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- /***********************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
- /* */
- /* Book: ACM Devices Amiga C Club */
- /* Chapter: Narrator Device Tulevagen 22 */
- /* File: Example4.c 181 41 LIDINGO */
- /* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
- /* Date: 92-04-26 */
- /* Version: 1.00 */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* */
- /* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
- /* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
- /* */
- /***********************************************************/
- /* This example very similar to the previous one, but this */
- /* time are we using a different voice. By altering the */
- /* rate, pitch, mode, sex and volume, you can produce very */
- /* different sounds. */
- /* Declares the datatypes like STRPTR etc: */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- /* We are using the narrator device: */
- #include <devices/narrator.h>
- /* Size of the phonetic string buffer. */
- /* The audio channels: */
- /* Values: */
- #define LEFT0B 0
- #define RIGHT0B 1
- #define RIGHT1B 2
- #define LEFT1B 3
- /* Bit fields: */
- #define LEFT0F (1<<LEFT0B)
- #define RIGHT0F (1<<RIGHT0B)
- #define RIGHT1F (1<<RIGHT1B)
- #define LEFT1F (1<<LEFT1B)
- /* Pointer to the translator library: */
- struct Library *TranslatorBase;
- /* Declare a pointer to our reply port: */
- struct MsgPort *replymp = NULL;
- /* Declare a pointer to our narrator request block: */
- struct narrator_rb *narrator_req = NULL;
- /* The text should be read with all channels: */
- UBYTE allocation_array[]={ LEFT0F | RIGHT0F | RIGHT1F | LEFT1F };
- /* Declare our functions: */
- void main();
- void clean_up( STRPTR text );
- void main()
- {
- /* Number of translated characters, or zero */
- /* if all characters were translated: */
- int char_translated;
- /* The original string: */
- char *original_string = "My darling! my love! my user!";
- /* The phonetic string: */
- char phonetic_string[ PHONETIC_BUFFER_SIZE ];
- /* Store error values here: */
- BYTE error;
- /* Open the translator library: */
- TranslatorBase = (struct Library *)
- OpenLibrary( "translator.library", 0 );
- /* Have we successfully opened the library? */
- if( !TranslatorBase )
- clean_up( "Could not open the translator library!" );
- /* The translator library has now been opened, so */
- /* we may now start to use the Translate() function. */
- /* Translate our string into phonetics: (The Translate() */
- /* functipon can sadly only translate English text, but */
- /* with small modifications of the phonetic string it */
- /* can be used with most languages.) */
- char_translated =
- Translate( original_string, strlen( original_string ),
- phonetic_string, PHONETIC_BUFFER_SIZE );
- /* If all characters could successfully be translated */
- /* and stored in the phonetic string Translate() */
- /* returns zero, else a negativa value is returned */
- /* which tells us how many characters were actually */
- /* translated: (Note that we put a minus sign infront */
- /* of the variable to make it positive.) */
- if( char_translated )
- printf( "Translated only %d characters!\n", -char_translated );
- else
- printf( "All characters successfully translated!\n" );
- /* Show the user what we got: */
- printf( "Original string: %s\n", original_string );
- printf( "Phonetic string: %s\n", phonetic_string );
- /* Get a reply port: (No name, priority 0) */
- replymp = (struct MsgPort *)
- CreatePort( NULL, 0 );
- if( !replymp )
- clean_up( "Could not create the reply port!" );
- /* Allocate and preinitialize a narrator request block: */
- narrator_req = (struct narrator_rb *)
- CreateExtIO( replymp, sizeof( struct narrator_rb ) );
- if( !narrator_req )
- clean_up( "Not enough memory for the narrator request!" );
- /* Open the Narrator Device: */
- error = OpenDevice( "narrator.device", 0, narrator_req, 0 );
- if( error )
- {
- /* Clear the "io_Device" flag since */
- /* we have not opened the device: */
- narrator_req->message.io_Device = NULL;
- /* Quit: */
- clean_up( "Could not open the Narrator Device!" );
- }
- /* Set our requirements: */
- /* Set the length of the phonetic string: */
- narrator_req->message.io_Length = strlen( phonetic_string );
- /* Give it a pointer to the phonetic string: */
- narrator_req->message.io_Data = (APTR) phonetic_string;
- /* Send (write) the text to the device: */
- narrator_req->message.io_Command = CMD_WRITE;
- /* Desired channel combinations: */
- narrator_req->ch_masks = allocation_array;
- /* Size of the allocation array: */
- narrator_req->nm_masks = sizeof( allocation_array );
- /* Use default rate: (Read 150 words per minute.) */
- narrator_req->rate = DEFRATE;
- /* Use a bit higher pitch than the default (110): */
- narrator_req->pitch = DEFPITCH + 80;
- /* Use the "natrual" voice: */
- narrator_req->mode = NATURALF0;
- /* An Amiga girl is reading: (Hope she is nicer than she sounds...) */
- narrator_req->sex = FEMALE;
- /* Use a soft (hmmm) voice: */
- narrator_req->volume = MAXVOL / 2;
- /* Start to read: */
- SendIO( narrator_req );
- /* Tell the user that the Amiga is reading: */
- printf( "Computers can have emotions!\n" );
- /* Wait for the narrator to finish reading the text: */
- error = WaitIO( narrator_req );
- /* Were there any errors? */
- if( error )
- {
- printf( "Error code: %d\n", narrator_req->message.io_Error );
- clean_up( "Error while reading!" );
- }
- /* Clean up and quit: */
- clean_up( "The End!" );
- }
- /* Close and return everything that has been */
- /* opened and allocated before we quit: */
- void clean_up( STRPTR text )
- {
- /* If we have a request block and the "io_Device" field */
- /* is not zero, we know that the device has successfully */
- /* been opened and must now be closed: */
- if( narrator_req && narrator_req->message.io_Device )
- CloseDevice( narrator_req );
- /* Empty the reply port: */
- while( GetMsg( replymp ) )
- printf( "Collected a message at the reply port.\n" );
- /* Remove the replyport: */
- if( replymp )
- DeletePort( replymp);
- /* Dealocate the narrator request block: */
- if( narrator_req )
- DeleteExtIO( narrator_req, sizeof( struct narrator_rb ) );
- /* Close the translator library: */
- if( TranslatorBase )
- CloseLibrary( TranslatorBase );
- /* Print the last message: */
- printf( "%s\n", text );
- /* Quit: */
- exit( 0 );
- }