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- /***********************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
- /* */
- /* Book: ACM Graphics Amiga C Club */
- /* Chapter: LowLevelGraphics Tulevagen 22 */
- /* File: Example3.c 181 41 LIDINGO */
- /* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
- /* Date: 92-04-28 */
- /* Version: 1.00 */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* */
- /* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
- /* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
- /* */
- /***********************************************************/
- /* This example shows how to create a display that covers the entire */
- /* display. This method is called "Overscan", and is primarly used in */
- /* video and graphics programs, but can also be used in games etc to */
- /* make the display more interesting. */
- /* If you want your programs to work on both American (NTSC) and */
- /* European (PAL) machines you must either: */
- /* 1. Not make the display taller than 200 lines. The program will */
- /* then run perfectly on both types of machines, BUT the European */
- /* user would be very annoyed since the last 56 lines could not */
- /* be used. */
- /* 2. Look at the GfxBase structure and see if the program is running */
- /* on an American machine, set the height to max 200 lines, or if */
- /* the program is running on a European machine, set the height */
- /* to max 256 lines. (For interlaced displays: 400 or 512 lines) */
- /* Example: if( GfxBase->DisplayFlags & NTSC ) */
- /* Height=200; */
- /* if( GfxBase->DisplayFlags & PAL ) */
- /* Height=256; */
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #define WIDTH 352 /* Display 352 pixels wide. [Overscan] */
- #define NTSC_HEIGHT 262 /* Display 262 lines high. [NTSC - Overscan] */
- #define PAL_HEIGHT 287 /* Display 287 lines high. [PAL - Overscan] */
- /* The ViewPort should be placed above and more to the */
- /* left than what is normally used: */
- #define DXOFFSET -16 /* DxOffset -16 pixels. */
- #define DYOFFSET -31 /* DyOffset -31 lines. */
- #define DEPTH 2 /* 2 BitPlanes should be used, gives four colours. */
- #define COLOURS 8 /* 2^2 = 4 */
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct View my_view;
- struct View *my_old_view;
- struct ViewPort my_view_port;
- struct RasInfo my_ras_info;
- struct BitMap my_bit_map;
- struct RastPort my_rast_port;
- UWORD my_color_table[] =
- {
- 0x000, /* Colour 0, Black */
- 0xF00, /* Colour 1, Red */
- 0x0F0, /* Colour 2, Green */
- 0x00F, /* Colour 3, Blue */
- };
- SHORT height;
- void clean_up();
- void main();
- void main()
- {
- UWORD *pointer;
- int loop;
- /* Open the Intuition library: */
- IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 0 );
- if( !IntuitionBase )
- clean_up( "Could NOT open the Intuition library!" );
- /* Open the Graphics library: */
- GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 0 );
- if( !GfxBase )
- clean_up( "Could NOT open the Graphics library!" );
- /* Check if the program is running on a PAL or NTSC machine: */
- if( GfxBase->DisplayFlags & PAL )
- {
- height = PAL_HEIGHT;
- printf( "You have an European (PAL) machine!\n" );
- }
- else
- {
- height = NTSC_HEIGHT;
- printf( "You have an American (NTSC) machine!\n" );
- }
- /* Save the current View, so we can restore it later: */
- my_old_view = GfxBase->ActiView;
- /* 1. Prepare the View structure, and give it a pointer to */
- /* the first ViewPort: */
- InitView( &my_view );
- my_view.ViewPort = &my_view_port;
- /* 2. Prepare the ViewPort structure, and set some important values: */
- InitVPort( &my_view_port );
- my_view_port.DWidth = WIDTH; /* Set the width. */
- my_view_port.DHeight = height; /* Set the height. */
- my_view_port.DxOffset = DXOFFSET; /* Set the display X offset. */
- my_view_port.DyOffset = DYOFFSET; /* Set the display Y offset. */
- my_view_port.RasInfo = &my_ras_info; /* Give it a pointer to RasInfo. */
- my_view_port.Modes = NULL; /* Low resolution. */
- /* 3. Get a colour map, link it to the ViewPort, and prepare it: */
- my_view_port.ColorMap = (struct ColorMap *) GetColorMap( COLOURS );
- if( my_view_port.ColorMap == NULL )
- clean_up( "Could NOT get a ColorMap!" );
- /* Get a pointer to the colour map: */
- pointer = (UWORD *) my_view_port.ColorMap->ColorTable;
- /* Set the colours: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < COLOURS; loop++ )
- *pointer++ = my_color_table[ loop ];
- /* 4. Prepare the BitMap: */
- InitBitMap( &my_bit_map, DEPTH, WIDTH, height );
- /* Allocate memory for the Raster: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; loop++ )
- {
- my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] = (PLANEPTR) AllocRaster( WIDTH, height );
- if( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] == NULL )
- clean_up( "Could NOT allocate enough memory for the raster!" );
- /* Clear the display memory with help of the Blitter: */
- BltClear( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ], RASSIZE( WIDTH, height ), 0 );
- }
- /* 5. Prepare the RasInfo structure: */
- my_ras_info.BitMap = &my_bit_map; /* Pointer to the BitMap structure. */
- my_ras_info.RxOffset = 0; /* The top left corner of the Raster */
- my_ras_info.RyOffset = 0; /* should be at the top left corner */
- /* of the display. */
- my_ras_info.Next = NULL; /* Single playfield - only one */
- /* RasInfo structure is necessary. */
- /* 6. Create the display: */
- MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
- MrgCop( &my_view );
- /* 7. Prepare the RastPort, and give it a pointer to the BitMap. */
- InitRastPort( &my_rast_port );
- my_rast_port.BitMap = &my_bit_map;
- /* 8. Show the new View: */
- LoadView( &my_view );
- /* Set the draw mode to JAM1. FgPen's colour will be used. */
- SetDrMd( &my_rast_port, JAM1 );
- /* Draw 10000 pixels in seven different colours, randomly. */
- for( loop = 0; loop < 10000; loop++ )
- {
- /* Set FgPen's colour (1-7, 0 used for the the background). */
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port, rand() % (COLOURS-1) + 1 );
- /* Write a pixel somewere on the display: */
- WritePixel( &my_rast_port, rand() % WIDTH, rand() % height );
- }
- /* 9. Restore the old View: */
- LoadView( my_old_view );
- /* Free all allocated resources and leave. */
- clean_up( "THE END" );
- }
- /* Returns all allocated resources: */
- void clean_up( message )
- STRPTR message;
- {
- int loop;
- /* Free automatically allocated display structures: */
- FreeVPortCopLists( &my_view_port );
- FreeCprList( my_view.LOFCprList );
- /* Deallocate the display memory, BitPlane for BitPlane: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; loop++ )
- if( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] )
- FreeRaster( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ], WIDTH, height );
- /* Deallocate the ColorMap: */
- if( my_view_port.ColorMap ) FreeColorMap( my_view_port.ColorMap );
- /* Close the Graphics library: */
- if( GfxBase ) CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
- /* Close the Intuition library: */
- if( IntuitionBase ) CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- /* Print the message and leave: */
- printf( "%s\n", message );
- exit();
- }