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Text File | 1993-10-12 | 33.2 KB | 1,060 lines |
- All Amiga models have two contacts to which you can connect extra
- input devices like a mouse, joystick, trackball, proportional
- joystick etc. If Intuition is used, the left gameport is
- reserved for a mouse that controls the pointer. However, the
- right port can be used freely.
- To monitor these two gameports you can uses the Gameport
- Device. It is a clean and polite way of controlling the
- gameports. You can of course go directly on the hardware
- and check what is happening. This is both easier and faster,
- but should only be used in games since it is not so polite
- to the system.
- If you go directly on the hardware your program will be
- machine dependent, and may not run on future models of the
- Amiga.
- I doubt that Commodore ever will try to change the hardware
- position of the gameport, but you never know. Programs that
- use the Gameport device will on the other hand always work,
- even if an Amiga 4000 is released. So if you can use the
- Gameport Device instead of hitting the hardware directly,
- stick to the device.
- To the gameports you can connect several types of input
- devices, like: - Mouse
- - Joystick
- - Proportional (analogue) joystick
- - Light pen
- - Drawing (Digitizing) tablet
- - Trackball
- The most commonly used input devices is undoubtedly the mouse and
- joystick. However, inputdevices like analogue joysticks, light
- pens and digitizing tablets are getting more and more popular.
- It is very common that a joystick is already connected to the
- right port. Most games expect that, but it does not mean that
- you can not connect a second mouse or proportional joystick
- there. It is a good rule to always tell the user what type
- of input device he/she should use, before your program starts.
- 3.2.1 MOUSE
- The mouse is the most commonly used device since all Amigas are
- sold together with one. It is perfect for positioning cursors
- (like Intuition's pointer), or to move a gun-sight over some
- enemies.
- A mouse usually consists of a rubber ball covered by a box
- with one or more buttons on top. When the user is sliding the
- mouse, the rubber ball is rotated and delta x and y movements
- are reported.
- The normal Amiga mouse comes with two buttons, but there exist
- those with only one or three buttons.
- 3.2.2 JOYSTICK
- A normal joystick (also called absolute joystick) can only
- report 8 stick movements like: up, right, down, left and
- possible combinations like up and to the right. A joystick
- can have one or two buttons. Sadly most joystick comes with only
- one button.
- A proportional (or analog) joystick is like a normal absolute
- joystick with one difference, it will report the exact delta
- position on the stick. The further in one direction, the higher
- number is broadcasted.
- Proportional joysticks are perfect for flight simulators and
- similar programs. They are becoming more available nowadays,
- so it is a good idea to start supporting this type of device.
- The Gameport Device can sadly not handle proportional joysticks
- for the moment which is a pity. However, I have included a
- small program in the "Input" drawer called "Analogue" which
- reads proportional (analogue) joystick movements directly from
- the hardware registers.
- 3.2.4 LIGHT PEN
- A light pen is a small device with which you can point anywhere
- on the screen in order to position a cursor or select an
- option. There have during the last years been a big discussion
- about which device, a mouse or a light pen, is easiest to use.
- I think it depends on what you are going to do. A pen is
- undoubtedly more natural for a beginner, but your arm gets very
- tired after some minutes, so it should not be used to much.
- Luckily you do not need to bother about the light pen since it
- is also sadly not supported by the Gameport Device. However,
- newly made light pens usually comes with some software that
- replaces Intuition's mouse with the light pen. If you write
- your program as normal and is monitoring a mouse, the user can
- still connected and use a light pen. Your program whould not
- notice any difference.
- Drawing (Digitizing) tablet is used in the same manner as a
- light pen, but with the advantage that your arm does not get
- so tired, and with the disadvantage that all your free space
- on your desk is suddenly occupied by a large sensitive tablet.
- (It is not recommended to spill hot coffee on it for example.)
- Drawing tablets are not either supported by the Gameport
- Device. However, as same as with the light pen, most digitizing
- tablets comes with some software that replaces the normal
- mouse driver with its own driver. So if your program supports
- a mouse, it can also handle most digitizing tablets.
- A trackball is working exactly as a mouse, but with the
- advantage that you do not have to move it around. Since it
- acts exactly as a mouse you do not have to bother about any
- special routines for handling trackballs. Simply support
- mouse events and the user can connect a trackball instead.
- The Gameport Device helps you to monitor the Amiga's two
- gameports. Port 1 (unit 0) is usually already occupied by
- Intuition, but port 2 (unit 1) can normally be used. The
- Gameport Device supports for the moment only two types
- of input devices, and they are: 1. Mouse (Trackball)
- 2. Joystick
- To prepare the Gameport Device to handle input events you
- have to:
- 1. Create a message port with which the Gameport Device
- can communicate with you.
- [ CreatePort() ]
- 2. Allocate an input/output request block (structure).
- [ CreateStdIO() ]
- 3. Open the Gameport Device
- [ OpenDevice() ]
- 4. Check if some other task is already using the gameport.
- (A gameport can only be monitored by one task.)
- 5. Tell the Gameport Device what type of input device you
- want to monitor. (For the moment you can only monitor
- mouse or joystick events.)
- 6. Tell the Gameport Device what events should be reported,
- and when.
- 7. Tell the Gameport Device that we want to start collecting
- gameport events.
- As normal when you are using a device, you first have to create
- a message port with which the device can communicate with you.
- The simplest way is to create a message port by calling the
- CreatePort() function, which will return a pointer to a MsgPort
- structure (defined in the headerfile "exec/ports.h").
- CreatePort() allocates and initializes a MsgPort structure. If
- you give it a string as first parameter it will also make the
- port public. If CreatePort() of some reason could not create a
- message port it returns NULL, otherwise if everything is OK it
- returns a pointer to the new MsgPort structure.
- Synopsis: msgp = CreatePort( name, pri );
- msgp: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to the new MsgPort
- structure, or NULL if something went wrong.
- name: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the name
- of the message port, or NULL. If it is a string
- the port will be made public (so other tasks can
- find it) else only our task can use it.
- msgp: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to the MsgPort structure
- that should be allocated.
- pri: (BYTE) This message port's priority. Usually set
- to 0 - normal priority.
- When your program terminates you must close the message port
- by calling the DeletePort() function!
- DeletePort() deletes a message port. Every message port that
- has been allocated by CreatePort() must be deleted before the
- program terminates.
- Synopsis: DeletePort( msgp );
- msgp: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to the MsgPort structure,
- that should be deallocated.
- Here is an example:
- /* Declare a pointer to our message port: */
- struct MsgPort *game_msg_port;
- /* Create the message port: */
- /* (No name, priority 0.) */
- game_msg_port = CreatePort( 0, 0 );
- /* Check if we have received a message port or not: */
- if( !game_msg_port )
- /* ERROR! Could not create message port! */
- ...
- /* Close message port: */
- DeletePort( game_msg_port );
- Secondly you need a I/O request structure (IOStdReq) in which
- you can store information like where the data is that should
- be processed and how much data you send. When the Gameport
- Device has replied you can find error message, if any, in the
- structure etc. More about this later.
- The IOStdReq structure should also be linked together with our
- message port. We will then receive a message each time the
- Gameport Device returns our I/O request.
- The best way to allocate an IOStdReq structure is to call the
- CreateStdIO() function which will both allocate and pre-
- initialize the structure. (The IOStdReq structure is defined in
- the headerfile "exec/io.h".) We give CreateStdIO() a pointer to
- our message port, so it will automatically be linked together.
- CreateStdIO() allocates and initializes a new IOStdReq
- structure. As only parameter you give it a pointer to a message
- port that will be used by the system to communicate with you.
- If the function succeeds, it returns a pointer to the new
- IoStdReq structure, else NULL which means something went wrong.
- Synopsis: io = CreateStdIO( msgp );
- io: (struct IOStdReq *) Pointer to the new IOStdReq
- structure, or NULL if something went wrong.
- msgp: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to a MsgPort structure
- with which the system can communicate with us.
- Before your program terminates you must deallocate the request
- block by calling the DeleteStdIO() function.
- DeleteStdIO() deallocates a IOStdReq structure that has been
- created by CreateStdIO(). Note that all allocated structures
- must be deleted before the program may terminate.
- Synopsis: DeleteStdIO( io );
- io: (struct IOStdReq *) Pointer to the a IOStdReq
- structure that should be deallocated.
- Here is an example:
- /* Declare a pointer to our I/O request block: */
- struct IOStdReq *game_io_msg;
- /* Allocate and initialize a new I/O request block: */
- /* (It should use our new message port as reply port.) */
- game_io_msg = CreateStdIO( game_msg_port );
- /* Check if we have allocated the req. block successfully: */
- if( !game_io_msg )
- /* ERROR! Could not allocate new I/O request block! */
- ...
- /* Deallocate I/O request block: */
- DeleteStdIO( game_io_msg );
- Now you can open the Gameport Device with help of the
- OpenDevice() function. When you open this device you must also
- tell the system which port you want to monitor (unit 0 - the
- "mouse port" or unit 1 - the "joystick" port). The function
- will return 0 if everything is OK, or an error number if it
- could not open the Gameport Device.
- OpenDevice() will try to open the specified device. It will
- return 0 if everything went OK, else an error number is
- returned.
- Synopsis: error = OpenDevice( name, unit, io, flags );
- error: (long) OpenDevice() will return 0 if everything
- went OK, or an error number if something went
- wrong.
- namne: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the name
- of the device you want to open. The name of the
- Gameport Device is "gameport.device".
- unit: (long) Which unit should be used. The Gameport
- Device can handle two ports:
- unit 0 - the left "mouse port", port 1.
- unit 1 - the right "joystick port", port 2.
- io: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to an already
- initialized IORequest or IOStdReq structure.
- flags: (long) Additional information, set to 0.
- Before your program terminates you have to close the Gameport
- Device by calling the CloseDevice() function. CloseDevice()
- tries to close a device that has previously been opened by an
- OpenDevice() call.
- Synopsis: CloseDevice( io );
- io: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to an IORequest or
- IOStdReq structure that has been used as parameter
- in the OpenDevice() function call.
- Here is an example:
- /* Declare a boolean variable which will be TRUE if */
- /* something when wrong, or FALSE if everything is OK: */
- BOOL deviceerror;
- /* Open the Game Port Device, use the right port (unit 1): */
- deviceerror =
- OpenDevice( "gameport.device", 1, game_io_msg, 0 );
- /* Check if we have opened the device or not: */
- if( deviceerror )
- clean_up( "ERROR! Could not open the Game Port Device!" );
- ...
- /* Close the Gameport Device: */
- CloseDevice( game_io_msg );
- It is now important to check if some other task is already
- monitoring the port, and if so we can not try to use it
- ourself.
- Set the io_Command field of the IOStdReq structure to
- GPD_ASKCTYPE. This tells the system that you want to know what
- type of controller, if any, is for the moment using the port.
- We must now also give the structure (io_Data) a pointer to at
- least one byte of free memory where the answer will be stored,
- and tell the structure how much memory we gave it (io_Length).
- We can now give our order to the Gameport Device by calling
- the DoIO() function.
- The DoIO() function will return as soon as the Gameport Device
- has done our request. We should now be able to find the answer
- at that memory position we specified, and if it is not equal to
- GPCT_NOCONTROLLER some other task is already using the port.
- Here is an example:
- /* Put the answer in this variable: */
- BYTE type;
- /* Create message port, allocate IOStdReq structure and */
- /* open the Gameport Device. */
- /* We want to know what controller, if any, is used: */
- game_io_msg->io_Command = GPD_ASKCTYPE;
- /* The reply should only be one byte long: */
- game_io_msg->io_Length = 1;
- /* Where we want the data stored: */
- game_io_msg->io_Data = (APTR) &type;
- /* Do our request, and return when it is done: */
- DoIO( game_io_msg );
- /* Check if some other task is already using the gameport: */
- if( type)
- {
- /* YES! Some other task is already using this port! */
- /* Lets check what type of controller he is using: */
- switch( type )
- {
- case GPCT_MOUSE:
- printf( "A mouse is connected to the port!\n" );
- break;
- printf( "A proportional joystick is connected to the port!\n" );
- break;
- printf( "A normal joystick is connected to the port!\n" );
- break;
- }
- /* We may now NOT close the device! If we do it, the other */
- /* task will then not be able to use the gameport device */
- /* either! We should only deallocate the StdIOReq structure */
- /* and close the message port! */
- /* Deallocate I/O request block: */
- DeleteStdIO( game_io_msg );
- /* Close message port: */
- DeletePort( game_msg_port );
- exit( ERROR );
- }
- else
- {
- /* OK! No other task is using the port! */
- }
- We should now tell the Gameport Device what type of controller
- (mouse or joystick) we want to monitor. To do this set the
- io_Command field of the IOStdReq structure to GPD_SETCTYPE.
- We must also give the field io_Data a pointer to at least one
- byte of free memory where our request (mouse - GPD_MOUSE or
- joystick- GPD_ABSJOYSTICK) is stored, and set the io_Length to
- 1 (we send 1 byte).
- We can now give our order to the Gameport Device by calling
- the DoIO() function.
- /* We want to monitor mouse events: */
- /* We want to set controller type: */
- game_io_msg->io_Command = GPD_SETCTYPE;
- /* The message is only one byte long: */
- game_io_msg->io_Length = 1;
- /* The data we want to send: */
- game_io_msg->io_Data = (APTR) &type;
- /* Do our request, and return when it is done: */
- DoIO( game_io_msg );
- When your program terminates it must set controller type back
- to GPCT_NOCONTROLLER, before you close the Gameport Device! Do
- as above except that you set type to GPCT_NOCONTROLLER.
- /* We want to clear the port: */
- /* We want to set controller type: */
- game_io_msg->io_Command = GPD_SETCTYPE;
- /* The message is only one byte long: */
- game_io_msg->io_Length = 1;
- /* The data we want to send: */
- game_io_msg->io_Data = (APTR) &type;
- /* Do our request, and return when it is done: */
- DoIO( game_io_msg );
- /* You may now close the Gameport Device, deallocate the */
- /* IOStdReq structure and delete the message port. */
- No almost everything is prepared. The last thing you have to
- do is to tell the Gameport Device when you want to receive
- gameport events. There exist five different types of event
- that may occur if you want, and they are:
- 1. A button was pressed. (GPTF_DOWNKEYS)
- 2. A button was released. (GPTF_UPKEYS)
- 3. Timeout. Nothing has happened within a specified timelimit.
- 4. Delta X movements. (Mouse or stick moved to the right/left.)
- 5. Delta Y movements. (Mouse or stick moved up/down.)
- You set what type of trigger you want by initializing the
- GamePortTrigger structure (defined in the headerfile "devices/
- gameport.h"). The GamePortTrigger structure look like this:
- struct GamePortTrigger
- {
- UWORD gpt_Keys;
- UWORD gpt_Timeout;
- UWORD gpt_XDelta;
- UWORD gpt_YDelta;
- };
- gpt_Keys: If you want to trigger an event when a button is
- pressed, set flag GPTF_DOWNKEYS. If you want to
- trigger an event when a button is released, set
- flag GPTF_UPKEYS. If you want to trigger an event
- both when a button is pressed as well as when it
- is released, set both flags with the binary
- operator | in between, GPTF_DOWNKEYS|GPTF_UPKEYS.
- gpt_Timeout: If this value is not zero, a timeout message will
- be triggered if nothing has happened during the
- specified timeperiod. The value is in vertical
- blank units which occurs 60 times a second. So if
- you want a message to be triggered after 30
- seconds, set gpt_Timeout to 30 * 60 = 1800.
- gpt_XDelta: How many x counts should occur before a message
- is broadcasted. If you are monitoring a normal
- joystick, set this value to 1.
- gpt_YDelta: How many y counts should occur before a message
- is broadcasted. If you are monitoring a normal
- joystick, set this value to 1.
- Fill this GamePortTrigger structure with your requirements,
- and give the IOStdReq structure a pointer to it. Set the
- io_Command field to GPD_SETTRIGGER (we want to tell the system
- what should trigger an event). Finally do not forget that the
- field io_Length should now be set to: sizeof( struct
- GamePortTrigger ).
- Here is an example:
- /* This structure will be filled with our requirements: */
- struct GamePortTrigger gpt;
- /* Set our requirements: */
- gpt.gpt_Keys = GPTF_DOWNKEYS|GPTF_UPKEYS; /* Up or down. */
- gpt.gpt_Timeout = 600; /* 10 seconds. */
- gpt.gpt_XDelta = 5; /* At least 5 */
- gpt.gpt_YDelta = 5; /* counts. */
- /* We want to set controller trigger: */
- game_io_msg->io_Command = GPD_SETTRIGGER;
- /* The message is sizeof(struct GamePortTrigger) bytes long: */
- game_io_msg->io_Length = sizeof( gpt );
- /* Pointer to the data we want to send: */
- game_io_msg->io_Data = (APTR) &gpt;
- /* Do our request and return when it is done: */
- DoIO( game_io_msg );
- The last thing we have to do is to prepare the Gameport Device
- to send us messages each time a gameport event is triggered.
- All information about the gameport event is automatically
- stored in an InputEvent structure (defined in the headerfile
- "devices/inputevent.h"), so what we have to do is to give
- the Gameport Device a pointer to an InputEvent structure,
- specify the size to sizeof( struct InputEvent), and set the
- io_command to GPD_READEVENT.
- Here is an example:
- /* Store the information about the gameport event */
- /* in this structure: */
- struct InputEvent data;
- /* We want to read gameport events: */
- game_io_msg->io_Command = GPD_READEVENT;
- /* The gameport event is sizeof(struct InputEvent) bytes long: */
- game_io_msg->io_Length = sizeof( data );
- /* Where we want the data to be placed: */
- game_io_msg->io_Data = (APTR) &data;
- /* Do not use quick io: */
- game_io_msg->io_Flags = 0;
- Once the Gameport Device has been properly prepared, you can
- start monitoring the port. Each time you want to check the
- port you send your request with help of the function SendIO().
- /* Do our request, and return without delay: */
- SendIO( game_io_msg );
- You will now receive a message at our message port as soon as
- a gameport event is triggered (the user has moved the joystick,
- or a button has been pressed for example). If we do not want
- to do anything while we are waiting for a gameport event, it
- is best to call the WaitPort() function. It will put our task
- to sleep so we do not waste any computer time. However, once
- there appear a message at our port, our task is woken up.
- /* Wait for a message to arrive at our message port. */
- /* While we are waiting our task is put to sleep, */
- /* which means that we will not waste any computer */
- /* time. Zzz Zzz Zzz... */
- WaitPort( game_msg_port );
- Once we believe there is a message at our port, we can collect
- it with help of the GetMsg() function. If we could not collect
- a message, GetMsg() will return NULL. When we have collected
- a message we know that the Gameport Device has filled our
- InputEvent structure with some interesting information about
- the gameport event.
- It is important to remember that from that moment we send our
- request with SendIO() until we collect a message with GetMsg()
- we are not allowed to use the InputEvent structure. However,
- once we have collected a message we may examine it or change
- it as much as we want, until we send another request with
- SendIO().
- /* Try to Collect a message: */
- if( GetMsg( game_msg_port ) )
- {
- /* If we have successfully collected a message, */
- /* we may examine the InputEvent structure. */
- }
- 1. Before you can wait for a gameport event you must have
- sent a gameport request by calling the SendIO()
- function.
- 2. Before your program terminates you must have collected
- every gameport request you have sent! If you close the
- message port before you have answered all events,
- something, not so nice, will happen.
- As we said above, once you receive a gameport event you should
- examine the InputEvent structure. The structure look like this:
- (Defined in the headerfile "devices/inputevent.h".)
- struct InputEvent
- {
- struct InputEvent *ie_NextEvent;
- UBYTE ie_Class;
- UBYTE ie_SubClass;
- UWORD ie_Code;
- UWORD ie_Qualifier;
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- WORD ie_x;
- WORD ie_y;
- } ie_xy;
- APTR ie_addr;
- } ie_position;
- struct timeval ie_TimeStamp;
- };
- /* These constants (together with many more) are also */
- /* declared in the headerfile: */
- #define ie_X ie_position.ie_xy.ie_x
- #define ie_Y ie_position.ie_xy.ie_y
- #define ie_EventAddress ie_position.ie_addr
- ie_NextEvent: Pointer to the next InputEvent structure. (All
- events are stored chronologically.)
- ie_Class: What type of message it is. Not currently used
- by the Gameport Device.
- ie_SubClass: Extra field, sometimes used to more precisely
- explain what has happened. Not currently used
- by the Gameport Device.
- ie_Code: This field tells us if a button has been pressed,
- or released. (Remember that you will only
- receive such messages if you have set the
- gameport event triggers GPTF_DOWNKEYS and/or
- If you are monitoring joystick events, and the
- user presses the fire button, this field is set
- to IECODE_LBUTTON. If the user later on releases
- the fire button, this field is set to
- If you are monitoring mouse events, this field
- can contain one of the following six different
- types of messages:
- IECODE_LBUTTON: Left mouse button pressed.
- IECODE_MBUTTON: Middle mouse button pressed.(*)
- IECODE_RBUTTON: Right mouse button pressed.
- was released.
- was released. (*)
- was released.
- [(*) Does not exist on the standard Amiga mouse.]
- If no button was pressed or released, this field
- is set to IECODE_NOBUTTON.
- ie_Qualifier: Extra information for the code field. Not used by
- the Gameport Device.
- ie_x: Delta x movements.
- If you are monitoring joystick events, 1 means
- that the stick was move to the right, and -1
- means that the stick was moved to the left.
- If you are monitoring mouse events, this fields
- tells you how many x counts the mouse has moved.
- ie_y: Delta y movements.
- If you are monitoring joystick events, 1 means
- that the stick was move back, and -1 means that
- the stick was moved forward.
- If you are monitoring mouse events, this fields
- tells you how many y counts the mouse has moved.
- ie_addr: The address of the device that sent the message.
- ie_TimeStamp: System timer.
- Here is an example on how to collect joystick events:
- ("data" is a pointer to an initialized InputEvent structure.)
- /* Store the direction of the stick and */
- /* button position in these variables: */
- WORD xdirection;
- WORD ydirection;
- UWORD code;
- /* Collect data: */
- xdirection = data->ie_X;
- ydirection = data->ie_Y;
- code = data->ie_Code;
- /* Was the fire button pressed or released? */
- if( code == IECODE_LBUTTON )
- printf("Button pressed. ");
- printf("Button released. ");
- /* What is the position of the stick: */
- switch(ydirection)
- {
- case -1:
- printf( "Forward" );
- break;
- case 1:
- printf( "Back" );
- break;
- }
- switch(xdirection)
- {
- case -1:
- printf( "Left" );
- break;
- case 1:
- printf( "Right" );
- break;
- }
- Here is an example on how to collect mouse events:
- ("data" is a pointer to an initialized InputEvent structure.)
- WORD x;
- WORD y;
- UWORD code;
- /* Collect data: */
- x = data->ie_X;
- y = data->ie_Y;
- code = data->ie_Code;
- /* Check if an mouse button has been pressed/released: */
- switch( code )
- {
- printf( "Left mouse button pressed" );
- break;
- printf( "Middle mouse button pressed" );
- break;
- printf( "Right mouse button pressed" );
- break;
- printf( "Left mouse button released" );
- break;
- printf( "Middle mouse button released" );
- break;
- printf( "Right mouse button released" );
- break;
- printf( "No buttons pressed/released" );
- /* This meant that you have either received a timeout */
- /* message, or the mouse has been moved. */
- break;
- }
- /* Check delta movement: */
- printf( "Delta X: %4d Delta Y: %4d\n", x, y );
- Note that several of these functions are rather complicated,
- and have not been fully explained in this chapter. For more
- information se chapter XXXXX. Here is at least a short
- description of what they are doing, and how they should be
- used.
- CreatePort()
- This function allocates and initializes a MsgPort structure.
- If you give it a string as first parameter it will also make
- the port public. If CreatePort() of some reason could not
- create a message port it returns NULL, otherwise if everything
- is OK it returns a pointer to the new MsgPort structure.
- Note that a port that has been created by calling
- CreatePort(), must be deallocated before your program
- terminates. The easiest way to deallocate a message
- port is to use the DeletePort() function.
- Synopsis: msgp = CreatePort( name, pri );
- msgp: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to the new MsgPort
- structure, or NULL if something went wrong.
- name: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the name
- of the message port, or NULL. If it is a string
- the port will be made public (so other tasks can
- find it) else only our task can use it.
- msgp: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to the MsgPort structure
- that should be deallocated.
- pri: (BYTE) This message port's priority. Usually set
- to 0 - normal priority.
- DeletePort()
- This function deletes a message port. Every message port that
- has been allocated by CreatePort() must be deleted before the
- program terminates.
- Synopsis: DeletePort( msgp );
- msgp: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to the MsgPort structure,
- that should be deallocated.
- CreateStdIO()
- This function allocates and initializes a new IOStdReq
- structure. As only parameter you give it a pointer to a
- message port that will be used by the system to communicate
- with you. If the function succeeds, it returns a pointer to
- the new IoStdReq structure, else NULL which means something
- went wrong.
- Note that a IOStdReq structure that has been allocated by
- CreateStdIO(), must be deallocated before the program
- terminates. To do this, use the function DeleteStdIO().
- Synopsis: io = CreateStdIO( msgp );
- io: (struct IOStdReq *) Pointer to the new IOStdReq
- structure, or NULL if something went wrong.
- msgp: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to a MsgPort structure
- with which the system can communicate with us.
- DeleteStdIO()
- This function deallocates a IOStdReq structure that has
- been created by CreateStdIO(). Note that all allocated
- structures must be deleted before the program may
- terminate.
- Synopsis: DeleteStdIO( io );
- io: (struct IOStdReq *) Pointer to the a IOStdReq
- structure that should be deallocated.
- OpenDevice()
- This function will try to open the specified device. It will
- return 0 if everything went OK, else an error number is
- returned.
- Note that if you have opened a device, your program must
- close it before it terminates. However, if you have opened
- a device that is already being used by some other task
- you should not close it. Close a device by calling the
- CloseDevice() function.
- Synopsis: error = OpenDevice( name, unit, io, flags );
- error: (long) OpenDevice() will return 0 if everything
- went OK, or an error number if something went
- wrong.
- namne: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the name
- of the device you want to open. The name of the
- Gameport Device is "gameport.device".
- unit: (long) Which unit should be used. The Gameport
- Device can handle two ports:
- unit 0 - the left "mouse port", port 1.
- unit 1 - the right "joystick port", port 2.
- io: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to an already
- initialized IORequest or IOStdReq structure.
- flags: (long) Additional information, set to 0.
- CloseDevice()
- This function closes a device that has previously been opened
- by an OpenDevice() call. Note that if you have opened a
- device, your program must close it before it terminates.
- However, if you have opened a device that is already being
- used by some other task you should not close it.
- Synopsis: CloseDevice( io );
- io: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to an IORequest or
- IOStdReq structure that has been used as parameter
- in the OpenDevice() function call.
- Example1
- This example demonstrates how to open the Gameport Device,
- and monitor Joystick events. While we are waiting we
- put our task to sleep so we do not waste any computer time.
- Example2
- Same as example 1, but instead of putting the task to sleep
- while we are waiting for something to happen, we constantly
- try to receive joystick events. This should for example be
- used in games. I am sure that you so not want that all aliens
- should stop attacking the world just because the user has
- not moved the stick.
- Example3
- This example demonstrates how to open the Gameport Device,
- and monitor mouse events. While we are waiting we put our
- task to sleep so we do not waste any computer time.
- Example4
- Same as example 3, but instead of putting the task to sleep
- while we are waiting for something to happen, we constantly
- try to receive mouse events.