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- Requesters are boxes filled with some sort of information which
- the user need to respond to. It can be as simple as a question
- to insert a disk in the internal drive, or a fully functional
- file requester. Requesters are like small windows with some
- gadgets connected to it, and they will first disappear when the
- user has "satisfied the request".
- There exist three different types of requesters:
- - System requesters
- - Application requesters
- - Double-menu requesters
- System requesters are opened and maintained by Intuition, and
- your program has no control over them. If the user, for
- example, is trying to load a file from drive df1:, and there is
- no disk present, the operating system would open the following
- request:
- -----------------------------------
- | System Request ============[*][*]
- -----------------------------------
- | No disk present | |
- | in unit 1 | |
- | | |
- | --------- ---------- | |
- | | Retry | | Cancel | | |
- | --------- ---------- | |
- --------------------------------[*]
- One important thing about System requesters is that they are
- like small windows. You can move around them, push them behind
- or in front of other windows/requesters, and resize them.
- This is the type of requester your program can open. They can
- be of any size (limited only by the size of the screen), and
- can be as simple or as complicated as you want.
- If you only want a Yes/No (True/False) requester you can call
- the function AutoRequest(), and Intuition will open and take
- care of the rest. If you on the other hand want a more
- sophisticated requester you need to declare and initialize a
- Requester structure with your requirements, and call the
- function Request().
- It is important to notice that an Application requester can not
- be moved around, resized etc (the window containing the
- requester can still, of course, be moved around and resized).
- It is only the System requesters, and the very simple
- requesters opened by the AutoRequest function, which acts like
- small windows.
- There is also one other big difference. When an Application
- requester has been activated the user can no longer select
- gadgets connected to the window. The window has been "frozen".
- Eg. try Example4, and you will notice that you can not select
- the close-window gadget as long as the requester is active. On
- the other hand, if a System requester has been activated, the
- user can still click on the close-window gadget, and a
- CLOSEWINDOW message is sent.
- Double-menu requesters are like normal Application requesters
- except that they will open first, and only, when the user
- double-clicks on the mouse menu button. To create a Double-menu
- requester you need to declare and initialize a Requester
- structure, and then call the function SetDMRequest(). Whenever
- the user from now on double-clicks on the menu button on the
- mouse, the requester will be opened. Call the function
- ClearDMRequest() when you do not want the user to be able to
- open the requester any more.
- Only one DM-requester may be connected to each window.
- You can render a requester in two different ways. You can
- either tell Intuition what you want, and everything is rendered
- for you, or you can supply Intuition with your own customized
- Bitmap (which has been rendered by yourself).
- If you want Intuition to draw the requester for you, you only
- need to decide what colour the background of the requester
- should be filled with, and declare and initialize one or more
- Border and IntuiText structures.
- If you supply your own customized Bitmap Intuition will not
- draw anything itself. That means that all gadget connected to
- that requester does not need to have any Border/IntuiText/Image
- structures connected to them, since Intuition will not bother
- about them.
- The requester can either be positioned relative to the top left
- corner of the window, or relative to the pointer position. If
- you want to position the requester relative to the window, you
- simply set the LeftEdge and TopEdge variables as desired. If
- you, on the other hand, want it relative to the pointer
- position, set the POINTREL flag, and initialize RelLeft and
- RelTop as desired.
- When you create a requester, except when you call the function
- AutoRequest(), you need to connect at least one gadget to the
- requester. Gadgets connected to a requester works exactly the
- same as gadgets connected to a window but with two important
- differences:
- 1. Every gadget connected to a requester MUST have the
- REQGADGET flag set in the GadgetType field.
- 2. At least one gadget must satisfy the request, which means at
- least one gadget must have the ENDGADGET flag set in the
- Activation field. (Once a gadget with an ENDGADGET flag set
- is selected, the requester is satisfied, and will close.)
- Remember that the user should always be able to find a safe way
- to leave the requester without affecting anything. The "way out
- gadget" (CANCEL, RESUME etc) should also always be placed on
- the right side in the requester. Here is an example:
- ---------------------------------------
- | System Request ================[*][*]
- ---------------------------------------
- | Do you really want to quit? | |
- | | |
- | | |
- | ------- ------ | |
- | | Yes | | No | | |
- | ------- ------ | |
- ------------------------------------[*]
- Note that the Yes/True/Retry button is always on the left side
- and that the No/False/Cancel button is always on the right side.
- IMPORTANT! Make sure that the Gadgets are inside the
- requester, since Intuition will not do any boundary checking.
- If you just want a simple requester with a True/False (or just
- False) option, you can use the function AutoRequest(). You give
- Intuition some information about how the requester should look
- like (height, text etc), and Intuition takes care of everything
- else. It opens the requester, put your program to rest, and
- when finished, returns a boolean value which tells your program
- what the user selected. If the user selected the left gadget
- (positive) it returns TRUE, and if the user selected the right
- gadget (negative) it returns FALSE.
- Example:
- result = AutoRequest( window, info_text, pos_text, neg_text,
- pos_IDCMP, neg_IDCMP, width, height );
- window: Pointer to a window if there exist one, else NULL.
- info_text: Pointer to an IntuiText structure containing the
- "body text".
- pos_text: Pointer to an IntuiText structure containing the
- "positive text". Eg: "TRUE", "YES", "RETRY" etc.
- (Optional)
- neg_text: Pointer to an IntuiText structure containing the
- "negative text". Eg: "FALSE", "NO", "CANCEL" etc.
- pos_IDCMP: The IDCMP flags which satisfy the "positive"
- gadget. (The flag RELVERIFY is already set.)
- pos_IDCMP: The IDCMP flags which satisfy the "negative"
- gadget. (The flag RELVERIFY is already set.)
- width: How many pixels wide the requester should be.
- height: How many lines high the requester should be.
- If you want to use a more complicated requester instead of the
- Simple requester you need to:
- 1. Declare and initialize a Requester structure with your
- requirements.
- 2. Declare and initialize the Gadget structures which are
- going to be connected to the requester.
- 3. Call the function Request() in order to display the
- requester as a normal requester, or call the function
- SetDMRequest() to enable the user to bring up the requester
- as a Double-menu requester.
- If you want to use a requester you need to declare and
- initialize a Requester structure which look like this:
- struct Requester
- {
- struct Requester *OlderRequest;
- SHORT LeftEdge, TopEdge;
- SHORT Width, Height;
- SHORT RelLeft, RelTop;
- struct Gadget *ReqGadget;
- struct Border *ReqBorder;
- struct IntuiText *ReqText;
- USHORT Flags;
- UBYTE BackFill;
- struct Layer *ReqLayer;
- UBYTE ReqPad1[32];
- struct BitMap *ImageBMap;
- struct Window *RWindow;
- UBYTE ReqPad2[36];
- };
- OlderRequest: Initialized and maintained by Intuition.
- Set to NULL.
- LeftEdge, TopEdge: Position of the requester relative to the
- top left corner of the window (if the
- POINTREL flag is not set).
- Width, Height: Size of the requester.
- RelLeft, RelTop: If the POINTREL flag is set, these values
- describes the position of the requester
- relative to the pointer.
- ReqGadget: Pointer to the first gadget in the linked
- list. Remember, there must exist at least
- one gadget connected to the requester with
- the ENDGADGET flag set.
- ReqBorder: Pointer to a Border structure used to render
- the requester.
- ReqText: Pointer to an IntuiText structure used to
- print text in the requester.
- Flags: There exist two flags which you may set:
- POINTREL: Set this flag if you want to
- position the requester relative to
- the pointer. Set the RelLeft,
- RelTop as desired.
- PREDRAWN: If you supply with your own
- customized Bitmap set this flag,
- and Intuition will not try to draw
- anything itself.
- Intuition sets these flags:
- REQACTIVE: This flag is set when the
- requester is activated, and
- cleared when the requester is
- closed (deactivated).
- REQOFFWINDOW: This flag is set if the
- requester is active and
- positioned outside the window.
- (The user has maybe shrinked
- the window so it is smaller
- than you thought.)
- SYSREQUEST: This flag is set if the
- requester is of the type
- System requester.
- BackFill: Colour register used to fill the requester
- with before any drawing takes place. For
- example, if you want to render the graphics
- on an orange background, you set the
- BackFill field to 3 (orange, normal WB
- colours).
- ReqLayer: Pointer to the Layer structure for this
- requester. Initialized and maintained by
- Intuition. Set to NULL.
- ReqPad1: Initialized and maintained by Intuition. Set
- to NULL. (Used by the system.)
- ImageBMap: If the bit PREDRAWN is set, this field
- should contain a pointer to a customized
- Bitmap, else NULL.
- RWindow: Initialized and maintained by Intuition.
- Set to NULL. (Used by the system, points
- back to the Window which this requester is
- connected to.)
- ReqPad2: Initialized and maintained by Intuition. Set
- to NULL. (Used by the system.)
- Here is an example of how to initialize a Requester structure:
- struct Requester my_requester=
- {
- NULL, /* OlderRequester, used by Intuition. */
- 40, 20, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, 40 pixels out, 20 */
- /* lines down. */
- 320, 100, /* Width, Height, 320 pixels wide, 100 */
- /* lines high. */
- 0, 0, /* RelLeft, RelTop, Since POINTREL flag */
- /* is not set, Intuition ignores these */
- /* values. */
- &my_first_gadget, /* ReqGadget, pointer to the first */
- /* gadget. */
- &my_border, /* ReqBorder, pointer to a Border */
- /* structure. */
- &my_text, /* ReqText, pointer to a IntuiText */
- /* structure. */
- NULL, /* Flags, no flags set. */
- 3, /* BackFill, draw everything on an */
- /* orange background. */
- NULL, /* ReqLayer, used by Intuition. Set to */
- /* NULL. */
- NULL, /* ReqPad1, used by Intuition. Set to */
- /* NULL. */
- NULL, /* ImageBMap, no predrawn Bitmap. Set */
- /* to NULL. (The PREDRAWN flag was not */
- /* set.) */
- NULL, /* RWindow, used by Intuition. Set to */
- /* NULL. */
- NULL /* ReqPad2, used by Intuition. Set to */
- /* NULL. */
- };
- If you would like to supply your own customized and predrawn
- Bitmap, instead of letting Intuition render the requester you
- need to:
- 1. Set the flag PREDRAWN in the Flags field.
- 2. Set the ImageBMap to point at your BitMap structure.
- Remember that Intuition will now not draw anything for you. The
- ReqBorder, ReqText and BackFill variables are ignored, and
- should therefore be set to NULL. Intuition will also not render
- the gadgets connected to the requester. Because of this it is
- important that the rendering of the Bitmap is done carefully,
- and that the graphics correspond to where the gadgets are etc.
- If you have declared and initialized a Requester structure you
- only need to call the function Request() in order to activate
- it.
- Example:
- result = Request( my_requester, my_window );
- my_requester: Pointer to the Requester structure.
- my_window: Pointer to the Window structure which the
- requester should be connected to.
- result: Boolean value returned. If Intuition could
- successfully open the requester the function
- returns TRUE, else (something went wrong, not
- enough memory etc) the function returns FALSE.
- If you on the other hand would like the requester to be a
- Double-menu requester you should call the function
- SetDMRequest(), which will allow the user to activate the
- requester by double clicking the mouse menu button.
- Example:
- result = SetDMRequest( my_window, my_requester );
- my_window: Pointer to the Window structure which the
- requester should be connected to.
- my_requester: Pointer to the Requester structure.
- result: Boolean value returned. If Intuition could
- successfully open the requester the function
- returns TRUE, else (some thing went wrong, not
- enough memory or the a DM requester is already
- connected to the window etc) the function
- returns FALSE.
- You can after you have called the SetDMRequest() function
- successfully, take away the ability for the user to open the
- requester by calling the function ClearDMRequest().
- Example:
- result = ClearDMRequest( my_window );
- my_window: Pointer to the Window structure which the
- requester is connected to.
- result: If the function could disable the user to
- activate the DM-requester it returns TRUE, else
- (something went wrong, the requester is in use
- etc) it returns FALSE.
- There exist three IDCMP flags which are special for the
- requesters. When a requester is activated you can, if you want
- to, receive a message telling you that a requester was
- activated. This is especially useful if you are using Double-
- menu requesters, since this is the only way to check if the
- requester was opened.
- If you want to get a message every time a requester is
- activated, you need to set the flag REQSET in the IDCMPFlags
- field in the NewWindow structure. Set the flag REQCLEAR if you
- want to receive a message every time a requester is
- deactivated. See Example5 for more details.
- There exist also one special IDCMP flag called REQVERIFY. If
- you set this flag in the IDCMPFlags field in the NewWindow
- structure your program will receive a message when the user is
- trying to activate a Double-menu requester. The interesting
- thing about this flag is that the requester will not be opened
- until your program has replied, ReplyMsg(). Your program can
- therefore finish of something (like finish of with drawing
- something etc) before the requester is displayed, and when your
- program is ready, it can reply, and the requester is activated.
- See Example6 for more information.
- Here are some commonly used functions:
- AutoRequest()
- This function opens a Simple requester. Intuition will
- automatically activate it and take care of the response from
- the user. It will return TRUE if the left gadget was
- selected, and FALSE if the right gadget was selected.
- Synopsis: result = AutoRequest( my_window, info_txt, pos_txt,
- neg_txt, pos_IDCMP, neg_IDCMP,
- width, height );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a window if there
- exist one, else NULL.
- info_txt: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to an IntuiText
- structure containing the "body text".
- pos_txt: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to an IntuiText
- structure containing the "positive text". Eg:
- "TRUE", "YES", "RETRY" etc. (Optional)
- neg_txt: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to an IntuiText
- structure containing the "negative text". Eg:
- "FALSE", "NO", "CANCEL" etc.
- pos_IDCMP: (long) IDCMP flags which satisfy the "positive"
- gadget. (The flag RELVERIFY is already set.)
- pos_IDCMP: (long) IDCMP flags which satisfy the "negative"
- gadget. (The flag RELVERIFY is already set.)
- width: (long) How many pixels wide the requester should
- be.
- height: (long) How many lines high the requester should
- be.
- result: (long) Boolean value. The function returns TRUE if
- the positive gadget was satisfied, and FALSE if
- the negative gadget was satisfied.
- Request()
- This function activates a requester connected to a window.
- Synopsis: result = Request( my_requester, my_window );
- my_requester: (struct Requester *) Pointer to the Requester
- structure.
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window
- structure which the requester should be
- connected to.
- result: (long) Boolean value returned. If Intuition
- could successfully open the requester the
- function returns TRUE, else (something went
- wrong, not enough memory etc) the function
- returns FALSE.
- EndRequest()
- This function deactivates a requester which has been
- activated.
- Synopsis: EndRequest( my_requester, my_window );
- my_requester: (struct Requester *) Pointer to the Requester
- structure which will be removed.
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window
- structure which the requester is connected to.
- SetDMRequest()
- This function allows the user to activate a Double-menu
- requester by clicking twice on the mouse menu button.
- Synopsis: result = SetDMRequest( window, requester );
- window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window structure
- which the requester should be connected to.
- requester: (struct Requester *) Pointer to the Requester
- structure.
- result: (long) Boolean value returned. If Intuition could
- successfully open the requester the function
- returns TRUE, else (something went wrong, not
- enough memory or a DM requester is already
- connected to the window, etc) the function returns
- ClearDMRequest()
- This function disables a Double-menu requester. The user can
- not open the requester any more.
- Synopsis: result = ClearDMRequest( my_window );
- my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window
- structure which the requester is connected to.
- The DMRequest pointer in the Window structure
- is set to NULL.
- result: (long) If the function could disable the
- DM-requester it returns TRUE, else (something
- went wrong, the requester is in use etc) it
- returns FALSE.
- Example 1
- This example opens a Simple requester by calling the function
- AutoRequest. It displays a message "This is a very simple
- requester!", and has only one gadget connected to it (on the
- right side of the requester) with the text "OK".
- Example 2
- Same as Example 1, except that the requester displays a
- message "Do you really want to quit?", and allows the user to
- choose between "Yes" and "No". The program will continue to
- reopen the requester until the user has chosen "Yes".
- Example 3
- Same as Example 1, except that this requester displays a
- message "Insert a disk in any drive!", and allows the user to
- choose between "Yes" and "No". The program will continue to
- reopen the requester until the user has chosen "Yes" or
- inserted a disk.
- Example 4
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System Gadgets,
- and will close first when the user has selected the System
- gadget Close window. Inside the window we have activated an
- Application requester with a connecting gadget. The requester
- will first be satisfied when the user has selected the
- gadget, and will then be deactivated. The window can now be
- closed.
- Example 5
- Same as Example 4, except that the requester is first
- activated when the user double-clicks on the right mouse
- button. This example shows how to create a Double-menu
- requester, and how to monitor the IDCMP flags REQSET and
- Example 6
- Same as Example 5, except that whenever the user double-
- clicks on the right mouse button, we will receive a REQVERIFY
- message, and first when we have replied, will the requester
- be activated. This example shows how to use the REQVERIFY
- flag.
- Example 7
- This program will open a normal window which is connected to
- the Workbench Screen. The window will use all System Gadgets,
- and will close first when the user has selected the System
- gadget Close window. Inside the window we have activated an
- Application requester with three connecting gadgets. Two are
- Boolean gadgets ("OK and "CANCEL"), and one is a String
- gadget.
- Example 8
- Same as Example 7, except that it is an Integer gadget.
- Example 9
- Same as Example 8, except that it is a Proportional gadget.
- Example 10
- This example demonstrates how you use a requester with a
- predrawn bitmap. This is very useful when you want colourful
- and catching requesters. The advantage with a special bitmap
- is that if the window which the requester is tied to is
- resized, the drawing will not be destroied.
- The graphics data is stored in a separate file called
- "Example10Graphics.c". Both this and the graphical file
- should be compiled separately, then linked together. If you
- have a SAS (Lattice) C Compiler you would do like this:
- lc Example10.c
- lc Example10Graphics.c
- blink with Example10.lnk
- This program will NOT try to erase the disk! It is ony a
- demonstration how to use a requester.