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- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 3
- Written by Tim Budd, June 1988
- initial image maker
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "names.h"
- int initial = 1; /* making initial image */
- /* lightspeed C not using argc/argv features */
- # ifdef NOARGC
- char *argv[] = {"initial", "basic.st","mag.st","collect.st", "file.st",
- "mult.st",
- # ifdef STDWIN
- "graphics.st", "stdwin.st", 0};
- int argc = 8;
- # endif
- # ifndef STDWIN
- "tty.st", 0};
- int argc = 7;
- # endif
- main()
- # endif
- # ifndef NOARGC
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- # endif
- { char methbuf[100];
- int i;
- initMemoryManager();
- makeInitialImage();
- initCommonSymbols();
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s:\n", argv[i]);
- ignore sprintf(methbuf,
- "x <120 1 '%s' 'r'>. <123 1>. <121 1>",
- argv[i]);
- goDoIt(methbuf);
- }
- /* when we are all done looking at the arguments, do initialization */
- fprintf(stderr,"initialization\n");
- /*debugging = true;*/
- goDoIt("x nil initialize\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"finished\n");
- /* exit and return - belt and suspenders, but it keeps lint happy */
- exit(0); return 0;
- }
- static goDoIt(text)
- char *text;
- { object process, stack, method;
- method = newMethod();
- incr(method);
- setInstanceVariables(nilobj);
- ignore parse(method, text, false);
- process = allocObject(processSize);
- incr(process);
- stack = allocObject(50);
- incr(stack);
- /* make a process */
- basicAtPut(process, stackInProcess, stack);
- basicAtPut(process, stackTopInProcess, newInteger(10));
- basicAtPut(process, linkPtrInProcess, newInteger(2));
- /* put argument on stack */
- basicAtPut(stack, 1, nilobj); /* argument */
- /* now make a linkage area in stack */
- basicAtPut(stack, 2, nilobj); /* previous link */
- basicAtPut(stack, 3, nilobj); /* context object (nil = stack) */
- basicAtPut(stack, 4, newInteger(1)); /* return point */
- basicAtPut(stack, 5, method); /* method */
- basicAtPut(stack, 6, newInteger(1)); /* byte offset */
- /* now go execute it */
- while (execute(process, 15000)) fprintf(stderr,"..");
- }
- /*
- there is a sort of chicken and egg problem with regards to making
- the initial image
- */
- static makeInitialImage()
- { object hashTable;
- object symbolObj, symbolClass, classClass;
- /* first create the table, without class links */
- symbols = allocObject(1);
- incr(symbols);
- hashTable = allocObject(3 * 53);
- basicAtPut(symbols, 1, hashTable);
- /* next create #Symbol, Symbol and Class */
- symbolObj = newSymbol("Symbol");
- symbolClass = newClass("Symbol");
- setClass(symbolObj, symbolClass);
- classClass = newClass("Class");
- setClass(symbolClass, classClass);
- setClass(classClass, classClass);
- /* now fix up classes for symbol table */
- /* and make a couple common classes, just to hold their places */
- ignore newClass("Link");
- ignore newClass("ByteArray");
- setClass(hashTable, newClass("Array"));
- setClass(symbols, newClass("Dictionary"));
- setClass(nilobj, newClass("UndefinedObject"));
- ignore newClass("String");
- nameTableInsert(symbols, strHash("symbols"), newSymbol("symbols"), symbols);
- /* finally at least make true and false to be distinct */
- trueobj = newSymbol("true");
- nameTableInsert(symbols, strHash("true"), trueobj, trueobj);
- falseobj = newSymbol("false");
- nameTableInsert(symbols, strHash("false"), falseobj, falseobj);
- }