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- Example1
- This program will open a low-resolution, non-Interlaced,
- eight colour Custom Screen. It will display it for 30
- seconds, and then close it.
- Example2
- Same as Example1 except that the screen will be a high-
- resolution, Interlaced, 4 colour Custom Screen.
- Example3
- Same as Example1 except that we will use the TOPAZ_SIXTY
- Italic style as default font. (See chapter 3 GRAPHICS for
- more information about text styles.)
- Example4
- This program will open two screens, one (low-resolution 32
- colours) at the top of the display, and one (high-resolution
- 16 colours) a bit down.
- Example5
- Same as Example4 except that after 10 seconds the low-
- resolution screen will move down 75 lines. After another 10
- seconds it will be put in front of all other screens. 10
- seconds later it will move down another 75 lines. The program
- will wait 10 seconds before the screens are closed and the
- program exits.
- Example6
- This program will open a low-resolution, non-Interlaced, 4
- colour Custom Screen. It will after 5 seconds start to change
- the screens colours, and will after a while close the screen
- and exit.
- Example1
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. It will display it for 30 seconds, and
- then close it.
- Example2
- This program will open a high resolution 16 colour Custom
- Screen and a normal window which is connected to it. It will
- display it for 30 seconds, and then close the Custom Screen
- and the window.
- Example3
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System Gadgets,
- and will automatically Activate the window. It will display
- it for 30 seconds, and then close it. (Remember that the
- Close Gadget does NOT close the window by itself, it will
- only inform you that the user wants to close it. But in
- this example we will not listen to what the user wants.)
- Example4
- This program will open two normal windows which are connected
- to the Workbench Screen. The windows will use all System
- Gadgets. It will display them for 30 seconds, and then close
- them.
- Example5
- This program will open a Borderless window which is connected
- to the Workbench Screen. It will display it for 30 seconds,
- and then quit.
- Example6
- Same as Example5 except that the window will also use all
- System Gadgets.
- Example7
- This program will open three windows, two are normal and the
- third is a Backdrop window. The windows will use all System
- Gadgets, except the Backdrop window, which only can use the
- close-window gadget. After 30 seconds the program quits. (Try
- to push either window 1 or 2 behind the Backdrop window.)
- Example8
- This program will open a SuperBitMap window which is
- connected to the Workbench Screen. Since it is a SuperBitMap
- we also make the window into a Gimmezerozero window. The
- window will use all System Gadgets, and some boxes will be
- drawn. It will display the window for 30 seconds, and then
- close it. (Shrink the window, and then enlarge it again, and
- you will noticed that the lines are still there!)
- Example9
- This program will open a normal window with all system
- gadgets connected to it. If you activate the window, the
- pointer will change shapes into a "nice" arrow.
- Example10
- This program will open a two normal windows with all system
- gadgets connected to them. If the first window is Activated,
- the pointer will change shapes into a Zzz symbol, if the
- second window is activated, the pointer will look like a
- pistol.
- Example1
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. We will then draw a strange line with
- help of Intuition's Border structure.
- Example2
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. We will then draw two rectangles with
- different colours. This shows how you can link Border
- structures to each other in order to get the desired effects.
- Example3
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. We will then print a text string with
- help of Intuition's IntuiText structure.
- Example4
- Same as Example3 except that the text will be printed with
- underlined italic characters.
- Example5
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. We will then draw the little nice arrow
- we talked so much about.
- Example6
- Same as Example5 except that we will draw it several times in
- different colours. This shows how PlanePick/PlaneOnOff works.
- Example7
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. We will then draw the nice 4 colour
- face that was described in chapter 3.5 IMAGES.
- Example8
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- a 16-colour Custom screen. In the window we will draw the
- famous AMIGA-logo.
- Example1
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System
- Gadgets, and will close first when the user has selected the
- System gadget Close window. (Same as Example3 in chapter 2
- WINDOWS, except that we have added an IDCMP check on the
- Close window gadget.)
- Example2
- Same as Example1 except that we have added a Boolean gadget
- with the text "PRESS ME".
- Example3
- Same as Example2 except that the on/off state of the gadget
- is toggled each time the user hits the gadget.
- Example4
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System
- Gadgets, and will close first when the user has selected
- the System gadget Close window. Inside the window we have put
- two Boolean gadgets with the text "GADGET 1" and "GADGET 2".
- Example5
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System Gadgets,
- and will close first when the user has selected the System
- gadget Close window. Inside the window we have put a Boolean
- gadget with two Image structures connected to it. Each time
- the user clicks on the gadget it will change images, lamp
- on/lamp off.
- Example6
- This program will open a normal window which is connected
- to the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System
- Gadgets, and will close first when the user has selected the
- System gadget Close window. Inside the window we have put a
- Boolean gadget with a connecting mask. The gadget will only
- be highlighted when the user selects this gadget while
- pointing inside the specified (masked) area.
- Example7
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System
- Gadgets, and will close first when the user has selected the
- System gadget Close window. Inside the window we have put a
- String gadget.
- Example8
- Same as Example7 except that it is an Integer gadget.
- Example9
- Same as Example7 except that it is a Proportional gadget.
- Example10
- Same as Example9 except that the Proportional gadget uses a
- custom image knob.
- Example11
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System
- Gadgets, and will close first when the user has selected the
- System gadget Close window. Inside the window we have put a
- Proportional gadget where the knob can be moved both
- horizontally and vertically.
- Example12
- This program will open a SuperBitmap window which is
- connected to the Workbench Screen. The window will use all
- System Gadgets, and will close first when the user has
- selected the System gadget Close window. Inside the window we
- have put two Proportional gadgets, one on the right side, and
- one at the bottom. With help of these two gadgets, the user
- can move around the BitMap.
- This example is for experienced programmers only, since it
- uses some functions etc which we have not discussed yet. I
- have, however, included it here since it is a good example on
- how you can combine Proportional gadgets with SuperBitmap
- windows.
- Example13
- This example demonstrates how to use six string gadgets which
- are automatically activated (selected) when the user release
- the gadget above.
- Example1
- This example opens a Simple requester by calling the function
- AutoRequest. It displays a message "This is a very simple
- requester!", and has only one gadget connected to it (on the
- right side of the requester) with the text "OK".
- Example2
- Same as Example1, except that the requester displays a
- message "Do you really want to quit?", and allows the user to
- choose between "Yes" and "No". The program will continue to
- reopen the requester until the user has chosen "Yes".
- Example3
- Same as Example1, except that this requester displays a
- message "Insert a disk in any drive!", and allows the user to
- choose between "Yes" and "No". The program will continue to
- reopen the requester until the user has chosen "Yes" or
- inserted a disk.
- Example4
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System Gadgets,
- and will close first when the user has selected the System
- gadget Close window. Inside the window we have activated an
- Application requester with a connecting gadget. The requester
- will first be satisfied when the user has selected the
- gadget, and will then be deactivated. The window can now be
- closed.
- Example5
- Same as Example4, except that the requester is first
- activated when the user double-clicks on the right mouse
- button. This example shows how to create a Double-menu
- requester, and how to monitor the IDCMP flags REQSET and
- Example6
- Same as Example5, except that whenever the user double-
- clicks on the right mouse button, we will receive a REQVERIFY
- message, and first when we have replied, will the requester
- be activated. This example shows how to use the REQVERIFY
- flag.
- Example7
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System Gadgets,
- and will close first when the user has selected the System
- gadget Close window. Inside the window we have activated an
- Application requester with three connecting gadgets. Two are
- Boolean gadgets ("OK and "CANCEL"), and one is a String
- gadget.
- Example8
- Same as Example7, except that it is an Integer gadget.
- Example9
- Same as Example8, except that it is a Proportional gadget.
- Example 10
- This example demonstrates how you use a requester with a
- predrawn bitmap. This is very useful when you want colourful
- and catching requesters. The advantage with a special bitmap
- is that if the window which the requester is tied to is
- resized, the drawing will not be destroied.
- The graphics data is stored in a separate file called
- "Example10Graphics.c". Both this and the graphical file
- should be compiled separately, then linked together. If you
- have a SAS (Lattice) C Compiler you would do like this:
- lc Example10.c
- lc Example10Graphics.c
- blink with Example10.lnk
- This program will NOT try to erase the disk! It is ony a
- demonstration how to use a requester.
- 2.6 ALERTS
- Example1
- This example displays an Alert message at the top of the
- display.
- 2.7 MENUS
- Example1
- This program opens a normal window to which we connect a menu
- strip. The menu consists of four items: Plain, Bold,
- Underlined and Italic. The user can select either Plain or a
- combination of the other styles. (If the user selects Plain
- all other modes will be mutual excluded, but if the user on
- the other hand selects Bold, Underlined or Italic, only the
- Plain option will be mutual excluded.
- This example also shows how a program should handle the IDCMP
- flags, and how to collect several messages from one single
- menu event.
- Example2
- This example is very similar to Example1, but we have this
- time put the edit styles in a subitem box which is connected
- to the one and only item box called "Style".
- Example3
- This example is very similar to Example2, but the user can
- this time also access the subitems from the keyboard. For
- example, to select Bold the user only needs to press the
- right Amiga key [A] together with the "B" key.
- Example4
- This program opens a normal window to which we connect a menu
- strip. The menu consists of two items: Readmode and Editmode.
- The readmode item is selected and ghosted, and when the user
- selects the editmode item, it will become disabled (ghosted)
- while the readmode item will be enabled (not ghosted). This
- means that if the program is in "readmode", the user should
- only be able to chose the "editmode", and v.v. The purpose
- with this program is to show how you can use the OnMenu and
- OffMenu functions in order to make an "user-friendly
- interface".
- Example5
- Exactly as Example1 except that we have changed Intuition's
- checkmark to our own customized "arrow".
- Example6
- This program opens a normal window to which we connect a menu
- strip. The menu consists of six small dices which are all
- action items. This example shows how you can use Images
- inside a menu.
- Example7
- This program opens a normal window to which we connect a menu
- strip. The menu consists of one small action item with two
- images.
- Example8
- Same as Example1 except that we this time will verify any
- menu operations. If the user tries to activate this program's
- menu we check if the position of the pointer is somewhere at
- the top of the window (less than 10 lines down). In that case
- the menu operation will continue as normal, otherwise we
- cancel the menu operation.
- 2.8 IDCMP
- Example1
- This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag MOUSEBUTTONS.
- Example2
- This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag MOUSEMOVE.
- Example3
- This program explains how to use the IDCMP flags: NEWSIZE,
- Example4
- This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag SIZEVERIFY.
- Example5
- This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag RAWKEY.
- Example6
- This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag VANILLAKEY.
- Example7
- This program explains how to use the IDCMP flags:
- Example8
- This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag INTUITICKS.
- Example9
- This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag
- REFRESHWINDOW, and how to optimize the redrawing of the
- window.
- Example1
- This example shows how to allocate, and deallocate memory.
- Example2
- This example shows how to allocate and deallocate memory with
- help of the functions AllocRemember(), and FreeRemember().
- Example3
- This example shows how to get a copy of the preferences.
- Example4
- This example shows how to handle double mouse button events.
- Example5
- This example prints out the current time.