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- /***********************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
- /* */
- /* Book: ACM Intuition Amiga C Club */
- /* Chapter: FileWindow Tulevagen 22 */
- /* File: FileWindow.c 181 41 LIDINGO */
- /* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
- /* Date: 92-05-01 */
- /* Version: 1.30 */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* */
- /* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
- /* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
- /* */
- /***********************************************************/
- /* F I L E W W I NN N D D O O W W */
- /* FFFF I L EEE W W W I N N N D D O O W W W */
- /* F I L E W W W I N NN D D O O W W W */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* FILE WINDOW VERSION 1.30 92-03-06 */
- /* */
- /* FILE WINDOW was created by Anders Bjerin, and is distributed as */
- /* public domain with NO RIGHTS RESERVED. That means that you can do */
- /* what ever you want with the program. */
- /* */
- /* You may use FILE WINDOW in your own programs, commercial or not, and */
- /* do not even need to mention that you have used it. You may alter the */
- /* source code to fit your needs, and you may spread it to anyone. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* The reason why I created FILE WINDOW was that I never more wanted to */
- /* see that old stupid "Please type in filename:" prompt. It is a disgrace */
- /* for any program to use it, and VERY annoying for the user. */
- /* */
- /* REMEMBER, one of the first things the user will see of your program is */
- /* the file requester. If you want your program to make a good impression, */
- /* and look solid, I would recommend you to use a good file requester. */
- /* */
- /* FILE WINDOW is written to be as easy as possible to use, and is fully */
- /* amigaized. It is similar to other good file requesters, but has several */
- /* advantages: */
- /* */
- /* 1. FILE WINDOW dynamically allocates memory for each file. That means */
- /* that there is no memory wasted as it would have been if you had */
- /* statically allocated the filenames in arrays. It also means that the */
- /* memory is the only limitation on how many files the program can */
- /* display. */
- /* */
- /* 2. While FILE WINDOW is reading the directories, it is still obeying */
- /* your commands. You may change directory, type in the file name */
- /* yourself etc etc while the program still is working. All of us know */
- /* how irritating it is to see the little Zzz pointer in a program */
- /* while the disk is examined. This is especially annoying when you */
- /* KNOW the filename, and only want to type it in. */
- /* */
- /* 3. FILE WINDOW was written for the Amiga. It uses boolean, string and */
- /* proportional gadgets, and is using them as recommended. For example, */
- /* the proportional gadget's knob changes size corresponding to how */
- /* many files/directories there are. (It is strange that there are */
- /* several file requesters using a static small knob instead. That */
- /* makes it much harder for the user to see how many files there are in */
- /* the directory.) */
- /* */
- /* 4. There are three boolean gadgets which allows the user to quickly */
- /* select df0:, df1: and dh0:. */
- /* */
- /* 5. FILE WINDOW has a boolean gadget "<" which steps back one directory */
- /* each time it is pressed. (Same as "/ Parent dir") */
- /* */
- /* 6. You can specify a file-extension, and only the files with that */
- /* extension will be displayed. (Directories are always showed.) */
- /* The user can also change the extension since it is a string gadget. */
- /* (If there are any characters in the string gadget, the text "Ext:" */
- /* will be highlighted to tell the user that EXTENSION MODE is on.) */
- /* */
- /* 7. The files/directories are automatically sorted alphabetically while */
- /* they are taken from the disk. Directories first, highlighted with */
- /* the ending (Dir), and then the files. */
- /* */
- /* 8. FILE WINDOW deallocates all memory allocated, and is fool proof. If */
- /* something goes wrong (not enough memory, wrong directory name etc), */
- /* the program will open a requester and tell the user what the */
- /* problem is. */
- /* */
- /* 9. The source code is distributed with the program so you can alter it */
- /* to fit your needs. */
- /* */
- /* 10. FILE WINDOW is not as a normal file requester, since it uses a */
- /* (surprise, surprise) window instead of a requester to display the */
- /* files on. That means that the calling program does not need to */
- /* have a window itself, to be able to use FILE WINDOW. (A normal */
- /* requester always needs a pointer to a window.) */
- /* */
- /* 11. There are no Image structures in the code, so FILE WINDOW does not */
- /* need to be in the CHIP memory. */
- /* */
- /* 12. The width of the window is 320, which means that any program can use */
- /* it, both in High as well as Low resolution. */
- /* */
- /* 13. When FILE WINDOW has examined all files in the directory, the */
- /* program is put to sleep. That will speed up other programs, and */
- /* will not use unnecessary processing time. */
- /* */
- /* 14. Fast updating of the display. */
- /* */
- /* 15. FILE WINDOW was created by Anders Bjerin. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* FILE WINDOW is very easy to install in your program, and I have even */
- /* done an example on how to use it. The source code is full of comments */
- /* to make it easier for you to change something in the program, but */
- /* if you would have any problems, feel free to contact me. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* FILE WINDOW will look something like this when you run it: */
- /* */
- /* ----------------------------------- */
- /* |#| TITLE |==|==| */
- /* |---------------------------------| */
- /* | df0: | df1: | dh0: | Ext:XXXXXX | */
- /* |---------------------------------| */
- /* | Drawer: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |<<| */
- /* |---------------------------------| */
- /* | |XX| */
- /* | FILE DISPLAY |XX| */
- /* | |XX| */
- /* | |XX| */
- /* | |XX| */
- /* | |OO| */
- /* | |OO| */
- /* | |OO| */
- /* |---------------------------------| */
- /* |---------------------------------| */
- /* | LOAD | SAVE | DELETE | CANCEL | | */
- /* ----------------------------------- */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* F I L E W W I NN N D D O O W W */
- /* FFFF I L EEE W W W I N N N D D O O W W W */
- /* F I L E W W W I N NN D D O O W W W */
- /* */
- /* I NN N F O O R R MM MM A A T I O O NN N */
- /* I N NN F O O R R M M A A T I O O N NN */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* operation=FileWindow( title, extension, x, y, screen, file ); */
- /* */
- /* operation: a variable which will contain the "flags" FILE WINDOW */
- /* returned. */
- /* title: string containing the name of the FILE WINDOW. */
- /* extension: string to be used as a file extension. */
- /* x: x position of the FILE WINDOW. */
- /* y: y position of the FILE WINDOW. */
- /* screen: pointer to a screen if there exist one. */
- /* file: a string which will contain the file name together with */
- /* the entire path. (For example: "df0:letters/payments.doc" */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* Title is a string which will appear on the drag gadget. Write NULL if */
- /* you do not want any string there. */
- /* */
- /* Extension is a 7 character long string. 6 letters and the NULL ('\0') */
- /* sign. If you give FILE WINDOW a string, the program will only display */
- /* the files which endings match with your string. (Directories will always */
- /* be displayed.) If you do not want to use a file extension you simply */
- /* write NULL. */
- /* */
- /* The width of the window is 320 pixels which means that if you are using */
- /* a low resolution display (320 pixels) x should be initialized to be 0. */
- /* If you are using a high resolution display (640 pixels) x can be */
- /* between 0 and 320. */
- /* */
- /* On a NTSC screen (200 lines) y can be between 0 and 37. On a PAL screen */
- /* (256 lines) between 0 and 93. */
- /* */
- /* If your program is using a CUSTOM SCREEN you should give FILE WINDOW a */
- /* pointer to your screen. Otherwise, if you are using a WBENCH SCREEN you */
- /* simply write NULL. */
- /* */
- /* Name is a string which can already contain a file name with path if */
- /* you want. If the string is empty, FILE WINDOW will start to display the */
- /* current directory. When the user has selected the file to LOAD or SAVE */
- /* it is here you should look for the file name with path. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* For examples: */
- /* */
- /* 1. operation=FileWindow( NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, file); */
- /* */
- /* operation has been declared as: USHORT operation; */
- /* file has been declared as : UBYTE file[TOTAL_LENGTH]; */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* 2. operation=FileWindow(title, ext, x, y, my_screen, file); */
- /* */
- /* operation has been declared as: USHORT operation; */
- /* title -"- : UBYTE title[ANY_LENGTH]; */
- /* ext -"- : UBYTE ext[7]; */
- /* x, y -"- : SHORT x, y; */
- /* my_screen -"- : struct Screen *my_screen; */
- /* file -"- : UBYTE file[TOTAL_LENGTH]; */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* Remember to "include" the file "FileWindow.h"! */
- /* ex: #include "FileWindow.h" */
- /* */
- /* For more information see the file "Example.c". */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* Anders Bjerin */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <exec/interrupts.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "FileWindow.h"
- /* Declare the functions we are going to use: */
- USHORT FileWindow();
- STRPTR right_pos();
- APTR save_file_info();
- BOOL file_comp();
- BOOL directory();
- BOOL last_check();
- BOOL new_drawer();
- BOOL pick_file();
- BOOL request_ask();
- void put_in();
- void deallocate_file_info();
- void change_device();
- void parent();
- void request_ok();
- void display_list();
- void connect_dir_file();
- void adjust_string_gadgets();
- void delete_file_dir();
- extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct Window *file_window;
- struct IntuiMessage *my_gadget_message;
- /* We will allocate memory, using this structure, for every file/ */
- /* directory we find. They will be linked to each otherer, in such a */
- /* way that all directories will come first (sorted alphabetically), */
- /* and after them will the files come (also sorted alphabetically). */
- struct file_info
- {
- BYTE name[28]; /* Name of the file/directory, 27 characters. */
- BOOL directory; /* If it is a directory. */
- struct file_info *next; /* Pointer to the next file_info structure. */
- };
- struct FileInfoBlock *file_info;
- struct FileLock *lock, *Lock();
- BOOL file_lock; /* Have we locked a file? */
- BOOL more_files; /* More files in the directory? */
- BOOL first_file; /* First file? */
- struct file_info *first_pointer; /* Pointing to the first structure. */
- /* The program will use a ROM-font, 80 characters wide (40 LOWRES). */
- /* This is to make sure that all the text will fit in nicely in the */
- /* window, even if the calling program is using another font. */
- struct TextAttr my_font=
- {
- "topaz.font", /* Font Name */
- TOPAZ_EIGHTY, /* Font Height */
- FS_NORMAL, /* Style */
- FPF_ROMFONT /* Preferences */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * IntuiText structures for the requesters * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- struct IntuiText text_request=
- {
- 0, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 15, 5, /* LewftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- NULL, /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct IntuiText ok_request=
- {
- 0, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 6, 3, /* LewftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- "OK", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct IntuiText option1_request=
- {
- 0, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 6, 3, /* LewftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- NULL, /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct IntuiText option2_request=
- {
- 0, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 6, 3, /* LewftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- NULL, /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- /* Values for a 4-letter box: */
- SHORT points4[]=
- {
- 0, 0,
- 44, 0,
- 44, 14,
- 0, 14,
- 0, 0
- };
- /* Values for a 6-letter box: */
- SHORT points6[]=
- {
- 0, 0,
- 60, 0,
- 60, 14,
- 0, 14,
- 0, 0
- };
- /* A border for a 4-letter box: */
- struct Border border_text4=
- {
- 0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- 1, 2, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
- 5, /* Count */
- points4, /* *XY */
- NULL /* *NextBorder */
- };
- /* A border for a 6-letter box: */
- struct Border border_text6=
- {
- 0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- 1, 2, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
- 5, /* Count */
- points6, /* *XY */
- NULL /* *NextBorder */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the proportional gadget * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* Since we are using the auto-knob we set GadgetRender to point to an */
- /* Image. In this case we do not need to initialize the Image structure: */
- struct Image image_prop;
- /* This is the special data required by the proportional gadget: */
- struct PropInfo prop_info=
- {
- AUTOKNOB| /* We want to use the auto-knob. */
- FREEVERT, /* The knob should move vertically. */
- 0,0, /* HorizPot, VertPot: will be initialized later. */
- 0, /* HorizBody -"- */
- 0xFFFF, /* VertBody: No data to show, maximum. */
- 0,0,0,0,0,0 /* Intuition sets and maintains these variables. */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_proportional=
- {
- NULL, /* *NextGadget */
- 290, 50, 21, 72, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- PROPGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &image_prop, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- NULL, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- (APTR) &prop_info, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* UndoBuffer for the string gadgets: */
- UBYTE name_backup[DRAWER_LENGTH];
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the string gadget "Drawer:" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- UBYTE drawer_name[DRAWER_LENGTH];
- /* Values for a 28-letter string box: */
- SHORT points28s[]=
- {
- -7, -4,
- 200, -4,
- 200, 11,
- -7, 11,
- -7, -4
- };
- /* A border for a 28-letter string box: */
- struct Border border_text28s=
- {
- 0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- 1, 2, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
- 5, /* Count */
- points28s, /* *XY */
- NULL /* *NextBorder */
- };
- struct IntuiText text_drawer=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- -69, 0, /* LewftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- "Drawer:", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct StringInfo string_drawer=
- {
- drawer_name, /* *Buffer */
- name_backup, /* *UndoBuffer */
- 0, /* BufferPos */
- 70, /* MaxChars (Including NULL) */
- 0, /* DispPos */
- /* Intuition initializes and maintains these variables for you: */
- 0, /* UndoPos */
- 0, 0, /* CLeft, CTop */
- NULL, /* *LayerPtr */
- NULL, /* LongInt */
- NULL, /* *AltKeyMap */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_drawer=
- {
- &gadget_proportional, /* *NextGadget */
- 83, 35, 198, 8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- STRGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text28s, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_drawer, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- (APTR) &string_drawer, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the string gadget "File:" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- UBYTE file_name[FILE_LENGTH];
- /* Values for a 30-letter string box: */
- SHORT points30s[]=
- {
- -7, -4,
- 244, -4,
- 244, 11,
- -7, 11,
- -7, -4
- };
- /* A border for a 30-letter string box: */
- struct Border border_text30s=
- {
- 0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- 1, 2, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
- 5, /* Count */
- points30s, /* *XY */
- NULL /* *NextBorder */
- };
- struct IntuiText text_file=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- -53, 0, /* LewftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- "File:", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct StringInfo string_file=
- {
- file_name, /* *Buffer */
- name_backup, /* *UndoBuffer */
- 0, /* BufferPos */
- 40, /* MaxChars (Including NULL) */
- 0, /* DispPos */
- /* Intuition initializes and maintains these variables for you: */
- 0, /* UndoPos */
- 0, 0, /* CLeft, CTop */
- NULL, /* *LayerPtr */
- NULL, /* LongInt */
- NULL, /* *AltKeyMap */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_file=
- {
- &gadget_drawer, /* *NextGadget */
- 66, 129, 240, 8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- NULL, /* Activation */
- STRGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text30s, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_file, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- (APTR) &string_file, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the string gadget "Extension" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- UBYTE extension_name[7]; /* 7 characters including NULL. */
- /* Values for a 6-letter string box: */
- SHORT points6s[]=
- {
- -7, -4,
- 57, -4,
- 57, 10,
- -7, 10,
- -7, -4
- };
- /* A border for a 6-letter string box: */
- struct Border border_text6s=
- {
- 0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- 1, 2, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
- 5, /* Count */
- points6s, /* *XY */
- NULL /* *NextBorder */
- };
- struct IntuiText text_extension=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- -45, 0, /* LewftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- "Ext:", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct StringInfo string_extension=
- {
- extension_name, /* *Buffer */
- name_backup, /* *UndoBuffer */
- 0, /* BufferPos */
- 7, /* MaxChars (Including NULL) */
- 0, /* DispPos */
- /* Intuition initializes and maintains these variables for you: */
- 0, /* UndoPos */
- 0, 0, /* CLeft, CTop */
- NULL, /* *LayerPtr */
- NULL, /* LongInt */
- NULL, /* *AltKeyMap */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_extension=
- {
- &gadget_file, /* *NextGadget */
- 253, 17, 59, 8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- STRGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text6s, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_extension, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- (APTR) &string_extension, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the boolean gadget parent "<" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* Values for a 1-letter box: */
- SHORT points1[]=
- {
- 0, 0,
- 20, 0,
- 20, 15,
- 0, 15,
- 0, 0
- };
- /* A border for a 1-letter box: */
- struct Border border_text1=
- {
- 0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- 1, 2, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
- 5, /* Count */
- points1, /* *XY */
- NULL /* *NextBorder */
- };
- struct IntuiText text_parent=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 7,4, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont, (Topaz, 80) */
- "<", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_parent=
- {
- &gadget_extension, /* *NextGadget */
- 290, 31, 21, 16, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text1, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_parent, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the boolean gadget "dh0:" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- struct IntuiText text_dh0=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 7,4, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont, (Topaz, 80) */
- "dh0:", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_dh0=
- {
- &gadget_parent, /* *NextGadget */
- 110, 13, 45, 15, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text4, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_dh0, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the boolean gadget "df1:" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- struct IntuiText text_df1=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 7,4, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont, (Topaz, 80) */
- "df1:", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_df1=
- {
- &gadget_dh0, /* *NextGadget */
- 59, 13, 45, 15, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text4, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_df1, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the boolean gadget "df0:" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- struct IntuiText text_df0=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 7,4, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont, (Topaz, 80) */
- "df0:", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_df0=
- {
- &gadget_df1, /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 13, 45, 15, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text4, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_df0, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the boolean gadget "CANCEL" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- struct IntuiText text_cancel=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 7,4, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont, (Topaz, 80) */
- "CANCEL", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_cancel=
- {
- &gadget_df0, /* *NextGadget */
- 177, 144, 61, 15, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text6, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_cancel, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the boolean gadget "DELETE" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- struct IntuiText text_delete=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 7,4, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont, (Topaz, 80) */
- "DELETE", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_delete=
- {
- &gadget_cancel, /* *NextGadget */
- 110, 144, 61, 15, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text6, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_delete, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the boolean gadget "SAVE" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- struct IntuiText text_save=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 7,4, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont, (Topaz, 80) */
- "SAVE", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_save=
- {
- &gadget_delete, /* *NextGadget */
- 59, 144, 45, 15, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text4, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_save, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the boolean gadget "LOAD" * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- struct IntuiText text_load=
- {
- 1, 2, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM1, /* DrawMode */
- 7,4, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont, (Topaz, 80) */
- "LOAD", /* *IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_load=
- {
- &gadget_save, /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 144, 45, 15, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHCOMP, /* Flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- (APTR) &border_text4, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- &text_load, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- };
- UBYTE display_text[8][34];
- struct IntuiText text_list[8]=
- {
- {
- 1, 0, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM2, /* DrawMode */
- 0,0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- display_text[0], /* IText */
- &text_list[1] /* *NextText */
- },
- {
- 1, 0, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM2, /* DrawMode */
- 0,8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- display_text[1], /* IText */
- &text_list[2] /* *NextText */
- },
- {
- 1, 0, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM2, /* DrawMode */
- 0,16, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- display_text[2], /* IText */
- &text_list[3] /* *NextText */
- },
- {
- 1, 0, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM2, /* DrawMode */
- 0,24, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- display_text[3], /* IText */
- &text_list[4] /* *NextText */
- },
- {
- 1, 0, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM2, /* DrawMode */
- 0,32, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- display_text[4], /* IText */
- &text_list[5] /* *NextText */
- },
- {
- 1, 0, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM2, /* DrawMode */
- 0,40, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- display_text[5], /* IText */
- &text_list[6] /* *NextText */
- },
- {
- 1, 0, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM2, /* DrawMode */
- 0,48, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- display_text[6], /* IText */
- &text_list[7] /* *NextText */
- },
- {
- 1, 0, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
- JAM2, /* DrawMode */
- 0,56, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- &my_font, /* *ITextFont */
- display_text[7], /* IText */
- NULL /* *NextText */
- }
- };
- struct Gadget gadget_display[8]=
- {
- {
- &gadget_display[1], /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 50, 276, 12, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHNONE, /* Flags */
- GADGIMMEDIATE, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- NULL, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- NULL, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- },
- {
- &gadget_display[2], /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 62, 276, 8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHNONE, /* Flags */
- GADGIMMEDIATE, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- NULL, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- NULL, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- },
- {
- &gadget_display[3], /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 70, 276, 8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHNONE, /* Flags */
- GADGIMMEDIATE, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- NULL, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- NULL, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- },
- {
- &gadget_display[4], /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 78, 276, 8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHNONE, /* Flags */
- GADGIMMEDIATE, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- NULL, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- NULL, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- },
- {
- &gadget_display[5], /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 86, 276, 8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHNONE, /* Flags */
- GADGIMMEDIATE, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- NULL, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- NULL, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- },
- {
- &gadget_display[6], /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 94, 276, 8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHNONE, /* Flags */
- GADGIMMEDIATE, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- NULL, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- NULL, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- },
- {
- &gadget_display[7], /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 102, 276, 8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHNONE, /* Flags */
- GADGIMMEDIATE, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- NULL, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- NULL, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- },
- {
- &gadget_load, /* *NextGadget */
- 8, 110, 276, 12, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
- GADGHNONE, /* Flags */
- GADGIMMEDIATE, /* Activation */
- BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
- NULL, /* GadgetRender */
- NULL, /* SelectRender */
- NULL, /* *GadgetText */
- NULL, /* MutualExclude */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
- NULL, /* GadgetID */
- NULL /* UserData */
- }
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * BIG BOX * */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* Values for a big box: */
- SHORT points_big_box[]=
- {
- 8, 50,
- 283, 50,
- 283, 121,
- 8, 121,
- 8, 50
- };
- /* A border for a 1-letter box: */
- struct Border border_big_box=
- {
- 0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- 1, 2, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
- 5, /* Count */
- points_big_box, /* *XY */
- NULL /* *NextBorder */
- };
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* * Information for the window */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- struct NewWindow new_file_window=
- {
- 0,0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- 320, 163, /* Width, Height */
- 0,1, /* DetailPen, BlockPen */
- ACTIVATE| /* Flags */
- &gadget_display[0], /* *FirstGadget */
- NULL, /* *CheckMark */
- NULL, /* *Title */
- NULL, /* *Screen */
- NULL, /* *BitMap */
- 0,0, /* MinWidth, MinHeight */
- 0,0, /* MaxWidth, MaxHeight */
- };
- USHORT FileWindow( title, extension, x, y, screen, total_file_name )
- STRPTR title;
- STRPTR extension;
- SHORT x,y;
- struct Screen *screen;
- STRPTR total_file_name;
- {
- int temp1; /* Variable used for loops etc. */
- int file_count; /* How many files/directories there are. */
- ULONG class; /* Saved IntuiMessage: IDCMP flags. */
- USHORT code; /* -"- : Special code. */
- APTR address; /* -"- : The address of the object. */
- int position; /* The number of the first file in the display. */
- BOOL working; /* Wants the user to quit? */
- BOOL fix_display; /* Should we update the file-display? */
- STRPTR string_pointer; /* Pointer to a string. */
- struct file_info *pointer; /* Pointer to a file_info structure. */
- USHORT operation; /* What operation FileWindow will return. */
- file_lock=FALSE; /* We have not locked any file/directory. */
- more_files=FALSE; /* Do not list any files yet. */
- /* Make sure the proportional gadget is at the top, showing 100%: */
- prop_info.VertBody=0xFFFF;
- prop_info.HorizBody=0;
- prop_info.VertPot=0;
- prop_info.HorizPot=0;
- /* Copy the extension into the string gadget: */
- strcpy(extension_name, extension);
- /* If there is an extension, the text "Ext:" will be highlighted: */
- if(*extension_name != '\0')
- text_extension.FrontPen=3; /* Orange. (Normal WB colour) */
- else
- text_extension.FrontPen=1; /* White. (Normal WB colour) */
- /* Change some values in the new_file_window structure: */
- new_file_window.LeftEdge=x;
- new_file_window.TopEdge=y;
- new_file_window.Title=title;
- /* Does the user want to use on of his own screens? */
- if(screen)
- {
- new_file_window.Screen=screen;
- new_file_window.Type=CUSTOMSCREEN;
- }
- /* Open the window: */
- if( (file_window = (struct Window *) OpenWindow(&new_file_window)) == NULL )
- {
- /* We could NOT open the window! */
- /* Leave: */
- return(PANIC);
- }
- /* Draw the big box around the display: */
- DrawBorder(file_window->RPort, &border_big_box, 0, 0);
- /* Allocate memory for the FileInfoBlock: */
- if((file_info=(struct FileInfoBlock *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR))==NULL)
- {
- /* Could not allocate memory for the FileInfoBlock! */
- /* Inform the user about the problem, and leave. */
- request_ok("NOT enough memory!");
- return(PANIC);
- }
- /* Is the there anything in the total_file_name string? */
- if(*total_file_name != '\0')
- {
- /* Yes! */
- /* Try to "lock" the file/directory: */
- if((lock=Lock(total_file_name, ACCESS_READ))==NULL)
- {
- /* PROBLEMS! */
- /* File/directory/device did NOT exist! */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Could lock the file/directory! */
- file_lock=TRUE;
- /* Get some information of the file/directory: */
- if((Examine(lock, file_info))==NULL)
- {
- /* Could NOT examine the object! */
- request_ok("ERROR reading file/directory!");
- }
- else
- {
- /* Is it a directory or a file? */
- if(directory(file_info))
- {
- /* It is a directory! */
- *file_name='\0'; /* Clear file_name string. */
- /* Copy total_file_name into drawer_name string: */
- strcpy(drawer_name, total_file_name);
- /* Since it is a directory, we will look for more files: */
- more_files=TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- /* It is a file! */
- /* Separate the file name from the path: */
- if(string_pointer=right_pos(total_file_name, '/'))
- {
- /* Copy the file name into file_name string: */
- strcpy(file_name, string_pointer+1);
- *string_pointer='\0';
- }
- else
- {
- if(string_pointer=right_pos(total_file_name, ':'))
- {
- /* Copy the file name into file_name string: */
- strcpy(file_name, string_pointer+1);
- *(string_pointer+1)='\0';
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(file_name, total_file_name);
- *drawer_name='\0';
- *total_file_name='\0';
- }
- }
- strcpy(drawer_name, total_file_name);
- /* Since it is a file, we will NOT look for more files: */
- /* However, more_files is already FALSE. */
- } /* Is it a directory? */
- } /* Could we examine the object? */
- } /* Could we "lock" the file/directory? */
- } /* Anything in the total_file_name string? */
- /* Since we have messed around with the string gadgets it is best */
- /* to adjust them so the user can see them clearly: */
- adjust_string_gadgets();
- new_drawer(); /* Start to show us the files. */
- position=0; /* The display will show the first file. */
- fix_display=FALSE; /* We do not need to fix the display. */
- first_file=TRUE; /* No files saved. */
- file_count=0; /* No files saved. */
- working=TRUE;
- do
- {
- /* If we have shown all files in the directory, we put our task */
- /* to sleep. That will speed up other programs, and we will not */
- /* use unnecessary processing time: */
- if(more_files==FALSE)
- Wait(1 << file_window->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- /* Has something has happened with the gadgets in the file_window? */
- while(my_gadget_message = (struct IntuiMessage *)
- GetMsg(file_window->UserPort))
- {
- /* As long as something is happening with the gadgets we will */
- /* stay in the while loop. This is very handy since we can */
- /* recieve hundereds of messages if the mouse is moving, and */
- /* we only want to update the display when the mouse has stopped: */
- /* Collect some interesting values: */
- class = my_gadget_message->Class;
- code = my_gadget_message->Code;
- address = my_gadget_message->IAddress;
- /* We have now saved some important values, and can now reply: */
- /* (Do NEVER try to get some values after you have replied!) */
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)my_gadget_message);
- /* What has actually happened? */
- switch(class)
- {
- /* The proportional gadget is selected, and the mouse is */
- /* moving; we must update the file_display when the mouse */
- /* has stopped: */
- fix_display=TRUE;
- break;
- /* The user wants to quit. */
- connect_dir_file(total_file_name);
- working=FALSE;
- operation=QUIT;
- break;
- /* A gadget has been pressed down. */
- /* Which gadget has been clicked on? */
- /* DISPLAY */
- /* Is the user clicking inside the file display? */
- for(temp1=0; temp1 < 8; temp1++)
- {
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_display[temp1])
- {
- /* The user wants to select a file/directory: */
- pick_file(temp1+position);
- }
- }
- break;
- case GADGETUP:
- /* A gadget has been released. */
- /* Which gadget has been clicked on? */
- /* LOAD */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_load)
- {
- if(last_check(total_file_name))
- {
- working=FALSE;
- operation=LOAD;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* SAVE */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_save)
- {
- if(last_check(total_file_name))
- {
- working=FALSE;
- operation=SAVE;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* DELETE */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_delete)
- {
- delete_file_dir(total_file_name);
- break;
- }
- /* CANCEL */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_cancel)
- {
- connect_dir_file(total_file_name);
- working=FALSE;
- operation=CANCEL;
- break;
- }
- /* df0: */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_df0)
- {
- change_device("df0:");
- break;
- }
- /* df1: */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_df1)
- {
- change_device("df1:");
- break;
- }
- /* dh0: */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_dh0)
- {
- change_device("dh0:");
- break;
- }
- /* DRAWER: */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_drawer)
- {
- /* The user has entered something new in the drawer: */
- new_drawer();
- break;
- }
- /* EXTENSION: */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_extension)
- {
- /* If there is an extension, the text "Ext:" will be */
- /* highlighted: */
- if(*extension_name != '\0')
- text_extension.FrontPen=3; /* Orange. (Normal WB colour) */
- else
- text_extension.FrontPen=1; /* White. (Normal WB colour) */
- /* Show the user the colour change: */
- RefreshGadgets(&gadget_extension, file_window, NULL);
- /* Start again to diplay the files, using a new extension. */
- new_drawer();
- break;
- }
- /* PARENT: "<" */
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_parent)
- {
- parent();
- break;
- }
- if(address == (APTR)&gadget_proportional)
- {
- /* The user has released the proprtional gadget, update */
- /* the display: */
- fix_display=TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Do we need to update the file display? */
- if(fix_display)
- {
- fix_display=FALSE;
- /* Which file should we start to show in the display? */
- if(file_count > 8)
- position=(int) prop_info.VertPot/(float) 0xFFFF*(file_count-8);
- else
- position=0;
- /* List the files: (Starting with position) */
- display_list(position);
- }
- if(more_files)
- {
- /* Are there more files/dirtectories left to be collected? */
- if(ExNext(lock, file_info))
- {
- /* List the file/directory if it is: */
- /* 1. A file which has the right extension. */
- /* 2. A directory. */
- if(stricmp(extension_name, (file_info->fib_FileName+
- strlen(file_info->fib_FileName)-strlen(extension_name)))==0 ||
- directory(file_info) )
- {
- /* Is this the first file/directory? */
- if(first_file)
- {
- /* first_pointer will point at the first file in our list: */
- first_pointer=(struct file_info *) save_file_info(file_info);
- if(first_pointer != NULL)
- {
- /* There are no more elements (for the moment) in our list: */
- first_pointer->next=NULL;
- first_file=FALSE;
- }
- file_count=1;
- position=1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* save_file_info will return a pointer to the allocated */
- /* structure: */
- pointer=(struct file_info *) save_file_info(file_info);
- /* If we have been able to allocate space for the file we */
- /* put it into our list: */
- if(pointer !=NULL)
- {
- /* Put the new structure into the list: */
- put_in(first_pointer, pointer);
- file_count++;
- }
- }
- /* If tehre are more than eight files/directories we modify */
- /* the proportional gadget: */
- if(file_count > 8)
- {
- ModifyProp
- (
- &gadget_proportional, /* PropGadget */
- file_window, /* Pointer */
- NULL, /* Requester */
- prop_info.Flags, /* Flags */
- 0, /* HorizPot */
- prop_info.VertPot, /* VertPot */
- 0, /* HorizBody */
- (ULONG) 0xFFFF*8/file_count /* VerBody */
- );
- position=(int) prop_info.VertPot/(float) 0xFFFF*(file_count-8);
- }
- else
- position=0;
- /* List all the files: */
- display_list(position);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* ExNext() failed: */
- more_files=FALSE; /* Do not try to list any more files. */
- /* Check what went wrong: */
- /* If the error message is NOT "ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES" something */
- /* went terrible wrong while reading: */
- {
- request_ok("ERROR reading file/directory!");
- }
- }
- }
- } while(working);
- /* Clean up and leave: */
- /* This will clear the IDCMP port: */
- while( (my_gadget_message = (struct IntuiMessage *)
- GetMsg(file_window->UserPort)) )
- {
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)my_gadget_message);
- }
- /* Deallocate the memory we have dynamically allocated: */
- deallocate_file_info();
- /* If we have "locked" a file/directory, "unlock" it: */
- if(file_lock)
- {
- UnLock(lock);
- file_lock=FALSE;
- }
- /* Deallocate FileInfoBlock: */
- if(file_info) FreeMem(file_info, sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
- /* If we have successfully opened the file_window, we close it: */
- if(file_window)
- CloseWindow(file_window);
- /* Leave with a message: */
- return(operation);
- }
- /* Deallocate the memory we have dynamically allocated: */
- void deallocate_file_info()
- {
- struct file_info *pointer, *temp_pointer;
- /* Does the first pointer point to an allocated structure? */
- if(first_pointer)
- {
- /* Save the address of the next structure: */
- pointer=first_pointer->next;
- /* Deallocate the first structure: */
- FreeMem( first_pointer, sizeof(struct file_info));
- /* As long as pointer points to an allocated structure: */
- while(pointer)
- {
- /* Save the address of the next structure: */
- temp_pointer=pointer->next;
- FreeMem( pointer, sizeof(struct file_info));
- pointer=temp_pointer;
- }
- }
- /* Clear first_pointer: */
- first_pointer=NULL;
- /* Next time we try to list the files, we start with the first_file: */
- first_file=TRUE;
- }
- /* Allocate memory for the new file/directory, and fills the structure */
- /* with information. (name of the object, and if it is a directory.) */
- /* Returns a memory pointer to the allocated structure, or NULL. */
- APTR save_file_info(info)
- struct FileInfoBlock *info;
- {
- struct file_info *pointer;
- if((pointer=(struct file_info *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct file_info), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR))==NULL)
- {
- /* We could NOT allocate memory for the structure! */
- request_ok("NOT enough memory!"); /* Inform the user. */
- more_files=FALSE; /* Do not list any more files/directories. */
- return(NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- /* If the file/directory name is not too long, we copy it into the */
- /* new stucture: */
- if(strlen(info->fib_FileName) < 28)
- strcpy(pointer->name, info->fib_FileName);
- else
- {
- /* The file/directory name is too long! */
- /* Inform the user: */
- if( directory(info))
- request_ok("Directory name too long!"); /* It is a directory. */
- else
- request_ok("File name too long!"); /* It is a file. */
- /* Deallocate the structure: */
- FreeMem( pointer, sizeof(struct file_info));
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* Is it a file or a directory? */
- if( directory(info))
- pointer->directory=TRUE; /* It is a directory. */
- else
- pointer->directory=FALSE; /* It is a file. */
- }
- /* Return the address of the allocated structure: */
- return( (APTR) pointer);
- }
- /* Will check a FileInfoBlock if it is a file or a directory. */
- /* Return TRUE if it is a directory, FALSE if it is a file. */
- BOOL directory(info)
- struct FileInfoBlock *info;
- {
- if(info->fib_DirEntryType < 0)
- return(FALSE);
- else
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /* Put the new structure into the dynamically allocated list at the */
- /* right place (sorted alphabetically, directories first): */
- void put_in(a_pointer, pointer)
- struct file_info *a_pointer, *pointer;
- {
- struct file_info *old_pointer=NULL;
- /* Move slowly down the list and try to fit in the structure: */
- while( a_pointer && file_comp(a_pointer->name, pointer->name) )
- {
- old_pointer=a_pointer;
- a_pointer=a_pointer->next;
- }
- if(a_pointer)
- {
- if(old_pointer)
- {
- /* Put the structure into the list: */
- pointer->next=old_pointer->next;
- old_pointer->next=pointer;
- }
- else
- {
- /* First in the list! */
- pointer->next=first_pointer;
- first_pointer=pointer;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Last int the list: */
- old_pointer->next=pointer;
- pointer->next=NULL;
- }
- }
- /* This function will return TRUE if the first pointer (a_pointer) */
- /* points to a file structure which should come before the second */
- /* pointers file structure. */
- /* ORDER: */
- /* 1. DIRECTORIES sorted alphabetically. */
- /* 2. FILES sorted alphabetically. */
- BOOL file_comp(a_pointer, pointer)
- struct file_info *a_pointer, *pointer;
- {
- if(a_pointer->directory == FALSE && pointer->directory)
- return(FALSE);
- if(a_pointer->directory == pointer->directory)
- {
- if(stricmp(a_pointer->name, pointer->name) <= 0 )
- return(TRUE);
- else
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /* Give this function a string and a character, and it will return a */
- /* pointer to the right most occurance character in you string which */
- /* match your character. */
- STRPTR right_pos(string, sign)
- STRPTR string;
- char sign;
- {
- STRPTR start_pos;
- start_pos=string;
- /* Go to the end: */
- while(*string != '\0')
- string++;
- /* Start to go backwards and check teh string: */
- while(*string != sign && string > start_pos)
- string--;
- if(*string==sign)
- return(string); /* We have found a matching character. */
- return(NULL); /* We could not find a matching character. */
- }
- /* This function will change to a new device, for example df0:. */
- /* Does not return anything. */
- void change_device(device)
- STRPTR device;
- {
- strcpy(drawer_name, device); /* Change the drawer string. */
- adjust_string_gadgets(); /* Adjust the string gadgets. */
- new_drawer(); /* Start to show us the new files/directories */
- }
- /* When the user or the program has changet the drawer string, this */
- /* function is called, and will do what is necessary to start to collect */
- /* the new files/directories from the disk. */
- /* Returns TRUE if everything is OK, and FALSE if something went wrong. */
- BOOL new_drawer()
- {
- STRPTR string_pointer;
- /* Unlock: */
- if(file_lock)
- {
- UnLock(lock);
- file_lock=FALSE;
- }
- /* Deallocate the memory we have dynamically allocated: */
- deallocate_file_info();
- /* Change the proportianal gadget: */
- ModifyProp
- (
- &gadget_proportional, /* PropGadget */
- file_window, /* Pointer */
- NULL, /* Requester */
- prop_info.Flags, /* Flags */
- 0, /* HorizPot */
- 0, /* VertPot */
- 0, /* HorizBody */
- (ULONG) 0xFFFF /* VerBody */
- );
- /* Clear the display: */
- display_list(0);
- more_files=FALSE;
- /* Try to "lock" the file/directory: */
- if((lock=Lock(drawer_name, ACCESS_READ))==NULL)
- {
- /* We could NOT lock the file/directory/device! */
- /* Inform the user: */
- string_pointer=drawer_name+strlen(drawer_name)-1;
- if(*string_pointer==':')
- request_ok("Device NOT found!");
- else
- request_ok("Device/Directory NOT found!");
- return(FALSE); /* ERROR */
- }
- else
- {
- /* We "locked" the file/directory! */
- file_lock=TRUE;
- }
- /* Now try to get some information from the file/directory: */
- if((Examine(lock, file_info))==NULL)
- {
- /* We could NOT examine the file/directory! */
- request_ok("ERROR reading file/directory!"); /* Inform the user. */
- return(FALSE); /* ERROR */
- }
- /* Is it a directory or a file? */
- if(directory(file_info))
- {
- /* It is a directory! */
- /* Since it is a directory, we will look for more files: */
- more_files=TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- /* It is a file! */
- request_ok("NOT a valid directory name!"); /* Inform the user. */
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /* The function parent() will try to go backwards one step in the */
- /* directory path. */
- /* Does not return anything. */
- void parent()
- {
- STRPTR string_pointer;
- /* Separate the last directory from the path: */
- if(string_pointer=right_pos(drawer_name, '/'))
- {
- /* Take away the last directory: */
- *string_pointer='\0';
- }
- else
- {
- if(string_pointer=right_pos(drawer_name, ':'))
- {
- /* Take away the last directory: */
- /* Only the device ("df0:" for example) left: */
- *(string_pointer+1)='\0';
- }
- else
- {
- /* Strange drawer_name, clear it: */
- *drawer_name='\0';
- }
- }
- /* Since we have messed around with the string gadgets, adjust them: */
- adjust_string_gadgets();
- /* Start to show the user the files etc in the new directory: */
- new_drawer();
- }
- /* You give this function a pointer to an error string, and it will open */
- /* a simple requester displaying the message. The requester will go away */
- /* first when the user has selected the button "OK". */
- /* Does not return anything. */
- void request_ok(message)
- STRPTR message;
- {
- text_request.IText=message;
- AutoRequest
- (
- file_window, /* Window */
- &text_request, /* BodyText */
- NULL, /* PositiveText nothing */
- &ok_request, /* NegativeText OK */
- NULL, /* PositiveFlags */
- NULL, /* NegativeFlags */
- 320, /* Width */
- 72 /* Height */
- );
- }
- /* This function will also open a simple requester, but will instead */
- /* ask the user to make a choice between option1 or option2 */
- /* If the user selects option1 the function returns TRUE, else it returns */
- /* FALSE. */
- BOOL request_ask(message, option1, option2)
- STRPTR message, option1, option2;
- {
- text_request.IText=message;
- option1_request.IText=option1;
- option2_request.IText=option2;
- return( (BOOL) AutoRequest
- (
- file_window, /* Window */
- &text_request, /* BodyText */
- &option1_request, /* PositiveText, TRUE */
- &option2_request, /* NegativeText, FALSE */
- NULL, /* PositiveFlags */
- NULL, /* NegativeFlags */
- 320, /* Width */
- 72 /* Height */
- ));
- }
- /* This function will display the files etc which are inside the */
- /* directory, starting with the file number start_pos. */
- /* Does not return anything. */
- void display_list(start_pos)
- int start_pos;
- {
- struct file_info *pointer;
- int pos, temp1;
- /* 123456789012345678901234567890123 */
- char empty_name[]=" ";
- STRPTR string_pointer;
- BOOL clear;
- pos=0;
- /* Does it exist any files at all? */
- if(first_pointer)
- {
- pointer=first_pointer;
- /* Go through the list until you have found the file/directory */
- /* which should be shown first: */
- while(pointer && pos < start_pos)
- {
- pos++;
- pointer=pointer->next;
- }
- /* Try to show the eight files: */
- pos=0;
- while(pointer && pos < 8)
- {
- strcpy(display_text[pos], pointer->name);
- clear=FALSE;
- temp1=0;
- string_pointer=display_text[pos];
- if(pointer->directory)
- {
- /* It is a directory: */
- text_list[pos].FrontPen=3; /* Highlight it. */
- /* Clear everything after the name, and add the string "(Dir)". */
- while(temp1 < 28)
- {
- if(*string_pointer=='\0')
- clear=TRUE;
- if(clear)
- *string_pointer=' ';
- string_pointer++;
- temp1++;
- }
- *string_pointer='\0';
- strcat(display_text[pos], "(Dir)");
- }
- else
- {
- /* It is a file: */
- text_list[pos].FrontPen=1; /* Normal colour. */
- /* Clear everything after the name: */
- while(temp1 < 33)
- {
- if(*string_pointer=='\0')
- clear=TRUE;
- if(clear)
- *string_pointer=' ';
- string_pointer++;
- temp1++;
- }
- *string_pointer='\0';
- }
- pos++;
- pointer=pointer->next; /* Next. */
- }
- }
- /* If there are less than eight files, show clear the rest of the */
- /* display: */
- while(pos < 8)
- {
- strcpy(display_text[pos], empty_name);
- pos++;
- }
- /* Show the user the new display: */
- PrintIText(file_window->RPort, text_list, 13+3, 53+1);
- }
- /* The user has selected a file or a directory. If it is a file put it */
- /* into the file string, otherwise put it into the drawer string. */
- /* Returns TRUE if everything went OK, FALSE if there was a problem. */
- BOOL pick_file(file_pos)
- int file_pos;
- {
- struct file_info *pointer=NULL;
- STRPTR string_pointer;
- int pos=0;
- /* Go through the allocated list untill we find the file/directory: */
- if(first_pointer)
- {
- pointer=first_pointer;
- while(pointer && pos < file_pos)
- {
- pos++;
- pointer=pointer->next;
- }
- }
- /* Have we found the file/directory? */
- if(pointer)
- {
- if(pointer->directory)
- {
- /* It is a directory! */
- /* Is the drawer_name string long enough? */
- /* (+2: 1 for the NULL ('\0') character, 1 for the '\' character) */
- if((strlen(pointer->name)+strlen(drawer_name)+2) <= DRAWER_LENGTH)
- {
- /* YES!, there is enough room for it. */
- string_pointer=drawer_name+strlen(drawer_name)-1;
- if(*string_pointer==':' || *string_pointer=='\0' )
- strcat(drawer_name, pointer->name);
- else
- {
- /* We need to add a '/' before we can add the directory. */
- strcat(drawer_name, "/");
- strcat(drawer_name, pointer->name);
- }
- /* Adjust the string gadgets: */
- adjust_string_gadgets();
- }
- else
- {
- /* The drawer_name is NOT big enough! */
- request_ok("Too long drawer string"); /* Inform the user. */
- return(FALSE); /* ERROR */
- }
- new_drawer();
- return(TRUE); /* OK */
- }
- else
- {
- /* It is a File! */
- /* Is the file_name string long enough? */
- /* (+1 for the NULL ('\0') character.) */
- if((strlen(pointer->name)+1) <= FILE_LENGTH)
- {
- strcpy(file_name, pointer->name);
- adjust_string_gadgets();
- }
- else
- {
- /* The file_name is NOT big enough! */
- request_ok("File name too long!"); /* Inform the user. */
- return(FALSE); /* ERROR */
- }
- return(TRUE); /* OK */
- }
- }
- }
- /* Adjust the string gadgets, so the user can */
- /* at least see the last 28/22 characters. */
- /* Does not return anything. */
- void adjust_string_gadgets()
- {
- int length;
- length=strlen(file_name);
- if(length > 28)
- string_file.DispPos=length-28;
- else
- string_file.DispPos=0;
- string_file.BufferPos=string_file.DispPos;
- length=strlen(drawer_name);
- if(length > 22)
- string_drawer.DispPos=length-22;
- else
- string_drawer.DispPos=0;
- string_drawer.BufferPos=string_drawer.DispPos;
- /* Display the changes. */
- RefreshGadgets(&gadget_file, file_window, NULL);
- }
- /* Returns TRUE if there exist a file name, otherwise FALSE. */
- BOOL last_check(name)
- STRPTR name;
- {
- if(*file_name == '\0')
- {
- /* No file name! */
- request_ok("NO filename selected!"); /* Inform the user. */
- return(FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Change the total_file_name. Drawer + File. */
- connect_dir_file(name);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /* This function will connect the drawer string with the file string. */
- /* Does not return anything. */
- void connect_dir_file(name)
- STRPTR name;
- {
- STRPTR string_pointer;
- strcpy(name, drawer_name); /* Copy the drawer string into name. */
- /* Does it exist a file name? */
- if(*file_name != '\0')
- {
- /* Yes! */
- string_pointer=drawer_name+strlen(drawer_name)-1;
- if(*string_pointer==':' || *string_pointer=='\0' )
- {
- strcat(name, file_name); /* Add the file name. */
- }
- else
- {
- strcat(name, "/"); /* Add a '\'. */
- strcat(name, file_name); /* Add the file name. */
- }
- }
- }
- /* Does not return anything. */
- void delete_file_dir(total_file_name)
- STRPTR total_file_name;
- {
- BOOL delete_it;
- /* Presume the user do not want to deleta the file/dir: */
- delete_it=FALSE;
- if(*file_name == '\0' && *drawer_name != '\0')
- {
- /* There is no filename string, but there is something */
- /* in the drawer string. The user wants to delete a */
- /* directory: */
- /* Is it a device or a directory? */
- if( *(drawer_name+strlen(drawer_name)-1) ==':')
- {
- /* The user wants to delete a device: */
- /* Not a very good idea! */
- request_ok("You can NOT delete a device!");
- }
- else
- {
- /* The user wants to delete a directory: */
- /* However, it is important to check that the user */
- /* realy wants to delete it: */
- delete_it=request_ask("OK to delete directory?","DELETE","CANCEL");
- if(delete_it)
- {
- /* YES! The user wanted to delete the directory. */
- /* Before we try to delete it we must "unlock" it */
- if(file_lock)
- {
- UnLock(lock);
- file_lock=FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(*file_name != '\0')
- {
- /* There is something in the file_name string. The user */
- /* wants to delete a file: */
- /* We will here again give the user a last chance to */
- /* make up his/her mind: */
- delete_it=request_ask("OK to delete file?","DELETE","CANCEL");
- }
- else
- {
- /* Nothing in the drawer string, nor in the file string. */
- /* The user wants to delete something, but has NOT */
- /* declared which file/directory he/she wants to delete: */
- request_ok("NO file/directory selected!");
- }
- }
- /* Should we delete the file/directory? */
- if(delete_it)
- {
- /* Yes! */
- /* Put the drawer name together with the file name: */
- connect_dir_file(total_file_name);
- /* We try to delete the file/directory: */
- if(DeleteFile(total_file_name))
- {
- /* We have deleted the file/directory successfully: */
- if(*file_name != '\0')
- {
- /* A file was deleted: */
- *file_name='\0'; /* Take away the file name. */
- adjust_string_gadgets(); /* Adjust the string gadgets. */
- new_drawer(); /* Show the user the remaining files. */
- }
- else
- {
- /* A directory was deleted: */
- parent(); /* Go back one directory. */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Something went wrong: */
- if(*file_name != '\0')
- request_ok("Could NOT delete the file!");
- else
- request_ok("Could NOT delete directory!");
- /* Since we have unlocked the directory/file we have */
- /* to lock it again, and clean up the display: */
- new_drawer();
- }
- }
- }
- /* THE END */