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- +-----------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | Amiga E v2.1b |
- | Compiler for The E Language |
- | By Wouter van Oortmerssen |
- | |
- | Utility.doc |
- | |
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- This document describes the functioning of the programs in the
- sources/ directory, and most important: the utilities found there.
- All of these programs are suplied in the form of an E-sourcecode,
- some also as executable (while being part of the compiler support
- utilities, rather than an example source)
- NOTE: the bigger programs in the Sources/Other and Sources/Projects
- directory have separate docs in the Docs/Utilities dir,
- others just have no documentation at all.
- contents: Utilities/ShowModule.e
- ShowHunk.e
- ShowChunk.e
- Iconvert.e
- Pragma2Module.e
- DirQuick.e
- D.e
- Watch.e
- Mem.e
- QuickLaunch.e
- SuperVisor.e
- Nkript.e
- /Bin/ecompile.rexx
- Examples/GadToolDemo.e
- AppMenuItem.e
- Req.e
- Reqtools.e
- Asl.e
- Ereq.e
- GetArgs.e
- WbArg.e
- ReadArgs.e
- Helloworld.e
- Shell.e
- Colourscreen.e
- 24bitColourDemo.e
- Other/Pyth.e
- Avail.e
- Draw.e
- Vd.e
- Talk.e
- Projects/Forth.e
- Pi.e
- RewriteGfx.e
- Yax.e
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/showmodule.e, bin/showmodule
- As you might have noticed, E's equivalent for "includes", modules,
- are binary files, much like those usually suplied with Modula2
- compilers, for example. To display the contents of such a file
- in readable ascii form, you may use showmodule:
- showmodule <modulespec>
- examples:
- 1> showmodule emodules:intuition/intuition.m
- 1> showmodule >gadtools.txt emodules:gadtools.m
- note that showmodule by default outputs to the console,
- and may be interrupted at any point by <ctrlc>.
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/showhunk.e, bin/showhunk
- Displays all types of executable files, and also object ".o"
- files as generated by (other) compilers/assemblers.
- will show you the (very simple) structure of executables generated
- by EC, but also support complex overlay-files. also dumps
- labels (like XREF's and XDEF's)
- showhunk <exefile>
- like: 1> showhunk helloworld
- 1> showhunk dpaint
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/showchunk.e
- shows the inner structure of all types of IFF files. does not
- display or play anything, but reports on a great number of chunks.
- this way you may find out how some animation is build up, or who
- is the author of a certain SMUS masterpiece.
- supports ILBM, ANIM, SMUS, 8SVX, FTXT, PREF, MDBI for now.
- showchunk <ifffile>
- 1> showchunk mypic.iff
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/iconvert.e, bin/iconvert
- sources/utilities/pragma2module.e, bin/pragma2module
- These two utilities are for advanced E-programmers only. if
- you don't feel like one (yet), skip this part.
- Iconvert will convert structure and constant definitions in
- assembly ".i" files to E modules, and pragma2module will do the
- same for SAS/C pragma library definition files. ofcourse, all
- commodores includes have already been converted this way, but
- say you find a nice PD library that you may want to use with E,
- you will need these utilities.
- most libraries come with various includes defining, most obvious,
- the library calls of the library, as well as the constants
- and structures (OBJECTs in E) that it uses. say that it is
- called "tools.library", then it will probably feature:
- pragmas/tools_pragmas.h
- includes/tools.h
- includes/tools.i
- then do:
- 1> pragma2module tools_pragmas.h
- rename the resulting "tools_pragmas.m" to "tools.m" and put it
- in emodules:, check with ShowModule if all went well.
- Now, in your program you may use tools.library:
- MODULE 'tools'
- PROC main()
- IF (toolsbase:=Openlibrary('tools.library',37))=NIL THEN error()
- toolsfunc()
- ...etc.
- convert tools.i with Iconvert to another tools.m, which you place in
- emodules:libraries, for example. Iconvert needs an assembler like
- the PD A68k to do the hard work of understanding the actual assembly.
- 1> iconvert tools.i
- see with showmodule what became of the ".i" file. use in your
- program with:
- MODULE 'libraries/tools'
- DEF x:toolsobj, y=TOOLS_CONST
- converting with Iconvert may require some assembly expertise, as
- Iconvert relies on the correct format of the ".i" file, just like
- commodores assembly includes. About 10% of the ".i" files need
- to be patched by hand to be "convertable". definitions that
- Iconvert judges correctly are amongst others
- <label> EQU <any_expression>
- STRUCTURE <sname>,0 ; if <>0, then <struct>_SIZEOF
- ULONG <sname>_<label>
- BPTR <sname>_<label>
- ; etc.
- LABEL <sname>_SIZEOF ; or "_SIZE"
- to get an idea what kind of assembly-expression Iconvert can
- handle, take a peek in the source code.
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/dirquick.e
- Very small directory lister, the little brother of D.e.
- does nothing fancy, but is a nice short example
- works with os v33
- +---------------------------------------+
- | D.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/d.e, bin/d, needs v37
- Universal directory lister suplied with Amiga E. called with no
- arguments, by just typing "d", it lists the current directory.
- template:
- DIR specifies an optional path to the dir you wish to list.
- may contain standard wildcard patterns like #?~[]%() etc.
- REC specifies that subdirectories should be listed recursively.
- COL <num> where n=1..3, by default, D list dirs in three columns to
- keep all nice and compact. specify 1 or 2 if you like.
- SIZE reports the size of each dir as it is being listed. note that
- combined with REC gives sizes of whole dir (sub-)trees.
- NOSORT by default, dirs are sorted before display. disable this with
- the NOSORT switch.
- NOFILES displays just dirs
- NODIRS displays just files
- FULL lists full path instead of just filename
- NOANSI doesn't use ansi display codes while printing
- TARGET <dir> specifies a target directory for use with DO. should
- end in either "/" or ":"
- DO <comline> specifies a commandline for automatic script generation.
- note that this uses up the rest of D's commandline.
- something should be said on the script feature: it enables you
- to perform repetitive tasks on whole dirs, or dir-trees. existing
- utilities that enabled you to do such tasks where mostly not
- flexible enough; d enables you to use the REC keyword in combination
- with scripts, allows for variable extensions: use <file>.o if
- the original name was <file>.s, and the spec. of a target:
- resulting files from the operation are placed in another dir, which
- can be a complete mirror image of another dir-tree. makedir
- statements are inserted if target: is empty.
- following format codes may be used in <commandline>:
- %s is file (filename+path)
- %f is file WITHOUT extension
- %r is file without extension, but with leading <dir> replaced by
- <target> (usefull if <commandline> allows for an outputfile)
- %> or %< %>> etc. prevents the shell from thinking ">" is a redirection
- for D, instead of <commandline>
- a complex example:
- you wish to have a complete ascii reference of the emodules:
- directory, recursively, and with the resulting .txt files
- as a mirror-image directory structure somewhere else.
- 1> D >ram:script emodules: REC TARGET=t:mods/ DO showmodule %>%r.txt %s
- 1> execute ram:script
- will do that for you.
- for any file like "emodules:exec/io.m" D will make a line like:
- "showmodule >t:mods/exec/io.txt emodules:exec/io.m"
- other examples: D >mydirlist dh0: COL=2 SIZE REC NOANSI
- D docs: DO type >prt: %s
- D asm: TARGET=obj: DO genam %s -o%r.o
- +---------------------------------------+
- | WATCH.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/watch.e, needs v37
- simply "watches" a file, using the new notification system
- of kick2.0. note: does not _prevent_ files from being modified,
- just tells you. usefull, for example, if you're installing a new
- software package, and you want to know wether the installer
- does something funny to your startup-sequence or user-startup.
- 1> run watch s:startup-sequence
- note that the only way to stop watching is asctually modifying
- the file. (or rebooting :-)
- +---------------------------------------+
- | MEM.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/mem.e
- simply dumps memory in a shell, usefull for hardcore-kamikaze
- debugging and the like.
- try:
- 1> mem $f80000 ; only if you have a non-moved kick2.0 or better
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/quicklaunch.e
- Pops up a window with gadgets named after utils mentioned in a
- text file, to be able to launch them. Allows for the control of
- outputwindows when run from workbench.
- Needs textfile named "s:quicklaunch.config" to know what to run.
- format: odd lines = names, even = path of utils. be sure
- to add exactly one last <return>
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/supervisor.e
- A very small system-monitor, displays tasks and the like.
- Press different gadgets to see different lists.
- Lists are only updated when gadgets are pressed or the
- supervisor window is resized.
- +---------------------------------------+
- | NKRIPT.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/utilities/nkript.e
- Nkript is very simple file (de)coder
- USAGE: nkript <file>
- nkript asks for a 4 letter key, and a 3 letter pincode.
- as nkript uses EOR, you may use this program to code and
- decode. the key and pincode are not stored anywhere, so it
- _relatively_ safe. this has the effect that if you type the
- wrong key, no error is given, but the file is simply
- decoded wrong.
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- /bin/ecompile.rexx
- As this was the only Arexx script in the distribution, i threw
- it in the Bin directory. I hope to be able to include more rexx
- scripts in some next release, for other editors
- This is a rexx-script for CygnusEd (tm), and enables you to
- compile E programs from the editor. Just assign this script
- a function key in the editor with "Install Dos/Arexx command ..."
- (check your CED-manual if you're not sure how to do this).
- Now write your programs, and press Fx if you wish to compile.
- Your source will be saved if necessary, the compiler will be
- invoked on a separate console window, and the program is run
- on the same console. When your program is done, you may press
- <return> to return to the editor (CED-screen to back and front is
- automatically done by the script). If an error occurred during
- compilation, the script will let CED jump to the line of
- error after you pressed <return>
- Note: in the script is a path names as to were the compiler
- can be found. You probably need to change this. Also, the script
- copies EC to ram: for systems with a slower SYS: device, you may
- want to disable this if you have a fast HD.
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/examples/gadtoolsdemo.e
- sources/examples/appmenuitem.e
- Two examples that show nicely how to do 2.0-system-programming
- in Amiga E. Especially the extensive use of (typed-)lists
- in gadtoolsdemo.e is impressive.
- +---------------------------------------+
- | REQ.E |
- | ASL.E |
- | EREQ.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/examples/req.e
- sources/examples/reqtools.e
- sources/examples/asl.e
- sources/examples/ereq.e
- Four examples that show usage of all sorts of requesters from
- external libraries and system programming. the first two are
- ofcourse about the two famous PD requester libraries, while the
- last two demo requester facilities that come with kick2.0
- +---------------------------------------+
- | WBARG.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/examples/getargs.e
- sources/examples/readargs.e
- sources/examples/wbarg.e
- Three examples that show how to get your args to your programs.
- the first two are about commandline args from a shell, the last
- about getting args in a workbench environment. of the firts two,
- the first is the general example, while the second is 2.0 specific,
- using ReadArgs().
- +---------------------------------------+
- | SHELL.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/examples/helloworld.e
- sources/examples/colourscreen.e
- sources/examples/shell.e
- The three simplest, most straight forward examples to start with.
- give you a basic impression what E can look like.
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/examples/24bitcolourdemo.e
- A small demo demonstrating the new 24bit palette of the newer AA
- Amigas. You'll need such an amiga and kick3 to run this demo, ofcourse.
- The demo will draw lines in 256 tints and less on the screen, and then
- lets you manipulate the colour-registers by pressing the leftMB on some
- (x,y) spot on the screen. These coordinates will serve as RGB values.
- To quit, press the rightMB.
- +---------------------------------------+
- | PYTH.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/other/pyth.e
- An example variable-depth pythagoras tree generating program
- written by Raymond Hoving. Uses "reqtools.library".
- +---------------------------------------+
- | AVAIL.E |
- | DRAW.E |
- | VD.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/other/avail.e
- sources/other/draw.e
- sources/other/vd.e
- Three little examples written by Erwin van Breemen, including
- an avail replacement, an image-processing package :-), and a
- vector checker.
- +---------------------------------------+
- | TALK.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/other/talk.e
- A cli command written by Rob Verver that uses the 2.0 narrator.device
- to say texts. It allows for setting of _all_ new speech parameters
- through command line options.
- +---------------------------------------+
- | FORTH.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/projects/forth.e
- A _very_ simple forth interpreter. nice example of how easy one
- can build interpreters for languages like this. It is far
- from a finished forth interpreter, so may be used to see how
- forth works, or as a stack-featured calculator.
- +---------------------------------------+
- | PI.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/projects/pi.e
- A pi calculation program. nothing special except that it is one
- of the few program that demonstrate clearly the use of the inline
- assembler, and how to interface with E.
- +---------------------------------------+
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/projects/rewritegfx.e
- a graphics plotting system that uses rewrite-grammars. the idea is
- that the description of an image (much like some fractals i know)
- is denoted in a grammar, which is then used to plot the gfx.
- the system uses turtlegraphics for plotting, and some forth-heritage
- for additional power. the program is not meant to actually "used";
- change to different graphics with the CONST in the sources, to
- see what the grammars do.
- +---------------------------------------+
- | YAX.E |
- +---------------------------------------+
- sources/projects/yax.e
- sources/projects/yaxsrc/#?.yax
- this is a complete programming language written in E, together with
- some example sources. It was written as an experiment to create
- a normal procedural programming language that is simpler in
- concept and more consistent. In the docs/utilities directory
- you'll find the complete doc that I threw together for those of
- you who want to explore this language.
- the directory Sources/Projects/YaxSrc also contain a source
- written by someone else, Ypaint by Ben Schaeffer