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- ;/* MakeKickFile.e - Execute me to compile with Amiga E v2.1
- ec MakeKickFile
- quit
- */
- /*
- ** $Filename: MakeKickFile.e $
- ** $Release: 1.1 $
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1991-1993 Jaba Development.
- ** Written by Jan van den Baard
- **
- ** Create a rom-kick file of the machine it is run on.
- ** It can create 256K and 512K ROM files.
- **
- ** This is a direct translation from my original C code
- ** and the first thing I wrote in Amiga E. Therefore it
- ** might not make full use of E it's special features.
- ** Please forgive me for that.
- **
- ** The usage is simple. You pass this program a filename
- ** and, if the rom size is known, it will write the ROM
- ** of the machine to the file. It writes the ROM, *NOT*
- ** a soft-kicked rom.
- **
- ** The output can be used by setcpu or skick to boot up
- ** a machine with the ROM file.
- **
- ** I have successfully tested it with an A1200 ROM on
- ** a A2500.
- **
- ** No testing has been made with a 1.2/1.3 ROM file.
- ** I don't have access to a 1.2/1.3 machine.
- **
- ** This really is a hack...but a hack that works!
- **/
- MODULE 'dos/dos'
- /* ROM size constants and magic cookies */
- CONST SMALLROM = $00040000, SMALLMAGIC = $11114EF9,
- BIGROM = $00080000, BIGMAGIC = $11144EF9
- /* C= RomFileHeader structure */
- OBJECT romfileheader
- alwaysnil : LONG /* like it says -: always NIL */
- romsize : LONG /* the size of the ROM */
- /* only three excpetion errors... */
- /* here we go... */
- PROC main() HANDLE
- DEF outfile = NIL,
- base = NIL : PTR TO LONG,
- size = NIL,
- len = NIL,
- rk, rfh : romfileheader
- WriteF( '\e[1mMakeKickFile version 1.1 - (C) 1991-1993 Jaba Development\e[0m\n' );
- /* no args or "?" as arg then print the usage */
- IF StrCmp( arg, '', 1 ) OR StrCmp( arg, '?', 2 ) THEN Raise( ER_USAGE )
- /* first try for a 512 KB ROM */
- base := $00F80000
- /* if the magic cookie isn't BIGMAGIC then it must be a 256 KB ROM */
- IF ( base[ 0 ] <> BIGMAGIC ) THEN base := $00FC0000
- /* let's see what ROM we are dealing with */
- rk := base[ 0 ]
- CASE SMALLMAGIC; size := SMALLROM /* 256 KB */
- CASE BIGMAGIC; size := BIGROM /* 512 KB */
- DEFAULT; Raise( ER_UNKNOWN ) /* unknown... */
- /* show the ROM size */
- WriteF( 'ROM Size = \dKByte.\n', size / 1024 )
- /* open the kick-file */
- IF ( outfile := Open( arg, MODE_NEWFILE ))
- WriteF( 'Writing KickFile image...\n' )
- rfh.alwaysnil := NIL /* set this field to NIL */
- rfh.romsize := size /* put the ROM size here */
- len := Write( outfile, rfh, 8 ) /* write the romfileheader */
- len := len + Write( outfile, base, size ) /* write the rom */
- Close( outfile ) /* close the kick-file */
- /* was the writing successfull? */
- IF ( ( len <> ( size + 8 )) OR IoErr() ) THEN Raise( ER_IO )
- /* could not open the file! */
- WriteF( 'Unable to open the output file!\n' )
- /* exception handler for when no output name was given
- or the ROM is not recognized or an IO error. */
- SELECT exception
- CASE ER_USAGE; WriteF( 'Usage: MakeKickFile <romfilename>\n' )
- CASE ER_UNKNOWN; WriteF( 'Unknown ROM! Exiting...\n' )
- DEFAULT; PrintFault( IoErr(), 'Error -' )