Integer viewMethod: #gcd:
- gcd: value
- (value = 0) ifTrue: [ \(ua self ].
- (self negative) ifTrue: [ \(ua self negated gcd: value ].
- (value negative) ifTrue: [ \(ua self gcd: value negated ].
- (value > self) ifTrue: [ \(ua value gcd: self ].
- \(ua value gcd: (self rem: value)
- .DE
- .PP
- Some Smalltalk systems make it very difficult for you to discover the
- bytecodes that a method gets translated into. Since the primary goal of
- Little Smalltalk is to help the student to discover how a modern very high
- level language is implemented, it makes sense that the system should help
- you as much as possible discover everything about its internal structure.
- Thus a method, when presented with the message \fBdisplay\fP, will print
- out its bytecode representation.
- .DS I
- > Char methodNamed: #isAlphabetic ; display
- Method #isAlphabetic
- isAlphabetic
- \(ua (self isLowercase) or: [ self isUppercase ]
- literals
- Array ( #isLowercase #isUppercase )
- bytecodes
- 32 2 0
- 129 8 1
- 144 9 0
- 250 15 10
- 9 0 9
- 32 2 0
- 129 8 1
- 145 9 1
- 242 15 2
- 245 15 5
- 241 15 1
- .DE
- .PP
- Bytecodes are represented by four bit opcodes and four bit operands, with
- occasional bytes representing data (more detail can be found in the book).
- The three numbers written on each line for the bytecodes represent the
- byte value followed by the upper four bits and the lower four bits.
- .PP
- .PP
- If you have written a new class and want to print the class methods on a
- file you can use the message \fBfileOut:\fP, after first creating a file to
- write to. Both classes and individual methods can be filed out, and
- several classes and/or methods can be placed in one file.
- [ NOTE - file out doesn't work yet ].
- .DS I
- > f \(<- File new
- > f name: 'foo.st'
- > f open: 'w'
- > Foo fileOut: f
- > Bar fileOut: f
- > Object fileOutMethod: #isFoo to: f
- > f close
- .DE
- .LP
- The file ``newfile'' will now have a printable representation of the
- methods for the class Foo.
- These can subsequently be filed back into a different smalltalk image.
- .DS I
- > f \(<- File new
- > f name: 'foo.st'
- > f open: 'r'
- > f fileIn
- > 2 isFoo
- False
- .DE
- .PP
- Finally, once the user has added classes and variables and made whatever other
- changes they want, the message \fBsaveImage\fP, passed to the pseudo
- variable \fBsmalltalk\fP, can be used to save an entire object image on a file.
- If the writing of the image is successful, a message will be displayed.
- .DS I
- > smalltalk saveImage
- Image name? newimage
- image newimage created
- >
- .DE
- .PP
- Typing control-D causes the interpreter to exit.
- .PP
- When the smalltalk system is restarted, an alternative image, such as the
- image just created, can be specified by giving its name on the argument
- line:
- .DS I
- st newimage
- .DE
- .PP
- Further information on Little Smalltalk can be found in the book.
- .NH
- New Methods, New Classes
- .NH 2
- Stdin/Stdout Interface
- .PP
- New functionality can be added using the message \fBaddMethod\fP.
- When passed to an instance of \fBClass\fP, this message drops the user into
- a standard Unix Editor. A body for a new method can then be entered.
- When the user exits the editor, the method body is compiled. If it is
- syntactically correct, it is added to the methods for the class. If it is
- incorrect, the user is given the option of re-editing the
- method. The user is first prompted for the name of the group to which the
- method belongs.
- .DS I
- > Integer addMethod
- \& ... drop into editor and enter the following text
- % x
- \(ua ( x + )
- \& ... exit editor
- compiler error: invalid expression start )
- edit again (yn) ?
- \& ...
- .DE
- .PP
- In a similar manner, existing methods can be editing by passing their
- selectors, as symbols to the message \fBeditMethod:\fP.
- .DS I
- > Integer editMethod: #gcd:
- \& ... drop into editor working on the body of gcd:
- .DE
- .PP
- The name of the editor used by these methods is taken from a string
- pointed to by the global variable \fIeditor\fP. Different editors can be
- selected merely by redefining this value:
- .DS I
- editor \(<- 'emacs'
- .DE
- .PP
- Adding a new subclass is accomplished by sending the message
- \fBaddSubClass:instanceVariableNames:\fP to the superclass object.
- The the first argument is a symbol representing the name, the second is a
- string containing the names of any instance variables.
- .DS I
- > Object addSubClass: #Foo instanceVariableNames: 'x y'
- Object
- Foo display
- Class Name: Foo
- SuperClass: Object
- Instance Variables:
- x
- y
- .DE
- Once defined, \fBaddMethod\fP and \fBeditMethod:\fP can be used to provide
- functionality for the new class.
- .PP
- New classes can also be added using the fileIn mechanism.
- .NH 2
- The Windowing Interface
- .PP
- Using the windowing interface, new classes are created by selecting the
- menu item \fIadd class\fP in the first browser window. New Methods are
- selected by choosing \fInew method\fP in a subsequent window.
- .NH
- Incompatibilities with the Book
- .PP
- It is unfortunately the case that during the transition from version 1 (the
- version described in the book) and version 3, certain changes to the user
- interface were required. I will describe these here.
- .PP
- The first incompatibility comes at the very beginning. In version 1 there
- were a great number of command line options. These have all been
- eliminated in version three. In version three the only command line option is
- the file name of an image file.
- .PP
- The interface to the editor has been changed. In version one this was
- handled by the system, and not by Smalltalk code. This required a command
- format that was clearly not a Smalltalk command, so that they could be
- distinguished. The convention adopted was to use an APL style system
- command:
- .DS I
- )e filename
- .DE
- In version three we have moved these functions into Smalltalk code. Now
- the problem is just the reverse, we need a command that is a Smalltalk
- command. In addition, in version one entire classes were edited at once,
- whereas in version three only individual methods are edited. As we have
- already noted, the new commands to add or edit methods are as follows:
- .DS I
- \fIclassname\fP addMethod
- \fIclassname\fP editMethod: \fImethodname\fP
- .DE
- .PP
- The only other significant syntactic change is the way primitive methods
- are invoked. In version one these were either named or numbered,
- something like the following:
- .DS I
- <primitive 37 a b>
- <IntegerAdd a b>
- .DE
- In version three we have simply eliminated the keyword \fBprimitive\fP, so
- primitives now look like:
- .DS I
- <37 a b>
- .DE
- .PP
- There are far fewer primitives in version three, and much more of the system
- is now performed using Smalltalk code.
- .PP
- In addition to these syntactic changes, there are various small changes in
- the class structure. I hope to have a document describing these changes at
- some point, but as of right now the code itself is the best description.
- .NH
- Implementors Information
- .PP
- The remainder of this document contains information necessary for those
- wishing to examine or change the source code for the Little Smalltalk
- system.
- .NH 2
- Finding Your Way Around
- .de Mc
- .IP \\\\fB\\$1\\\\fP
- .br
- ..
- .PP
- In this section we describe the files that constitute version three of
- the Little Smalltalk system.
- .Mc memory.c
- This is the memory manager, the heart of the Little Smalltalk system.
- Although it uses a straightforward reference counting scheme, a fair amount
- of design effort has gone into making it as fast as possible. By modifying
- it's associated description file (memory.h) a number of operations can be
- specified either as macros or as function calls. The function calls
- generally perform more error checking, and should be used during initial
- development. Using macros, on the other hand, can improve performance
- dramatically. At some future date we hope to make available both reference
- counting and garbage collection versions of the memory manager.
- .Mc names.c
- The only data structures used internally in the Little Smalltalk system are
- arrays and name tables. A name table is simply an instance of class
- \fBDictionary\fP in which keys are symbols. Name tables are used to
- implement the dictionary of globally accessible values, \fBsymbols\fP,
- and to implement method tables. This module provides support for reading
- from name tables.
- .Mc news.c
- This module contains several small utility routines which create new
- instances of various standard classes.
- .Mc interp.c
- This module implements the actual bytecode interpreter.
- It is the heart of the system, where most execution time is spent.
- .Mc primitive.c
- This module contains the code that is executed to perform primitive
- operations. Only the standard primitives (see the section on primitives)
- are implemented in this module. File primitives and system specific
- primitives are implemented in another module, such as unixio.c for the Unix
- system and macio.c for the Macintosh version.
- .Mc unixio.c,filein.c
- These two modules contains I/O routines.
- .Mc lex.c,parser.c
- The files lex.c and parser.c are the lexical analyzer and parser,
- respectively, for compiling the textual representation of methods into
- bytecodes. In the current version parsing is done using a simple (although
- large) recursive descent parser.
- .Mc st.c
- The file st.c is the front end for the Unix version of Little Smalltalk.
- On the Macintosh version it is replaced by the pair of files macmain.c and
- macevent.c.
- .Mc initial.c
- This module contains code that reads the module form of Smalltalk code,
- creating an object image.
- This is not part of the Smalltalk bytecode interpreter, but is used in
- building the initial object image (see next section).
- .PP
- There are description files ( .h files, in standard C convention) which
- describe many of the modules described above. In addition, there is a very
- important file called env.h (for ``environment''). This file describes the
- characteristics of the operating system/machine you are running on.
- The general structure of this file is that the user provides one definition
- for their system, for example
- .DS I
- \ define LIGHTC
- .DE
- to indicate using the Lightspeed C compiler on the macintosh, for example.
- Following this are block of code which, based on this one definition,
- define other terms representing the specific attributes of this system.
- Where ever possible new code should be surrounded by \fIifdef\fP directives
- based on words defined in this manner.
- The next section describes this in more detail.
- .NH 2
- Defining System Characteristics
- .PP
- There are many ways in which compilers and operating systems differ
- from each other.
- A fair amount of work has been expanded in making sure the software will
- operate on most machines, which requires that different code fragments be
- used on different systems. In large part these are controlled by a single
- ``meta-define'' in the file env.h. Setting this one value then causes the
- expansion of another code segment, which then defines many more options.
- .PP
- In the event that you are attempting to port the software to a system that
- has not previously been defined, you will need to decide which set of
- options to enable. The next two sections contain information you may need
- in making this determination.
- .SH
- Define Options
- .PP
- Many options are specified merely by giving or not giving a DEFINE
- statement in the file env.h. The following table presents the meaning for
- each of these values:
- Defined If there is an include file called alloc.h which defines calloc,
- malloc, and the like.
- Defined if the fopen specification for binary files must include the "b"
- modifier. This is true on many MS-DOS inspired systems.
- Defined if enumerated datatypes are not supported. If defined, these will
- be replaced by #define constants.
- Defined if the typedef construct is not supported. If defined, these will
- be replaced by #define constructs.
- Defined if the void keyword is not recognized.
- If defined, expect \fIlint\fP to complain a lot about functions returning
- values which are sometimes (or always) ignored.
- Used if \fIboth\fP the <signals.h> package and the <longjmp.h> package are
- available, and if the routine used to set signals is signal.
- Incompatible with \fBSSIGNALS\fP.
- Used if \fIboth\fP the <signals.h> package and the <longjmp.h> package are
- available, and if the routine used to set signals is ssignal.
- Incompatible with \fBSIGNALS\fP.
- Used if the string functions (strcpy, strcat and the like) are found in
- <string.h>. This switch is incompatible with \fBSTRINGS\fP.
- Used if the string functions (strcpy, strcat and the like) are found in
- <strings.h>. This switch is incompatible with \fBSTRING\fP.
- .LP
- In addition, several routines can optionally be replaced by macros for
- greater efficiency. See the file memory.h for more information.
- .NH 2
- Building an Initial Object Image
- .PP
- There are two programs used in the Little Smalltalk system. The first is
- the actual bytecode interpreter. The use of this program is described in
- detail in other documents (see ``Exploring and Creating'').
- The Little Smalltalk system requires, to start, a snapshot representation of
- memory. This snapshot is called an object image, and the purpose of the
- second program, the initial object image maker, is to construct an
- initial object image.
- In theory, the this program need only be run once, by the system administrator,
- and thereafter all users can access the same standard object image.
- .PP
- The object image format is binary. However, since the format for binary
- files will undoubtedly differ from system to system, the methods which
- will go into the initial image are distributed in textual form, called
- module form. Several modules are combined to create an object image.
- The following describes the modules distributed on the standard tape,
- in the order they should be processed, and their purposes.
- .Mc basic.st
- This module contains the basic classes and methods which should be common
- to all implementations of Little Smalltalk.
- .Mc mag.st
- This module contains methods for those objects having magnitude, which are
- the basic subclasses of Magnitude.
- .Mc collect.st
- This module contains methods for the collection subclasses.
- .Mc file.st
- This module contains the classes and methods used for file operations.
- Although all implementations should try to support these operations, it may
- not always be possible on all systems.
- .Mc unix.st
- This module contains unix - specific commands, which may differ from those
- used under other operating systems.
- .Mc mult.st
- This module contains code for the multiprocessing scheduler.
- .Mc init.st
- This module contains code which is run to initialize the initial object
- image. These methods disappear after they have been executed.
- (or should; they don't really yet).
- .Mc test.st
- This file contains various test cases.
- .NH 2
- Object Memory
- .PP
- There are several datatypes, not directly supported by C, that are used in
- the Little Smalltalk system. The first of these is the datatype byte.
- A byte is an eight bit unsigned (hence positive) quantity.
- On many systems the appropriate datatype is unsigned char, however on other
- systems this declaration is not recognized and other forms may be required.
- To aid in coverting to and from bytes the macro byteToInt() is used, which
- converts a byte value into an integer. In addition, the routines byteAt
- and byteAtPut are used to get and put bytes from byte strings.
- .PP
- The other datatype is that used to represent object points. On most
- machines in which a short is 16 bits, the datatype short should suffice.
- Much more information on the memory module can be found in the file
- memory.h.
- .NH 2
- The Bottom End
- .PP
- The opposite extreme from the front end are those messages that originate
- within the Smalltalk bytecode interpreter and must be communicated to the user.
- We can divide these into two different classes of communications, editing
- operations and input/output operations. The following sections will treat
- each of these individually.
- .NH 3
- Editing
- .PP
- We have already mentioned that commands entered by the user are converted
- into methods, and passed to the same method compiler as all other methods.
- Before the user can create a new method, however, there must be some
- mechanism for allowing the user to enter the method.
- .PP
- One approach would be to read the method from the standard input, just
- as commands are read. While easy to implement, this approach would soon
- prove unsatisfactory, since for every error the user would need to reenter
- the entire method. So some form of update, or editing, must be
- provided. Again, the Unix interface and the Macintosh interface solve
- this problem in radically different ways.
- .NH 4
- Editing Under Unix
- .PP
- A request to edit or add a method is given by sending either the message
- \fBaddMethod\fP or \fBeditMethod:\fP to a class. The methods for these
- messages in turn call upon a common routine to perform the actual editing
- work.
- .DS I
- \fBaddMethod\fP
- self doEdit: ''
- \fBeditMethod:\fP name
- self doEdit: ( methods at: name
- ifAbsent: [ 'no such method ' print. \(ua nil ] ) text
- \fBdoEdit:\fP startingText | text |
- text \(<- startingText.
- [ text \(<- text edit.
- (self addMethodText: text)
- ifTrue: [ false ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk inquire: 'edit again (yn) ? ' ]
- ] whileTrue
- .DE
- .PP
- The Unix and MS-DOS versions of the system provide a method \fBedit\fP as
- part of the functionality of class \fBString\fP. When \fBedit\fP is passed
- to a string, an editing environment is established. The user performs
- editing tasks in that environment, and then exits the editing environment.
- Under Unix, this functionality is implemented using the file system.
- .DS I
- \fBedit\fP | file text |
- file \(<- File new;
- scratchFile;
- open: 'w';
- print: self;
- close.
- (editor, ' ', file name) unixCommand.
- file open: 'r'.
- text \(<- file asString.
- file close; delete.
- \(ua text
- .DE
- .PP
- A file is created, and the contents of the string written to it.
- Then a standard Unix editor (given by the global variabled \fBeditor\fP)
- is invoked to process the file. After the user exits the editor, the
- contents of the file are read back as a string, the file is closed and
- deleted, and the string returned. The command \fBunixCommand\fP is
- implemented as a primitive, which invokes the system() system call:
- .DS I
- \fBunixCommand\fP
- \(ua <150 self>
- .DE
- .PP
- Although the \fBedit\fP message is used by the system only for editing
- methods, it is general enough for any editing application and there is no
- reason why the user cannot use it for other purposes.
- By the way, the \fBunixCommand\fP message is also used to implement file
- deletes.
- .DS I
- \fBdelete\fP
- ('rm ', name) unixCommand
- .DE
- .PP
- On MS-Dos systems this command should be changed to \fBDEL\fP.
- .PP
- .NH 4
- Editing on the Macintosh
- .PP
- The Macintosh version takes an entirely different approach to the editing
- of methods.
- As in the Unix version, the user requests editing using the commands
- \fBeditMethod:\fP and \fBaddNewMethod\fP. And, as in the Unix version,
- these in turn invoke a common method.
- .DS I
- \fBaddMethod\fP
- self doEdit: ( self printString, ': new method') text: ''
- \fBeditMethod:\fP name
- self doEdit: (self printString, ': ', name)
- text: (methods at: name
- ifAbsent: ['no such method' print. \(ua nil ]) text
- .DE
- .PP
- Here, however, when the user asks to edit a method, a new \fIediting
- window\fP is created.
- .DS I
- \fBdoEdit\fP: title \fBtext\fP: text | w |
- w \(<- EditWindow new;
- acceptTask: [ self addMethodText: w getString ] ;
- title: title; create; print: text; showWindow
- .DE
- .PP
- The edit window is initialized with the current text of the method.
- Thereafter, the user can edit this using the standard Macintosh cut and
- paste conventions. The user signifies they are satisfied with the result
- by entering the command \fBaccept\fP, which causes the \fIacceptTask:\fP
- block to be executed. This block gets the text of the window (given by the
- message \fBgetString\fP) and passes it to \fBaddMethodText:\fP, which
- compiles the method, entering it in the method table if there are no
- errors.
- .NH 3
- Input/Output commands
- .PP
- Under the Unix system all input/output operations are performed using the
- file system and the global variables stdin, stdout and stderr.
- Thus the message \fBerror:\fP, in class \fBSmalltalk\fP, merely prints a
- message to the standard error output and exits.
- .PP
- The macintosh version, although using the same file routines, does not have
- any notion of standard input or standard output. Thus error messages
- (such as from \fBerror:\fP) result in alert boxes being displayed.
- .PP
- There are also error messages that come from inside the Smalltalk
- interpreter itself. These are of two types, as follows:
- .IP 1.
- System errors. These are all funnelled through the routine sysError().
- System errors are caused by dramatically wrong conditions,
- and should generally cause the system to abort after printing the message
- passed as argument to sysError().
- .IP 2.
- Compiler errors. As we noted earlier, the method compiler is used to
- parse expressions typed directly at the keyboard, so these message can
- also arise in that manner. These are all funnelled through the routines
- compilError() and compilWarn(). These should print their arguments
- (two strings), in an appropriate location on the users screen.
- Execution continues normally after call.
- .NH 2
- Primitives
- .PP
- Primitives are the means whereby actions that cannot be described directed
- in Smalltalk are performed. In version three of the Little Smalltalk system,
- primitives are divided into three broad categories.
- .IP 1.
- Primitives numbered less than 119 are all standard, and both the meaning
- and the implementation of these should be the same
- in all implementations of Little Smalltalk. These are largely just simple
- actions, such as mathematical operations.
- .IP 2.
- Primitives numbered 120-139 are reserved for file operations. Although the
- meaning of these primitives should remain constant across all
- implementations, their implementation may differ.
- .IP 3.
- Primitives number 150-255 are entirely implementation specific, and thus in
- porting to a new system the implementor is free to give these any meaning
- desired. For example under the Unix version there is, at present, only one
- such primitive, used to perform the system() call. On the other hand,
- the Macintosh version has dozens of primitives used to implement graphics
- functions, windowing function, editing and the like.
- .NH
- Distribution of New Implementations
- .PP
- The Little Smalltalk system is entirely public domain, and any user is free
- to redistribute it in any fashion they wish. As a service to the Smalltalk
- community, I would appreciate it if new implementors could send me a
- listing of changes they make, so that they can be incorporated into one
- standard distribution. Correspondence should be addressed to:
- .DS I
- Tim Budd
- Department of Computer Science
- Oregon State University
- Corvallis, Oregon
- 97331 USA
- .DE
- .PP
- Copies of the most recent distribution can also be obtained by writing to
- this address. In mailing out distributions, there is a small charge for
- media and mailing costs.
- .NH
- New Features
- .PP
- If you type ``smalltalk echo'' all input will be echoed (tty interface
- only). Typing smalltalk echo again undoes this. This is useful for
- reading from scripts.