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Text File | 1993-10-12 | 27.9 KB | 1,022 lines |
- VSprites, or Virtual Sprites as their whole name is, are very
- similar to Hardware Sprites. VSprites have the same limitations
- such as a maximum width of 16 pixels and can only use three
- colours (actually four colours, but the first colour will act
- as transparent.) However, VSprites are superior to Hardware
- Sprites because you may use much more than eight VSprites at
- the same time, and each VSprite may use its own three colours
- out of a palette of 4096 colours. The disadvantage with
- VSprites compared to Hardware Sprites is that Hardware Sprites
- are totally controlled by the hardware and thus very fast,
- while VSprites are partly controlled by the software and
- because of that a bit slower.
- The reason why VSprites are so similar to Hardware Sprites is
- that VSprites are actually displayed with help of Hardware
- Sprites. If you want a VSprite to be at the top of the display
- and one further down, the system will position a Hardware Sprite
- at the top and change its image so it correspond to the
- VSprites image. The colours will also automatically be changed
- by altering the Copper List. (See chapter "Hacks" for more
- information about the Copper list.)
- When the video beam has passed the first VSprite, the Hardware
- Sprite is not needed there any more and can therefore be used
- again. The system can therefore use the same Hardware Sprite to
- display another VSprite, and so on. Because of this you can have
- much more than eight sprites at the same time on the display.
- If two or more VSprites would be on the same height, more
- Hardware Sprites are needed. The system has eight Hardware
- Sprites as its disposal, and can therefore display up to
- eight VSprites on the same line.
- Here is an example. You want to display three VSprites
- positioned as below. In this case two Hardware Sprites are
- needed. Hardware Sprite one is used to display VSprite A
- and B. A and B are not on the same height, and only one
- Hardware Sprite is therefore needed. However, VSprite C
- is on the same lines as B, and a second Hardware Sprite is
- therefore needed.
- -----
- | A |
- -----
- -----
- | B | -----
- ----- | C |
- -----
- There are some important limitations that you need to remember:
- 1. If you have reserved some Hardware Sprites for your own
- use, the system can not use these sprites and this will
- limit the maximum numbers of VSprites on the same height.
- 2. Hardware Sprites 0 and 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7 share
- the same colours. If sprite 0 is used to display one
- VSprite, the computer can not use sprite 1 to display
- another VSprite on the same height if it has different
- colours. Because of that there is a limitation of a
- maximum of four VSprites with different colours on the
- same height.
- 3. If you display the VSprites on a screen with a depth of 5
- or more (32 colours or more) you will see strange colour
- fluctuations on the lines where the VSprites are. The
- reason is that VSprites are now using the same colour
- register as the display, and as we said before, the system
- is all the time changing these colours to match the
- VSprites' colours.
- If the system can not find a Hardware Sprite to display a
- VSprite because of the limitations above, the VSprite will
- simply not be drawn.
- There are several guidelines to follow in order to avoid the
- limitations:
- 1. Use as few VSprites as possible on the same lines.
- 2. Try to use VSprites with the same colours.
- 3. If you are using a display with more than 16 colours, you
- should only use colour 16, 20, 24, and 28. (These are the
- transparent colours, and will therefore not be changed.)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Declare and initialize some sprite data for each VSprite.
- 2. Declare a VSprite structure for each VSprite plus two extra
- structures for two dummy VSprites.
- 3. Decide each VSprite's colours.
- 4. Declare a GelsInfo structure.
- 5. Open the Graphics Library.
- 6. Initialize the GelsInfo structure.
- 7. Initialize the VSprite structure.
- 8. Add the VSprites to the VSprite list.
- 9. Sort the Gels list. SortGList()
- 10. Draw the Gels list. DrawGList()
- 11. Set the Copper and redraw the display.
- [ MrgCop() and LoadView() or ]
- [ MakeScreen() and RethinkDisplay() ]
- 12. Play around with the VSprites.
- 13. Remove the VSprites. RemVSprite()
- (Easy, isn't it?)
- Sprite data for VSprites is declared and initialized as normal
- sprite data. Just remember that all sprite data must be placed
- in Chip memory.
- Example:
- UWORD chip vsprite_data[]=
- {
- 0x0FF0, 0x0FF0,
- 0x0FF0, 0x0FF0,
- 0x0FF0, 0x0FF0,
- 0x0FF0, 0x0FF0
- };
- You need to declare a VSprite structure for each VSprite you
- are going to use, and two extra for two "dummy VSprites". The
- two dummy VSprites are used by the gel system (GEL stands for
- Graphic ELements). (One of the two dummy sprites is placed
- first in the gel-list, and the other one is placed last. The
- gel system can then sort the list much faster, and speed is
- essential here.)
- Example:
- struct VSprite head, tail, vsprite;
- The VSprite structure looks like this: [Declared in the header
- file "graphics/gels.h".]
- struct VSprite
- {
- struct VSprite *NextVSprite;
- struct VSprite *PrevVSprite;
- struct VSprite *DrawPath;
- struct VSprite *ClearPath;
- WORD OldY, OldX;
- WORD Flags;
- WORD Y, X;
- WORD Height;
- WORD Width;
- WORD Depth;
- WORD MeMask;
- WORD HitMask;
- WORD *ImageData;
- WORD *BorderLine;
- WORD *CollMask;
- WORD *SprColors;
- struct Bob *VSBob;
- BYTE PlanePick;
- BYTE PlaneOnOff;
- VUserStuff VUserExt;
- };
- NextVSprite: Pointer to the next VSprite in the list.
- PrevVSprite: Pointer to the previous VSprite in the list.
- DrawPath: Used by BOBs.
- ClearPath: Used by BOBs.
- OldY: Previous Y position.
- OldX: Previous X position.
- Flags: Following flags may be set by the user:
- SUSERFLAGS Mask of the user settable flags.
- VSPRITE Set this flag if you are using the
- structure for a VSprite.
- MUSTDRAW Set this flag if this VSprite must
- be drawn.
- Following flags are set by the system:
- GELGONE This flag is set if the VSprite is
- outside the
- VSOVERFLOW Too many VSprites on the same lines.
- If the flag MUSTDRAW is set, the
- system will try to draw it, but it
- could look strange.
- Y: Y position.
- X: X position.
- Height: The height of the VSprite.
- Width: Number of words used for each line. For the moment
- a VSprite can only be 16 pixels wide, which means
- two words.
- Depth: Number of planes. A VSprite can for the moment
- only use two planes, 3 colours and one transparent.
- MeMask: What can collide with this VSprite. (Will be
- explained in a future version of the manual.)
- HitMask: What this VSprite can collide with. (Will be
- explained in a future version of the manual.)
- ImageData: Pointer to the sprite data.
- BorderLine: (Will be explained in a future version of the manual.)
- CollMask: (Will be explained in a future version of the manual.)
- SprColors: Pointer to a colour table for this VSprite.
- VSBob: Used if it is a BOB. (Will be explained in a future
- version of the manual.)
- PlanePick: Used if it is a BOB. (Will be explained in a future
- version of the manual.)
- PlaneOnOff: Used if it is a BOB. (Will be explained in a future
- version of the manual.)
- VUserExt: You may use this as you please. Here you can add
- extra information etc. (Is actually declared as a
- SHORT variable.)
- Each VSprite can have its own three colours out of a palette
- of 4096. The three desired colours are placed in an array of
- Example:
- WORD colour_table[] = { 0x000F, 0x00F0, 0x0F00 };
- If you want to use VSprites or BOBs you have to declare and
- initialize a GelsInfo structure.
- Example:
- struct GelsInfo ginfo;
- The GelsInfo structure looks like this: [Declared in the header
- file "graphics/rastport.h".]
- struct GelsInfo
- {
- BYTE sprRsrvd;
- UBYTE Flags;
- struct VSprite *gelHead, gelTail;
- WORD *nextLine;
- WORD **lastColor;
- struct collTable *collHandler;
- short leftmost, rightmost, topmost, bottommost;
- APTR firstBlissObj, lastBlissObj;
- };
- sprRsrvd: Which hardware sprites should be reserved to
- be used as VSprites. Bit zero represents the
- first sprite, bit one the second sprite and so
- on. If the bit is set, the sprite may be used.
- Set the mask to 0xFF if all sprites should be
- used as VSprites.
- Flags: Used by the system.
- gelHead: Pointer to the first dummy VSprite.
- gelTail: Pointer to the second dummy VSprite.
- nextLine: Which sprites are available on the next line.
- lastColor: Pointer to an array of colours which were last
- used.
- collHandler: Pointer to the collision routines.
- leftmost: Used by the system.
- rightmost: Used by the system.
- topmost: Used by the system.
- bottommost: Used by the system.
- firstBlissObj: Used by the system.
- lastBlissObj: Used by the system.
- After you have declared the GelsInfo structure you need to
- initialize some important fields. First you need to tell the
- system which sprites it should be allowed to use as VSprites.
- If any hardware sprite should be allowed to be used, set the
- sprRsrvd field to 0xFF. If any sprite except the first two
- should be allowed to be used, set the mask to 0xFC.
- You must also give the nextLine field a pointer to an array
- of eight WORDS, and the lastColor field a pointer to an array
- of eight WORD pointers.
- Example:
- WORD nextline[8];
- WORD *lastcolor[8];
- /* All sprites except the first two may be used as VSprites: */
- ginfo.sprRsrvd = 0xFC;
- ginfo.nextLine = nextline;
- ginfo.lastColor = lastcolor;
- Finally you give the GelsInfo structure to the system by calling
- the InitGels() function, and give the Rastport's GelsInfo field
- a pointer to your GelsInfo structure.
- Synopsis: InitGels( head, tail, ginfo );
- head: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to the first "dummy"
- VSprite structure.
- tail: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to the second "dummy"
- VSprite structure.
- ginfo: (struct GelsInfo *) Pointer to an initialized GelsInfo
- structure.
- Example:
- /* Give the GelsInfo structure to the system: */
- InitGels( &head, &tail, &ginfo );
- /* Give the Rastport a pointer to the GelsInfo structure: */
- my_window->RPort->GelsInfo = &ginfo;
- The VSprite structure must be initialized. You need to position
- the VSprite, set the height, width and depth. The width can for
- the moment only be 2 words wide (16 pixels), and have a depth of
- 2 (4 colours). You must also tell the structure that you want a
- VSprite. You do it by setting the Flags field to "VSPRITE".
- Finally you must give the structure a pointer to this VSprite's
- colour table and sprite data.
- Example:
- vsprite.X = x; /* Set the X and Y position. */
- vsprite.Y = y;
- vsprite.Height = 16; /* Set the height to 16 lines. */
- vsprite.Width = 2; /* Set the width to 2 words. */
- vsprite.Depth = 2; /* Set the depth to 2 planes. */
- vsprite.Flags = VSPRITE; /* We want a VSprite. */
- vsprite.SprColors = colour_table; /* Pointer to the colour table */
- vsprite.ImageData = vsprite_data; /* Pointer to the sprite data. */
- When all structures are initialized we add the new VSprite to
- the list. We do it by calling the AddVSprite() function with
- a pointer to our VSprite structure and a pointer to the
- Rastport as parameters.
- Synopsis: AddVSprite( vsprite, rp );
- vsprite: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to an initialized
- VSprite structure.
- rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
- Example:
- AddVSprite( &vsprite, my_window->RPort );
- The last thing we have to do to see the new VSprite is to sort
- and draw the GEL list, change the copper list and finally
- redraw the screen. All this is done with help of four
- functions; SortGList(), DrawGList(), MrgCop() and LoadView().
- If your program is running under Intuition you should use the
- functions MakeScreen() and RethinkDisplay() instead of MrgCop()
- and LoadView().
- SortGList() will reorganize the VSprite list so that the
- further down on the display the sprites are positioned the
- later they will appear in the list.
- Synopsis: SortGList( rp );
- rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
- DrawGList() will draw the VSprites into the specified Rastport.
- Synopsis: DrawGList( rp, vp );
- rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
- vp: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort.
- MrgCop() reorganizes the Copper list. This is why each VSprite
- can have its own individual colour values.
- Synopsis: MrgCop( view );
- view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View structure which
- copper list should be changed.
- LoadView() will create and show the new display.
- Synopsis: LoadView( view );
- view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View structure which
- should be used to show the display.
- MakeScreen()
- Synopsis: MakeScreen( screen );
- screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen which
- should be affected.
- RethinkDisplay() will reorganize the complete display. Note
- that this function will take quite a long time to execute,
- so use it only when absolutely needed.
- Synopsis: RethinkDisplay();
- Example1: (You have created your own display.)
- SortGList( my_rastport );
- DrawGList( my_rastport, my_viewport );
- MrgCop( my_view );
- LoadView( my_view );
- Example2: (Your program is running under Intuition.)
- SortGList( my_window->RPort );
- DrawGList( my_window->RPort, &(my_screen->ViewPort) );
- MakeScreen( my_screen );
- RethinkDisplay();
- Once you have your VSprite you can start to play around with
- it. You can:
- 1. Move it around by changing the X and Y fields in the VSprite
- structure.
- 2. Change the image of the VSprite by giving the VSprite
- structure a new pointer to another sprite data.
- 3. Change the VSprite colours by giving the VSprite structure
- a new pointer to another colour table.
- However, whatever you do with the VSprite you must always call
- the following functions to be able to see the changes:
- SortGList();
- DrawGList();
- MrgCop();
- LoadView();
- or
- SortGList();
- DrawGList();
- MakeScreen();
- RethinkDisplay();
- When you want to remove a VSprite from the list you should call
- the RemVSprite() function.
- Synopsis: RemVSprite( vsprite );
- vsprite: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to the VSprite you want
- to remove.
- Example:
- RemVSprite( &vsprite );
- Here is a complete example on how to use VSprites:
- /* Example1 */
- /* This example demonstrates how to get and use a VSprite. The VSprite */
- /* can be moved around by the user by pressing the arrow keys. */
- /* Since we use Intuition, include this file: */
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- /* Include this file since you are using sprites: */
- #include <graphics/gels.h>
- /* Declare the functions we are going to use: */
- void main();
- void clean_up();
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
- /* We need to open the Graphics library since we are using sprites: */
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase = NULL;
- /* Declare a pointer to a Screen structure: */
- struct Screen *my_screen;
- /* Declare and initialize your NewScreen structure: */
- struct NewScreen my_new_screen=
- {
- 0, /* LeftEdge Should always be 0. */
- 0, /* TopEdge Top of the display.*/
- 640, /* Width We are using a high-resolution screen. */
- 200, /* Height Non-Interlaced NTSC (American) display. */
- 2, /* Depth 4 colours. */
- 0, /* DetailPen Text should be drawn with colour reg. 0 */
- 1, /* BlockPen Blocks should be drawn with colour reg. 1 */
- HIRES|SPRITES,/* ViewModes High resolution, sprites will be used. */
- CUSTOMSCREEN, /* Type Your own customized screen. */
- NULL, /* Font Default font. */
- "VSprites!", /* Title The screen's title. */
- NULL, /* Gadget Must for the moment be NULL. */
- NULL /* BitMap No special CustomBitMap. */
- };
- /* Declare a pointer to a Window structure: */
- struct Window *my_window = NULL;
- /* Declare and initialize your NewWindow structure: */
- struct NewWindow my_new_window=
- {
- 0, /* LeftEdge x position of the window. */
- 0, /* TopEdge y position of the window. */
- 640, /* Width 640 pixels wide. */
- 200, /* Height 200 lines high. */
- 0, /* DetailPen Text should be drawn with colour reg. 0 */
- 1, /* BlockPen Blocks should be drawn with colour reg. 1 */
- CLOSEWINDOW| /* IDCMPFlags The window will give us a message if the */
- RAWKEY, /* user has selected the Close window gad, */
- /* or if the user has pressed a key. */
- SMART_REFRESH| /* Flags Intuition should refresh the window. */
- WINDOWCLOSE| /* Close Gadget. */
- WINDOWDRAG| /* Drag gadget. */
- WINDOWDEPTH| /* Depth arrange Gadgets. */
- WINDOWSIZING| /* Sizing Gadget. */
- ACTIVATE, /* The window should be Active when opened. */
- NULL, /* FirstGadget No Custom gadgets. */
- NULL, /* CheckMark Use Intuition's default CheckMark. */
- "Use the arrow keys to move the VSprite!", /* Title */
- NULL, /* Screen Will later be connected to a custom scr. */
- NULL, /* BitMap No Custom BitMap. */
- 80, /* MinWidth We will not allow the window to become */
- 30, /* MinHeight smaller than 80 x 30, and not bigger */
- 640, /* MaxWidth than 640 x 200. */
- 200, /* MaxHeight */
- CUSTOMSCREEN /* Type Connected to the Workbench Screen. */
- };
- /* 1. Declare and initialize some sprite */
- /* data for each VSprite: */
- UWORD chip vsprite_data[]=
- {
- 0x0180, 0x0000,
- 0x03C0, 0x0000,
- 0x07E0, 0x0000,
- 0x0FF0, 0x0000,
- 0x1FF8, 0x0000,
- 0x3FFC, 0x0000,
- 0x7FFE, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0xFFFF,
- 0x0000, 0xFFFF,
- 0x7FFE, 0x7FFE,
- 0x3FFC, 0x3FFC,
- 0x1FF8, 0x1FF8,
- 0x0FF0, 0x0FF0,
- 0x07E0, 0x07E0,
- 0x03C0, 0x03C0,
- 0x0180, 0x0180,
- };
- /* 2. Declare three VSprite structures. One will be used, */
- /* the other two are "dummies": */
- struct VSprite head, tail, vsprite;
- /* 3. Decide the VSprite's colours: */
- /* RGB RGB RGB */
- WORD colour_table[] = { 0x000F, 0x00F0, 0x0F00 };
- /* 4. Declare a GelsInfo structure: */
- struct GelsInfo ginfo;
- /* This boolean variable will tell us if the VSprite is in */
- /* the list or not: */
- BOOL vsprite_on = FALSE;
- /* This program will not open any console window if run from */
- /* Workbench, but we must therefore not print anything. */
- /* Functions like printf() must therefore not be used. */
- void _main()
- {
- /* The GelsInfo structure needs the following arrays: */
- WORD nextline[ 8 ];
- WORD *lastcolor[ 8 ];
- /* Sprite position: */
- WORD x = 40;
- WORD y = 40;
- /* Direction of the sprite: */
- WORD x_direction = 0;
- WORD y_direction = 0;
- /* Boolean variable used for the while loop: */
- BOOL close_me = FALSE;
- ULONG class; /* IDCMP */
- USHORT code; /* Code */
- /* Declare a pointer to an IntuiMessage structure: */
- struct IntuiMessage *my_message;
- /* Open the Intuition Library: */
- IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 0 );
- if( IntuitionBase == NULL )
- clean_up(); /* Could NOT open the Intuition Library! */
- /* 5. Open the Graphics Library: */
- /* Since we are using sprites we need to open the Graphics Library: */
- /* Open the Graphics Library: */
- GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 0);
- if( GfxBase == NULL )
- clean_up(); /* Could NOT open the Graphics Library! */
- /* We will now try to open the screen: */
- my_screen = (struct Screen *) OpenScreen( &my_new_screen );
- /* Have we opened the screen succesfully? */
- if(my_screen == NULL)
- clean_up();
- my_new_window.Screen = my_screen;
- /* We will now try to open the window: */
- my_window = (struct Window *) OpenWindow( &my_new_window );
- /* Have we opened the window succesfully? */
- if(my_window == NULL)
- clean_up(); /* Could NOT open the Window! */
- /* 6. Initialize the GelsInfo structure: */
- /* All sprites except the first two may be used to draw */
- /* the VSprites: ( 11111100 = 0xFC ) */
- ginfo.sprRsrvd = 0xFC;
- /* If we do not exclude the first two sprites, the mouse */
- /* pointer's colours may be affected. */
- /* Give the GelsInfo structure some memory: */
- ginfo.nextLine = nextline;
- ginfo.lastColor = lastcolor;
- /* Give the Rastport a pointer to the GelsInfo structure: */
- my_window->RPort->GelsInfo = &ginfo;
- /* Give the GelsInfo structure to the system: */
- InitGels( &head, &tail, &ginfo );
- /* 7. Initialize the VSprite structure: */
- vsprite.Flags = VSPRITE; /* It is a VSprite. */
- vsprite.X = x; /* X position. */
- vsprite.Y = y; /* Y position. */
- vsprite.Height = 16; /* 16 lines tall. */
- vsprite.Width = 2; /* Two bytes (16 pixels) wide. */
- vsprite.Depth = 2; /* Two bitplanes, 4 colours. */
- /* Pointer to the sprite data: */
- vsprite.ImageData = vsprite_data;
- /* Pointer to the colour table: */
- vsprite.SprColors = colour_table;
- /* 8. Add the VSprites to the VSprite list: */
- AddVSprite( &vsprite, my_window->RPort );
- /* The VSprite is in the list. */
- vsprite_on = TRUE;
- /* Stay in the while loop until the user has selected the Close window */
- /* gadget: */
- while( close_me == FALSE )
- {
- /* Stay in the while loop as long as we can collect messages */
- /* successfully: */
- while(my_message = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg(my_window->UserPort))
- {
- /* After we have collected the message we can read it, and save any */
- /* important values which we maybe want to check later: */
- class = my_message->Class;
- code = my_message->Code;
- /* After we have read it we reply as fast as possible: */
- /* REMEMBER! Do never try to read a message after you have replied! */
- /* Some other process has maybe changed it. */
- ReplyMsg( my_message );
- /* Check which IDCMP flag was sent: */
- switch( class )
- {
- case CLOSEWINDOW: /* Quit! */
- close_me=TRUE;
- break;
- case RAWKEY: /* A key was pressed! */
- /* Check which key was pressed: */
- switch( code )
- {
- /* Up Arrow: */
- case 0x4C: y_direction = -1; break; /* Pre */
- case 0x4C+0x80: y_direction = 0; break; /* Rel */
- /* Down Arrow: */
- case 0x4D: y_direction = 1; break; /* Pre */
- case 0x4D+0x80: y_direction = 0; break; /* Rel */
- /* Right Arrow: */
- case 0x4E: x_direction = 2; break; /* Pre */
- case 0x4E+0x80: x_direction = 0; break; /* Rel */
- /* Left Arrow: */
- case 0x4F: x_direction = -2; break; /* Pre */
- case 0x4F+0x80: x_direction = 0; break; /* Rel */
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /* 12. Play around with the VSprite: */
- /* Change the x/y position: */
- x += x_direction;
- y += y_direction;
- /* Check that the sprite does not move outside the screen: */
- if(x > 320)
- x = 320;
- if(x < 0)
- x = 0;
- if(y > 200)
- y = 200;
- if(y < 0)
- y = 0;
- vsprite.X = x;
- vsprite.Y = y;
- /* 9. Sort the Gels list: */
- SortGList( my_window->RPort );
- /* 10. Draw the Gels list: */
- DrawGList( my_window->RPort, &(my_screen->ViewPort) );
- /* 11. Set the Copper and redraw the display: */
- MakeScreen( my_screen );
- RethinkDisplay();
- }
- /* Free all allocated memory: (Close the window, libraries etc) */
- clean_up();
- /* THE END */
- }
- /* This function frees all allocated memory. */
- void clean_up()
- {
- /* 13. Remove the VSprites: */
- if( vsprite_on )
- RemVSprite( &vsprite );
- if( my_window )
- CloseWindow( my_window );
- if(my_screen )
- CloseScreen( my_screen );
- if( GfxBase )
- CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
- if( IntuitionBase )
- CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- exit();
- }
- InitGels()
- This function "gives" an already prepared GelsInfo structure
- to the system.
- Synopsis: InitGels( head, tail, ginfo );
- head: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to the first "dummy"
- VSprite structure.
- tail: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to the second "dummy"
- VSprite structure.
- ginfo: (struct GelsInfo *) Pointer to an initialized GelsInfo
- structure.
- AddVSprite()
- This function will add a VSprite to the VSprite list.
- Synopsis: AddVSprite( vsprite, rp );
- vsprite: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to an initialized
- VSprite structure.
- rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
- RemVSprite()
- This function will remove a previously added VSprite.
- Synopsis: RemVSprite( vsprite );
- vsprite: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to the VSprite you want
- to remove.
- SortGList()
- This function will reorganize the VSprite list so that the
- further down on the display the sprites are positioned the
- later they will appear in the list.
- Synopsis: SortGList( rp );
- rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
- DrawGList()
- This function will draw the VSprites into the specified
- Rastport.
- Synopsis: DrawGList( rp, vp );
- rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
- vp: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort.
- MrgCop()
- This function reorganizes the Copper list. This is why each
- VSprite can have its own individual colour values.
- Synopsis: MrgCop( view );
- view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View structure which
- copper list should be changed.
- LoadView()
- This function will create and show the new display.
- Synopsis: LoadView( view );
- view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View structure which
- should be used to show the display.
- MakeScreen()
- This function will recalculate the screen display values.
- Synopsis: MakeScreen( screen );
- screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen which
- should be affected.
- RethinkDisplay()
- This function will reorganize the complete display. Note
- that this function will take quite a long time to execute,
- so use it only when absolutely needed.
- Synopsis: RethinkDisplay();
- Example1
- This example demonstrates how to get and use a VSprite.
- The VSprite can be moved around by the user by pressing
- the arrow keys.
- Example2
- This example demonstrates how to use several VSprites each
- with its own colour table.
- Example3
- This program demonstrates how to animate several (!) VSprites.
- Example4
- This example demonstrates how to use a VSpriteon a display
- you have created yourself. We must now use the low level
- functions MrgCop(), and LoadView(), instead of the more
- sophisticated functions MakeScreen(), RethinkDisplay().