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- +---------------------------------------+
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- | Amiga YAX Interpreter v0.x |
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- | (c) 1992 $#%! |
- | M A N U A L |
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- +---------------------------------------+
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Language
- 3. Built-in Functions
- +---------------------------------------+
- | 1. Introduction |
- +---------------------------------------+
- YAX stands for "Yet Another Instruction Code Set", as the author couldn't
- think of better name. YAX is a procedural language with LISP-syntax and
- evaluation, as well as somewhat lambda function application.
- In this manual it is asumed the reader possesses knowledge of other
- languages, as all 'obvious' explanations are left out. Readers for whom
- YAX would be their first programming language are advised to read
- a standard text on the subject 8-).
- +---------------------------------------+
- | 2. The Language |
- +---------------------------------------+
- Structure.
- The basic building block of a YAX program is called a term.
- Examples of terms are:
- integer constants: 1 2 100 -1
- string constants: 'a' 'hi folks!'
- variables: a count
- function calls: (+ 1 2) (* 3 (- 4 5))
- a function call is a list '()' with as first item the name of the
- function to be applied, followed by its arguments. With few execeptions,
- arguments to functions are again terms, so expressions may be built
- to infinite complexity. The main task of the interpreter is to
- evaluate these terms recursively.
- Format.
- between any two lexical elements, any number of spaces, tabs and linefeeds
- may be placed. Comments start with '/*' and end with '/*', may extend
- over several lines, and may be nested. following to statements are equal:
- (if(eq a 1)(for b 1 10(write'blabla'))) /* ugly */
- (if (eq a 1)
- (for b 1 10 (write 'blabla')) /* better */
- )
- +---------------------------------------+
- | 3. Built-in Functions |
- +---------------------------------------+
- If not explicitly stated, functions return 0. type of arguments:
- <term> any term
- <iterm> term that evaluates to integer
- <sterm> term that evaluates to string
- <var> term that is a variable
- <svar> term that is a string variable
- <func> term that evaluates to a function
- ... any number of terms of the same type may follow
- --> INTEGER MATH <--
- (add <iterm> ...) or (+ <iterm> ...)
- (sub <iterm> ...) or (- <iterm> ...)
- (mul <iterm> ...) or (* <iterm> ...)
- (div <iterm> ...) or (/ <iterm> ...)
- (and <iterm> ...)
- (or <iterm> ...)
- (not <iterm>)
- (eq <iterm> ...)
- (uneq <iterm> <iterm>)
- (smaller <iterm> <iterm>)
- (greater <iterm> <iterm>)
- These functions perform the functions you'd expect them to do.
- All boolean logic functions return true (-1) or false (0). and/or/not
- work as logical as well as bitwise operators.
- except for the last three, all functions handle any number of arguments,
- i.e. (eq 10 (+ 1 2 3 4) (* 2 5)) is a valid term.
- (for <var> <iterm> <iterm> <term> ...)
- (if <boolexp> <ifterm> <elseterm>)
- (do <term> ...)
- (select <iterm> <term> ...)
- (while <term> <term> ...)
- (until <term> <term> ...)
- (set <var> <term>)
- (defun <var> (<var> ...) <term> ...)
- (lambda (var ...) <term> ...)
- (apply <func> <term> ...)
- (array <var> <iterm>)
- (string <var>)
- --> INPUT OUTPUT <--
- (write <term> ...)
- (locate <iterm> <iterm>)
- (cls)
- (window <iterm> <iterm> <iterm> <iterm> <sterm>)
- (tell <sterm>) open a file for writing
- (told) close file
- (see <sterm>) open a file for reading
- (seen) close file
- (filelen <sterm>) get filelength
- (readint) read an integer
- (read <svar>) read a string
- (get) read one character
- (put <iterm>) write one character
- (dump) show all variables
- --> GRAPHICS <--
- (line <iterm> <iterm> <iterm> <iterm> <iterm>)
- (plot <iterm> <iterm> <iterm>)
- (box <iterm> <iterm> <iterm> <iterm> <iterm>)
- (text <iterm> <iterm> <iterm> <iterm> <sterm>)
- (mousex)
- (mousey)
- (mouse)