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- If you have been programming the Amiga for a while you have
- most certainly seen your nice Amiga blow up in front of your
- eyes. However, the Amiga is a nice computer, and if it crashes
- it will try to do that as neatly as possible. You are usually
- (!) allowed to save any important files, and when the Amiga
- goes down it will give you a last message, trying to tell you
- what went wrong.
- Many programmers have not realized how important that last
- message is. For them, it is just a collection of strange
- numbers. But those numbers can actually tell you what exactly
- went wrong, and once you know what went wrong, it is usually
- no problem to find the bug.
- When the Amiga is crashing it happens that the Exec have
- realized that something will go wrong and halted that task.
- Exec will then open a System requester with a warning message:
- --------------------------------
- | Software error - task held |
- | Finish all disk activity |
- | Select CANCEL to reset/debug |
- | |
- | --------- ---------- |
- | | Retry | | Cancel | |
- | --------- ---------- |
- --------------------------------
- You can then save any important files to a disk before you
- answer the requester (once you have pressed CANCEL the Guru
- will visit you!). Important, since the Amiga is in trouble
- it can crash any second, and if you were saving anything onto
- a disk at that moment, the disk may become corrupted, and all
- data lost. The best solution is to have an empty emergency
- disk that you only use when the Amiga is upset. Sometimes the
- Exec have not been able to halt the task, and the Guru will
- immediately visit you.
- Once the Amiga really crashes, the powerlight will flash for
- some seconds, and an Alert will be activated. For example:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | Software failure! Press left mouse button to continue. |
- | Guru Meditation #84010007.00C13870 |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Now you only need to decode the message and you have found
- the error. (Advanced programmer can attach a modem to the
- Amiga and use a program called ROMWack in order to debug the
- computer. But we will not discuss it here.)
- There exist two different types of Guru Meditation Numbers:
- - CPU Errors (680x0 Processor Traps)
- - System Software Errors
- CPU Errors look like this:
- Guru Meditation #0000000x.yyyyyyyy
- x is one of the following values:
- 2 Bus Error Hardware error
- 3 Address Error Word access on odd byte boundary
- 4 Illegal Instruction
- 5 Divide by zero
- 6 CHK Instruction
- 7 TRAPV Instruction
- 8 Privilege Violation
- 9 Trace
- A Opcode 1010 Emulation Instruction word with a value
- between A000-AFFF.
- B Opcode 1111 Emulation Instruction word with a value
- between F000-FFFF.
- yyyyyyyy is the address of the task which went wrong. (It
- is normally your own program that caused the problem.)
- If you get a Guru Meditation number like #00000005.00C13870
- it means: A program, at the address C13870, tried to devide
- a value by zero. Since you now know what the error was you
- only need to look at the places where your program can be
- forced to devide a value by zero, and it should not take to
- long time to find the bug.
- System Software errors look like this:
- Guru Meditation #aabbcccc.dddddddd
- The first field of the number tells us if the error is a
- Recoverable Error or if it is a Dead End Alert. If the error
- is a Dead End Alert the number will start with 8 otherwise it
- is 0. (The total screen will also be black, while on
- Recoverable Errors the screen is merely pushed down a bit.)
- The first field of the number tells us also which Device,
- Library or Resource went wrong:
- 01 Exec Library LIBRARIES
- 02 Graphics Library
- 03 Layers Library
- 04 Intuition Library
- 05 Math Library
- 06 CList Library
- 07 AmigaDOS Library
- 08 RAM Handler Library
- 09 Icons Library
- 10 Audio Device DEVICES
- 11 Console Device
- 12 GamePort Device
- 13 Keyboard Device
- 14 Trackdisk Device
- 15 Timer Device
- 20 CIA Resource RESOURCES
- 21 Disk Resource
- 22 Misc Resource
- 30 BootStrap OTHERS
- 31 Workbench
- 32 Disk Copy
- A number like 04 means: Recoverable Error in the Intuition
- Library. While a number like 84 means: Fatal Error in
- the Intuition Library.
- The second field (bb) of the Guru Meditation number gives
- us the general cause of the problem:
- 01 No Memory
- 02 Unable to Create Library
- 03 Unable to Open Library
- 04 Unable to Open Device
- 05 Unable to Open Resource
- 06 Input/Output (I/O) Error
- 07 No Signal
- So a number like 8201cccc means a fatal error in the Graphics
- Library, the problem was caused by not enough memory.
- The last field (cccc) before the dot gives some more specific
- information. Here is a list of some common Guru Meditation
- Numbers: (This information is taken form the headerfile
- "exec/alerts.h" [V1.3]:)
- Exec Library:
- 01000000
- 81000001 68000 exception vector checksum
- 81000002 Execbase checksum
- 81000003 Library checksum failure
- 81000004 No memory to make library
- 81000005 Corrupted memory list
- 81000006 No memory for interrupt servers
- 81000007 InitStruct() of an APTR source
- 81000008 A semaphore is in illegal state
- 81000009 Freeing memory already freed
- 8100000A Illegal 68k exception taken
- Graphics Library:
- 02000000
- 82010000 Graphics out of memory
- 82010006 Long frame, no memory
- 82010007 Short frame, no memory
- 02010009 Text, no memory for TmpRas
- 8201000A BltBitMap, no memory
- 8201000B Regions, memory not available
- 82010030 MakeVPort, no memory
- 82011234 Emergency memory not available *
- Layers Library:
- 03000000
- 83010000 Layers out of memory
- Intuition Library:
- 04000000
- 84000001 Unknown gadet type
- 04000001 Recovery form of AN_GadgetType
- 84010002 Create port, no memory
- 04010003 Item plane alloc, no memory
- 04010004 Sub alloc, no memory
- 84010005 Plane alloc, no memory
- 84000006 Item box top < RelZero
- 84010007 Open screen, no memory
- 84010008 Open screen, raster alloc, no memory
- 84000009 Open sys screen, unknown type
- 8401000A Add SW gadgets, no memory
- 8401000B Open window, no memory
- 8400000C Bad State Return entering Intuition
- 8400000D Bad Message received by IDCMP
- 8400000E Weird echo causing incomprehension
- 8400000F Couldn't open the Console Device
- Amiga DOS Library:
- 07000000
- 07010001 No memory at startup
- 07000002 EndTask didn't
- 07000003 Qpkt failure
- 07000004 Unexpected packet received
- 07000005 Freevec failed
- 07000006 Disk block sequence error
- 07000007 Bitmap corrupt
- 07000008 Key already free
- 07000009 Invalid checksum
- 0700000A Disk Error
- 0700000B Key out of range
- 0700000C Bad overlay
- RAM Library:
- 08000000
- 08000001 No overlays in library seglists
- Trackdisk Device:
- 14000000
- 14000001 Calibrate: seek error
- 14000002 Delay: error on timer wait
- Timer Device:
- 15000000
- 15000001 Bad request
- 15000002 Power supply does not supply ticks
- Disk Resourcek.resource:
- 21000000
- 21000001 Get unit: already has disk
- 21000002 Interrupt: no active unit
- BootStrap:
- 30000000
- 30000001 Boot code returned an error
- The number after the dot (dddddd dd) can be three things:
- 1. Address of the task which went wrong.
- 2. If the error occured because of some sort of memory
- allocation/deallocation, it is the address of that memory
- block.
- 3. If Exec is realy confused the number is 48454C50, which
- stands for HELP. (48=H, 45=E, 4C=L, 50=P)