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- This chapter contains a short mixture of useful hints and tips.
- If you have an American Amiga you can open screens that are up
- to 200 lines high. (400 with interlace) This system is called
- NTSC. However, an European Amiga can open screens that are up
- to 256 lines high. (512 with interlace) This system is called
- PAL.
- If you want to write programs that will fit both systems you
- must do one of the following things:
- 1. Do not open screens that are taller than 200 lines. The
- program can then be run on both systems. However, this is
- not always the best solution since the PAL user will be
- annoyed when he can not use the last 56 lines of the
- display.
- 2. Open the Graphics library and see what type of system your
- program is running under. If you discover that it is running
- on a NTSC system, use only the first 200 lines. If the
- program is running on a PAL system you may use all 256 lines.
- If you decide that your program should only use screens up to
- 200 lines tall you should still check what system the program
- is running under. If you discover that it is an European Amiga
- you can position the display 28 (56/2) lines down, and the
- large unused are at the bottom of the PAL displays will
- visually disappear.
- 2.2.2 NTSC OR PAL?
- To check which system, NTSC or PAL, your program is running on
- you simply open the graphics library and check the DisplayFlags.
- Here is a short demonstration program:
- /* Example 1 */
- /* This example tell you if you have an American (NTSC) or */
- /* European (PAL) system. */
- /* Declares commonly used data types, such as UWORD etc: */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- /* This header file declares the GfxBase structure: */
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- /* Pointer to the GfxBase structure. NOTE! This pointer must */
- /* always be called "GfxBase"! */
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- main()
- {
- /* Open the Graphics Library: (any version) */
- GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 0 );
- if( !GfxBase )
- exit(); /* ERROR! Could not open the Graphics Library! */
- if( GfxBase->DisplayFlags & NTSC )
- printf( "You have an American (NTSC) Amiga.\n" );
- if( GfxBase->DisplayFlags & PAL )
- printf( "You have an European (PAL) Amiga.\n" );
- /* Close the Graphics Library: */
- CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
- }
- A program can either be run from the CLI or Workbench. If a
- program is run from workbench a special "console" window is
- automatically opened. All text will then be outputted in that
- window. If the program was run from CLI no special "console"
- window is opened since the text can be printed in the CLI
- window.
- The special window is, as said above, automatically opened
- when the program is run from workbench. However, sometimes
- you do not want this window. If you will not print anything
- the window is unnecessary, and somehow annoying.
- To get rid of the window you simply call your main() function
- _main(). (Note the special symbol "_".) The program will then
- not open the console window if run from workbench, but the
- disadvantage is of course that you can not print any text
- with the printf() function etc. If you would try to print text
- without having any window to print it in, the system will
- crash. (Not to be recommended.)
- Here are two examples. The first one is a normal C program that
- simply prints "Hello!". If the program is run from the CLI, the
- text will be printed in the CLI window. If the program is run
- from workbench, a console window will be opened and the text
- printed in it. The second example will not open any console
- window if run from workbench, but it can then of course not
- print anything.
- /* Example 2 */
- /* This program will print "Hello!" in the CLI window if */
- /* started from CLI, or the text will be printed in a special */
- /* window that is automatically opened if run from workbench. */
- void main();
- void main()
- {
- int loop;
- printf( "Hello!\n" );
- /* Wait for a while: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < 500000; loop++ )
- ;
- }
- /* Example 3 */
- /* This program will not open any console window if run from */
- /* workbench. The disadvantage is of course that you can not */
- /* use any "console functions" such as printf(). */
- void _main();
- void _main() /* Note the special character in front of main()! */
- {
- int loop;
- /* Wait for a while: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < 500000; loop++ )
- ;
- }
- The reason why no console window is opened in Example 3 is
- because we have called our main() function _main(). The first
- function that is processed by C is actually not the main()
- function, it is the _main() function which then calls main().
- The _main() function is like a preprocessor that initializes
- the argc and argv variables. It also checks if the program is
- running under workbench, and will then open a console window.
- The _main() function can be found on the fourth Lattice C disk,
- in the source directory called "umain.c".
- If you call your own main() function _main(), the prewritten
- _main() function will not be used. No window will be opened,
- but no text can be printed, and you have to preprocess the
- argc and argv variables yourself.
- It sometimes happen that you would like to know if the program
- was run from Workbench or a CLI window. It is actually very
- simple to check. The "argc" value will always be equal to one
- ore more if the program was run from a CLI window, while it
- will be equal to zero if the program was run from Workbench.
- Here is a short program that tells you if it was run from a
- CLI window or from Workbench.
- /* Example 4 */
- /* This program tells you if it was run from workbench or */
- /* from a CLI window. */
- void main();
- void main( argc, argv )
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int loop;
- if( argc )
- printf( "The program was run from a CLI window!\n" );
- else
- printf( "The program was run from Workbench!\n" );
- /* Wait for a while: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < 500000; loop++ )
- ;
- }
- If your program has been started from Workbench you have to
- use some special routines to collect the arguments. See program
- "Play" in the "Sound" manual. It is a very good example on how
- to write programs for Workbench.
- Example1
- This example tell you if you have an American (NTSC) or
- European (PAL) system.
- Example2
- This program will print "Hello!" in the CLI window if
- started from CLI, or the text will be printed in a special
- window that is automatically opened if run from workbench.
- Example3
- This program will not open any console window if run from
- workbench. The disadvantage is of course that you can not
- use any "console functions" such as printf().
- Example4
- This program tells you if it was run from workbench or
- from a CLI window.