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- As you probably have already noticed you sometimes have to
- include a lot of header files. The problem is that it can be
- very hard to remember which structures are declared in which
- header files. Some header files will also automatically include
- other header files, and thus it can be very hard to know which
- header files you should included.
- To make this easy for you I have made a short description of
- all header files. For every file I have first listed the names
- of the header files it automatically includes and listed the
- structures which are defined.
- graphics/clip.h
- #include <graphics/gfx.h>
- #include <exec/semaphores.h>
- struct Layer
- struct ClipRect
- graphics/collide.h
- No includes or structures
- graphics/copper.h
- struct CopIns
- struct cprlist
- struct CopList
- struct UCopList
- struct copinit
- graphics/display.h
- No includes or structures
- graphics/gels.h
- struct VSprite
- struct Bob
- struct AnimComp
- struct AnimOb
- struct DBufPacket
- struct collTable
- graphics/gfx.h
- struct Rectangle
- struct BitMap
- graphics/gfxbase.h
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <exec/interrupts.h>
- struct GfxBase
- graphics/gfxmacros.h
- #include <graphics/rastport.h>
- graphics/graphint.h
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- struct Isrvstr
- graphics/layers.h
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/semaphores.h>
- struct Layer_Info
- graphics/rastport.h
- #include <graphics/gfx.h>
- struct AreaInfo
- struct TmpRas
- struct GelsInfo
- struct RastPort
- graphics/regions.h
- #include <graphics/gfx.h>
- struct RegionRectangle
- struct Region
- graphics/sprite.h
- struct SimpleSprite
- graphics/text.h
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- struct TextAttr
- struct TextFont
- graphics/view.h
- #include <graphics/gfx.h>
- #include <graphics/copper.h>
- struct ColorMap
- struct ViewPort
- struct View
- struct RasInfo
- intuition/intuition.h
- #include "exec-types.h"
- #include "graphics/gfx.h"
- #include "graphics/clip.h"
- #include "graphics/view.h"
- #include "graphics/rastport.h"
- #include "graphics/layers.h"
- #include "graphics/text.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "devices/timer.h"
- #include "devices/inputevent.h"
- struct Menu
- struct MenuItem
- struct Requester
- struct Gadget
- struct BoolInfo
- struct PropInfo
- struct StringInfo
- struct IntuiText
- struct Border
- struct Image
- struct IntuiMessage
- struct Window
- struct NewWindow
- #include "intuition/screens.h"
- #include "intuition/preferences.h"
- struct Remember
- intuition/intuitionbase.h
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/libraries>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <exec/interrupts>
- struct FatIntuiMessage
- struct IBox
- struct Point
- struct PenPair
- struct GListEnv
- struct GadgetInfo
- struct IntuitionBase
- intuition/preferences.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "devices/timer.h"
- struct Preferences
- intuition/screens.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "graphics/gfx.h"
- #include "graphics/clip.h"
- #include "graphics/view.h"
- #include "graphics/rastport"
- #include "graphics/layers.h"
- struct Screen
- struct NewScreen
- resources/cia.h
- No includes or structures
- resources/disk.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "exec/interrupts.h"
- #include "exec/libraries.h"
- struct DiscResourceUnit
- struct DiskResource
- resources/filesysres.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "libraries/dos.h"
- struct FileSysResource
- struct FileSysEntry
- resources/mathresource.h
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- struct MathIEEEResource
- resources/misc.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/libraries.h"
- struct MiscResource
- resources/potgo.h
- No includes or structures
- hardware/adkbits.h
- No includes or structures
- hardware/blit.h
- struct bltnode
- hardware/cia.h
- struct CIA
- hardware/custom
- struct Custom
- hardware/dmabits.h
- No includes or structures
- hardware/intbits.h
- No includes or structures
- 9.6 CLIB
- clib/macros.h
- No includes or structures
- libraries/configregs.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- struct ExpansionRom
- struct ExpansionControl
- struct DiagArea
- libraries/configvars.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "libraries/configregs.h"
- struct ConfigDev
- struct CurrentBinding
- libraries/diskfont.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists."
- #include "graphics/text.h"
- struct FontContents
- struct FontContentsHeader
- struct DiskFontHeader
- struct AvailFonts
- struct AvailFontsHeader
- libraries/dos.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- struct DateStamp
- struct FileInfoBlock
- struct InfoData
- libraries/dosextens.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/tasks.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "exec/libraries.h"
- #include "libraries/dos.h"
- struct Process
- struct FileHandle
- struct DosPacket
- struct StandardPacket
- struct DosLibrary
- struct RootNode
- struct DosInfo
- struct CommandLineInterface
- struct DeviceList
- struct DevInfo
- struct DosList
- struct FileLock
- libraries/expansion.h
- No includes or structures
- libraries/expansionbase.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/libraries.h"
- #include "exec/interrupts.h"
- #include "exec/semaphores.h"
- #include "libraries/configvars.h"
- struct ExpansionInt
- struct ExpansionBase
- libraries/filehandler.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "libraries/dos.h"
- struct DosEnvec
- struct FileSysStartupMsg
- struct DeviceNode
- libraries/mathffp.h
- No includes or structures
- libraries/mathieeedp.h
- No includes or structures
- libraries/mathlibrary.h
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- struct struct MathIEEEBase
- libraries/romboot_base.h
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/execname.h>
- struct RomBootBase
- struct BootNode
- libraries/translator.h
- No includes or structures
- workbench/icon.h
- No includes or structures
- workbench/startup.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "libraries/dos.h"
- struct WBStartup
- struct WBArg
- workbench/workbench.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "exec/tasks.h"
- #include "intuition/intuition.h"
- struct DrawerData
- struct DiskObject
- struct FreeList
- 9.9 EXEC
- exec/alerts.h
- No includes or structures
- exec/devices.h
- #include "exec/libraries.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- struct Device
- struct Unit
- exec/errors.h
- No includes or structures
- exec/exec.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "exec/interrupts.h"
- #include "exec/memory.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "exec/tasks.h"
- #include "exec/libraries.h"
- #include "exec/devices.h"
- #include "exec/io.h"
- exec/execbase.h
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "exec/interrupts.h"
- #include "exec/libraries.h"
- #include "exec/tasks.h"
- struct ExecBase
- exec/execname.h
- No includes or structures
- exec/interrupts.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- struct Interrupt
- struct IntVector
- struct SoftIntList
- exec/io.h
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- struct IORequest
- struct IOStdReq
- exec/libraries.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- struct Library
- exec/lists.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- struct List
- struct MinList
- exec/memory.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- struct MemChunk
- struct MemHeader
- struct MemEntry
- struct MemList
- exec/nodes.h
- struct Node
- struct MinNode
- exec/ports.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "exec/tasks.h"
- struct MsgPort
- struct Message
- exec/resident.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- struct Resident
- exec/semaphores.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "exec/tasks.h"
- struct Semaphores
- struct SemaphoreRequest
- struct SignalSemaphore
- exec/tasks.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- struct Task
- exec/types.h
- No includes or structures
- 9.10 DEVICES
- devices/audio.h
- #include "exec/io.h"
- struct IOAudio
- devices/bootblock.h
- struct BootBlock
- devices/clipboard.h
- #include <exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- struct ClipboardUnitPartial
- struct IOClipReq
- struct SatisfyMsg
- devices/console.h
- #include "exec/io.h"
- devices/conunit.h
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "devices/console.h"
- #include "devices/keymap.h"
- #include "devices/inputevent.h"
- struct ConUnit
- devices/gameport.h
- struct GamePortTrigger
- devices/hardblocks.h
- struct RigidDiskBlock
- struct BadBlockEntry
- struct BadBlockBlock
- struct PartitionBlock
- struct FileSysHeaderBlock
- struct LoadSegBlock
- devices/input.h
- #include "exec/io.h"
- devices/inputevent.h
- #include "devices/timer.h"
- struct InputEvent
- devices/keyboard.h
- #include "exec/io.h"
- devices/keymap.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- struct KeyMap
- struct KeyMapNode
- struct KeyMapResource
- devices/narrator.h
- #include "exec/io.h"
- struct narrator_rb
- struct mouth_rb
- devices/parallel.h
- #include "exec/io.h"
- struct IOPArray
- struct IOExtPar
- devices/printer.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- struct IOPrtCmdReq
- struct IODRPReq
- devices/prtbase.h
- #include "exec/nodes.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "exec/libraries.h"
- #include "exec/tasks.h"
- #include "devices/parallel.h"
- #include "devices/serial.h"
- #include "devices/timer.h"
- #include "libraries/dosextens.h"
- #include "intuition/intuition.h"
- struct DeviceData
- struct PrinterData
- struct PrinterExtendedData
- struct PrinterSegment
- devices/prtgfx.h
- union colorEntry
- struct PrtInfo
- devices/scsidisk.h
- struct SCSICmd
- devices/serial.h
- #include "exec/io.h"
- struct IOTArray
- struct IOExtSer
- devices/timer.h
- #include "exec/io.h"
- struct timval
- struct timerequest
- devices/trackdisk.h
- #include "exec/io.h"
- #include "exec/devices.h"
- struct IOExtTD
- struct TDU_PublicUnit
- 9.11 PROTO
- proto/all.h
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <proto/console.h>
- #include <proto/diskfont.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/expansion.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/icon.h>
- #include <proto/layers.h>
- #include <proto/mathffp.h>
- #include <proto/mathieeedoubbas.h>
- #include <proto/mathieeesingbas.h>
- #include <proto/mathtrans.h>
- #include <proto/potgo.h>
- #include <proto/timer.h>
- #include <proto/translator.h>
- proto/console.h
- #include <devices/inputevent.h>
- #include <exec/devices.h>
- #include <devices/keymaps.h>
- proto/cstrings.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/diskfont.h
- #include <libraries/diskfont.h>
- proto/dos.h
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- proto/exec.h
- #include <exec/types.h>
- proto/expansion.h
- #include <libraries/expansion.h>
- #include <libraries/expansionbase.h>
- proto/graphics.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/icon.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/intuition.h
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- proto/layers.h
- #include <graphics/layers.h>
- proto/mathffp.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/mathieeedoubbas.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/mathieedoubtrans.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/mathieesingbas.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/mathtrans.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/potgo.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/romboot.h
- No includes or structures
- proto/timer.h
- #include <devices/timer.h>
- proto/translator.h
- No includes or structures
- 9.12 SYS
- sys/dir.h
- struct direct
- sys/stat.h
- struct stat
- sys/types.h
- 9.13 OTHERS
- assert.h
- No includes or structures
- ctype.h
- No includes or structures
- dos.h
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/ports.h"
- #include "exec/lists.h"
- #include "libraries/dos.h"
- struct MELT
- struct MELT2
- struct ProcID
- struct FORKENV
- struct TermMsg
- errno.h
- No includes or structures
- error.h
- #include <errno.h>
- fcntl.h
- No includes or structures
- fctype.h
- No includes or structures
- float.h
- No includes or structures
- ios1.h
- struct UFB
- limits.h
- No includes or structures
- locking.h
- No includes or structures
- m68881.h
- No includes or structures
- math.h
- #include <nondp.h>
- struct exception
- mffp.h
- #include <proto/mathffp.h>
- #include <proto/mathtrans.h>
- mieeedoub.h
- #include <proto/mathieeedoubbas.h>
- #include <proto/mathieeedoubtrans.h>
- nondp.h
- No includes or structures
- setjmp.h
- struct JMP_BUF
- signal.h
- No includes or structures
- stdarg.h
- No includes or structures
- stddef.h
- No includes or structures
- stdio.h
- struct _iobuf
- stdlib.h
- No includes or structures
- string.h
- No includes or structures
- time.h
- struct tm