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- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- lexical analysis routines for method parser
- should be called only by parser
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include <ctype.h>
- # ifdef LIGHTC
- # include <unix.h>
- # include <proto.h>
- # endif
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "lex.h"
- extern double atof();
- /* global variables returned by lexical analyser */
- tokentype token; /* token variety */
- char tokenString[80]; /* text of current token */
- int tokenInteger; /* integer (or character) value of token */
- double tokenFloat; /* floating point value of token */
- /* local variables used only by lexical analyser */
- static char *cp; /* character pointer */
- static char pushBuffer[10]; /* pushed back buffer */
- static int pushindex; /* index of last pushed back char */
- static char cc; /* current character */
- static long longresult; /* value used when building int tokens */
- /* lexinit - initialize the lexical analysis routines */
- noreturn lexinit(str)
- char *str;
- {
- pushindex = 0;
- cp = str;
- /* get first token */
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- /* pushBack - push one character back into the input */
- static pushBack(c)
- char c;
- {
- pushBuffer[pushindex++] = c;
- }
- /* nextChar - retrieve the next char, from buffer or input */
- static char nextChar()
- {
- if (pushindex > 0) cc = pushBuffer[--pushindex];
- else if (*cp) cc = *cp++;
- else cc = '\0';
- return(cc);
- }
- /* peek - take a peek at the next character */
- char peek()
- {
- pushBack(nextChar());
- return (cc);
- }
- /* isClosing - characters which can close an expression */
- static boolean isClosing(c)
- char c;
- {
- switch(c) {
- case '.': case ']': case ')': case ';':
- case '\"': case '\'':
- return(true);
- }
- return(false);
- }
- /* isSymbolChar - characters which can be part of symbols */
- static boolean isSymbolChar(c)
- char c;
- {
- if (isdigit(c) || isalpha(c)) return(true);
- if (isspace(c) || isClosing(c)) return(false);
- return(true);
- }
- /* singleBinary - binary characters that cannot be continued */
- static boolean singleBinary(c)
- char c;
- {
- switch(c) {
- case '[': case '(': case ')': case ']':
- return(true);
- }
- return(false);
- }
- /* binarySecond - return true if char can be second char in binary symbol */
- static boolean binarySecond(c)
- char c;
- {
- if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || isspace(c) || isClosing(c) ||
- singleBinary(c))
- return(false);
- return(true);
- }
- tokentype nextToken()
- { char *tp;
- boolean sign;
- /* skip over blanks and comments */
- while(nextChar() && (isspace(cc) || (cc == '"')))
- if (cc == '"') {
- /* read comment */
- while (nextChar() && (cc != '"')) ;
- if (! cc) break; /* break if we run into eof */
- }
- tp = tokenString;
- *tp++ = cc;
- if (! cc) /* end of input */
- token = inputend;
- else if (isalpha(cc)) { /* identifier */
- while (nextChar() && isalnum(cc))
- *tp++ = cc;
- if (cc == ':') {
- *tp++ = cc;
- token = namecolon;
- }
- else {
- pushBack(cc);
- token = nameconst;
- }
- }
- else if (isdigit(cc)) { /* number */
- longresult = cc - '0';
- while (nextChar() && isdigit(cc)) {
- *tp++ = cc;
- longresult = (longresult * 10) + (cc - '0');
- }
- if (longCanBeInt(longresult)) {
- tokenInteger = longresult;
- token = intconst;
- }
- else {
- token = floatconst;
- tokenFloat = (double) longresult;
- }
- if (cc == '.') { /* possible float */
- if (nextChar() && isdigit(cc)) {
- *tp++ = '.';
- do
- *tp++ = cc;
- while (nextChar() && isdigit(cc));
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- token = floatconst;
- *tp = '\0';
- tokenFloat = atof(tokenString);
- }
- else {
- /* nope, just an ordinary period */
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- pushBack('.');
- }
- }
- else
- pushBack(cc);
- if (nextChar() && cc == 'e') { /* possible float */
- if (nextChar() && cc == '-') {
- sign = true;
- ignore nextChar();
- }
- else
- sign = false;
- if (cc && isdigit(cc)) { /* yep, its a float */
- *tp++ = 'e';
- if (sign) *tp++ = '-';
- while (cc && isdigit(cc)) {
- *tp++ = cc;
- ignore nextChar();
- }
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- *tp = '\0';
- token = floatconst;
- tokenFloat = atof(tokenString);
- }
- else { /* nope, wrong again */
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- if (sign) pushBack('-');
- pushBack('e');
- }
- }
- else
- if (cc) pushBack(cc);
- }
- else if (cc == '$') { /* character constant */
- tokenInteger = (int) nextChar();
- token = charconst;
- }
- else if (cc == '#') { /* symbol */
- tp--; /* erase pound sign */
- if (nextChar() == '(')
- token = arraybegin;
- else {
- pushBack(cc);
- while (nextChar() && isSymbolChar(cc))
- *tp++ = cc;
- pushBack(cc);
- token = symconst;
- }
- }
- else if (cc == '\'') { /* string constant */
- tp--; /* erase pound sign */
- strloop:
- while (nextChar() && (cc != '\''))
- *tp++ = cc;
- /* check for nested quote marks */
- if (cc && nextChar() && (cc == '\'')) {
- *tp++ = cc;
- goto strloop;
- }
- pushBack(cc);
- token = strconst;
- }
- else if (isClosing(cc)) /* closing expressions */
- token = closing;
- else if (singleBinary(cc)) { /* single binary expressions */
- token = binary;
- }
- else { /* anything else is binary */
- if (nextChar() && binarySecond(cc))
- *tp++ = cc;
- else
- pushBack(cc);
- token = binary;
- }
- *tp = '\0';
- return(token);
- }