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- Amiga has a multi tasking operating system which means that
- several tasks (programs) can be running simultaneously. This
- unique feature is controlled by "Exec" - "the multi tasking
- executive". To make it possible for Exec to control several
- tasks it uses a complex system of "lists" and "messages".
- 3.2 THE LIST
- A list consists of a "header" and a linked list of "nodes".
- The header consists of two pointers to the first and last nodes
- in the linked list as well as a field that tells Exec what
- type of nodes the list will contain.
- The List structure look like this: (Defined in the header
- file "exec/lists.h")
- struct List
- {
- struct Node *lh_Head;
- struct Node *lh_Tail;
- struct Node *lh_TailPred;
- UBYTE lh_Type;
- UBYTE lh_pad;
- };
- lh_Head: Pointer to the first node in the linked list.
- lh_Tail: Is always zero.
- lh_TailPred: Pointer to the last node in the linked list.
- lh_Type: Tells Exec what types of nodes there are in the
- list. See header file "exec/nodes.h" for a complete
- list of the node types. Here are some commonly used
- types:
- NT_UNKNOWN Type unknown (How could you guess that?)
- NT_TASK A task node.
- NT_INTERRUPT An interrupt (also software interrupt)
- NT_SOFTINT Only used by Exec itself.
- etc...
- lh_pad: Not used. (Aligns the structure to the infamous even
- bytes boundary.)
- Before you may use the list structure you have to initialize it.
- Simply follow these steps:
- 1. Set the lh_Head pointer to the address of lh_Tail.
- 2. Set the lh_Tail pointer to NULL. (Should always be NULL.)
- 3. Set the lh_TailPred pointer to the address of lh_Head.
- 4. Set the lh_Type field to the desired node type. (Note, all
- nodes in the list should be of the same type as the lh_Type.)
- Here is an example:
- struct List plans;
- plans.lh_Head = &plans.lh_Tail;
- plans.lh_Tail = NULL;
- plans.lh_TailPred = &plans.lh_Head;
- plans.lh_Type = NT_UNKNOWN;
- This can be replaced by calling the NewList() function, with a
- pointer to the list structure as the only argument.
- Synopsis: NewList( list );
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list that should be
- initialized.
- Example: NewList( &plans );
- 3.2.3 MINI LISTS
- There exist a special type of mini lists that are exactly the
- same as the normal lists except that no type checking is used
- and it only contains mini nodes. (Mini nodes are discussed
- further down. They are like normal nodes but without any
- priority nor type definitions.) The MinList structure look
- like this: (Also defined in the header file "exec/lists.h")
- struct MinList
- {
- struct MinNode *mlh_Head;
- struct MinNode *mlh_Tail;
- struct MinNode *mlh_TailPred;
- };
- mlh_Head: Pointer to the first mini node in the linked list.
- mlh_Tail: Is always zero.
- mlh_TailPred: Pointer to the last mini node in the linked list.
- These mini lists are used when you only want to use double
- linked lists but do not bother about types, priority or names.
- Note that these lists can NOT be used by some of the lists
- function described further down! (It would be ridiculous, and
- very dangerous, to search a mini list for nodes with special
- names, for example.)
- 3.3 NODES
- A list is a double linked lists of nodes. (A double linked lists
- means that you can both go forward as well as backwards in the
- list.) The node consists of two parts:
- 1. A node structure with which the nodes are linked together
- with. It also contains information such as node type and
- priority (more about this later). Each node structure has
- also a name which is used to identify the nodes. (Very
- useful during debugging.)
- 2. The data itself. This can be anything you like.
- The node structure look like this: (Defined in the header file
- "exec/nodes.h")
- struct Node
- {
- struct Node *ln_Succ;
- struct Node *ln_Pred;
- UBYTE ln_Type;
- BYTE ln_Pri;
- char *ln_Name;
- };
- ln_Succ: Pointer to the next node. (Successor)
- ln_Pred: Pointer to the previous node in the list. (Predecessor)
- ln_Type: Type of node. See header file "exec/nodes.h" for a
- complete list of the node types. (See above for some
- examples.)
- ln_Pri: This node's "priority" - a value between -128 and +127.
- The higher value the higher priority. The priority can
- for example be used when the list is sorted. If you
- do not use the priority field, set it to 0.
- ln_Name: Pointer to a NULL terminating string which contains
- the name of this node. (Useful for debugging.)
- Before you may put the node into the list you have to initialize
- it. You do it by setting the ln_Type, ln_Pri and ln_Name field
- as desired. The ln_Succ and ln_Pred pointers will automatically
- be initialized when the node is placed into the list.
- Here is an example:
- struct Node my_first_node;
- my_first_node.ln_Type = NT_UNKNOWN; /* A strange node. */
- my_first_node.ln_Pri = 25; /* A rather important node. */
- my_first_node.ln_Name = "Napoleon" /* This node's name. */
- A complete node consists, as said above, of two parts. First we
- have the node structure itself, then we have the data. Here is
- an example how to create your own complete node:
- /* Declare the COMPLETE node structure: */
- struct Person author=
- {
- /* Succ Pred Type Pri Name */
- { NULL, NULL, NT_UNKNOWN, 127, "Anders" }, /* Part 1 */
- CPTR data1; /* Part 2 */
- CPTR data2;
- CPTR data3;
- };
- 3.3.4 MINI NODES
- As there exist mini lists there also exist mini nodes. They
- are like normal nodes, but without type definition, priority
- and name. The MinNode structure look like this: (Also defined
- in the header file "exec/nodes.h")
- struct MinNode
- {
- struct MinNode *mln_Succ;
- struct MinNode *mln_Pred;
- };
- mln_Succ: Pointer to the next mini node. (Successor)
- mln_Pred: Pointer to the previous mini node in the list.
- (Predecessor)
- Once you have initialized a complete node you can insert it into
- a linked list. You would then probably use the Insert() function,
- but if you want to insert it first or last into a list you should
- rather use the functions AddHead() or AddTail() function. To
- remove a node use the function Remove(). To remove the first or
- last node in the list you should use the RemHead() or RemTail()
- functions since they are much faster. There exist even a
- function to insert nodes and positions them corresponding to
- their priorities.
- To insert a node into a list use the Insert() function:
- Synopsis: Insert( list, node, pred );
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- insert the node in.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to insert.
- pred: (struct Node *) Pointer to a node which the new node
- should be placed after. (If this field is NULL or
- points to the list header the node will be inserted
- first in the list. If this field points to the list's
- lh_Tail field the node will be inserted last in the
- list. However, if you which to insert a node first or
- last in a list you should use the faster functions
- AddHead() or AddTail().)
- Here is an example how to insert the node "author" just after
- the node "housekeeper" in the "plans" list:
- Insert( &plans, &author, &housekeeper );
- If you want to insert a node a the head of a list you are
- recommended to use the fast AddHead() function.
- Synopsis: AddHead( list, node )
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- insert the node in.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to insert.
- Here is an example how to insert the node "author" at the head
- of the list "plans":
- AddHead( &plans, &author );
- If you want to insert a node a the tail of a list you are
- recommended to use the fast AddTail() function.
- Synopsis: AddTail( list, node )
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- insert the node in.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to insert.
- Here is an example how to insert the node "author" at the tail
- of the list "plans":
- AddTail( &plans, &author );
- To remove a node from a list use the Remove() function:
- Synopsis: Remove( node );
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to insert.
- Here is an example how to remove the node "author":
- Remove( &author );
- If you want to remove a node a the head of a list you are
- recommended to use the fast RemHead() function. This function
- will also return a pointer to the removed node, or NULL if
- there were no more nodes to remove.
- Synopsis: node = RemHead( list )
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- remove the head node from.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you have
- removed.
- Here is an example how to remove the node at the head of the
- list "plans": (node_ptr is a pointer to node structures.)
- node_ptr = RemHead( &plans );
- If you want to remove a node a the tail of a list you are
- recommended to use the fast RemTail() function. This function
- will also return a pointer to the removed node, or NULL if
- there were no more nodes to remove.
- Synopsis: node = RemTail( list )
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- remove the tail node from.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you have
- removed.
- Here is an example how to remove the node at the tail of the
- list "plans": (node_ptr is a pointer to node structures.)
- node_ptr = RemHead( &plans );
- The functions above can be combined to generate "First In First
- Out" (FIFO) or "Last In First Out" (LIFO).
- FIFO Use the functions AddTail() and RemHead() to generate a
- first in first out list. The first node you inserted into
- the list will also be the first node to be removed. (This
- is like a normal queue.)
- LIFO Use the functions AddHead() and RemHead() to generate a
- last in first out list. The last node you inserted into
- the list will also be the first node to be removed. (This
- is like a putting nodes onto a "stack".)
- If you want to insert nodes and use the nodes' priorities to
- decide where in the list they should be placed you can use
- the Enqueue() function. The node with the highest priority will
- be placed at the head of the list, and the lower priority the
- further back into the list the nodes will be placed. If you
- insert a node with the same priority as an already existing
- one, your node will be placed after that one. (FIFO)
- To pick out the nodes with the highest priorities first you
- should then use the RemHead() function. To pick out the nodes
- with the lowest priorities first you should use the RemTail()
- function.
- Synopsis: Enqueue( list, node );
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- insert the node in.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to
- insert.
- NOTE! This function can of course not be used to handle mini
- lists. (Mini nodes do not have any priority field.)
- Here are some common ways to work with lists and nodes.
- If you want to determine if a list is empty you simply check
- if the ln_Succ field of the node lh_Head points to is NULL.
- (This may seem a bit strange, but remember that when you
- initialize the list structure you set the lh_Head field to
- the address of lh_Tail.)
- if( my_list.lh_Head->ln_Succ == NULL )
- printf( "This list is empty!\n" );
- The lists are, as mentioned above, double linked. You can
- therefore scan through a list either from the head to the tail
- or from the tail to the head.
- Example on how to scan through a list from the head to the tail:
- struct Node *ptr;
- /* Set the node pointer so it points to the first node: */
- ptr = (struct Node *) my_list.lh_Head;
- /* Stay in the loop as long as there is a node after this one: */
- while( ptr->ln_Succ )
- {
- printf( "Node %s\n", ptr->ln_Name );
- ptr = ptr->ln_Succ;
- }
- Example on how to scan through a list from the tail to the head:
- struct Node *ptr;
- /* Set the node pointer so it points to the last node: */
- ptr = (struct Node *) my_list.lh_TailPred;
- /* Stay in the loop as long as there is a node before this one: */
- while( ptr->ln_Pred )
- {
- printf( "Node %s\n", ptr->ln_Name );
- ptr = ptr->ln_Pred;
- }
- It is sometimes necessary to find nodes with special names. The
- FindName() function is here very useful. You only need to
- specify what name you look for and which list should be examined.
- The function will either return a pointer to the first node in
- the list with that name, or NULL if no node with the specified
- name was found. If you find a node you only have to call the
- function again (this time with the node pointer instead of the
- list pointer) to find the next correct node.
- Synopsis: node = FindName( list, name );
- node: (struct Node *) If FindName() finds a node with the
- name "name" it returns a pointer to it. If no node
- was found it returns NULL.
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you want to
- examine. If you have already found a node and want to
- search for the next you should give it a pointer to
- the last node you found.
- name: (char *) Pointer to a NULL terminated string that
- contains the name of the node(s) you look for.
- /* Find the first node with the name "Internal": */
- node_ptr = (struct Node *) FindName( &my_list, "Internal" );
- /* As long as we find nodes with the name "Internal" we */
- /* stay in the loop: */
- while( node_ptr )
- {
- /* Do what ever you want with the node: */
- printf( "Node %lX is internal.\n", node_ptr );
- /* Try to find yet another node: */
- node_ptr = (struct Node *) FindName( node_ptr, "Internal" );
- }
- NOTE! This function can of course not be used to handle mini
- lists. (Mini nodes do not have any name field.)
- Here is a not very exciting but complete list example:
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h> /* This file will automatically */
- /* include the file "nodes.h". */
- /* Declare a complete node structure: */
- struct ToDo
- {
- struct Node node; /* Every node must have this. */
- STRPTR Wish; /* Our own data. */
- };
- /* Declare a list structure: */
- struct List my_list;
- /* Node 1: */
- struct ToDo eat=
- {
- { NULL, NULL, NT_UNKNOWN, 0, "Food" },
- "eat breakfast"
- };
- /* Node 2: */
- struct ToDo sleep=
- {
- { NULL, NULL, NT_UNKNOWN, 0, "Sleep" },
- "rest"
- };
- /* Node 3: */
- struct ToDo drink=
- {
- { NULL, NULL, NT_UNKNOWN, 0, "Food" },
- "drink some nice wine"
- };
- main()
- {
- /* Declare a node pointer: */
- struct Node *ptr;
- /* Declare a pointer to ToDo structures: */
- struct ToDo *todo_ptr;
- /* Initialize our list structure: */
- NewList( &my_list );
- /* Add three nodes: */
- AddTail( &my_list, &eat );
- AddTail( &my_list, &sleep );
- AddTail( &my_list, &drink );
- /* Check if the list is empty or not: */
- if( my_list.lh_Head->ln_Succ == NULL )
- printf( "This list is empty!\n" );
- else
- printf( "This list is not empty!\n" );
- /* Scan through the list: (Head to Tail) */
- ptr = (struct Node *) my_list.lh_Head;
- while( ptr->ln_Succ )
- {
- printf( "Node %lX\n", ptr, ptr );
- ptr = ptr->ln_Succ;
- }
- /* Find all nodes with the name "Food": */
- ptr = (struct Node *) FindName( &my_list, "Food" );
- while( ptr )
- {
- todo_ptr = (struct ToDo *) ptr;
- printf( "I want to %s.\n", todo_ptr->Wish );
- ptr = (struct Node *) FindName( ptr, "Food" );
- }
- /* Remove all nodes: */
- RemHead( &my_list, &eat );
- RemHead( &my_list, &sleep );
- RemHead( &my_list, &drink );
- }
- NewList()
- This function initializes a list structure.
- Synopsis: NewList( list );
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list that should be
- initialized.
- Insert()
- This function is used to insert nodes into a list. If the
- node should be placed first or last in the list you should
- use the faster functions AddHead() or AddTail().
- Synopsis: Insert( list, node, pred );
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- insert the node in.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to
- insert.
- pred: (struct Node *) Pointer to a node which the new
- node should be placed after. (If this field is NULL
- or points to the list header the node will be
- inserted first in the list. If this field points to
- the list's lh_Tail field the node will be inserted
- last in the list. However, if you which to insert
- a node first or last in a list you should use the
- faster functions AddHead() or AddTail().)
- Remove()
- This function is used to remove nodes from a list. If the
- node should be removed at the tail of the list you should use
- the faster functions RemHead() or RemTail().
- Synopsis: Remove( node );
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to
- insert.
- Here is an example how to remove the node "author":
- AddHead()
- This function will add a note at the head of a list.
- Synopsis: AddHead( list, node )
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- insert the node in.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to
- insert.
- AddTail()
- This function will add a note at the tail of a list.
- Synopsis: AddTail( list, node )
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- insert the node in.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to
- insert.
- RemHead()
- This function will remove a note at the head of a list and
- returns a pointer to the removed node.
- Synopsis: node = RemHead( list )
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- remove the head node from.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you have
- removed, or NULL if there were no more nodes to
- remove.
- RemTail()
- This function will remove a note at the tail of a list and
- returns a pointer to the removed node.
- Synopsis: node = RemTail( list )
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- remove the tail node from.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you have
- removed, or NULL if there were no more nodes to
- remove.
- Enqueue()
- This function will insert nodes into lists considering the
- node's priority. The higher priority the closer to the head
- they are placed and vice versa.
- NOTE! This function can of course not be used to handle mini
- lists. (Mini nodes do not have any priority field.)
- Synopsis: Enqueue( list, node );
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you wish to
- insert the node in.
- node: (struct Node *) Pointer to the node you want to
- insert.
- FindName()
- This function will scan a list and search for nodes by their
- name. It will return a pointer to the first node with the
- specified name or NULL if no more node could be found. If it
- found a node you simply have to call it again to find the
- next.
- NOTE! This function can of course not be used to handle mini
- lists. (Mini nodes do not have any name field.)
- Synopsis: node = FindName( list, name );
- node: (struct Node *) If FindName() finds a node with the
- name "name" it returns a pointer to it. If no node
- was found it returns NULL.
- list: (struct List *) Pointer to the list you want to
- examine. If you have already found a node and want
- to search for the next you should give it a pointer
- to the last node you found.
- name: (char *) Pointer to a NULL terminated string that
- contains the name of the node(s) you look for.
- Example 1
- Demonstrates how to create a list with three nodes. (Not very
- amazing, but useful to know.)
- Example 2
- Demonstrates how to scan through a list from the head to the
- tail, and the other way around.
- Example 3
- Demonstrates how to scan through a list looking for nodes with
- a special name. Uses the function FindName().