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- -------------------------------- ------------- ------------
- Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin. All rights reserved. These disks
- may be copied to others if no fee, except to cover the costs,
- is charged. The disks may not be modified.
- On some disks there is still some space left. These areas must
- remain empty to enable future updates. No files may be added,
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- libraries may add the usual information file(s) as long as the
- total length of these files is less than 25 KB.
- The information on these disks may not be published in any form
- without written permission by the author. A registered owner
- may however use parts of the manuals in his/her own commercial/
- non-commercial programs/articles.
- This product is offered "as is" with no representation for any
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- right to make changes without notice.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- V3.0
- The Amiga C Encyclopedia is the largest collection of documents,
- examples and utilities in C for the Amiga. It consists of six
- manuals with more than 40 chapters, 175 fully executable
- examples complete with source code and several utilities and
- other goodies. It all adds up to a complete work on how to
- program in C on the Amiga.
- All documents, examples, and programs can easily be accessed
- from Workbench. The Amiga C Encyclopedia consists of simple as
- well as complex examples, which go deeper into each subject
- than any other manual. The Amiga C Encyclopedia can both be
- read as a tutorial and as a reference manual.
- The Amiga C Encyclopedia is completely compatible with both
- Amiga Dos version 1.3 and 2.x. The manuals can be used on any
- Amiga with 512 KB or more, and can easily be installed on a
- hard disk.
- The programs are written in SAS (Lattice) C V5.10, but will
- compile perfectly with older versions, as well as with other
- C compilers. All programs and examples follow Commodore's
- programming recommendations. They contain full error checking
- and return all allocated resources.
- Everything is stored on 12 disks. This means that you will save
- weeks of work since you do not have to type in the examples
- yourself. You can directly run the already compiled programs,
- or immediately start to experiment with the source code.
- Programming should be fun!
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- This manual contains general information about C and the Amiga.
- It prepares the reader and explains all necessary things a
- programmer must know before he/she can start to write programs
- for the Amiga. Useful hints and tips are explained and some
- useful tools are included.
- This manual also contains ten extensive appendices; complete
- table of contents, all described functions and all given
- examples are listed, ASCII and Raw Key Code tables,
- explanations of the Guru Meditation Codes, information about
- normal as well as binary operators in C, and a lot more...
- Almost everything you need to know about Intuition is explained
- in this manual. Screens, Windows, Graphics, Gadgets, Requesters,
- Alerts, Menus and IDCMP are described in every detail. Complete
- with more than 70 examples.
- In this manual you will also find a powerful file requester and
- a useful colour requester which both easily can be included in
- your own programs. A lot of extra information about Intuition
- and other goodies are also included.
- This third manual describes how to use the unique and complex
- graphical routines in the Amiga. It covers the Low Level
- Graphical routines, describes how to use and load different
- types of Fonts, explains how to handle hardware Sprites as well
- as VSprites. Also included is a huge chapter about BOBs and how
- to use the special collision routines, a lot of graphical
- tricks like text and map Scrolling as well as information about
- the Blitter. If all this would not be enough, a unique set of
- 3D routines are included as well as a lot of documentation
- about the Copper.
- A useful utility which converts normal disk fonts into C code
- is also included together with a unique Copper designer tool
- with which spectacular copper lists easily can be created.
- This manual describes how the Amiga's operating system and
- hardware are working and explains the AmigaDos file system. It
- also includes information about the system lists, how to use
- message ports and send messages between programs, and a lot of
- other useful stuff like hardware hacks and dirty input
- routines.
- The special Amiga devices are explained in this fifth manual.
- All these devices are fully covered: Timer, Gameport, Audio,
- Narrator, Trackdisk, Serial, Parallel and Printer. Complete
- with information about how to handle both synchronous and
- asynchronous requests. These chapters are extremely useful if
- you are serious about programming on the Amiga. Everything from
- simply checking the time to printing graphics is explained.
- Several useful routines which easily can be used are also
- included in most chapters. With these routines together with
- the documentation you can very quickly start to use the
- technically advanced parts in the Amiga.
- This currently last manual consists of two very useful and easy
- to handle sound utilities. The first utility, EasySound, is
- used to load and play sampled sound effects. It has been
- completely rewritten and can now be used to control almost all
- aspects of the sound. The second utility is used to convert
- sound effects into C code which then easily can be included in
- your own programs.
- In this manual you will also find a nice collection of almost
- all different types of presampled sound effects which can be
- used in your own programs and games.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- These disks contain almost the entire encyclopedia. To get the
- last parts that cover BOBs, 3D routines, Copper lists and
- Graphical Tricks, you simply register your copy.
- The registration fee is only 30, $60, SEK 300, or similar
- amount in your own currency (price includes everything). The
- Amiga C Encyclopedia is the largest collection of documents,
- examples and utilities in C for the Amiga and it is still among
- the cheapest manuals. But this is not all, a registered owner
- will also get:
- 1. Two disks containing the last parts of the encyclopedia.
- The disks will be sent by first class air mail.
- 2. Registration card for the Amiga C Club (ACC).
- 3. Immediate information about updates.
- 4. Updated versions of the encyclopedia for only the cost of
- disks plus postage and packing.
- 5. Assistance with digitizing colour pictures and sampling
- sound effects.
- 6. Unlimited help with your C programs. You never have to be
- alone with your problems.
- 7. The right to use parts of the manual in your own
- commercial/non-commercial programs/articles.
- Can any other manual give you all this???
- The simplest way of paying is to include the money in a letter
- in cash. US dollar bills, English pounds or Swedish SEK are
- preferred, but all currencies are accepted. You can also send
- the money as a "Postal Money Order", ask your local bank or
- post office. Please do not use cheques. It is sadly extremely
- expensive to cash a foreign cheque here in Sweden.
- If you live in Scandinavia you can send the money to "Svenska
- Post Girot, postgiro konto: 641 88 30 - 3, betalnings-
- mottagare: Datra".
- Please send the registration fee together with your complete
- address to:
- Datra, Amiga C Club
- Anders Bjeri
- Tulevagen 22
- 181 41 LIDINGO
- I have worked for more than four years now with this
- encyclopedia, and with your help I can continue to improve it.
- Happy programming!!!