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- One of the advantages with C compared to other high level
- languages is that you are allowed to deep down into the
- computer and directly modify bits and bytes. Some processes
- that are normally very complicated and tideous to do can
- sometimes easily be solved by working directly with the
- memory. The code will then be much smaller, faster, and
- actually also (normally) much easier to understand.
- To be able to manipulate single bits can sometimes be very
- handy and sometimes even necessary. A "bit" is the smalest
- item in the computer and can only be on (1) or off (0). A
- "group" of eight bits is usually reffered as one "byte", and
- can represent 256 values (2^8=256). A group of sixteen bits
- (two bytes) is called one "word". A group of 32 bits (four
- bytes or two words) is called one "long", and finally a group
- of 64 bits (eight bytes or four words of two long) is called
- "double". See appendix E "Data Types" for more information
- about these data types.
- Usually you are working with the data types mentioned above
- (bytes, words and so on), but you can directrly work with
- single bits. I will in this chapter try to explain how you
- can manipulate single bits, which operators you may use, and
- what effect they have.
- There exist six different binary operators in C:
- 1. Bitwise AND (&)
- 2. Bitwise OR (|)
- 3. Bitwise EXCL OR (^)
- 4. Bitwise INVERT (~)
- 5. LEFT SHIFT (<<)
- 6. RIGHT SHIFT (>>)
- I will below give a short description for each operator
- together with some examples. When I use the word "on" I mean
- the bit is 1, and the word "off" when the bit is 0.
- 8.2.1 (&) BITWISE AND
- The bitwise operator "&" is used to compare each bit in the
- first data field with the corresponding bit in the second bit
- field. If both bits are on (1 and 1), the result is 1. In all
- other cases, one of the bits is on and the other is off, or
- both is off, the result is 0. The "truth table" for AND looks
- like this:
- AND (&)
- ----------
- 0 & 0 -> 0
- 0 & 1 -> 0
- 1 & 0 -> 0
- 1 & 1 -> 1
- For example: (11101000) & (10111001) -> (10101000)
- (11101000)
- & (10111001)
- ------------
- (10101000)
- This operator is very useful if you whant to turn some bits off,
- but keep others unchanged. Say you have the field (10110011),
- and you what to make sure all last four bits are off, but the
- first four unchanged. What you have to to is to create a "mask"
- which would look like this (11110000). If you then use the
- binary operator AND on the field you want to change together
- with this "mask", the new field will have all last four bits
- turned off, but leave the first four unchanged (10110000).
- (10110011) The field you want to change
- & (11110000) The "mask"
- ------------
- (10110000) Result
- In 'C' it could look something like this: (UBYTE is declared
- in header file "exec/types.h" and can be replaced with
- "unsigned char".)
- UBYTE my_flag_field = 0xB3; /* binary: (10110011) */
- UBYTE my_mask = 0xF0; /* binary: (11110000) */
- UBYTE my_new_flag_field;
- my_new_flag_field = my_flag_field & my_mask;
- 8.2.2 (|) BITWISE OR
- The bitwise operator "|" is used to compare each bit in the
- first data field with the corresponding bit in the second bit
- field. If both bits or one of them are on, the result is 1. It
- is only when both bits are off the result will be 0. The "truth
- table" for OR looks like this:
- OR (|)
- ----------
- 0 | 0 -> 0
- 0 | 1 -> 1
- 1 | 0 -> 1
- 1 | 1 -> 1
- For example: (11101000) | (10111001) -> (11111001)
- (11101000)
- | (10111001)
- ------------
- (11111001)
- This operator is normally used when you want to add (turn on)
- some bits but leave all others unchanged. As you probably
- already have seen in several examples in this manual, the OR
- operator can be used to add "flags" (bits) to a field.
- A "flag" is actually a name which represents one single bit.
- For example, the flag "WINDOWCLOSE" is declared in header
- file "intuition/intuition.h" to 0x0008 (0000000000001000),
- and WINDOWDRAG to 0x0002 (0000000000000010). If you want to
- add these to flags you simply put the OR operator between
- them.
- In 'C' it would look something like this:
- WORD my_window_flags;
- my_window_flags = WINDOWCLOSE | WINDOWDRAG;
- The bitwise operator "^" is used to compare each bit in the
- first data field with the corresponding bit in the second bit
- field. If one bit is on and the other off the result will be 1.
- If both bits are on or both bits are off the result will be 0.
- The "truth table" for EXCLUSIVE OR looks like this:
- EXCL OR (^)
- -----------
- 0 ^ 0 -> 0
- 0 ^ 1 -> 1
- 1 ^ 0 -> 1
- 1 ^ 1 -> 0
- For example: (11101000) ^ (10111001) -> (01010001)
- (11101000)
- | (10111001)
- ------------
- (01010001)
- 8.2.4 (~) BITWISE INVERT
- The bitwise operator "~" is used to invert each bit in the
- data field. If the bit was on it will be turned off, and if
- the bit was off it will be turned on. The "truth table" for
- INVERT looks like this:
- INVERT (~)
- ----------
- ~ 1 -> 0
- ~ 0 -> 1
- For example: ~(11101000) -> (00010111)
- ~ (11101000)
- ------------
- (00010111)
- 8.2.5 (<<) LEFT SHIFT
- The operator "<<" is used to move all bits in a field a
- specified number of steps to the left. The number of steps is
- stated just after the operator. The right part of the field
- will be replaced with 0:s.
- For example: (11101000) << 2 -> (10100000)
- This operator is very useful when you want to multiply a value
- with another value which is a power of two. This operation is
- very easy for the computer and therefore extremely fast. To
- multiply a value with two, move the bits one step to the left.
- To multiplay a value with four, move the bits two steps to the
- left and so on.
- --------------------------------
- value << 1 same as: value * 2
- value << 2 same as: value * 4
- value << 3 same as: value * 8
- value << 4 same as: value * 16
- value << 5 same as: value * 32
- and so on...
- 8.2.6 (>>) RIGHT SHIFT
- The operator ">>" is used to move all bits in a field a
- specified number of steps to the right. The number of steps is
- stated just after the operator. The left part of the field
- will be replaced with 0:s.
- For example: (11101000) >> 2 -> (00111010)
- This operator is very useful when you want to divide a value
- with another value which is a power of two. This operation is
- very easy for the computer and therefore extremely fast. To
- divide a value with two, move the bits one step to the right.
- To divide a value with four, move the bits two steps to the
- right and so on.
- --------------------------------
- value >> 1 same as: value / 2
- value >> 2 same as: value / 4
- value >> 3 same as: value / 8
- value >> 4 same as: value / 16
- value >> 5 same as: value / 32
- and so on...