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- /***********************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
- /* */
- /* Book: ACM Graphics Amiga C Club */
- /* Chapter: Copper Tulevagen 22 */
- /* File: CopperDraw.doc 181 41 LIDINGO */
- /* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
- /* Date: 92-05-01 */
- /* Version: 1.00 */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* */
- /* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
- /* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
- /* */
- /***********************************************************/
- I N S T R U C T I O N S
- -----------------------
- Copper Draw is an extremely useful utility when you want to
- create Copper lists. You have at all time full control over
- what you are doing and you will immediately see how your
- copper list changes as you modify it.
- Copper Draw was written to be as easy as possible to use, and
- is fully amigaized. It can create copper lists for all colour
- registers, and when you quit the program will automatically
- save the copper list in C code that can be included with your
- programs.
- CopperDraw is using linked lists and can therefore handle as
- many copper instructions as you want. All memory and other
- resources are (of course) returned when the program terminates,
- and the program follows all "rules".
- This program is a part of the "Amiga C Encyclopedia", the
- largest C collection of information, programs, examples, and
- utilities for the Amiga. I have spent more than four years on
- writing and improving these manuals, and with your help I can
- continue to make then even better. Please register!
- CopperDraw can either be run from the CLI or Workbench. If
- it is started from CLI you can specify the name of the file
- where the source code for the copper instructions will be
- saved. You can also give the copper pointer a name, set the
- screen height (values between 95 and 256 are accepted) and
- the number of bitplanes that should be used (1 bitplane = 2
- colours, 2 bitplanes = 4 colours and so on, up to 5
- bitplanes = 32 colours).
- If CopperDraw is started from Workbench or you have given
- the program illegal parameters, the default values will be
- used. The default file name is "RAM:Copper.c", pointer name
- is "copper", screen height is set to 200, and five bitplanes
- are used (32 colours).
- To start from CLI you write:
- CopperDraw <output> <copper name> <number of bitplanes> <screen height>
- To start CopperDraw with 8 colours (3 bitplanes), 256 pixels
- tall display and use the file name "MyFirstCopperList.c", you
- would write:
- To start CopperDraw from Workbench simply double click on
- the CopperDraw icon. The default values will be used.
- When you start CopperDraw the whole screen will be filled with
- one large screen. On top of the screen one window is opened.
- The window should look something like this:
- Quit
- |
- | Red, Green and Blue sliders
- | |
- +-|-+--|--------------------------------+
- | v | | |
- +---+--|--------------------------------+
- | +--|-----------+ +-+ |
- | R |# | | |0| COLOUR <----- Current edit mode
- | +--|-----------+ +-+ +------+ +--+ |
- | G |# v | |0| |SPREAD| |EX| |
- | +--------------+ +-+ +----+-+-+--+<-- Gadgets
- | B |# | |0| |COPY| |UNDO| |
- | +--------------+ +-+ +----+ +----+ |
- | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +---+ +------+ |
- | | | | | | | | | | |ADD| |DELETE|<-- Special Copper
- | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +---+ +------+ | gadgets
- | ^ |
- +--------|------------------------------+
- |
- Colour registers
- As you notice it looks rather similar to normal "Colour
- Requesters", but this one is much more powerful and fun to
- use.
- One of the advantages with CopperDraw is that you can both
- create copper lists and edit the colours as normal. To use
- it as a normal colour requester does not differ much from
- other colour requesters. If you look at the window just above
- the gadgets you will see the text "COLOUR". As long as this
- text is there the program will work as any other colour
- requester.
- If you start to edit the copper list the text will be changed,
- and you will see the word "COPPER". When you are editing the
- copper list the requester will work differently as will be
- described in the next section.
- When you start CopperDraw you can set the number of colour
- registers that should be used. The available colour registers
- will be listed below the colour sliders. Each colour register
- is represented with filled box. The more bitplanes you are
- using the more available colour registers:
- Bitplanes Colour Registers
- ----------------------------
- 1 2
- 2 4
- 3 8
- 4 16
- 5 32
- To select one of the colour registers simply move the mouse
- pointer to one of the boxes and press the left mouse button.
- The colour will be selected (a small box is drawn around it),
- and the colour sliders are automatically adjusted.
- Once you have selected a colour register you can start to
- alter its colour. By moving the buttons inside the colour
- sliders the colour is automatically changed. The further to
- the right the buttons are moved the brighter colour. The first
- slider adjusts the red intensity, the second slider the green
- intensity and the third slider the blue intensity.
- To copy the current colour to another register click on the
- "Copy" gadget. The mouse pointer should now contain the text
- "to". Now move the pointer to the colour register you want to
- copy the colour to, and click once on the left button. The
- colour is copied, and this colour register will be selected.
- To exchange the colours from one colour register with another
- colour register click on the "Ex" gadget. Move the mouse
- pointer to the colour register you want to change colour with,
- and press the left mouse button. The colours are exchanged,
- and this colour register will be selected.
- 3.1.5 SPREAD
- One nice feature is that you can spread a colour from one
- colour register to another colour register. The colour
- registers between will be changed so the colour is smoothly
- altered from the first colour register to the second colour
- register. This is very useful when you want to create shadows
- etc.
- 3.1.6 UNDO
- We are all humans (well, most of us at least) and we do make
- mistakes. Luckily you do not have to worry about this since
- you can always press the "Undo" gadget, and the colours will be
- restored to the values they had before the last operation.
- Now the magic begins! There exist a special coprocessor inside
- Amiga computers that is called "Copper". The great thing with
- this processor is that it can alter the colour values of the
- colour registers as the display is drawn. One colour register
- can therefore display several colours.
- What you have to do is to tell the Copper where on the display
- the colour value should be changed, and to what colour. In C
- you would use the CWAIT() and CMOVE() macros. Since the Copper
- is a coprocessor it will not slow down the main processor. You
- can use hundreds of different colours but still only use very
- few colour registers.
- Normally is only the background colour (colour register 0)
- altered by the copper, but you can of course alter any colour
- registers you want. CopperDraw can alter all colour registers.
- If you want that the Copper should alter a colour, you have to
- add a copper instruction. To add an instruction press the "Add"
- gadget. The mouse pointer will change image, and the text
- "COLOUR" will be replaced with the text "COPPER".
- Move the mouse pointer outside the window to the (vertical)
- location where the colour should be changed, and press the left
- mouse button. A special pointer in the left margin will appear
- telling you where the instruction was placed. If you now start
- to move the buttons inside the colour sliders you will notice
- that you are changing the colour below the line you place the
- copper instruction.
- You can place as many copper instructions as you want!
- If you want to change a copper colour you have previously set,
- you simply move the mouse pointer to the line you want to
- change and press the left mouse button. You will notice that
- the left pointer is moved to the new location, and the colour
- sliders are automatically adjusted appropriately. You can now
- alter the colour.
- You do actually not need to point exactly on the line to select
- a copper colour. CopperDraw will select the first copper colour
- which is above the mouse pointer. To select a colour you simply
- point on the correct line or any line below it until the next
- copper colour.
- You can always look at the small copper cursor in the left
- margin to see which copper colour (line/instruction) is
- currently selected. If you can not see the copper cursor, no
- line is selected.
- To delete a copper colour you press the "Delete" gadget and
- move the mouse pointer to the copper colour (line/instruction)
- you want to delete. Press the left mouse button to remove the
- it. (The first copper instruction/colour just above the mouse
- pointer will be removed.)
- If one of the copper colours is selected you can copy it to
- another (previously set) copper colour. Press on the "Copy"
- gadget and move the mouse pointer to the copper colour you
- want the current colour to be copied to, and press the left
- mouse button. The colour will be copied, and the destination
- copper colour will be selected.
- Note that the text "COPPER" must be on. If it says "COLOUR"
- you have not selected a copper instructions, which you must
- do first.
- To exchange one copper colour with another you press on the
- "Ex" gadget, move the mouse pointer to the destination copper
- colour, and click on the left mouse button. The copper colours
- will be exchanged, and the destination colour will be selected.
- 3.2.6 SPREAD
- This is probably the most useful feature with CopperDraw.
- Select a copper instruction, press the "Spread" gadget, and
- finally select a destination copper colour. CopperDraw will now
- automatically generate as many new copper instructions as
- necessary to make a smooth transition between the two colours.
- With this function you can within seconds create smooth
- coloured skies and spectacular colour compositions!
- Let me demonstrate this with an example. Add a copper colour at
- the bottom of the screen. Change the colour to black. Add
- another copper colour somewhere on the middle of the screen.
- Change it to bright red. Click on the "Spread" gadget and move
- the mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen, and press the
- left mouse button. CopperDraw will immediately create 14 new
- copper instructions and set the colours so you get a smooth
- transition from the red colour to the black!
- Although the background colour (colour register 0) is often
- only used, you can alter any of the colour registers. If you
- want to alter the colours of another colour register you simply
- move the mouse to one of the coloured boxes and click on the
- left mouse button. CopperDraw will now automatically fill the
- whole display (except the border were only the background
- colour can be used) with the selected colour.
- If you now add copper instructions you will affect the colours
- of the selected colour register. You can use up to 32 different
- colour registers (5 bitplanes), and each colour register can
- have its own copper colours!
- It can sometimes be necessary to see all colour registers at
- the same time. If you press key "F9", CopperDraw will fill the
- screen with a rectangle for each colour register. You can now
- as before add and alter the copper colours.
- Note that you will only alter the selected colour register,
- and if you want to alter another colour register you have to
- select it first. The copper cursor which previously always was
- located on the left margin will now move horizontally to the
- current colour register and vertically to the current copper
- instruction.
- To remove the rectangles and use the current colour register
- as before, press "F10".
- If you want to see the while display without being disturbed by
- the window you can press on the "delete" key ("Del" is placed
- on the left side of the "Help" key). The window will immediately
- disappear. If you press on any key the window will become
- visible again.
- 3.5 QUIT
- Once you have created your copper list you should quit. Press
- on the close window gadget (top left corder of the window), and
- the program will save the current copper list in C code, and
- then terminates. The copper file can then easily be included
- in your own programs, and you will then almost directly have a
- Mega Demo! (Well at least a nice copper list.)
- Once you have created a nice copper list you quit and the list
- will automatically be converted to C code and saved. This code
- can then easily be included in your own programs.
- A short copper list for a two coloured screen with only four
- copper colours would look something like this:
- /***************************************/
- /* */
- /* Copper List made by CopperDraw V1.0 */
- /* Amiga C Encyclopedia, Anders Bjerin */
- /* */
- /***************************************/
- /* The copper list: */
- CINIT( copper, 1 );
- CWAIT( copper, 62, 0 );
- CMOVE( copper, custom.color[0], 0x0F00 );
- CWAIT( copper, 134, 0 );
- CMOVE( copper, custom.color[0], 0x00F0 );
- CMOVE( copper, custom.color[1], 0x000F );
- CWAIT( copper, 182, 0 );
- CMOVE( copper, custom.color[0], 0x0FF0 );
- CEND( copper );
- /* The Colour Table: */
- UWORD my_color_table[]=
- {
- 0x666, /* Colour 0 */
- 0xFFF /* Colour 1 */
- };
- As you can see will CopperDraw both create a copper list and
- a colour table. Note that line 134 there exist two copper
- colours. Both colour register 0 and 1 are altered, but since
- they are on the same line only one CWAIT() call is done.
- To use a copper list you only have to follow these steps:
- 1. Declare a Custom structure called "custom". This
- structure will automatically be initialized by the Amiga.
- Note that on most compilers it has to be declared
- together with a "far" statement. (The Custom structure
- is usually placed far away from you code, and to reach
- it you have to use "far" pointers.
- extern struct Custom far custom;
- 2. Declare a pointer to a copper list structure. It should
- have the same name as the "copper name" argument you used
- when you started CopperDraw. The default name is "copper",
- and should be used if you did not give it some other name.
- struct UCopList *copper;
- 3. Allocate some chip memory for a UCopList structure. If it
- is not chip memory the Copper can not reach it, and your
- copper list will not work. The memory should also be made
- "public" so other parts of the Amiga may use it.
- This structure will later be connected to a ViewPort, and
- the ViewPort will automatically deallocated the UCopList
- structure when you close the ViewPort. We should therefore
- not deallocate it ourself as might be expected.
- Remember to always check if you received the memory!
- copper = (struct UCopList *)
- AllocMem( sizeof(struct UCopList),
- if( !copper )
- clean_up( "Not enough memory!" );
- 4. You should now open your own screen or create your own
- display. See chapter "LowLevelGraphics" for more
- information about displays.
- 5. After the display has been prepared you execute the copper
- list. Remember that you must always start with a CINIT()
- call, and finish off with a CEND() call.
- CINIT( copper, 1 );
- CWAIT( copper, 62, 0 );
- CMOVE( copper, custom.color[0], 0x0F00 );
- /* ... */
- CEND( copper );
- 6. You should now link the UCopList memory to the ViewPort.
- If you have created your own display you already have
- a ViewPort structure. If on the other hand is using a
- screen under Intuition, you can find the ViewPort
- structure in the "ViewPort" field of the Screen structure.
- my_view_port = &(my_screen->ViewPort);
- Once you have the address to the view port you give the
- UCopIns field of it the address to your own copper list.
- ("my_view_port" is a ViewPort structure.)
- my_view_port.UCopIns = copper;
- 7. You can now tell the Amiga to generate its own copper
- list with help of yours. You do it by calling the
- MakeVPort() function. This ViewPort's copper list
- should then be merged together with the others ViewPort's
- copper list by calling the MrgCop() function. Finally you
- call the LoadView() function to let the user see your
- new display and copper list. ("my_view" is a View
- structure)
- MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
- MrgCop( &my_view );
- LoadView( &my_view );
- If you have opened a Screen under Intuition you should
- not use low level functions like MrgCop(). Instead you
- should call the RethinkDisplay() function which will
- automatically create the display for you.
- RethinkDisplay();
- 8. If you have created the display yourself you should call
- the FreeVPortCopLists() and FreeCprList() functions when
- you want to close the display. They will automatically
- remove and deallocate all copper lists for you.
- FreeVPortCopLists( &my_view_port );
- FreeCprList( my_view.LOFCprList );
- If you have opened a screen under Intuition this will be
- done automatically when you close the screen.
- See the examples in the "Copper" chapter.
- The code generated by CopperDraw can easily be included in
- your own C programs, but can also easily be included in your
- own Basic, Assembler or Pascal programs too. You may have to
- rename some of the macros, but it should not be difficult.
- Please note that I am a C programmer and can hardly add 1 + 1
- in Assembler, and is not familiar with Basic nor Pascal on the
- Amiga. I can therefore not help you with any questions you
- might have about how to create copper lists. Try to find some
- friends or a user group that can help you.
- To all Amiga Programmers, have FUN!!!
- NOTE! This is a non registered version, and no copper list file
- will therefore be created! To get the complete version simply
- register your copy.
- The registration fee is only £30, $60, SEK 300, or similar
- amount in your own currency (price includes everything). The
- Amiga C Encyclopedia is the largest collection of documents,
- examples and utilities in C for the Amiga and it is still among
- the cheapest manuals. But this is not all, a registered owner
- will also get:
- 1. Two disks containing the last parts of the encyclopedia.
- The disks will be sent by first class air mail.
- 2. Registration card for the Amiga C Club (ACC).
- 3. Immediate information about updates.
- 4. Updated versions of the encyclopedia for only the cost of
- disks plus postage and packing.
- 5. Assistance with digitizing colour pictures and sampling
- sound effects.
- 6. Unlimited help with your C programs. You never have to be
- alone with your problems.
- 7. The right to use parts of the manual in your own
- commercial/non-commercial programs/articles.
- Can any other manual give you all this???
- The simplest way of paying is to include the money in a letter
- in cash. US dollar bills, English pounds or Swedish SEK are
- preferred, but all currencies are accepted. You can also send
- the money as a "Postal Money Order", ask your local bank or
- post office. Please do not use cheques. It is sadly extremely
- expensive to cash a foreign cheque here in Sweden.
- If you live in Scandinavia you can send the money to "Svenska
- Post Girot, postgiro konto: 641 88 30 - 3, betalnings-
- mottagare: Datra".
- Please send the registration fee together with your complete
- address to:
- Datra, Amiga C Club
- Anders Bjeri
- Tulevagen 22
- 181 41 LIDINGO
- I have worked for more than four years now with this
- encyclopedia, and with your help I can continue to improve it.
- Happy programming!!!