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- The printer device works close together with both the serial
- and the parallel device. If you want to control a printer,
- there are several advantages of using the printer device
- instead of the serial or parallel device.
- First you do not need to know to which port (serial or
- parallel) the printer is connected to. The printer device will
- simply look at the "Preferences" settings, and will there find
- this type of information.
- Secondly, since the user has specified what type of printer
- is used with Preferences, the printer device will also know how
- to translate the universal printer commands (listed below) into
- that printers own special commands. This is very good since if
- your program can handle some of the commands listed below, it
- will work on most printers.
- Finally, there exist a lot of special features like printing
- graphics, translating foreign characters, and changing the
- printer settings. All this is supported by the printer device.
- The printer device is, as said above, very close connected to
- the serial and parallel devices. The printer device can be said
- to be on a "higher level". The reason of this is that the
- printer device will with help of Preferences control either
- the serial or parallel device. (See illustration "Printer
- Device".)
- ----------------
- |Printer Device|
- ----------------
- |
- V
- -------------
- |Preferences|
- -------------
- | |
- V V
- --------------- -----------------
- |Serial Device| |Parallel Device|
- --------------- -----------------
- | |
- V V
- ------------- ---------------
- |Serial Port| |Parallel Port|
- ------------- ---------------
- Although the complexity of printing, the printer device is very
- easy and straight forward to use. It works like all other
- normal devices, and with only some extra structures and
- commands a lot can be done.
- As with all devices you use a request block to communicate with
- the printer device. You initialize the request block as will be
- described below, and then you simply send it to the device with
- for example an DoIO() or SendIO() command.
- Since the printer device can handle a lot of special commands
- there exist three different request blocks. Which should be
- used depends on what you want to do.
- 1. The standard request block (struct IOStdReq) should be
- used for all "normal" commands.
- 2. The special printer command block (struct IOPrtCmdReq)
- should be used when you want to send special commands to
- the printer.
- 3. The special graphic request block (struct IODRPReq) should
- be used when you want to print graphics (dump a Rastport
- to a printer).
- To make it easier for you the printer device can handle a union
- with these three structures. This means that you only have to
- bother about one singe request block. The union look like this:
- union printerIO
- {
- struct IOStdReq ios;
- struct IODRPReq iodrp;
- struct IOPrtCmdReq iopc;
- };
- Each structure of this union will be described in more detail
- below.
- The printer device use a standard request block (struct
- IOStdReq) for all normal commands. It looks like this: (Defined
- in header file "exec/io.h". Note that you will probably only
- use some of these fields, so you do not need to bother too
- much about it.)
- struct IOStdReq
- {
- struct Message io_Message;
- struct Device *io_Device;
- struct Unit *io_Unit;
- UWORD io_Command;
- UBYTE io_Flags;
- BYTE io_Error;
- ULONG io_Actual;
- ULONG io_Length;
- APTR io_Data;
- ULONG io_Offset;
- };
- io_Message: This is the message that will be sent to your reply
- port once the device has successfully or not
- finished your request
- io_Device: Pointer to the device which is using this request
- block.
- io_Unit: If the device has several units (like the Trackdisk
- Device) this is a pointer to one of these units.
- io_Command: It is here you set the command flag which tells the
- device what you actually want to do. There exist a
- lot of different commands depending on which device
- you are using.
- The commands can be divided into to groups. The
- first group of commands is the standard device
- commands like read and write. They are used by most
- devices, and are defined in the same header file as
- the request structure ("exec/io.h"). Se chapter 17
- "Devices" for more information about these commands.
- (The printer device can only handle the commands
- which are marked with a star "*".)
- CMD_RESET: (*) Reset the device. Removes all
- queued commands and sets all fields
- to the default settings.
- CMD_READ: Read (collect) data from the device.
- CMD_WRITE: (*) Write (send) data to the device.
- CMD_UPDATE: Update the device.
- CMD_CLEAR: Clears the device's own input buffer.
- CMD_STOP: (*) Temporarily stops the device.
- CMD_START: (*) Restarts the device after it has
- been stopped.
- CMD_FLUSH: (*) Removes all queued commands.
- The second group contains all special device
- commands. Each device chapter (18-29) contains a
- complete list of each device's special commands,
- together with full instructions on how to use them.
- The printer device uses four special commands, but
- only two of these may be used by the standard
- request block: (See the other structures for more
- information about the two other commands.)
- PRD_RAWWRITE: Sends raw (not translated)
- characters.
- PRD_QUERY: Send this command if you want to
- receive some information about the
- printer device.
- io_Flags: This flag field is used by only some of the devices.
- io_Error: This field is set to 0 if the device managed to do
- your request, else an error number is stored here.
- Depending on which device you are using different
- error messages are used. However, there exist four
- standard error messages (defined in header file
- "exec/errors.h"):
- IOERR_OPENFAIL: Could not open the device.
- IOERR_ABORTED: The request was aborted.
- IOERR_NOCMD: A command that was not supported
- by the device was used.
- IOERR_BADLENGTH: Bad length of the command - data.
- If the printer device failed to do your request, one
- of these error flags is returned:
- PDERR_CANCEL: User cancelled the request.
- PDERR_NOTGRAPHICS: The printer which the user
- has can not handle
- graphics.
- PDERR_BADDIMENSION: The printer dimension is
- not valid.
- PDERR_INTERNALMEMORY: Not enough memory for the
- printer device's internal
- variables.
- PDERR_BUFFERMEMORY: Not enough memory for the
- print buffer.
- io_Actual: The number of bytes that was actually collected or
- sent. If this number is not the same as the number
- of bytes you wanted to collect/send, the
- communication may have been interrupted.
- io_Length: The number of bytes you want to send or collect.
- io_Data: Pointer to where the data is which should be sent,
- or pointer to where all data which is collected
- should be stored.
- io_Offset: Offset value used by some devices.
- When you want to send special printer commands like "italics
- on", "boldface off", "subscript on" etc (a complete table of
- printer commands is listed below) you can do it in two ways:
- (A) You send the printer command's "Escape Sequence" in the
- same way you send normal text. These escape sequences will
- be translated by Preferences and then sent to the printer.
- (B) You send the printer command with help of a special
- printer command request block (struct IOPrtCmdReq).
- Both options will work equally well, but your code will look
- better if you use the special IOPrtCmdReq structure. (It is
- easier to understand what is happening, since escape sequences
- are usually not very informative and definitely not easy to
- remember.) All printer commands are also defined in the header
- file "devices/printer.h", and you are therefore recommended
- to use them instead of the escape sequences.
- struct IOPrtCmdReq
- {
- struct Message io_Message;
- struct Device *io_Device;
- struct Unit *io_Unit;
- UWORD io_Command;
- UBYTE io_Flags;
- BYTE io_Error;
- UWORD io_PrtCommand;
- UBYTE io_Parm0;
- UBYTE io_Parm1;
- UBYTE io_Parm2;
- UBYTE io_Parm3;
- };
- io_Message: This is the message that will be sent to your
- reply port once the device has successfully or
- not finished your request
- io_Device: Pointer to the printer device which is using
- this request block.
- io_Unit: Not used by the printer device.
- io_Command: Set this field to PRD_PRTCOMMAND, and the device
- will know that you want to send commands to the
- printer. NOTE! The flag "PRD_PRTCOMMAND" should
- only be used by IOPrtCmdReq structures!!!
- io_Flags: Not used.
- io_Error: This field is set to 0 if the printer device
- managed to do your request, else an error number
- is stored here:
- PDERR_CANCEL: User cancelled the
- request.
- PDERR_NOTGRAPHICS: The printer which the
- user has can not handle
- graphics.
- PDERR_BADDIMENSION: The printer dimension is
- not valid.
- PDERR_INTERNALMEMORY: Not enough memory for
- the printer device's
- internal variables.
- PDERR_BUFFERMEMORY: Not enough memory for
- the print buffer.
- io_PrtCommand: The command you want to send to the printer. See
- below for a complete list of all printer
- commands. Some of the commands require extra
- parameters, and these parameters should be set
- in the following four fields.
- io_Parm0: First parameter.
- io_Parm1: Second parameter.
- io_Parm2: Third parameter.
- io_Parm3: Fourth parameter.
- When you want to print graphics you have to use the special
- IODRPReq structure. It will dump a specified rastport (see
- chapter 12 "Low Level Graphics" for more information about
- rastports) to the printer. Note that this request will only
- work if the user has a printer that supports graphics.
- The IODRPReq structure look like this: (also defined in header
- file "devices/printer.h")
- struct IODRPReq
- {
- struct Message io_Message;
- struct Device *io_Device;
- struct Unit *io_Unit;
- UWORD io_Command;
- UBYTE io_Flags;
- BYTE io_Error;
- struct RastPort *io_RastPort;
- struct ColorMap *io_ColorMap;
- ULONG io_Modes;
- UWORD io_SrcX;
- UWORD io_SrcY;
- UWORD io_SrcWidth;
- UWORD io_SrcHeight;
- LONG io_DestCols;
- LONG io_DestRows;
- UWORD io_Special;
- };
- io_Message: This is the message that will be sent to your
- reply port once the device has successfully or
- not finished your request
- io_Device: Pointer to the printer device which is using
- this request block.
- io_Unit: Not used by the printer device.
- io_Command: Set this field to PRD_PRTCOMMAND, and the device
- will know that you want to send commands to the
- printer. NOTE! The flag "PRD_PRTCOMMAND" should
- only be used by IOPrtCmdReq structures!!!
- io_Flags: Not used.
- io_Error: This field is set to 0 if the printer device
- managed to do your request, else an error number
- is stored here:
- PDERR_CANCEL: User cancelled the
- request.
- PDERR_NOTGRAPHICS: The printer which the
- user has can not handle
- graphics.
- PDERR_BADDIMENSION: The printer dimension is
- not valid.
- PDERR_INTERNALMEMORY: Not enough memory for
- the printer device's
- internal variables.
- PDERR_BUFFERMEMORY: Not enough memory for
- the print buffer.
- io_RastPort: Pointer to the RastPort that should be printed.
- io_ColorMap: Pointer to the ColorMap structure which contains
- all information about the RastPort's colours.
- io_Modes: The ViewPort's display modes. The information
- is used to convert the picture which will be
- printed to the correct aspects. (On a low
- resolution screen each pixels is equally wide as
- tall. However, on a high resolution screen, each
- pixel is only half as wide as it is tall. The
- same applies for interlaced and non interlaced
- screens.) The printer device must also know if
- you want to print a "normal" picture, or a
- picture with one of the special display modes
- like "HAM" or "Extrahalf Brite". The following
- flags may be used:
- HIRES: Set this flag if you want to print a high
- resolution screen. If this flag is not
- set, the printer device assumes that you
- are using a low resolution screen.
- LACE: Set this flag if you want to print an
- interlaced picture. If this flag is not
- set, the printer device assumes that you
- are using a non-interlaced picture.
- HAM: Set this flag if you want to print a
- "HAM" picture.
- EXTRA_HALFBRITE: Set this flag if you want to
- print an "extra halfbrite" picture.
- PUALPF: Set this flag if you want to print a dual
- playfields screen.
- Note that the simplest way is to copy the
- Viewport structure's "modes" field. You will then
- not risk to forget one or more display flags.
- io_SrcX: X offset of the source picture.
- io_SrcY: Y offset of the source picture.
- io_SrcWidth: Width of the source picture.
- io_SrcHeight: Height of the source picture.
- io_DestCols: Width of the printed picture. If the special
- flag "SPECIAL_MILCOLS" is set, the width is in
- 1/1000". If the special flag "SPECIAL_FULLCOLS"
- is set, this field is ignored by the printer
- device. (The picture will be as wide as
- possible.) Finally, if the special flag
- "SPECIAL_FRACCOLS" is set this field specifies
- the size as a fraction of the maximum width.
- io_DestRows: Height of the printed picture. If the special
- flag "SPECIAL_MILROWS" is set, the height is in
- 1/1000". If the special flag "SPECIAL_FULLROWS"
- is set, this field is ignored by the printer
- device. (The picture will be as tall as
- possible.) Finally, if the special flag
- "SPECIAL_FRACROWS" is set this field specifies
- the size as a fraction of the maximum height.
- io_Special: There exist several special graphical printing
- modes. Here is a complete list of flags that may
- be used:
- SPECIAL_MILCOLS: If this flag is set the
- "io_DestCols" field specifies
- the width in 1/1000".
- SPECIAL_MILROWS: If this flag is set the
- "io_DestRows" field specifies
- the height in 1/1000".
- SPECIAL_FULLCOLS: Set this flag if you want the
- width of the printed picture
- to be as wide as possible.
- SPECIAL_FULLROWS: Set this flag if you want the
- height of the printed picture
- to be as tall as possible.
- SPECIAL_FRACCOLS: If this flag is set the
- "io_DestCols" field specifies
- the width as a fraction of
- the maximum width.
- SPECIAL_FRACROWS: If this flag is set the
- "io_DestRows" field specifies
- the height as a fraction of
- the maximum height.
- SPECIAL_CENTER: Set this flag if you want the
- picture to be centered on the
- paper.
- SPECIAL_ASPECT: Set this flag if you want to
- use the correct aspect ratio
- of the picture. If you set
- and this "SPECIAL_ASPECT"
- flag the printed picture will
- be as large as possible, but
- still with the right aspects.
- SPECIAL_DENSITY1: Set this flag if you want the
- picture to be printed with
- the printer's lowest
- resolution.
- SPECIAL_DENSITY2: Next resolution.
- SPECIAL_DENSITY3: Next resolution.
- SPECIAL_DENSITY4: Next resolution.
- SPECIAL_DENSITY5: Next resolution.
- SPECIAL_DENSITY6: Next resolution.
- SPECIAL_DENSITY7: Use the printer's highest
- (finest) resolution.
- SPECIAL_NOFORMFEED: Set this flag if you do not
- want that the paper is
- ejected after each time you
- have printed graphics.
- SPECIAL_TRUSTME: Set this flag if you do not
- want the printer to reset
- any parameters while
- printing.
- To create a printer request block, use the CreateExtIO()
- function. Since there exist three different types of structures
- that are needed, the printer device assumes that you are using
- a union of these three structures. The union is sadly not
- declared in any header file, so you have to declare it
- yourself. It should look like this:
- union printerIO
- {
- struct IOStdReq ios;
- struct IODRPReq iodrp;
- struct IOPrtCmdReq iopc;
- };
- The CreateExtIO function should always be used when you want to
- create a request block which is not of the normal size
- (struct IOStdReq).
- Synopsis: prt_req = CreateExtIO( msg_port, size );
- prt_req: (struct IORequest *) If CreateExtIO() managed to
- allocate and initialize the request block it returns
- a pointer to it, else the function will return NULL.
- (Note that you have to do some "casting" here, since
- the compiler expects that the function returns a
- pointer to a normal IORequest structure, but this
- function is used when you create other (larger) types
- of request block. Se example for more information.)
- msg_port: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to a message port to which
- the device will send a message to each time it has
- completed your request.
- size: The size (in bytes) of the request block. Use the
- function sizeof() to find out how big the special
- request block is. Example: sizeof( union printerIO );
- As with all devices you have to open a message port through
- which the printer device can communicate with you, and allocate
- a request block (a printerIO union), before you may open the
- device itself.
- 1. Open a message port: (Since it is only our task and the
- device that will use the message port, we do not need
- to make it "public", hence no name. Priority should as
- usual be set to 0, normal priority.)
- struct MsgPort *replymp;
- replymp = (struct MsgPort *)
- CreatePort( NULL, 0 );
- if( !replymp )
- clean_up( "Could not create the reply port!" );
- 2. Allocate a request block of type printerIO union. Since
- the printer request block is larger than normal request
- blocks (IOStdReq structure) it must be created with
- the CreateExtIO() function.
- union printerIO printer_req;
- printer_req = (union printerIO *)
- CreateExtIO( replymp, sizeof( union printerIO ) );
- if( !printer_req )
- clean_up( "Not enough memory!" );
- 3. Once the message port and the request block have
- successfully been created you may open the printer device.
- UBYTE error;
- /* Open the printer device: */
- error = OpenDevice( "printer.device", 0, printer_req, 0 );
- if( error )
- clean_up( "Could not open the Printer Device!" );
- 9.2.3 PRINT TEXT
- When the printer device has been opened you may start to send
- text to the printer. When printing normal text you should use
- the "IOStdReq" structure of the printerIO union. You can either
- send text which will not be translated (raw text) to the
- printer, or you can send text that will be translated.
- The advantage of sending text that is translated by Preferences
- is that the characters you send will also be the same when
- printed. (Many printers have their own list of foreign
- characters. And if the characters are not translated, you
- never know what will be printed.)
- The second reason for translating text is that "escape
- sequences" (like "underline on", "boldface off", "NLQ" etc...)
- will be translated into the printer's own printer commands.
- If you write a program that uses "escape sequences" you know
- that it will work on all printers (as long as they support
- your commands). If you on the other hand send special
- untranslated printer commands that are unlike for some type
- of printer models, your program will not work with other
- types of printers.
- Raw (untranslated) text should only be used when it is really
- needed (which is not very often). If you want to dump the
- printers own ASCII codes it can be useful to send untranslated
- characters, but otherwise I recommend you to only send
- translated text.
- To print text simply do like this:
- 1. Set the "io_Command" field to CMD_WRITE if you want the
- text to be translated by Preferences. On the other hand,
- if you want to send raw (untranslated) text use the
- "PRD_RAWWRITE" command.
- 2. Set the "io_Length" field to the number of characters
- (bytes) you want to send.
- 3. Give the "io_Data" pointer the address of your data buffer
- which contains the text you want to print.
- 4. Now send the request to the printer device, by either a
- DoIO() or SendIO() function call.
- If you want to wait for the device to finish your request
- before your program continues you should use the
- "synchronous" command DoIO(). If you instead want to
- continue to do something while the printer is working,
- you should use the "asynchronous" command SendIO().
- Here is an example on how to send text to the printer. This is
- a synchronous request, which means the program is halted while
- the printer is working.
- /* Pointer to an already initialized printer request block: */
- union printerIO *printer_req
- /* The text we want to print: (Oh no, not that text again!) */
- BYTE data[13] = "Hello world!"
- /* Store any error values here: */
- BYTE error;
- /* We want to print some translated text: (If we want */
- /* to send raw, untranslated, text we should use the */
- /* "PRD_RAWWRITE" command instead of "CMD_WRITE".) */
- printer_req->ios.io_Command = CMD_WRITE;
- /* Give the start address of our data: */
- printer_req->ios.io_Data = (APTR) data;
- /* Set number of chracters that should be printed: */
- /* (12 characters - bytes) */
- printer_req->ios.io_Length = 12;
- /* Do our request: (This is a task sleep) */
- error = DoIO( printer_req );
- /* Check if the request was successfully executed: */
- if( error )
- printf( "Problems! Error code: %d\n", error );
- Here is another example, but this time we use an asynchronous
- request, which means the program continues to run while the
- printer is working.
- /* Pointer to an already initialized printer request block: */
- union printerIO *printer_req
- /* The text we want to print: */
- BYTE data[13] = "Hello again!"
- /* Store any error values here: */
- BYTE error;
- /* Temporary pointer: */
- union printerIO *ptr;
- /* We want to print some translated text: (If we want */
- /* to send raw, untranslated, text we should use the */
- /* "PRD_RAWWRITE" command instead of "CMD_WRITE".) */
- printer_req->ios.io_Command = CMD_WRITE;
- /* Give the start address of our data: */
- printer_req->ios.io_Data = (APTR) data;
- /* Set number of chracters that should be printed: */
- /* (12 characters - bytes) */
- printer_req->ios.io_Length = 12;
- /* Do our request and return immediately: */
- SendIO( printer_req );
- /* As long as the pointer is not pointing to */
- /* the request we should stay in the loop: */
- ptr = NULL;
- while( ptr == NULL )
- {
- /* ... do something ... */
- /* Well, I do not know what. */
- /* Check if the request has been completed: (If the */
- /* request has been completed CheckIO() will return */
- /* a pointer to the request, else NULL is returned.) */
- ptr = (union printerIO *) CheckIO( printer_req );
- }
- /* At last the request was completed! */
- /* Remove the request block's message. (The ptr and */
- /* printer_req are in this example identical, so it */
- /* does not matter whichever you use. The parenthesis */
- /* around the expression is actually unnecessary, but */
- /* this looks better.) */
- Remove( &(ptr->ios.io_Message.mn_Node) );
- /* Check if everything is OK? */
- if( ptr->ios.io_Error )
- printf( "Problems while printing!\n" );
- Most printers can use different printing styles like underlined,
- italics and boldface just to mention a few. Usually you can
- use several different fonts and expand and compress the
- characters, as well as setting margins, use proportional styles,
- handle foreign character sets etc...
- All these features are controlled by special printer commands.
- Most printers have their own set of unique commands. Luckily
- we do not need to know about them. We simply use a set of
- universal printer commands listed below, and Preferences will
- automatically translate these into the specified printer's
- own commands.
- There exist two ways to send the printer commands to the
- printer. Either you send the "escape sequences" together with
- the rest of the text, or you can send the commands with a
- separate request block (struct IOPrtCmdReq). Since escape
- sequences are rather difficult to remember it usually looks
- better if you use the separate request block technique.
- When you send a printer command with help of the request block
- you should use the IOPrtCmdReq structure. You set the
- io_Command field to "PRD_PRTCOMMAND", the "io_PrtCommand"
- field to the command you want to send, and up to four
- parameters may also be sent if needed by initializing the
- "io_Parm0" to "io_Parm3" fields. Here is an example:
- /* We want to send a printer command to the printer: */
- printer_req->iopc.io_Command = PRD_PRTCOMMAND;
- /* Set the printer command: [Underline On] */
- printer_req->iopc.io_PrtCommand = aSGR4;
- /* Set the parameters: */
- printer_req->iopc.io_Parm0 = 0; /* Nothing */
- printer_req->iopc.io_Parm1 = 0; /* Nothing */
- printer_req->iopc.io_Parm2 = 0; /* Nothing */
- printer_req->iopc.io_Parm3 = 0; /* Nothing */
- /* Do the request: */
- DoIO( printer_req );
- Here is the complete list of printer commands and escape
- sequences. The names are defined in header file "devices/
- printer.h".
- If you use the escape sequences you should send the commands
- exactly as written below with one difference - you should
- replace the character "n" with a (ASCII) value. To set the top
- and bottom margins to 2 and 4, send the escape sequence:
- "ESC[2;4r" (without quotations).
- Name Command Esc Seq Function Defined by
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- aRIS 0 ESCc reset ISO
- aRIN 1 ESC#1 initialize Amiga
- aIND 2 ESCD lf ISO
- aNEL 3 ESCE return,lf ISO
- aRI 4 ESCM reverse lf ISO
- aSGR0 5 ESC[0m normal char set ISO
- aSGR3 6 ESC[3m italics on ISO
- aSGR23 7 ESC[23m italics off ISO
- aSGR4 8 ESC[4m underline on ISO
- aSGR24 9 ESC[24m underline off ISO
- aSGR1 10 ESC[1m boldface on ISO
- aSGR22 11 ESC[22m boldface off ISO
- aSFC 12 ESC[3nm set foreground color ISO
- aSBC 13 ESC[4nm set background color ISO
- aSHORP0 14 ESC[0w normal pitch DEC
- aSHORP2 15 ESC[2w elite on DEC
- aSHORP1 16 ESC[1w elite off DEC
- aSHORP4 17 ESC[4w condensed fine on DEC
- aSHORP3 18 ESC[3w condensed off DEC
- aSHORP6 19 ESC[6w enlarged on DEC
- aSHORP5 20 ESC[5w enlarged off DEC
- aDEN6 21 ESC[6"z shadow print on DEC (sort of)
- aDEN5 22 ESC[5"z shadow print off DEC
- aDEN4 23 ESC[4"z doublestrike on DEC
- aDEN3 24 ESC[3"z doublestrike off DEC
- aDEN2 25 ESC[2"z NLQ on DEC
- aDEN1 26 ESC[1"z NLQ off DEC
- aSUS2 27 ESC[2v superscript on Amiga
- aSUS1 28 ESC[1v superscript off Amiga
- aSUS4 29 ESC[4v subscript on Amiga
- aSUS3 30 ESC[3v subscript off Amiga
- aSUS0 31 ESC[0v normalize the line Amiga
- aPLU 32 ESCL partial line up ISO
- aPLD 33 ESCK partial line down ISO
- Char set: or Typface:
- aFNT0 34 ESC(B US 0 DEC
- aFNT1 35 ESC(R French 1 DEC
- aFNT2 36 ESC(K German 2 DEC
- aFNT3 37 ESC(A UK 3 DEC
- aFNT4 38 ESC(E Danish 4 DEC
- aFNT5 39 ESC(H Sweden 5 DEC
- aFNT6 40 ESC(Y Italian 6 DEC
- aFNT7 41 ESC(Z Spanish 7 DEC
- aFNT8 42 ESC(J Japanese 8 Amiga
- aFNT9 43 ESC(6 Norweign 9 DEC
- aFNT10 44 ESC(C Danish II 10 Amiga
- aPROP2 45 ESC[2p proportional on Amiga
- aPROP1 46 ESC[1p proportional off Amiga
- aPROP0 47 ESC[0p proportional clear Amiga
- aTSS 48 ESC[n E set proportional offset ISO
- aJFY5 49 ESC[5 F auto left justify ISO
- aJFY7 50 ESC[7 F auto right justify ISO
- aJFY6 51 ESC[6 F auto full justify ISO
- aJFY0 52 ESC[0 F auto justify off ISO
- aJFY3 53 ESC[3 F letter space (justify) ISO (special)
- aJFY1 54 ESC[1 F word fill(auto center) ISO (special)
- aVERP0 55 ESC[0z 1/8" line spacing Amiga
- aVERP1 56 ESC[1z 1/6" line spacing Amiga
- aSLPP 57 ESC[nt set form length n DEC
- aPERF 58 ESC[nq perf skip n (n>0) Amiga
- aPERF0 59 ESC[0q perf skip off Amiga
- aLMS 60 ESC#9 Left margin set Amiga
- aRMS 61 ESC#0 Right margin set Amiga
- aTMS 62 ESC#8 Top margin set Amiga
- aBMS 63 ESC#2 Bottom marg set Amiga
- aSTBM 64 ESC[n;nr T&B margins DEC
- aSLRM 65 ESC[n;ns L&R margin DEC
- aCAM 66 ESC#3 Clear margins Amiga
- aHTS 67 ESCH Set horiz tab ISO
- aVTS 68 ESCJ Set vertical tabs ISO
- aTBC0 69 ESC[0g Clr horiz tab ISO
- aTBC3 70 ESC[3g Clear all h tab ISO
- aTBC1 71 ESC[1g Clr vertical tabs ISO
- aTBC4 72 ESC[4g Clr all v tabs ISO
- aTBCAL L73 ESC#4 Clr all h & v tabs Amiga
- aTBSAL L74 ESC#5 Set default tabs Amiga
- aEXTEN D75 ESC[n"x extended commands Amiga
- aRAW 76 ESC[n"r Next 'Pn' chars are raw Amiga
- Suggested typefaces are:
- ---------------------------
- 0 - default typeface.
- 1 - Line Printer or equiv.
- 2 - Pica or equiv.
- 3 - Elite or equiv.
- 4 - Helvetica or equiv.
- 5 - Times Roman or equiv.
- 6 - Gothic or equiv.
- 7 - Script or equiv.
- 8 - Prestige or equiv.
- 9 - Caslon or equiv.
- 10 - Orator or equiv.
- Amiga: Unique command for the Amiga.
- ISO: Defined by the International Standards Organization.
- DEC: Defined by Digital Equipment Corporation.
- The printer device does not only handle text, it can also be
- used to print graphics. To do this we have to use the IODRPReq
- structure of the request block. We give it a pointer to a
- RastPort which should be printed and sets some special values
- like size, resolution etc. The rest is then automatically done.
- Note that some printers does not support graphics, and thus
- your request will be returned immediately with an error value
- Here is what we have to do:
- 1. Set the command "PRD_DUMPRPORT".
- 2. Give the request block a pointer to the RastPort we want
- to print.
- 3. We must also give the request block a pointer to a ColorMap
- structure which contains the picture's colour values.
- 4. Tell the request block what screen "mode" the RastPort is
- made for. The information is used to convert the picture
- which will be printed to the correct aspects.
- On a low resolution screen each pixels is equally wide as
- tall. However, on a high resolution screen, each pixel is
- only half as wide as it is tall. The same applies for
- interlaced and non interlaced screens.
- The printer device must also know if you want to print a
- "normal" picture, or a picture with one of the Amiga's
- special display modes like "HAM" or "Extrahalf Brite".
- If you print a RastPort that is connected to a ViewPort,
- you can simply copy the Viewport structure's "Modes"
- field. If you have defined a RastPort that is not used
- to be displayed just to be printed, set the field to 0.
- 5. Tell the device if the whole RastPort should be printed,
- or just a part of it.
- 6. You must also specify how large the printed picture should
- be. Note that most printers have a much higher resolution
- than normal screens. You can therefore usually print a
- picture that is much smaller than the screen, and still
- have all details as the original.
- 7. Finally you can set some special graphical flags as
- described above.
- Here is an example:
- /* Store possible error numbers here: */
- BYTE error;
- /* An already initialized printer request block: */
- union printerIO *printer_req,
- /* Pointer to a RastPort: */
- struct RastPort *rp,
- /* Pointer to a ColourMap: */
- struct ColorMap *cm,
- /* We want to dump a RastPort to the printer: */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_Command = PRD_DUMPRPORT;
- /* Set a pointer to the RastPort structure: */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_RastPort = rp;
- /* Set a pointer to the ColorMap structure: */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_ColorMap = cm;
- /* Set the "display" modes: */
- /* (0 = aspect 1:1, normal screen.) */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_Modes = 0;
- /* X position of the source: (10 pixels out) */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_SrcX = 10;
- /* Y position of the source: (10 pixels down) */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_SrcY = 10;
- /* Width of the source: (100 pixels wide) */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_SrcWidth = 100;
- /* Height of the source: (50 pixels high) */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_SrcHeight = 50;
- /* The width of the printed picture: (This field is in */
- /* this example ignored by the printer device since the */
- /* special flag "SPECIAL_FULLCOLS" is set. Maximum width.) */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_DestCols = 0;
- /* The height of the printed picture: (This field is in */
- /* this example also ignored by the printer device since */
- /* the special flag "SPECIAL_ASPECT" is set. The height */
- /* will therefore be automatically calculated.) */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_DestRows = 0;
- /* Set the special printing commands: (Full width and */
- /* the height is automatically set so the printed picture */
- /* will have the right aspects.) */
- printer_req->iodrp.io_Special =
- /* Do our request: */
- error = DoIO( printer_req );
- /* Check if the request was successfully executed: */
- if( error )
- printf( "Problems while printing!\n" );
- 9.2.6 ERRORS
- When you are using the printer device it sometimes happens
- that your request was not successfully executed, and you have
- encounter an error message. Usually it is easy to guess what
- went wrong, but it is always good to check what really happened.
- You will either receive the error message from the function you
- just called (for example, DoIO() returns 0 or an error number),
- or you can check the request block to see if there were any
- problems. (The io_Error filed of the request block either
- contains 0, which means everything is OK, or an error number.)
- Here is a complete list of the printer device error messages:
- PDERR_CANCEL: The user cancelled the request. If you
- receive this error you should not
- start new printer requests until the
- user says he/she wants to print again.
- It is very annoying if you have
- cancelled a printout but the program
- continues to write new data to the
- printer. If you have issued several
- asynchronous requests after each other
- and you receive this message, it is
- usually best to try to remove the
- queued requests.
- PDERR_NOTGRAPHICS: The printer which the user has can not
- handle graphics.
- PDERR_BADDIMENSION: The dimension of the printout is not
- valid.
- PDERR_INTERNALMEMORY: Not enough memory for the printer
- device's internal variables.
- PDERR_BUFFERMEMORY: Not enough memory for the print buffer.
- While you are using the printer device it may happen that you
- also receive error messages from Exec. (Exec is handling all
- stuff like messages, requests, tasks and so on.) Here is
- a complete list of exec error messages: (defined in the header
- file "exec/errors.h")
- IOERR_OPENFAIL The device (unit) could not be opened.
- IOERR_ABORTED When you abort a previously started request
- by calling the AbortIO() function, the
- "io_Error" filed of that request is set to
- "IOERR_ABORTED". If you find a request
- block with this flag set, you know that
- it has been aborted.
- IOERR_NOCMD You tried to use a command that is not
- supported by the printer device.
- IOERR_BADLENGTH The length of the request was not valid.
- 9.2.7 CLEAN UP
- As usual on the Amiga you must remember to close and return
- everything you have opened or allocated. If you do not close
- the printer device after you a lot of memory is wasted.
- The routine is very similar to how you close the parallel
- device which was described in the previous chapter.
- Here is a list of what you have to do:
- 1. All requests you have started with SendIO() or BeginIO()
- (asynchronous commands) must either have been completed
- or aborted before you may close the device. It is a very
- common error to forget this, and it can be hard to find
- this bug. Usually the program will work fine (the command
- was completed in time), but now and then your program will
- crash (the command was completed after the device have
- been closed).
- A simple way is to abort all commands that have not
- reported that they have been completed, but this is not
- always good way to do it. (The last commands may be
- important and should therefore not be aborted.)
- If you do not want to abort the command, you should
- instead wait for it to be completed. The WaitIO()
- function is simple to use, and will put your program
- to sleep while waiting, so no computer time is wasted.
- If the request has already been completed, the function
- will return immediately. WaitIO() will also remove the
- message from the reply port. It is a very useful and
- simple function to use, but do NOT try to wait for
- a request that has not been started!
- Here is an example on how to wait for a request to be
- completed: (If the request already has been completed
- it does not matter, WaitIO() will then simply return
- immediately. Note that we do not have to remove any
- messages from the reply port if we use WaitIO().)
- /* Store possible error numbers here: */
- UBYTE error;
- /* ... */
- /* Wait for the request to be completed: */
- error = WaitIO( printer_req );
- /* Everything OK? */
- if( error )
- printf( "Something went wrong!" );
- /* Well, successful or not, we may now */
- /* close the device! */
- To abort a request, simply use the AbortIO() function:
- /* Try to abort a previously started request: */
- /* (Do not try to abort a request that has not */
- /* been started!) */
- AbortIO( printer_req );
- 2. When all requests have been completed or aborted you may
- close the printer device. (Requests that have been started
- by calling the DoIO() function have already been completed
- before your program wakes up, and thus you do not need to
- wait for these.)
- The printer device is closed as all other devices, by
- calling the CloseDevice() function. Here is an example:
- /* Close the Printer Device: */
- CloseDevice( printer_req );
- 3. You should now return all request blocks you have
- allocated. The printer request block (union printerIO)
- is an extended request block, and should be deleted by
- the DeleteExtIO() function.
- /* Deallocate the printer request block: */
- DeleteExtIO( printer_req, sizeof(union printerIO) );
- Note that ALL request blocks that have been allocated,
- must be removed!
- 4. Finally you should close all message ports you have
- previously opened. Simply use the DeletePort() function
- as this example demonstrates:
- /* Remove the replyport: */
- DeletePort( replymp);
- Please be careful with how your program terminates! Your
- program should not only run fine, but it should also allow
- other programs to run after and simultaneously. Remember that
- your program must also be able to quit nice and neatly even if
- it had to terminate too early because of some fatal error. The
- cleaning up should only be done where it is needed, and if you
- have not allocated the memory or opened the device before your
- program quits, you should of course NOT try to free these
- resources! If you do the Amiga will most certainly crash! Too
- many programs contain this very annoying error. Make sure yours
- will not be one of those.
- Here is a simple but complete example on how to print some
- text. For more information see the Examples which are stored
- together with this document.
- #include <exec/types.h> /* Data types. */
- #include <exec/errors.h> /* Exec error messages. */
- #include <devices/printer.h> /* Printer Device. */
- #include <exec/io.h> /* Standard request block. */
- /* Declare how the printer request block look like: */
- union printerIO
- {
- struct IOStdReq ios;
- struct IODRPReq iodrp;
- struct IOPrtCmdReq iopc;
- };
- /* Declare a pointer to our reply port: */
- struct MsgPort *replymp = NULL;
- /* Declare a pointer our printer request block: */
- union printerIO *printer_req = NULL;
- /* Store the printer device error here: */
- UWORD printer_dever = TRUE;
- /* Declare our data buffer: (25 characters) */
- BYTE buffer[] = "Anders Bjerin was here...";
- /* Declare our functions: */
- void main();
- void clean_up( STRPTR text );
- void main()
- {
- /* Error number: */
- BYTE error;
- /* Get a reply port: (No name, priority 0) */
- replymp = (struct MsgPort *)
- CreatePort( NULL, 0 );
- if( !replymp )
- clean_up( "Could not create the reply port!" );
- /* Create the printer request block: */
- printer_req = (union printerIO *)
- CreateExtIO( replymp, sizeof(union printerIO) );
- if( !printer_req )
- clean_up( "Not enough memory for the printer request block!" );
- /* Open the Printer Device: */
- printer_dever = OpenDevice( "printer.device", 0, printer_req, 0 );
- if( printer_dever )
- clean_up( "Could not open the Printer Device!" );
- /* We want to print some text: (translated) */
- printer_req->ios.io_Command = CMD_WRITE;
- /* Give the start address of our data: */
- printer_req->ios.io_Data = (APTR) buffer;
- /* Set number of chracters that should be printed: */
- printer_req->ios.io_Length = 25;
- /* Do our request: */
- error = DoIO( printer_req );
- /* Check if the request was successfully executed: */
- if( error )
- printf( "Problems while printing!" );
- /* Clean up and quit: */
- clean_up( "The End!" );
- }
- /* Close and return everything that has been */
- /* opened and allocated before we quit: */
- void clean_up( STRPTR text )
- {
- /* Close the Printer Device: */
- if( !printer_dever )
- CloseDevice( printer_req );
- /* Deallocate the printer request block: */
- if( printer_req )
- DeleteExtIO( printer_req, sizeof(union printerIO) );
- /* Remove the replyport: */
- if( replymp )
- DeletePort( replymp);
- /* Print the message: */
- printf( "\n%s\n", text );
- /* Quit: */
- exit( 0 );
- }
- There exist four more printer request commands that may
- sometimes be useful:
- 1. Flush, removes all queued requests.
- 2. Reset, reinitializes the printer device.
- 3. Start, restarts the printer communication.
- 4. Stop, temporary stops the printer communication.
- 9.4.1 FLUSH
- If several requests are sent to the printer device they are
- all queued on a FIFO (First In First Out) basis. The command
- "CMD_FLUSH" can then be used to remove all these queued
- commands. Here is an example:
- /* We want to remove all queued requests: */
- printer_req->ios.io_Command = CMD_FLUSH;
- /* Do our request: */
- error = DoIO( printer_req );
- /* OK? */
- if( error )
- printf( "Could not remove the queued requests!\n" );
- 9.4.2 RESET
- Send the command "CMD_RESET" to reset the printer device. All
- commands that are queued to the device will be removed, the
- command that is currently executed will be aborted, and all
- printer flags are resetted. Here is an example:
- /* We want to reset the printer device: */
- printer_req->ios.io_Command = CMD_RESET;
- /* Do our request: */
- error = DoIO( printer_req );
- /* OK? */
- if( error )
- printf( "Could not reset the printer device!\n" );
- 9.4.3 START
- After you have stopped the printer communication by sending an
- CMD_STOP command, you may want to start the communication again.
- It is done by sending a CMD_START command. Here is an example:
- /* We want to start printer communication again: */
- printer_req->ios.io_Command = CMD_START;
- /* Do our request: */
- error = DoIO( printer_req );
- /* OK? */
- if( error )
- printf( "Could not restart the printer communication!\n" );
- 9.4.4 STOP
- To temporary stop all printer communication you send a CMD_STOP
- command. The communication will then first start again when a
- CMD_START command is broadcasted. Here is an example:
- /* We want to temporary stop all printer communication: */
- printer_req->ios.io_Command = CMD_STOP;
- /* Do our request: */
- error = DoIO( printer_req );
- /* OK? */
- if( error )
- printf( "Could not stop the printer communication!\n" );
- DoIO()
- DoIO() is used to send requests to a device, and waits for it
- to be completed. While the program is waiting it is put to
- sleep so it will not waste any computer time. DoIO() will
- return first when the request have been completed or failed,
- and no message is therefore sent to the reply port.
- Synopsis: error = DoIO( req );
- error: (long) DoIO() will return first when the request has
- been completed or something has failed. If the
- request was successfully completed zero is returned,
- else an error number is returned. What error number
- depends on which device was used.
- req: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to the request you
- want to have executed.
- SendIO()
- SendIO() is used to send requests to a device, but will
- return immediately without any delay. To check if the request
- have been completed use the CheckIO() function, or look
- at the request's reply port for any messages. Once the
- request has been completed you must remove the message at
- the reply port. (CheckIO() will not do it.) To remove a
- message use the function Remove(). Note that you may NOT
- close the device before all requests have been completed
- or aborted!
- Synopsis: SendIO( req )
- req: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to the request you
- want to have executed.
- CheckIO()
- CheckIO() is used to check if a previously started request
- has been completed. Note that this function will not remove
- the message at the reply port. This must be done with the
- Remove() function.
- Synopsis: ptr = CheckIO( req );
- ptr: (long) CheckIO() will either return NULL if the
- request have not been completed or it will return a
- pointer to the request block.
- req: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to the request you
- want to check.
- WaitIO()
- WaitIO() will wait for the request to be completed, and while
- the program is waiting it is put to sleep so no computer time
- is wasted.
- Synopsis: error = WaitIO( req );
- error: (long) WaitIO() will return first when the request,
- that has previously been sent, has been completed or
- something has failed. If the request was successfully
- completed zero is returned, else an error number is
- returned. What error number depends on which device
- was used.
- req: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to the request you
- want to wait for to be completed. Note that the
- request must have already been sent to the device
- by either a SendIO() or BeginIO() function call.
- AbortIO()
- AbortIO() will try to abort a previously started request. This
- function should be used sparsely since it does not look so
- good if you start a request and the try to stop it. (Better
- not start it at all.) However, it is easy, and can sometimes
- be very useful.
- A request that is aborted will have its io_Error field set
- to IOERR_ABORTED (defined in header file "exec/errors.h").
- Synopsis: AbortIO( req )
- req: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to the request you
- want to abort.
- CloseDevice()
- CloseDevice() will close a device. Note that you should NOT
- close the device before all started asynchronous requests
- have either been completed or aborted.
- Synopsis: CloseDevice( ioreq );
- ioreg: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to the device's
- request block.
- OpenDevice()
- OpenDevice() will try to open the specified device.
- Synopsis: error = OpenDevice( name, unit, req, flags );
- error: (long) If OpenDevice() managed to open the device
- it returns 0, else an error number is returned.
- name: (char *) Name of the device you want to open.
- The name of the printer device is
- "printer.device".
- unit: (long) Set this field to 0.
- req: (struct IORequest *) Pointer to an already
- initialized printerIO union.
- flags: (long) Set this field to 0.
- Here is a complete list of commands you may send to the
- printer device. For full documentation se examples above.
- The special printer device commands: (Defined in header file
- "devices/printer.h")
- PRD_RAWWRITE Send untranslated characters to the printer.
- PRD_PRTCOMMAND Send a printer command.
- PRD_DUMPRPORT Print graphics. (Dump a RastPort to the
- printer.)
- The rest of the commands you may use are normal exec commands,
- and are defined in header file "exec/io.h".
- CMD_RESET Resets all parameters of the printer device.
- CMD_WRITE Send data to the printer (through preferences).
- CMD_STOP Temporary stops all printer communication.
- CMD_START Restarts printer communication.
- CMD_FLUSH Removes all queued requests.
- Example 1
- This program demonstrates how you can use the Printer
- Device to send (raw as well as translated) text to a
- printer.
- Example 2
- This program demonstrates how you can use the Printer
- Device to send (raw as well as translated) text to a
- printer. However, instead of waiting for our request to
- be completed as in Example 1, we use asynchronous
- requests.
- Example 3
- This program demonstrates how you can send printer commands to
- the Printer Device, which will translate these commands with
- help of Preferences, before they are sent to the printer.
- Example 4
- This example demonstrates how you can print graphics.
- It will dump the workbench's Rastport to the printer.