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- The Intuition Library must have been opened before you may use
- the functions listed in this file.
- /* Include the intuition definitions: */
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- /* Declare a pointer to the Intuition Library: */
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- /* Open the Intuition Library: */
- IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 0 );
- if( !IntuitionBase )
- exit(); /* Could NOT open the Intuition Library! */
- /* ... */
- /* Close the Intuition Library: */
- CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- ActivateGadget()
- This function is used to activate a string or integer gadget,
- although other gadgets too can be activated (selected) with
- this function. This function can be used to make it easier
- for the user to input text or values. Since the function will
- automatically activate (select) a specified gadget can the
- user continue to keep his/her fingers on the keyboard and
- does not have to fiddle around with the mouse each time he/
- she wants to input some values.
- Synopsis: ActivateGadget( gadget, window, requester );
- gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget which
- should be selected.
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which the
- gadget is connected to.
- requester: (struct Requester *) If the gadget is connected to
- a requester, set this pointer to point to that
- requester, else NULL. Important, if this gadget is
- connected to a requester, it must be displayed
- when you execute this command! (See chapter 5
- REQUESTERS for more information about requesters.)
- ActivateWindow()
- This function is used to activate a specified window.
- Synopsis: ActivateWindow( window );
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which
- should be activated. Note! The window must be open
- when you call the function!
- AddGadget()
- This function adds a gadget to the gadget list.
- Synopsis: result = AddGadget( window, gadget, position );
- result: (long) The actual position of the gadget when it
- has been added.
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window, to which
- the gadget should be added.
- gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget which will
- be added.
- position: (long) Position in the gadget list. (Starts from
- zero). Eg:
- 0 -> Before all other gadgets.
- 1 -> After the first gadget, but before the
- second.
- If a too big value is entered (or -1), the gadget
- will be placed last in the list.
- Important, after your program has added the necessary
- gadgets, you need to call the function RefreshGadgets() in
- order to see your changes. You may add (or take away) several
- gadgets, but when you are finished you must call that
- function.
- AddVSprite()
- This function will add a VSprite to the VSprite list.
- Synopsis: AddVSprite( vsprite, rp );
- vsprite: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to an initialized
- VSprite structure.
- rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
- AllocRemember()
- This function allocates both memory (same as AllocMem), but
- will also allocate space for a Remember structure which are
- initialized with the size of the allocated memory, and a
- pointer to that memory. Each time the program allocates
- memory with this function, the Remember structures are linked
- together.
- Since the Remember structures contains all necessary
- information about the memory, and are linked together, all
- memory can be deallocated with one single function call
- (FreeRemember()).
- Synopsis: memory = AllocRemember( remember, size, type );
- memory: (char *) Pointer to the new allocated memory, or
- NULL if no memory could be allocated. Remember!
- Never use memory which you have not successfully
- allocated.
- remember: (struct Remember **) Address of a pointer to a
- Remember structure. Before you call the
- AllocRemember() function for the first time you
- should set this pointer to NULL. (Note that it is
- a pointer to a pointer!)
- size: (long) The size (in bytes) of the memory you want.
- (AllocMem() always allocates memory in multiples of
- eight bytes. So if you only ask for 9 bytes, Exec
- would actually give you 16 Bytes (2*8).)
- type: (long) You need to choose one of the three
- following types of memory (see chapter 0
- INTRODUCTION for more information about Chip and
- Fast memory):
- MEMF_CHIP Chip memory. This memory can be
- accessed by both the main processor, as
- well as the Chips. Graphics/Sound data
- MUST therefore be placed in Chip memory.
- If it does not matter what type of
- memory you get (Fast or Chip), you
- should try to allocate Fast memory
- before you allocate Chip memory. (Chip
- memory is more valuable than Fast
- memory.)
- MEMF_FAST Fast memory. This memory can only be
- accessed by the main processor.
- (Graphics and Sound data can NOT be
- stored in Fast memory, use Chip memory.)
- This memory is normally a little bit
- faster than Chip memory, since only the
- main processor is working with it, and
- it is not disturbed by the Chips.
- MEMF_PUBLIC If it does not matter what type of
- memory you get (you do not intend to
- use the memory for Graphics/Sound data),
- you should use Fast memory. However,
- all Amigas do not have Fast memory,
- since you need to by a memory expansion
- in order to get it. If want to tell
- Exec that you would like to use Fast
- memory if there is any, else use Chip
- memory, you should ask for MEMF_PUBLIC.
- If you want the allocated memory to be cleared
- (initialized to zeros), you should set the flag
- AutoRequest()
- This function opens a Simple requester. Intuition will
- automatically activate it and take care of the response from
- the user. It will return TRUE if the left gadget was
- selected, and FALSE if the right gadget was selected.
- Synopsis: result = AutoRequest( my_window, info_txt, pos_txt,
- neg_txt, pos_IDCMP, neg_IDCMP,
- width, height );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a window if there
- exist one, else NULL.
- info_txt: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to an IntuiText
- structure containing the "body text".
- pos_txt: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to an IntuiText
- structure containing the "positive text". Eg:
- "TRUE", "YES", "RETRY" etc. (Optional)
- neg_txt: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to an IntuiText
- structure containing the "negative text". Eg:
- "FALSE", "NO", "CANCEL" etc.
- pos_IDCMP: (long) IDCMP flags which satisfy the "positive"
- gadget. (The flag RELVERIFY is already set.)
- pos_IDCMP: (long) IDCMP flags which satisfy the "negative"
- gadget. (The flag RELVERIFY is already set.)
- width: (long) How many pixels wide the requester should
- be.
- height: (long) How many lines high the requester should
- be.
- result: (long) Boolean value. The function returns TRUE if
- the positive gadget was satisfied, and FALSE if
- the negative gadget was satisfied.
- BeginRefresh()
- This function will speed up your redrawing of the window. You
- should call this function before you start to refresh the
- window, and only the parts that needs to be redrawn are
- redrawn.
- Synopsis: BeginRefresh( my_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- ClearDMRequest()
- This function disables a Double-menu requester. The user can
- not open the requester any more.
- Synopsis: result = ClearDMRequest( my_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window
- structure which the requester is connected to.
- The DMRequest pointer in the Window structure
- is set to NULL.
- result: (long) If the function could disable the
- DM-requester it returns TRUE, else (something
- went wrong, the requester is in use etc) it
- returns FALSE.
- ClearMenuStrip()
- This function removes a menu strip from a window. Remember to
- always remove the menu strip before you close the window, or
- changes the menu strip.
- Synopsis: ClearMenuStrip( my_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which
- menu strip should be removed.
- ClearPointer()
- This will remove the "custom" pointer, and replace it with
- Intuition's default pointer.
- Synopsis: ClearPointer( my_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- CloseScreen()
- This function will close a Custom Screen which you have
- previously opened.
- Synopsis: CloseScreen( my_screen );
- my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to an already opened
- screen.
- All windows (See chapter 2 WINDOWS for more information) on
- your Screen MUST have been closed before you may close the
- screen. If you close a window after the screen has been
- closed, the system will crash. (Not recommended.)
- If there does not exist any more screens when you close
- yours, Intuition will automatically reopen the Workbench
- Screen.
- CloseWindow()
- This function will close a window you have previously opened.
- Remember that you need to close all windows connected to a
- screen before you may close the screen, and all opened
- windows must have been closed before your program quits.
- Synopsis: CloseWindow( my_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- CloseWorkBench()
- This function will try to close the Workbench Screen if
- possible. If any other programs is using the Workbench
- Screen, the function can not close it. Closing the Workbench
- will free some memory, and can therefore be used if your
- program needs more memory.
- (Remember to reopen the Workbench Screen when your program
- terminates.)
- Synopsis: result = CloseWorkBench();
- result: (long) A boolean value which tell us if the
- Workbench screen has been (or already was)
- closed (TRUE), or not (FALSE).
- CurrentTime()
- This function gives the current time.
- Synopsis: CurrentTime( seconds, micros );
- seconds: (long *) Pointer to an ULONG variable which will be
- initialized with the current seconds stamp.
- micros: (long *) Pointer to an ULONG variable which will be
- initialized with the current micros stamp.
- DisplayAlert()
- This function activates an Alert message.
- Synopsis: result = DisplayAlert( nr, message, height );
- nr: (long) Value which describes if it is a
- message: (char *) Pointer to an array of characters (char). It
- contains the strings we want to display, and some
- extra information (position etc). The string itself
- is divided into substrings, which all contain
- information about its position etc.
- - 2 bytes (16-bit) which are used for the x position
- of the text.
- - 1 byte (8-bit) which is used for the y position of
- the text.
- - The text string which ends with a NULL ('\0') sign.
- - A Continuation byte. If it is TRUE there is another
- substring after this one, else this was the last
- substring.
- height: (long) The height of the Alert box.
- result: (long) The function DisplayAlert() returns a boolean
- value. If it is a RECOVERY_ALERT and the user pressed
- the left mouse button it returns TRUE else, if the
- user pressed the right mouse button, it returns
- FALSE. If it is a DEADEND_ALERT the function will
- immediate return FALSE.
- DisplayBeep()
- This function flashes the screen's colours. Can be used
- whenever you want to catch the user's attention.
- Synopsis: DisplayBeep( screen );
- screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen, which
- colours you want to flash. If you have not opened
- a screen yourself (you are using the Workbench
- Screen), you can find a pointer to that screen
- in the Window structure: (my_window is a pointer
- to an opened window)
- DisplayBeep( my_window->WScreen );
- DoubleClick()
- This function checks if the user double-clicked on one of the
- mouse buttons. You give the function the current as well as
- the previous time when the button was pressed, and it will
- check the preferences and return TRUE if the two button
- events happened within the time limit.
- Synopsis: double = DoubleClick( sec1, mic1, sec2, mic2 );
- double: (long) If the two button events happened within the
- current time limit, the function will return TRUE,
- else it will return FALSE.
- sec1: (long) Time (seconds) when the button was pressed
- for the first time.
- mic1: (long) Time (micros) when the button was pressed
- for the first time.
- sec2: (long) Current time (seconds).
- mic2: (long) Current Time (micros).
- DrawBorder()
- This function draws the specified Borders into a RastPort
- (Screen/Window).
- Synopsis: DrawBorder( rast_port, border, x, y );
- rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to a RastPort.
- If the lines should be drawn in a window, and
- my_window is a pointer to that window, you write:
- my_window->RPort.
- If the lines should be drawn in a Screen, and
- my_screen is a pointer to that screen, you write:
- my_screen->RastPort.
- border: (struct Border *) Pointer to a Border structure
- which has been initialized with your requirements.
- x: (long) Number of pixels added to the x coordinates.
- y: (long) Number of lines added to the y coordinates.
- DrawImage()
- This function draws the specified images into a RastPort
- (Screen/Window).
- Synopsis: DrawImage( rast_port, image, x, y );
- rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to a RastPort.
- If the images should be drawn in a window, and
- my_window is a pointer to that window, you write:
- my_window->RPort.
- If the images should be drawn in a Screen, and
- my_screen is a pointer to that screen, you write:
- my_screen->RastPort.
- image: (struct Image *) Pointer to an Image structure
- which has been initialized with your requirements.
- x: (long) Number of pixels added to the x position of
- the image.
- y: (long) Number of lines added to the y position of
- the image.
- EndRefresh()
- This function will tell Intuition that you have finished with
- your redrawings. IMPORTANT! If you receive a REFRESHWINDOW
- message, you must call the functions BeginRefresh() and
- EndRefresh(), even if you do not want to redraw anything.
- Synopsis: EndRefresh( my_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- EndRequest()
- This function deactivates a requester which has been
- activated.
- Synopsis: EndRequest( my_requester, my_window );
- my_requester: (struct Requester *) Pointer to the Requester
- structure which will be removed.
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window
- structure which the requester is connected to.
- FreeRemember()
- This function deallocates all memory which has been allocated
- by the AllocRemember() function. Note, you can deallocate all
- Remember structures only, and deallocate the memory yourself,
- if you want to.
- Synopsis: FreeRemember( remember, everything );
- remember: (struct Remember **) Address of a pointer to the
- first Remember structure (initialized by the
- AllocRemember() function). (Note that it is a
- pointer to a pointer!)
- everything: (long) A boolean value. If everything is equal
- to TRUE, all memory (both the allocated memory
- and the Remember structures) are deallocated.
- However, if everything is equal to FALSE, only
- the Remember structures are deallocated, and you
- have to deallocate the memory yourself.
- GetDefPrefs()
- This function makes a copy of the default Preferences
- structure.
- Synopsis: pref = GetPrefs( buffer, size );
- pref: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to the default
- preferences. If the function could not make a copy
- of the preferences, the function returns NULL.
- buffer: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to the memory buffer
- which should be used to store a copy of the default
- preferences in.
- size: (long) The number of bytes you want to copy to the
- buffer. Important, the buffer must be at least as
- big as the number of bytes you want to copy.
- GetPrefs()
- This function makes a copy of the Preferences structure.
- Synopsis: pref = GetPrefs( buffer, size );
- pref: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to your preferences.
- Same as your memory pointer (buffer), but is
- returned so you can check if you got a copy or not.
- If you could not get a copy of the preferences, the
- function returns NULL.
- buffer: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to the memory buffer
- which should be used to store a copy of the
- preferences in.
- size: (long) The number of bytes you want to copy to the
- buffer. Important, the buffer must be at least as
- big as the number of bytes you want to copy.
- IntuiTextLength()
- This function will check a IntuiText structure to see how
- many pixels long the printed text will be. This can be useful
- if you want to see if a text will fit etc.
- Synopsis: length = IntuiTextLength( my_intui_text );
- length: (long) How many pixels long the text will be
- if printed.
- my_intui_text: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to the IntuiText
- structure you want to check
- ItemAddress()
- This function returns a pointer to the Menu or Item
- structure which is specified by the menu number.
- Synopsis: ItemAddress( my_menu, menu_number );
- my_menu: (struct Menu *) Pointer to the first Menu
- structure in the menu strip.
- menu_number: (USHORT) This menu number specifies a subitem/
- item/menu.
- LockIBase()
- Before you may read any values from the IntuitionBase
- structure (which is defined in header file "intuition/
- intuitionbase.h") you have to "lock" it. This prevents other
- tasks from changing it while you are reading. Note that you
- may NOT change any values directly! You may only read them,
- and that firs after you have locked it.
- Do not forget to "unlock" the structure when you stop
- reading. Do this by calling the UnlockIBase() function.
- Synopsis: my_lock = LockIBase( 0 );
- my_lock: (ULONG) When you lock the IntuitionBase structure
- a unique "lock" value will be returned. This value
- should be used when you later unlock the structure.
- MakeScreen()
- This function will recalculate the screen display values.
- Synopsis: MakeScreen( screen );
- screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen which
- should be affected.
- ModifyIDCMP()
- This function changes the Window structure's IDCMPFlags
- field.
- Synopsis: ModifyIDCMP( my_window, IDCMPFlags );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to an already opened
- window.
- IDCMPFlags: (long) None or more IDCMP flags.
- If you call this function with no IDCMP flags set, the
- window's IDCMP Ports will be closed. On the other hand, if
- you call this function, with one or more IDCMP flags set, a
- Port will be, if necessary, opened for you.
- ModifyProp()
- This function modifies a proportional gadget's values and
- knob. For example, if your program is reading files from the
- disk, VertBody was maybe equal to 0xFFFF (MAXBODY) in the
- beginning, but as more files are collected from the disk, you
- maybe want to change the size of the knob etc. You then
- simply call this function and it will change the values as
- well as redraw the gadget.
- Synopsis: ModifyProp( gadget, window, requester, flags,
- horiz_pot, vert_pot, horiz_body, vert_body );
- gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the proportional
- gadget which should be changed and redrawn.
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which
- the proportional gadget is connected to.
- requester: (struct Requester *) If the gadget is connected
- to a requester, set this pointer to point to
- that requester, else NULL. Important, if this
- gadget is connected to a requester, it must be
- displayed when you execute this command!
- flags: (long) Here is the list of all flags you may
- use:
- FREEHORIZ Set this bit if you want the
- user to be able to move the
- knob horizontally.
- FREEVERT Set this bit if you want the
- user to be able to move the
- knob vertically.
- AUTOKNOB Set this bit if you want that
- the size of the knob to be
- controlled by Intuition.
- (HorizBody and VertBody
- affects the size of the
- Autoknob.)
- - If you want to use
- Intuition's Autoknob you
- should give GadgetRender a
- pointer to an Image structure.
- (You do not need to initialize
- the Image structure since
- Intuition takes care of it.)
- - If you on the other hand
- would like to use your own
- knob image, you give
- GadgetRender a pointer to your
- Image structure, which you have
- initialized yourself.
- PROPBORDERLESS Set this bit if you do not
- want any border around the
- container.
- (See chapter 4.7 for more information.)
- horiz_pot: (long) This variable contains the actual
- (horizontally) proportional value. If the knob
- should be moved 25% to the right, HorizPot
- should be set to 25% of MAXPOT (0xFFFF).
- (0xFFFF * 0.25 = 0x3FFF)
- vert_pot: (long) Same as HorizPot except that this is the
- vertically proportional value.
- horiz_body: (long) Describes how much HorizPot should change
- every time the user clicks inside the container.
- If the volume of a melody can be between 0-63
- (64 steps), HorizPot should change 1/64 each
- time. The HorizBody should therefore be set to:
- 1/64 * MAXBODY (0xFFFF) == 3FF
- HorizBody describes also how much the user can
- see/use of the entire data. For example, if you
- have a list of 32 file names, and the user only
- can see 8 names at one time (25%), the knob
- (AUTOKNOB) should fill 25% of the container.
- HorizBody should in this case be set to:
- MAXBODY * 8 / 32 (25% of 0xFFFF) == 3FFFF
- vert_body: Same as HorizBody except that it affects
- VertPot, and the vertical size of the knob
- MoveScreen()
- This function will move the screen. For the moment you may
- only move it vertically.
- Synopsis: MoveScreen( my_screen, delta_x, delta_y );
- my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen which
- you want to move.
- delta_x: (long) Number of pixels which the screen
- should move horizontally. For the moment you
- may not move a screen horizontally, set it
- therefore to 0.
- delta_y: (long) Number of lines which the screen should
- move vertically.
- MoveWindow()
- This function will move a window. It has the same effect as
- if the user would have moved the window by using the Drag
- Gadget.
- Synopsis: MoveWindow( my_window, delta_x, delta_y );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- delta_x: (long) Deltamovement horizontally.
- delta_y: (long) Deltamovement vertically.
- OffGadget()
- This function disables a gadget (sets the GADGDISABLED bit in
- the gadget structure's Flags field):
- Synopsis: OffGadget( gadget, window, requester );
- gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget which will
- be disabled.
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window that the
- gadget is attached to.
- requester: (struct Requester *) If the gadget is connected to
- a requester, set this pointer to point to that
- requester, else NULL. Important, if this gadget is
- connected to a requester, it must be displayed
- when you execute this command!
- OffMenu()
- This function can disable a subitem, an item or even a whole
- menu. The image or text of the disabled items etc will be
- "ghosted", and the user can not select them.
- Synopsis: OffMenu( my_window, menu_number );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which
- the menu strip is connected to.
- menu_number: (USHORT) This menu number specifies what should
- be disabled. Use the macros SHIFTMENU, SHIFTITEM
- and SHIFTSUB to calculate the correct menu
- number. If you just specify a menu, all items
- to that menu will be disabled. If you specify
- a menu and an item, that item will be disabled,
- and so all subitems connected to it if there are
- any.
- OnGadget()
- This function enables a gadget (removes the GADGDISABLED bit
- in the gadget structure's Flags field):
- Synopsis: OnGadget( gadget, window, requester );
- gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget which
- will be enabled.
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window that the
- gadget is attached to.
- requester: (struct Requester *) If the gadget is connected
- to a requester, set this pointer to point to that
- requester, else NULL. Important, if this gadget
- is connected to a requester, it must be displayed
- when you execute this command!
- Remember, as long as the gadget is disabled the user can not
- select it, and it will not broadcast any messages. A disabled
- gadget is drawn as usual except that it "ghosted".
- OnMenu()
- This function can enable a subitem, an item or even a whole
- menu. The image or text of the enabled items etc, will become
- normal (not "ghosted") and the user can now select them.
- Synopsis: OnMenu( my_window, menu_number );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which
- the menu strip is connected to.
- menu_number: (USHORT) This menu number specifies what should
- be enabled. Use the macros SHIFTMENU, SHIFTITEM
- and SHIFTSUB to calculate the correct menu
- number. If you just specify a menu, all items to
- that menu will be enabled. If you specify a menu
- and an item, that item will be enabled, so all
- subitem connected to it if there are any.
- OpenScreen()
- This function will open a Custom Screen with your
- requirements.
- Synopsis: my_screen = OpenScreen( my_new_screen );
- my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to a Screen
- structure. It will point to your newly opened
- screen or be equal to NULL if the screen could
- not be opened.
- my_new_screen: (struct NewScreen *) Pointer to a NewScreen
- structure which contains your preferences.
- OpenWindow()
- This function will open a window with the characteristics
- defined in the NewWindow structure. It returns a pointer
- to a Window structure.
- If you are going to use the Workbench screen, and it has
- been closed, it will automatically reopen. If you on the
- other hand is going to connect the window to a Custom screen,
- you need to open it yourself before calling the OpenWindow()
- function.
- Synopsis: my_window = OpenWindow( my_new_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- or NULL if the window could not be opened.
- my_new_window: (struct NewWindow *) Pointer to a NewWindow
- structure which has been initialized with
- your requirements.
- OpenWorkBench()
- This function will try to open the Workbench Screen if there
- exist enough memory.
- Synopsis: result = OpenWorkBench();
- result: (long) A boolean value which tell us if the
- Workbench Screen has been (or already was)
- opened (TRUE), or not (FALSE).
- PrintIText()
- This function prints text into a RastPort (Screen/Window).
- Synopsis: PrintIText( rast_port, intui_text, x, y );
- rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to a RastPort.
- If the text should be printed in a window, and
- my_window is a pointer to that window, you write:
- my_window->RPort.
- If the text should be printed in a Screen, and
- my_screen is a pointer to that screen, you write:
- my_screen->RastPort.
- intui_text: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to a IntuiText
- structure which has been initialized with your
- requirements.
- x: (long) Number of pixels added to the x position
- of the characters.
- y: (long) Number of lines added to the y position
- of the characters.
- RefreshGadgets()
- This function redraws all the gadgets in the list, starting
- by the specified gadget. If you for example has added or
- deleted a gadget you need to call this function to see the
- changes. On the other hand, if you have changed the imagery
- of a gadget, or the gadget's image has been trashed by
- something, you can also use this function to refresh the
- display.
- Synopsis: RefreshGadgets( gadget, window, requester);
- gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget where the
- redrawing should start. This gadget, and all the
- following gadgets in the list will be redrawn.
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which the
- gadgets are connected to.
- requester: (struct Requester *) If the gadget is connected to
- a requester, set this pointer to point to that
- requester, else NULL. Important, if this gadget is
- connected to a requester, it must be displayed
- when you execute this command! (See chapter 5
- REQUESTERS for more information about requesters.)
- RethinkDisplay()
- This function will refresh the whole intuition display. If
- you are using VSprites, BOBs, Copper lists etc in a display
- created by Intuition you have to usel this function. This
- function will actually use the Graphical functions MrgCop()
- and LoadView().
- Note that this function takes some time to be executed, and
- should therefore only be used when really necessary.
- Synopsis: RethinkDisplay();
- RemoveGadget()
- This function removes a gadget from the list:
- Synopsis: result = RemoveGadget( window, gadget );
- result: (long) The position of the removed gadget or -1 if
- something went wrong.
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window that the
- gadget is connected to.
- gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget which will
- be removed.
- Important, after your program has removed the necessary
- gadgets, you need to call the function RefreshGadgets() in
- order to see your changes. You may take away (or add) several
- gadgets, but when you are finished you must call that
- function.
- ReportMouse()
- You can call this function if you want the window to start/
- stop reporting the mouse position. (See chapter 8 IDCMP for
- more information about REPORTMOUSE.)
- Synopsis: ReportMouse( my_window, boolean );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- boolean: (long) Set to TRUE if you want the window to start
- reporting mouse position, else set to FALSE, and
- the window will stop reporting.
- Request()
- This function activates a requester connected to a window.
- Synopsis: result = Request( my_requester, my_window );
- my_requester: (struct Requester *) Pointer to the Requester
- structure.
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window
- structure which the requester should be
- connected to.
- result: (long) Boolean value returned. If Intuition
- could successfully open the requester the
- function returns TRUE, else (something went
- wrong, not enough memory etc) the function
- returns FALSE.
- ScreenToBack()
- This will move the screen behind all other screens.
- Synopsis: ScreenToBack( my_screen );
- my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen which
- you want to move.
- ScreenToFront()
- This will move the screen in front of all other screens.
- Synopsis: ScreenToFront( my_screen );
- my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen which
- you want to move.
- SetDMRequest()
- This function allows the user to activate a Double-menu
- requester by clicking twice on the mouse menu button.
- Synopsis: result = SetDMRequest( window, requester );
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window structure
- which the requester should be connected to.
- requester: (struct Requester *) Pointer to the Requester
- structure.
- result: (long) Boolean value returned. If Intuition could
- successfully open the requester the function
- returns TRUE, else (something went wrong, not
- enough memory or a DM requester is already
- connected to the window, etc) the function returns
- SetMenuStrip()
- This function connects a menu strip to a window. Remember
- that the window must have been opened before you may connect
- a menu strip to that window.
- Synopsis: SetMenuStrip( my_window, my_menu );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which the
- menu strip should be connected to.
- my_menu: (struct Menu *) Pointer to the first Menu
- structure in the menu strip.
- SetPointer()
- This function allows you to change the window's pointer.
- Synopsis: SetPointer( my_window, data, height, width, x, y );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- data: (short *) Pointer to the Sprite data.
- width: (long) The width of the pointer. Less or equal
- to 16.
- height: (long) The height of the pointer. Can be any
- height.
- x: (long) The pointer's "Hot Spot" x position.
- y: (long) The pointer's "Hot Spot" y position.
- SetPrefs()
- This function saves a modified preferences structure. Do NOT
- change the preferences unless the user really WANTS to!
- Synopsis: SetPrefs( pref, size, doit );
- pref: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to your modified
- Preferences structure.
- size: (long) The number of bytes you want to change.
- doit: (long) Boolean value which if FALSE, changes the
- preferences, but will not send a NEWPREFS message.
- If doit is equal to TRUE, the settings will be
- changed, and a NEWPREFS message will be sent.
- As long as the user is changing the values, doit
- should be FALSE, but when the user has finished,
- set it to TRUE, and all programs will get a NEWPREFS
- message.
- SetWindowTitles()
- This function allows you to change the window title after the
- window has been opened.
- Synopsis: SetWindowTitles( my_window, window_t, screen_t );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- window_t: (char *) Pointer to a NULL-terminated string which
- will become the window's title, or
- 0 : clear title bar, or
- -1 : keep the old title.
- screen_t: (char *) Pointer to a NULL-terminated string which
- will become the window's screen title, or
- 0 : clear title bar, or
- -1 : keep the old title.
- ShowTitle()
- This function will make the screen's Title appear above or
- behind any Backdrop Windows (See chapter 2 WINDOWS for more
- information about Backdrop Windows). (The screen's title
- appear always behind normal windows.)
- Synopsis: ShowTitle( my_screen, show_it );
- my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen.
- show_it: (long) A boolean value which can be:
- TRUE: The title will be in front of any
- Backdrop Windows, but behind any
- other windows.
- FALSE: The Title will be behind any windows
- SizeWindow()
- This function will change the size of the window as desired.
- It has the same effect as if the user would have resized the
- window by using the Size Gadget.
- Synopsis: SizeWindow( my_window, delta_x, delta_y );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- delta_x: (long) Number of pixels the horizontally size of
- the window will change.
- delta_y: (long) Number of pixels the vertically size of the
- window will change.
- UnlockIBase()
- This function will "unlock" the IntuitionBase structure which
- has previously been locked. Remember to always unlock this
- structure after you have collected all desired values.
- Synopsis: UnlockIBase( my_lock );
- my_lock: (ULONG) This value was returned by the LockIBase()
- function when you locked the structure.
- ViewAddress()
- This function will return a pointer to the current View
- structure. Remember that the display consists of a view with
- one or more viewports.
- Synopsis: my_view = ViewAddress();
- my_view: (struct View *) Pointer to the current View
- structure. As long as there exist a display will
- this function work.
- ViewPortAddress()
- This function will return a pointer to the ViewPort structure
- which the window is connected to.
- Synopsis: my_view_port = ViewPortAddress( my_window );
- my_view_port: (struct ViewPort *) The function will return a
- a pointer to the ViewPort structure which this
- window is connected to.
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window.
- WBenchToBack()
- This will move the Workbench Screen behind all other screens.
- Synopsis: result = WBenchToBack();
- result: (long) A boolean value which is TRUE if the
- Workbench screen was open, or FALSE it it was not.
- WBenchToFront()
- This will move the Workbench Screen in front of all other
- screens.
- Synopsis: result = WBenchToFront();
- result: (long) A boolean value which is TRUE if the
- Workbench screen was open, or FALSE it it was
- not.
- WindowLimits()
- This function will change the maximum/minimum size limits of
- the window. Any values which are set to 0 will remain
- unchanged.
- Synopsis: WindowLimits( my_window, min_w, min_h, max_w, max_h );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- min_w: (long) Minimum width of the window.
- min_h: (long) Minimum height of the window.
- max_w: (long) Maximum width of the window.
- max_h: (long) Maximum height of the window.
- WindowToFront()
- This function will put the window in front of all other
- windows.
- Synopsis: WindowToFront( my_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.
- WindowToBack()
- This function will push the window behind all other windows.
- Synopsis: WindowToBack( my_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
- which has previously been initialized by an
- OpenWindow() call.