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- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- Improved incorporating suggestions by
- Steve Crawley, Cambridge University, October 1987
- Steven Pemberton, CWI, Amsterdam, Oct 1987
- memory management module
- This is a rather simple, straightforward, reference counting scheme.
- There are no provisions for detecting cycles, nor any attempt made
- at compaction. Free lists of various sizes are maintained.
- At present only objects up to 255 bytes can be allocated,
- which mostly only limits the size of method (in text) you can create.
- reference counts are not stored as part of an object image, but
- are instead recreated when the object is read back in.
- This is accomplished using a mark-sweep algorithm, similar
- to those used in garbage collection.
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # ifdef LIGHTC
- # include <unix.h>
- # include <storage.h>
- # include <proto.h>
- # endif
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # ifdef STRING
- # include <string.h>
- # endif
- # ifdef STRINGS
- # include <strings.h>
- # endif
- # ifdef ALLOC
- # include <alloc.h>
- # endif
- # ifndef ALLOC
- extern char *calloc();
- # endif
- boolean debugging = false;
- object sysobj; /* temporary used to avoid rereference in macros */
- object intobj;
- object symbols; /* table of all symbols created */
- /*
- in theory the objectTable should only be accessible to the memory
- manager. Indeed, given the right macro definitions, this can be
- made so. Never the less, for efficiency sake some of the macros
- can also be defined to access the object table directly
- Some systems (e.g. the Macintosh) have static limits (e.g. 32K)
- which prevent the object table from being declared.
- In this case the object table must first be allocated via
- calloc during the initialization of the memory manager.
- */
- # ifdef obtalloc
- struct objectStruct *objectTable;
- # endif
- # ifndef obtalloc
- struct objectStruct objectTable[ObjectTableMax];
- # endif
- /*
- The following variables are strictly local to the memory
- manager module
- FREELISTMAX defines the maximum size of any object.
- */
- # define FREELISTMAX 3000
- static object objectFreeList[FREELISTMAX];/* free list of objects */
- # ifndef mBlockAlloc
- # define MemoryBlockSize 6000
- /* the current memory block being hacked up */
- static object *memoryBlock; /* malloc'ed chunck of memory */
- static int currentMemoryPosition; /* last used position in above */
- # endif
- /* initialize the memory management module */
- noreturn initMemoryManager() {
- int i;
- # ifdef obtalloc
- objectTable = obtalloc(ObjectTableMax, sizeof(struct objectStruct));
- if (! objectTable)
- sysError("cannot allocate","object table");
- # endif
- /* set all the free list pointers to zero */
- for (i = 0; i < FREELISTMAX; i++)
- objectFreeList[i] = nilobj;
- /* set all the reference counts to zero */
- for (i = 0; i < ObjectTableMax; i++) {
- objectTable[i].referenceCount = 0;
- objectTable[i].size = 0;
- }
- /* make up the initial free lists */
- setFreeLists();
- # ifndef mBlockAlloc
- /* force an allocation on first object assignment */
- currentMemoryPosition = MemoryBlockSize + 1;
- # endif
- /* object at location 0 is the nil object, so give it nonzero ref */
- objectTable[0].referenceCount = 1;
- objectTable[0].size = 0;
- }
- /* setFreeLists - initialise the free lists */
- setFreeLists() {
- int i, size;
- register int z;
- register struct objectStruct *p;
- objectFreeList[0] = nilobj;
- for (z=ObjectTableMax-1; z>0; z--) {
- if (objectTable[z].referenceCount == 0){
- /* Unreferenced, so do a sort of sysDecr: */
- p= &objectTable[z];
- size = p->size;
- if (size < 0) size = ((-size) + 1)/2;
- p->class = objectFreeList[size];
- objectFreeList[size]= z;
- for (i= size; i>0; )
- p->memory[--i] = nilobj;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- mBlockAlloc - rip out a block (array) of object of the given size from
- the current malloc block
- */
- # ifndef mBlockAlloc
- object *mBlockAlloc(memorySize)
- int memorySize;
- { object *objptr;
- if (currentMemoryPosition + memorySize >= MemoryBlockSize) {
- /* we toss away space here. Space-Frugal users may want to
- fix this by making a new object of size
- MemoryBlockSize - currentMemoryPositon - 1
- and putting it on the free list, but I think
- the savings is potentially small */
- memoryBlock = (object *) calloc((unsigned) MemoryBlockSize, sizeof(object));
- if (! memoryBlock)
- sysError("out of memory","malloc failed");
- currentMemoryPosition = 0;
- }
- objptr = (object *) &memoryBlock[currentMemoryPosition];
- currentMemoryPosition += memorySize;
- return(objptr);
- }
- # endif
- /* allocate a new memory object */
- object allocObject(memorySize)
- int memorySize;
- { int i;
- register int position;
- boolean done;
- if (memorySize >= FREELISTMAX) {
- fprintf(stderr,"size %d\n", memorySize);
- sysError("allocation bigger than permitted","allocObject");
- }
- /* first try the free lists, this is fastest */
- if ((position = objectFreeList[memorySize]) != 0) {
- objectFreeList[memorySize] = objectTable[position].class;
- }
- /* if not there, next try making a size zero object and
- making it bigger */
- else if ((position = objectFreeList[0]) != 0) {
- objectFreeList[0] = objectTable[position].class;
- objectTable[position].size = memorySize;
- objectTable[position].memory = mBlockAlloc(memorySize);
- }
- else { /* not found, must work a bit harder */
- done = false;
- /* first try making a bigger object smaller */
- for (i = memorySize + 1; i < FREELISTMAX; i++)
- if ((position = objectFreeList[i]) != 0) {
- objectFreeList[i] = objectTable[position].class;
- /* just trim it a bit */
- objectTable[position].size = memorySize;
- done = true;
- break;
- }
- /* next try making a smaller object bigger */
- if (! done)
- for (i = 1; i < memorySize; i++)
- if ((position = objectFreeList[i]) != 0) {
- objectFreeList[i] =
- objectTable[position].class;
- objectTable[position].size = memorySize;
- # ifdef mBlockAlloc
- free(objectTable[position].memory);
- # endif
- objectTable[position].memory =
- mBlockAlloc(memorySize);
- done = true;
- break;
- }
- /* if we STILL don't have it then there is nothing */
- /* more we can do */
- if (! done)
- sysError("out of objects","alloc");
- }
- /* set class and type */
- objectTable[position].referenceCount = 0;
- objectTable[position].class = nilobj;
- objectTable[position].size = memorySize;
- return(position << 1);
- }
- object allocByte(size)
- int size;
- { object newObj;
- newObj = allocObject((size + 1) / 2);
- /* negative size fields indicate bit objects */
- sizeField(newObj) = - size;
- return newObj;
- }
- object allocStr(str)
- register char *str;
- { register object newSym;
- newSym = allocByte(1 + strlen(str));
- ignore strcpy(charPtr(newSym), str);
- return(newSym);
- }
- # ifdef incr
- object incrobj; /* buffer for increment macro */
- # endif
- # ifndef incr
- void incr(z)
- object z;
- {
- if (z && ! isInteger(z)) {
- objectTable[z>>1].referenceCount++;
- }
- }
- # endif
- # ifndef decr
- void decr(z)
- object z;
- {
- if (z && ! isInteger(z)) {
- if (--objectTable[z>>1].referenceCount <= 0) {
- sysDecr(z);
- }
- }
- }
- # endif
- /* do the real work in the decr procedure */
- sysDecr(z)
- object z;
- { register struct objectStruct *p;
- register int i;
- int size;
- p = &objectTable[z>>1];
- if (p->referenceCount < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"object %d\n", z);
- sysError("negative reference count","");
- }
- decr(p->class);
- size = p->size;
- if (size < 0) size = ((- size) + 1) /2;
- p->class = objectFreeList[size];
- objectFreeList[size] = z>>1;
- if (size > 0) {
- if (p->size > 0)
- for (i = size; i; )
- decr(p->memory[--i]);
- for (i = size; i > 0; )
- p->memory[--i] = nilobj;
- }
- p->size = size;
- }
- # ifndef basicAt
- object basicAt(z, i)
- object z;
- register int i;
- {
- if (isInteger(z))
- sysError("attempt to index","into integer");
- else if ((i <= 0) || (i > sizeField(z))) {
- ignore fprintf(stderr,"index %d size %d\n", i, (int) sizeField(z));
- sysError("index out of range","in basicAt");
- }
- else
- return(sysMemPtr(z)[i-1]);
- return(0);
- }
- # endif
- # ifndef simpleAtPut
- void simpleAtPut(z, i, v)
- object z, v;
- int i;
- {
- if (isInteger(z))
- sysError("assigning index to","integer value");
- else if ((i <= 0) || (i > sizeField(z))) {
- ignore fprintf(stderr,"index %d size %d\n", i, (int) sizeField(z));
- sysError("index out of range","in basicAtPut");
- }
- else {
- sysMemPtr(z)[i-1] = v;
- }
- }
- # endif
- # ifndef basicAtPut
- void basicAtPut(z, i, v)
- object z, v;
- register int i;
- {
- simpleAtPut(z, i, v);
- incr(v);
- }
- # endif
- # ifdef fieldAtPut
- int f_i;
- # endif
- # ifndef fieldAtPut
- void fieldAtPut(z, i, v)
- object z, v;
- register int i;
- {
- decr(basicAt(z, i)); basicAtPut(z, i, v);
- }
- # endif
- # ifndef byteAt
- int byteAt(z, i)
- object z;
- register int i;
- { byte *bp;
- unsigned char t;
- if (isInteger(z))
- sysError("indexing integer","byteAt");
- else if ((i <= 0) || (i > 2 * - sizeField(z))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"index %d size %d\n", i, sizeField(z));
- sysError("index out of range","byteAt");
- }
- else {
- bp = bytePtr(z);
- t = bp[i-1];
- fprintf(stderr,"byte at %d returning %d\n", i, (int) t);
- i = (int) t;
- }
- return(i);
- }
- # endif
- # ifndef byteAtPut
- void byteAtPut(z, i, x)
- object z;
- int i, x;
- { byte *bp;
- if (isInteger(z))
- sysError("indexing integer","byteAtPut");
- else if ((i <= 0) || (i > 2 * - sizeField(z))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"index %d size %d\n", i, sizeField(z));
- sysError("index out of range", "byteAtPut");
- }
- else {
- bp = bytePtr(z);
- bp[i-1] = x;
- }
- }
- # endif
- /*
- Written by Steven Pemberton:
- The following routine assures that objects read in are really referenced,
- eliminating junk that may be in the object file but not referenced.
- It is essentially a marking garbage collector algorithm using the
- reference counts as the mark
- */
- visit(x)
- register object x;
- {
- int i, s;
- object *p;
- if (x && !isInteger(x)) {
- if (++(objectTable[x>>1].referenceCount) == 1) {
- /* then it's the first time we've visited it, so: */
- visit(objectTable[x>>1].class);
- s = sizeField(x);
- if (s>0) {
- p = objectTable[x>>1].memory;
- for (i=s; i; --i) visit(*p++);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int objectCount()
- { register int i, j;
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < ObjectTableMax; i++)
- if (objectTable[i].referenceCount > 0)
- j++;
- return j;
- }