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- /***********************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
- /* */
- /* Book: ACM Intuition Amiga C Club */
- /* Chapter: Miscellaneous Tulevagen 22 */
- /* File: Example2.c 181 41 LIDINGO */
- /* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
- /* Date: 92-05-01 */
- /* Version: 1.10 */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* */
- /* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
- /* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
- /* */
- /***********************************************************/
- /* This example shows how to allocate and deallocate memory with help of */
- /* the functions AllocRemember(), and FreeRemember(). */
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- main()
- {
- /* Declare and initialize a pointer to the first Remember structure: */
- struct Remember *remember = NULL;
- /* Declare three memory pointers: */
- CPTR memory1, memory2, memory3;
- /* Open the Intuition Library: */
- IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 0 );
- if( IntuitionBase == NULL )
- exit(); /* Could NOT open the Intuition Library! */
- /* Allocate 350 bytes of Chip memory, which is cleared: */
- memory1 = AllocRemember( &remember, 350, MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR );
- if( memory1 == NULL )
- {
- CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- exit();
- }
- /* Allocate 900 bytes of memory (any type, Fast if possible): */
- memory2 = AllocRemember( &remember, 900, MEMF_PUBLIC );
- if( memory2 == NULL )
- {
- FreeRemember( &remember, TRUE );
- CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- exit();
- }
- /* Allocate 100 bytes of Chip memory: *
- memory3 = AllocRemember( &remember, 100, MEMF_CHIP );
- if( memory3 == NULL )
- {
- FreeRemember( &remember, TRUE );
- CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- exit();
- }
- /* Do whatever you want to do with the memory. */
- /* Deallocate all memory with one single call: */
- FreeRemember( &remember, TRUE );
- /* Close the Intuition Library: */
- CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- }