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- /***********************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
- /* */
- /* Book: ACM Sound Amiga C Club */
- /* Chapter: EasySound Tulevagen 22 */
- /* File: Example.c 181 41 LIDINGO */
- /* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
- /* Date: 92-05-10 */
- /* Version: 2.15 */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
- /* */
- /* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
- /* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
- /* */
- /***********************************************************/
- /* Now at last you can easily write C programs that plays digitized */
- /* sound. You simply use four functions that will take care of all the */
- /* work of allocating memory, loading the files, opening the ports and */
- /* reserving the sound channels. Despite the simplicity you can still */
- /* decide what volume and rate, which channel, and how many times the */
- /* sound should be played etc. The functions contain full error checking, */
- /* and will close and return everything that have been taken. */
- /* */
- /* I N S T R U C T I O N S */
- /* ----------------------- */
- /* */
- /* 1. There are four functions that you need to use. The first one is */
- /* called ESPrepareSound(), and must be called before you can play the */
- /* soundeffect. You simply give it a file name as the only parameter, and */
- /* it will allocate space and load the sound file. It will also prepare */
- /* some other things that is needed before you may play the sound. If */
- /* ESPrepareSound() has successfully done its task, it will return a */
- /* pointer to a SoundInfo structure (struct SoundInfo *), else it will */
- /* return NULL which means something went wrong. */
- /* */
- /* Synopsis: pointer = ESPrepareSound( filename ); */
- /* */
- /* pointer: (struct SoundInfo *) ESPrepareSound() will return a pointer */
- /* to a SoundInfo structure if the sound was successfully */
- /* prepared, else it will return NULL which means something went */
- /* wrong. */
- /* */
- /* filename: (STRPTR) Pointer to a string containing the name of the */
- /* sound file. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* 2. After you have prepared the sound, you may play it. You do it by */
- /* calling the function ESPlaySound(). If the sound was played */
- /* successfully, TRUE is returned, else FALSE is returned which means */
- /* something went wrong. */
- /* */
- /* Synopsis: ok = ESPlaySound( ptr, vol, cha, pri, drate, times, ddata, */
- /* time, wait ); */
- /* */
- /* ok: (BOOL) If the sound was played successfully TRUE is */
- /* returned, else FALSE. */
- /* */
- /* ptr: (struct SoundInfo *) Pointer to a SoundInfo structure. This */
- /* pointer was returned by ESPrepareSound(). */
- /* */
- /* vol: (UWORD) Volume, 0 to 64. */
- /* */
- /* cha: (UBYTE) Which channel should be used. (LEFT0, RIGHT0, */
- /* RIGHT1 or LEFT1) */
- /* */
- /* pri (BYTE) What sound priority should be used. For normal sound */
- /* effects, set the priority to "SOUND_PRI_EFFECT". See file */
- /* "EasySound.h" for a complete list of recommended priorities. */
- /* */
- /* drate: (WORD) Delta rate. When the sound is prepared, the record */
- /* rate is automatically stored in the SoundInfo structure, */
- /* so if you do not want to change the rate, write NORMALRATE. */
- /* */
- /* times: (UWORD) How many times the sound should be played. If you */
- /* want to play the sound forever, write NONSTOP. (To stop a */
- /* sound call the function ESStopSound().) */
- /* */
- /* ddata: (ULONG) Where in the sound data we should start to play. (If */
- /* you want to start at the beginning of the sound data set ddata */
- /* to 0.) */
- /* */
- /* time: (ULONG) For how long time the sound should be played. If you */
- /* want to play all of the sound data set time to 0. */
- /* */
- /* wait: (BOOL) If you want that the program waits for the sound to */
- /* to be completed set the flag "WAIT". If you do not want to */
- /* wait for the sound to be completed, set the flag "DO_NOT_WAIT". */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* 3. If you want to stop an audio channel you simply call the function */
- /* ESStopSound(). (It is not dangerous to stop a sound that has already */
- /* terminated, or has not started.) */
- /* */
- /* Synopsis: ESStopSound( channel ); */
- /* */
- /* channel: (UBYTE) Which channel should be stopped. (LEFT0, RIGHT0, */
- /* RIGHT1 or LEFT1) */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* 4. Before your program terminates you must call the function */
- /* ESRemoveSound() which will deallocate all memory that was allocated by */
- /* the ESPrepareSound() function. IMPORTANT! All sound channels that is */
- /* currentely playing the sound must have been stopped before this function */
- /* may be called! */
- /* */
- /* Synopsis: ESRemoveSound( pointer ); */
- /* */
- /* pointer: (struct SoundInfo *) The pointer that was returned by */
- /* ESPrepareSound(). */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* I hope you will have a lot of use of EASY-SOUND and happy programming, AB */
- /* This file should be compiled separately and then linked together */
- /* with the EasySound.o module. If you have the SAS/Lattice C compiler */
- /* you can do like this: (Do not include the quotations.) */
- /* 1. Compile this file. Write: "lc Example" */
- /* 2. If you have changed something in the EasySound.c file you must */
- /* recompile it. However, if you have not modified it you do not */
- /* have to recompile it. To compile it: "lc EasySound" */
- /* 3. Finally you have to link these two files together. You can use */
- /* the already prepared LNK file "Example.lnk" to do this. Simply */
- /* write: "blink with Example.lnk" */
- /* Include some important header files: */
- #include <exec/types.h> /* Declares CPTR, BOOL and STRPTR. */
- #include "EasySound.h" /* Declares LEFT0, LEFT1, RIGHT0, etc. */
- /* Pointers to the three sound effects: */
- struct SoundInfo *fire;
- struct SoundInfo *explosion;
- struct SoundInfo *background;
- /* Declare the functions in this module: */
- void main();
- void free_memory( STRPTR message );
- void main()
- {
- printf("\nE A S Y - S O U N D\n");
- printf("Amiga C Club (ACC)\nAnders Bjerin\nTulevagen 22\n");
- printf("181 41 LIDINGO\nSWEDEN\n\n");
- printf("1. Prepare the sound Fire.snd\n");
- fire = ESPrepareSound( "Fire.snd" );
- if( !fire )
- free_memory( "Could not prepare the sound effect!" );
- printf(" Prepare the sound Explosion.snd\n");
- explosion = ESPrepareSound( "Explosion.snd" );
- if( !explosion )
- free_memory( "Could not prepare the sound effect!" );
- printf(" Prepare the sound Background.snd\n");
- background = ESPrepareSound( "Background.snd" );
- if( !background )
- free_memory( "Could not prepare the sound effect!" );
- printf("2. Play the sound\n");
- /* Start with some atmospheric background sounds: */
- ESPlaySound( background, MAXVOLUME/2, LEFT0, SOUND_PRI_EFFECT,
- ESPlaySound( background, MAXVOLUME/2, RIGHT0, SOUND_PRI_EFFECT,
- /* Wait four seconds: */
- Delay( 4 * 50 );
- /* Wait three seconds: */
- Delay( 3 * 50 );
- /* Wait four seconds: */
- Delay( 4 * 50 );
- printf("3. Stop the audio channels\n");
- ESStopSound( LEFT0 );
- ESStopSound( LEFT1 );
- ESStopSound( RIGHT0 );
- ESStopSound( RIGHT1 );
- printf("4. Remove the sound effects\n");
- free_memory( "THE END" );
- }
- void free_memory( STRPTR message )
- {
- printf("%s\n\n", message );
- /* It is not dangerous to try to remove a sound that has not been */
- /* prepared. We can therefore try to remove all sounds, even if some */
- /* have not been initialized. However, all channels that are playing */
- /* the sound must have been stopped before you may remove the sound! */
- ESRemoveSound( fire );
- ESRemoveSound( explosion );
- ESRemoveSound( background );
- exit();
- }