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- /***********************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
- /* */
- /* Book: ACM Devices Amiga C Club */
- /* Chapter: Gameport Device Tulevagen 22 */
- /* File: Example2.c 181 41 LIDINGO */
- /* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
- /* Date: 92-04-27 */
- /* Version: 1.00 */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* */
- /* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
- /* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
- /* */
- /***********************************************************/
- /* This program will read 20 joystick events, */
- /* using port 2 (the "Joystick Port"), before */
- /* it will terminate. This example is "nice" */
- /* to the system and does everything according */
- /* to the "rules". */
- /* */
- /* This example does not wait for something to */
- /* happen, but is instead constantly trying to */
- /* collect messages and can therefore continue */
- /* do do something while the user is not using */
- /* the Joystick. */
- /* */
- /* Note how this program terminates! */
- #include <exec/types.h> /* UWORD, STRPTR */
- #include <devices/gameport.h> /* GPCT_ABSJOYSTICK */
- #include <devices/inputevent.h> /* struct InputEvent */
- #define RIGHTGAMEPORT 1 /* The "Joystick" port. */
- #define LEFTGAMEPORT 0 /* The "Mouse" port. */
- /* Pointer to the Graphics library: */
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct IOStdReq *game_io_msg; /* Pointer to our IOStdReq str. */
- struct MsgPort *game_msg_port; /* Pointer to our message port. */
- BOOL deviceerror; /* Have we opened the device, OK? */
- /* Declare some external functions: */
- /* (We must otherwise do so much casting.) */
- extern struct MsgPort *CreatePort();
- extern struct IOStdReq *CreateStdIO();
- /* Declare all functions in this module: */
- void main();
- void PrintJoystickData(); /* Print some information about the joystick. */
- BYTE SetControllerType(); /* Set type of controller. */
- BYTE SetControllerTrigger(); /* Set trigger. */
- void SetControllerRead(); /* Prepare it so we can read. */
- BYTE GetControllerType(); /* Get type of controller already connected. */
- void clean_up(); /* Cleanup, and quit. */
- void main()
- {
- /* Put all data in this structure: */
- struct InputEvent gamedata;
- BYTE type;
- int counter;
- /* Open the Graphics library: */
- GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 0 );
- if( !GfxBase )
- clean_up( "ERROR! Could not open the Graphics library!" );
- /* 1. Create a message port so the system can communicate with us: */
- game_msg_port = CreatePort( 0, 0 );
- if( !game_msg_port )
- clean_up( "ERROR! Could not create message port!" );
- /* 2. Allocate and initialize a new I/O request block. */
- /* It should use our new message port as reply port: */
- game_io_msg = CreateStdIO( game_msg_port );
- if( !game_io_msg )
- clean_up( "ERROR! Could not allocate new I/O request block!" );
- /* 3. Open the Game Port Device, use the right port: */
- deviceerror = OpenDevice( "gameport.device", RIGHTGAMEPORT, game_io_msg, 0xFFFF );
- if( deviceerror )
- clean_up( "ERROR! Could not open the Game Port Device!" );
- /* 4. Check if some other task is already using the gameport: */
- if( type = GetControllerType() )
- {
- switch( type )
- {
- case GPCT_MOUSE:
- printf( "A mouse is connected to the port!\n" );
- break;
- printf( "A proportional joystick is connected to the port!\n" );
- break;
- printf( "A normal joystick is connected to the port!\n" );
- break;
- }
- /* Do not close the device! If we do it, the other task will */
- /* then not be able to use the gameport device either! */
- deviceerror = TRUE;
- clean_up( "ERROR! Some other task is already using the Gameport!" );
- }
- /* 5. Set device type (absolute joystick): */
- if( SetControllerType( GPCT_ABSJOYSTICK ) )
- clean_up( "ERROR! Could not set device type!" );
- /* 6. Set device trigger: */
- if( SetControllerTrigger
- ( /* Report following events: */
- GPTF_DOWNKEYS|GPTF_UPKEYS, /* firebutton pressed and release, */
- 0, /* no timeout messages, */
- 1, /* every X movements, and */
- 1 /* every Y movements. */
- )
- )
- clean_up( "ERROR! Could not set device trigger!" );
- /* 7. Prepare the device to read: */
- SetControllerRead( &gamedata );
- /* 8. Do our request, and return without delay: */
- SendIO( game_io_msg );
- printf( "Gameport Device - Joystick Example - Action\n" );
- /* Collect 20 messages, and the leave: */
- counter = 0;
- while( counter < 20 )
- {
- printf("Working...\n");
- /* Try to collect a message: */
- if( GetMsg( game_msg_port ) )
- {
- /* Print some information abut the joystick: */
- PrintJoystickData( &gamedata );
- counter++;
- /* We have now collected a joystick event, so prepare the */
- /* gameport device again: */
- SendIO( game_io_msg );
- }
- }
- /* 9. NOTE! In this example we will have done one more SendIO() */
- /* than GetMsg(), so before we quit we must try to cancel our */
- /* last command: */
- AbortIO( game_io_msg );
- /* We must also make sure that there are no messages waiting at */
- /* our message port, so we try to collect as many messages as */
- /* possible, until we can not collect any more: */
- while( GetMsg( game_msg_port ) )
- printf( "Collecting remaining messages...\n" );
- /* 10. Clean up nicely, and quit: */
- clean_up( "The End!" );
- }
- /****************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* PrintJoystickData() prints current stick and button position */
- /* of a Joystick. */
- /* */
- /* Synopsis: PrintJoystickData( data ); */
- /* */
- /* data: (struct InputEvent *) Pointer to an InputEvent */
- /* structure which has previously been initialized. */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************/
- void PrintJoystickData( data )
- struct InputEvent *data;
- {
- WORD xdirection;
- WORD ydirection;
- UWORD code;
- /* Collect data: */
- xdirection = data->ie_X;
- ydirection = data->ie_Y;
- code = data->ie_Code;
- /* Was the button pressed or released? */
- if( code == IECODE_LBUTTON )
- printf("Button pressed. ");
- printf("Button released. ");
- /* What is the position of the stick: */
- printf( "Stick position:" );
- switch(ydirection)
- {
- case -1:
- printf( " Forward" );
- break;
- case 1:
- printf( " Back" );
- break;
- }
- switch(xdirection)
- {
- case -1:
- printf( " Left" );
- break;
- case 1:
- printf( " Right" );
- break;
- }
- printf( "\n" );
- }
- /*************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* SetControllerType() tells the System what type of device */
- /* (absolute joystick, proportional joystick or a mouse) you */
- /* want to handle. */
- /* */
- /* Synopsis: error = SetControllerType( type, data ); */
- /* */
- /* error: (BYTE) If the function could set controller */
- /* type it will return 0, else if something failed */
- /* it will return an error number. For the moment */
- /* there exist only one type of error message and */
- /* that is GPDERR_SETCTYPE - the controller you */
- /* asked for is not valid at this time. */
- /* */
- /* type: (UBYTE) Type of controller you want to handle: */
- /* GPCT_MOUSE - mouse */
- /* GPCT_ABSJOYSTICK - absolute (normal) joystick */
- /* GPCT_RELJOYSTICK - proportional joystick */
- /* */
- /*************************************************************/
- BYTE SetControllerType( type )
- BYTE type;
- {
- /* We want to set controller type: */
- game_io_msg->io_Command = GPD_SETCTYPE;
- /* The message is only one byte long: */
- game_io_msg->io_Length = 1;
- /* The data we want to send: */
- game_io_msg->io_Data = (APTR) &type;
- /* Do our request, and return when it is done: */
- DoIO( game_io_msg );
- /* Return any error message, or 0 if everything is OK: */
- return( game_io_msg->io_Error );
- }
- /****************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* SetControllerTrigger() tells the system what conditions */
- /* should be fulfilled before a gameport event will occur. */
- /* You can for example tell the device to only respond if */
- /* the mouse has been moved more that 20 counts, and/or */
- /* if nothing has happened within, let us say, 30 seconds, */
- /* and/or a button has been pressed or released. */
- /* */
- /* Synopsis: error = SetControllerTrigger( keys, time, x, y ); */
- /* */
- /* error: (BYTE) If the function could set controller */
- /* trigger it will return 0, else if something failed */
- /* it will return an error number. For the moment */
- /* there does not exist any special error code for */
- /* this function. */
- /* */
- /* keys: (UWORD) If you want that a gameport event is */
- /* triggered each time a button is pressed set the */
- /* flag "GPTF_DOWNKEYS", if you want that a gameport */
- /* event is triggered each time a button is */
- /* released set the flag "GPTF_UPKEYS". (If you want */
- /* both up and down key messages, set the binary */
- /* or ("|") operator between the flags. Example: */
- /* */
- /* time: (UWORD) Set here how much time should pass before */
- /* a gameport event is triggered. The value is */
- /* in vertical blank units, which means 60 = 1 sec. */
- /* If you want to trigger an event each third minute */
- /* set the time value to 10800 (60 * 60 * 3). If */
- /* you do not want any time event, set time to 0. */
- /* */
- /* x: (UWORD) Set here how many x movements should be */
- /* reported, before a gameport event is triggered. */
- /* If you want to read a normal joystick, set x to 1. */
- /* */
- /* y: (UWORD) Set here how many y movements should be */
- /* reported, before a gameport event is triggered. */
- /* If you want to read a normal joystick, set y to 1. */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************/
- BYTE SetControllerTrigger( keys, timeout, xdelta, ydelta )
- UWORD keys;
- UWORD timeout;
- UWORD xdelta;
- UWORD ydelta;
- {
- struct GamePortTrigger gpt;
- /* Set our requirements: */
- gpt.gpt_Keys = keys;
- gpt.gpt_Timeout = timeout;
- gpt.gpt_XDelta = xdelta;
- gpt.gpt_YDelta = ydelta;
- /* We want to set controller trigger: */
- game_io_msg->io_Command = GPD_SETTRIGGER;
- /* The message is sizeof(struct GamePortTrigger) bytes long: */
- game_io_msg->io_Length = sizeof( gpt );
- /* The data we want to send: */
- game_io_msg->io_Data = (APTR) &gpt;
- /* Do our request and return when it is done: */
- DoIO( game_io_msg );
- /* Return any error message, or 0 if everything is OK: */
- return( game_io_msg->io_Error );
- }
- /*************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* SetControllerRead() prepares the system for reading data */
- /* from the selected device, and place the information in */
- /* the data structure. */
- /* */
- /* Synopsis: SetControllerRead( data ); */
- /* */
- /* data: (struct InputEvent *) Pointer to an InputEvent */
- /* structure which will be filled with information */
- /* when a gameport event occurs. */
- /* */
- /*************************************************************/
- void SetControllerRead( data )
- struct InputEvent *data;
- {
- /* We want to read gameport events: */
- game_io_msg->io_Command = GPD_READEVENT;
- /* The gameport event is sizeof(struct InputEvent) bytes long: */
- game_io_msg->io_Length = sizeof(struct InputEvent);
- /* Where we want the data to be placed: */
- game_io_msg->io_Data = (APTR) data;
- /* Read one event each time we go back to the gameport: */
- game_io_msg->io_Flags = 0;
- }
- /**************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* GetControllerType() tells us what type of device (nothing, */
- /* absolute joystick, proportional joystick or a mouse) is */
- /* already connected to the Gameport. */
- /* */
- /* Synopsis: type = GetControllerType(); */
- /* */
- /* type: (UBYTE) Type of controller connected: */
- /* GPCT_NOCONTROLLER - nothing */
- /* GPCT_MOUSE - mouse */
- /* GPCT_ABSJOYSTICK - absolute (normal) joystick */
- /* GPCT_RELJOYSTICK - proportional joystick */
- /* */
- /**************************************************************/
- BYTE GetControllerType()
- {
- BYTE type = 0;
- /* We want to know if any controller is already set: */
- game_io_msg->io_Command = GPD_ASKCTYPE;
- /* The message is only one byte long: */
- game_io_msg->io_Length = 1;
- /* Where we want the data stored: */
- game_io_msg->io_Data = (APTR) &type;
- /* Do our request, and return when it is done: */
- DoIO( game_io_msg );
- /* Return the answer: */
- return( type );
- }
- void clean_up( message )
- STRPTR message;
- {
- /* Close the gameport device: */
- if( !deviceerror )
- {
- SetControllerType( GPCT_NOCONTROLLER );
- CloseDevice( game_io_msg );
- }
- /* Deallocate I/O request block: */
- if( game_io_msg )
- DeleteStdIO( game_io_msg );
- /* Close message port: */
- if( game_msg_port )
- DeletePort( game_msg_port );
- /* Print message before we quit: */
- printf( "%s\n", message );
- /* Quit: */
- exit( 0 );
- }