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- *
- * graphics support routines
- * used by the standard windows version
- * requires basic routines
- * written by tim budd, January 1989
- *
- Class Point Magnitude x y
- Class Rectangle Object top left bottom right
- Class Circle Object center radius
- *
- Methods Number 'point'
- @ v
- ^ Point new; x: self; y: v
- ]
- Methods Object 'testing'
- isPoint
- ^ false
- ]
- Methods Point 'all'
- <= aPoint
- ^ (x <= aPoint x) and: [y <= aPoint y]
- |
- = aPoint
- aPoint isPoint
- ifTrue: [ ^ (x = aPoint x) and: [y = aPoint y] ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
- |
- + v
- v isPoint
- ifTrue: [ ^ Point new; x: x + v x; y: y + v y ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ Point new; x: x + v; y: y + v]
- |
- - v
- v isPoint
- ifTrue: [ ^ Point new; x: x - v x; y: y - v y ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ Point new; x: x - v; y: y - v]
- |
- * v
- ^ Point new; x: x * v; y: y * v
- |
- printString
- ^ x printString , '@', y printString
- |
- isPoint
- ^ true
- |
- size: aPoint
- ^ self to: self + aPoint
- |
- to: aPoint
- " return a rectangle with the given dimensions "
- ^ Rectangle new; upperLeft: self; bottomRight: aPoint
- |
- radius: n
- ^ Circle new; center: self; radius: n
- |
- x: v
- x <- v
- |
- y: v
- y <- v
- |
- x
- ^ x
- |
- y
- ^ y
- ]
- Methods Rectangle 'all'
- + v
- ^ Rectangle new; bottomRight: right@bottom + v;
- upperLeft: left@top + v
- |
- - v
- ^ Rectangle new; bottomRight: right@bottom - v;
- upperLeft: left@top - v
- |
- bottomRight: aPoint
- right <- aPoint x.
- bottom <- aPoint y.
- |
- contains: aPoint
- ^ aPoint between: left@top and: right@bottom
- |
- upperLeft: aPoint
- left <- aPoint x.
- top <- aPoint y.
- |
- inset: aPoint
- self upperLeft: left@top + aPoint.
- self bottomRight: right@bottom - aPoint
- |
- printString
- ^ ((left@top) printString) , ':', ((right@bottom) printString)
- ]
- Methods Circle 'all'
- center: c
- center <- c
- |
- radius: r
- radius <- r
- ]