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- +-----------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | Amiga E v2.1b |
- | Compiler for The E Language |
- | By Wouter van Oortmerssen |
- | |
- | Introduction - Installation |
- | |
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- NOTE: Amiga E v2.1b is a bug-fix update, and it's functionally
- identicall to v2.1a, see chapter 4 for an overview.
- contents:
- 1. Introduction, The features
- 2. The distribution
- 3. Using the compiler
- 4. Changes from v2.1 to v2.1b
- 5. Additional information
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- E is a procedural higher programming language, mainly influenced by
- languages such as C and Modula2. It is an all-purpose programming language,
- and the Amiga implementation is specifically targeted at programming
- system applications. The major features of the language/this implementation
- include:
- - Compilation speed of 10.000 to 35.000 lines/minute on a 7mhz Amiga 500,
- 25.000 to 85.000 l/m on a 14mhz Amiga 1200 (both _without_ fastram)
- Faster than any other Amiga compiler.
- - Produces small and fast executables from source code in one go: linker,
- assembler and other program modules integrated into the compiler
- Very fast turnaround times even when running from your own editor.
- - True Inline Assembly with identifier sharing: a complete assembler
- has been build in to the language that interfaces with E in a
- natural fashion. However, assembly in E is 100% optional.
- - Module system for import of library definitions/constants/functions
- (much like TurboPascals UNITs); a large set of pre-compiled modules
- provide for great programming power and extendability.
- _All_ commodore's 2.04 includes available as E modules (E is
- still v1.3 compatible though).
- - Large amount of integrated system functions: OpenW(), OpenS(),
- Gadget(), WriteF(), TextF(), and numerous string/list/IO functions.
- - All library calls of Exec, Dos, Intuition and Graphics of 2.04
- integrated as system functions into the compiler: call them without
- opening the library or including files. All other libraries accessible too.
- - Flexible and powerful "type" system: one basic non-complex 32bit
- LONG variable, and datatypes ARRAY, STRING, LIST and OBJECT,
- code-security and generality through low-level polymorphism.
- - LISP functionality: quoted expressions, functions like
- Eval(), ForAll(), Exists(): Implement algorithms that would
- normally require lambda-functions.
- - immediate lists, typed lists: build complex data structures with
- all sort of data directly in expressions, make TagLists, structures,
- vararg function calls on the fly
- - exception handling a la ADA
- provide handlers on all kinds of levels in programs, define
- automatic exception raising for often used functions like
- memory allocations, and implement complex resource allocation
- schemes with ease through recursive calls of handlers.
- - compiles compact small programs with SMALL code/data model and large
- applications with LARGE model in seconds
- - Manageable development system: one executable (the compiler/assembler/
- linker) and optionally a set of Module files is all you will need.
- Negative points:
- - some features not (yet) implemented, like: OOP, creation of own modules,
- source level debugger etc.
- - *very* memory hungry: you're advised to have a minimum memory of 1 meg.
- on 512k machines, it's likely you won't get any further than helloworld;
- from 2 meg upwards, E works comfortably.
- - no 020/030/040/881 specific code-generation (yet).
- - Documentation on E starts to get better, but still very small.
- If these features haven't made you anxious to use E,
- I suggest you test-drive the compiler after reading this doc
- to "feel the power" yourself.
- This is what 'HelloWorld' looks like in E:
- /* nominated for Most Boring Example */
- PROC main()
- WriteF('Hello, World!\n')
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- Next to this .doc, you will find these three docs about E:
- Reference.doc Overview of the language.
- Tutorial.doc A step by step tutorial about programming in E.
- Utilities.doc description of support utilities that come with E and
- some example sources.
- Besides the above-mentioned doc files, the distribution should include:
- BIN contains the compiler EC and the support utilities
- MODULES Directory containing all Amiga 2.04 E modules.
- DOCS all documentation on E
- SOURCES /EXAMPLES simple examples for you to try
- /UTILITIES a directory with utilities, some supporting
- the compiler, all written in E
- /PROJECTS other, larger examples in E
- /OTHER example sources written by other authors
- This distribution should always be spread as a whole, with no
- additions or modifications.
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- To install Amiga E on your system, just copy the whole distribution to
- some place in your system, extend your path to the BIN directory, and
- assign EMODULES: to the MODULES directory.
- syntax of the compiler:
- EC [-opts] <sourcefile>
- As an example we'll compile the program 'HelloWorld.e'. The compiler will
- produce an executable 'HelloWorld'. Notez bien: the missing '.e' on
- the commandline is _obligatory_.
- 1> ec helloworld
- Amiga E Compiler/Assembler/Linker v1.8 (c) 1992 $#%!
- 1> helloworld
- Hello, World!
- 1> list
- HelloWorld.e 88 ----rwed Sunday 00:08:41
- helloworld 512 ----rwed Today 10:51:37
- 2 files - 4 blocks used
- Last note on compiling the examples: if a program uses module files
- for library definitions like:
- MODULE 'GadTools', 'Reqtools'
- the compiler needs to know where to find them. Two possible solutions:
- 1. you make the assignment "emodules:" to the modules directory (best).
- 2. you state in the source code where to look for modules, like:
- OPT DIR='dh0:src/e/modules'
- Options.
- these need to be written together, preceded by a "-":
- -l compiles with large code/data model. see OPT LARGE
- -a puts EC into assembler mode. see OPT ASM
- -n suppresses warnings. see OPT NOWARN
- -w puts wb to front (for scripts)
- -b shows buffer's memory usage information
- -mX forces EC to allocate more memory for its buffers.
- X ranges 1..9, the minimum number of 100k blocks to allocate.
- default is 1.
- example: EC -l blabla
- compiles blabla.e with large model.
- NOTE: in most standard cases you won't need to use any of these options
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- | 4. CHANGES FROM v2.1 TO v2.1b |
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- What's new in v2.1b:
- [ The primary goal for this release: v2.1 was already very stable,
- v2.1b should be even better now. ]
- - typed lists with expressions in them on CHAR fields would
- give unwanted results, i.e. [x+1]:CHAR
- - The SELECT statement gave unwanted results in some nested
- constructions
- - A RETURN statement within a HANDLE EXCEPT block was not
- properly supported.
- - the label "main" could not be used like other labels, i.e.
- {main} gave an error.
- - Exists() could give the wrong result.
- - bug fixed in "D.e" source
- - EC's command-line parsing didn't work well with some exotic shells.
- - the "-r" option has been discarded
- [ no "real" enhancements here, just the ones that came along ]
- - Docs have been revised somewhat
- - Even more examples. Especially worth mentioning:
- - the new version of ShowHunk.e by Jim Cooper that now understands just
- about ALL hunks, and features a complete disassembler (!)
- - The various tools/examples written by Diego Caravana
- - A new music programming language written by me.
- - '' is now an equivalent for \a in strings.
- - Rnd() now accepts a seed
- - function ListItem() added.
- Note about versions:
- It's very likely that v2.1b is the last version that will be released
- until v2.5 (major update!) comes out, for which no price has been set yet.
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- The Amiga E Compiler was developed over the course of more than one and a
- half year, after the author's idea of the ideal programming language, and
- the ideal amiga-specific compiler for it. It was programmed (as you might
- have guessed) in assembly, using the AsmOne assembler v1.02. All other
- support programs were written in E itself.
- Special thanks go to the following people/companies:
- RCS Management, Canada.
- Rob Verver - for continuous betatesting and comments/inspiration.
- James Cooper (SAS) - for testing enforcer/mungwall-proofness, comments
- and his contributions to the system.
- Jens Gelhar - for inspiration and advice.
- [ buy his great C++ compiler! (MaxonC++) 8-) ]
- I also would like to thank the following people for their efforts:
- Raymond Hoving, Erwin van Breemen, Paolo Silvera,
- Diego Caravana, Jeroen Vermeulen and Jan van den Baard.
- This compiler was programmed with great care towards reliability, and even
- more so the code it generates, additionally it has been tested and
- debugged for a long period. However, it is not impossible that it contains
- bugs. if you happen to find one, or have other comments/questions,
- write me at the address below: I _strongly_ prefer E-mail above
- conventional mail.
- NOTE WELL: due to the immense popularity of the previous version of
- Amiga E, I get an almost unreplyable amount of Email, some of which
- (50-75%) are questions that would not have been necessary if people
- read all the docs carefully. What I mean to say is that I like
- to receive Email, and I don't mind answering questions and helping
- people out with programming problems, but be sure to check all other
- information at your disposal (like the Amiga E docs or the RKRM's) to
- see if your question is relevant, before mailing me.
- I don't ask for any contributions (this is (still) PD, after all), but
- if you can afford it and you really like Amiga E, I suggest you send me a
- donation that you think is appropriate.
- Wouter van Oortmerssen ($#%!)
- Levendaal 87
- 2311 JG Leiden
- or better if you have access to Email:
- Wouter@alf.let.uva.nl (E-programming support)
- Wouter@mars.let.uva.nl (personal)
- Oortmers@gene.fwi.uva.nl (other)