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- C P u m p
- An Amiga Intuition-based C development environment.
- © Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, David A. Faught, All right reserved.
- This program is provided "as is", no warranties are made.
- All use is at your own risk. No liability or responsibility
- is assumed.
- Several other products are mentioned in this document. Each
- trademark is owned by it's respective owner.
- The right to freely distribute this program at no cost is
- hereby granted, as long all files listed below are included
- and all files included remain UNALTERED. These files may be
- included in a collection of freely distributable software,
- as long as the cost of that collection is previously deemed
- reasonable by the author. Fred Fish is specifically given the
- right to distribute these files.
- The files included are:
- -----rwed 1 961 Apr 4 21:42 CPump
- -----rwed 18 18340 Apr 4 21:42 CPump17
- -----rwed 26 26312 Apr 4 21:42 CPump17.c
- -----rwed 17 16636 Apr 4 21:42 CTags
- -----rwed 25 25179 Apr 4 21:42 CTags.c
- -----rwed 9 8428 Apr 4 21:42 CTagSel
- -----rwed 8 7290 Apr 4 21:42 CTagSel.c
- -----rwed 1 505 Apr 4 21:42 EdErr.rexx
- -----rwed 1 826 Apr 4 21:42 EdTag.rexx
- -----rwed 13 13137 Apr 4 21:47 ReadMe.txt
- Dirs:0 Files:10 Blocks:119 Bytes:117614
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- If you like this program, or would like to support my future
- developments, please send a monetary or Amiga hardware gift
- (not deductible) to:
- David Faught
- 8701 North 64th Street
- Brown Deer, WI 53223
- You will be added to my mailing list for a fee of $10
- or more, and will be notified of my future developments.
- This program requires AmigaDos 2.04 or better. It will not
- function at all with 1.3.
- I can also be contacted by email only (no files shipped please) at:
- akcs.dfaught@vpnet.chi.il.us
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.7, April 1994
- Enhanced some utilities so that their output is redirected to a
- temporary file that can be browsed. Enhanced CTags so that it
- accepts an Amiga wildcard pattern as the input file(s) and
- Edtag.rexx to use this facility. This will also work for ".cxx"
- and ".cc" files. Upgraded GCC support so that it works with
- version 2.5.8 of C and C++. Other little things here and there
- that I have forgotten about.
- Version 1.6, January 1993
- Several enhancements including EdTag facility, better environment
- variable handling, smaller CPump window to allow better view of
- shell window being driven. Also added the Amiga "E" compiler for
- the heck of it.
- Version 1.5, January 1993
- The Open and Save functions were fixed so that any number of
- selected files will be copied. Also added the keyboard equivalents
- for all the main functions and the ARexx Test tool.
- Version 1.4, December 1992
- The "CPump.env" environment variable was added to the CPump script
- and to the main program to select initial settings for the four
- cycle gadgets. These settings start with 0 (zero) and specify the
- element of each of the four cycle gadgets to initially display.
- The gcc (GNU C Compiler) and the Textra editor were added.
- I think there were a few other minor things fixed too.
- Version 1.3, August 1992
- This is to fix a bug with the "initcc" script. This did not work
- as distributed. Now you MUST edit the script file "CPump" for your
- environment and execute it to start up the program. The "initcc"
- script was replaced by this. It happens that this change actually
- makes it easier to run CPump from the WorkBench than from the
- shell.
- Version 1.2, August 1992
- I have added support for (old) version 4.0 of the SAS/Lattice
- C compiler. This may work for newer versions, too. I did this
- mainly because I found it gathering dust in an old box of disks.
- An icon and script for the AmigaDos IconX command now allow
- CPump to be run from the WorkBench.
- I have changed the "Utility" gadgets to be a single list-type
- selector. Just click on the utility you want to use.
- The zoom gadget in the upper right now "iconifies" the CPump
- window.
- Running all commands is now done using the new "System()" call
- instead of the old "Execute()". This allows the proper return
- code to be displayed.
- Source code is now included. You may make modifications for
- your own personal use only. The unregistered version of DICE
- along with the NDU from CATS will work to compile this program.
- I highly recommend registering DICE.
- Various other minor modifications have been made.
- Version 1.1
- Not released.
- Version 1.0
- This little utility was born from my frustrations with
- using the CLI for compiling and testing my C programs. Even
- with the shell command history, it just seemed like too much
- trouble to remember the right commands and options,
- especially after one of my attempts would get the guru's boot
- and a reboot.
- This program is an easy to use shell that invokes a number
- of other programs. These other programs are not included
- here, but are easily accessible in collections of freely
- distributable software for the Amiga. It is not necessary to
- have ALL of the programs listed here. For example, there is
- no real reason to use both the DICE and PDC compilers, but
- one or the other is required.
- If you have them, this program will make use of:
- ED & MEmacs text editors included with AmigaDos,
- Dillon's Integrated C Environment (DICE) - including the
- DME text editor and ANSI C compiler available on Fred
- Fish disk 491,
- Publicly Distributable C (PDC) - compiler and several
- utilities with complete source available on Fred Fish
- disk 351,
- MuchMore - text display program available on Fred Fish
- disk 560 (and several others in the :c directory),
- CRef - C cross reference lister available on Fred Fish
- disk 166,
- Indent - provides consistent indentation of C source
- available on Fred Fish disk 262.
- It is also highly recommended that you get a copy of the
- Native Developer Update (NDU) from Commodore Amiga Technical
- Support (CATS) as it contains all the Amiga specific headers
- needed to take advantage of the great Amiga features. It
- also contains lots of examples, development tools,
- debugging tools, and the AutoDocs. Information on how to
- acquire the NDU is included with both PDC and DICE.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- This program can be used from the CLI or the Workbench. It
- must be started using the CPump script. When started from the
- Workbench, iconx is used to execute the CPump script.
- Consider the CPump script included to be a starting point
- that you should edit to reflect your own Amiga's environment.
- In particular, the directory containing either the DICE or PDC
- commands (or both) must be added to the command search path
- using the "path add" command.
- When you run this program, it presents a window with a bunch
- of gadgets on it. These gadgets define the steps that I use
- when developing a C program, along with the tools used at
- each step and a few options. Down the left side of the window
- are 6 pushbuttons which execute the 6 development steps.
- Down the middle are some cycle gadgets which determine
- the tool to be used for each step. In a line across the
- middle are some boxes you can check to set certain options
- for the Compile step.
- Select the tools you wish to use by clicking on the cycle
- gadgets on the right. You should probably do this first,
- before you attempt to execute any of the 6 steps on the
- left. Then, when you push any of the 6 pushbuttons to
- execute a step, a filerequester will appear so that you can
- select the file(s) you wish to use for that step.
- Some steps allow multiple files to be selected, and other
- steps only allow a single file. Sometimes, the filerequester
- will have a pattern selector that filters the files you see
- to include only those with certain suffixes. You can edit
- this selection pattern on the filerequester, if you wish.
- When you have selected the file(s) for that step, push the
- "OK" button on the filerequester. The tool that you have
- selected for that step will be executed with the file(s)
- you have selected. Pretty simple, huh? You can also double-
- click on a filename in the filerequester.
- While the tool you have selected is executing, the Status
- indicator in the upper right of the window will say
- "Running". If no tool is executing, it will say "Waiting".
- This step will copy all .c and .h files that you select
- from where they are to the working directory. The working
- directory is either RAM: or RAD: as selected by the cycle
- gadget to the right. Note that this step also saves the
- directory where the files originally were in the bottom
- right string gadget, so that the files can be saved back
- where they came from.
- This step runs the text editor you have chosen with the .c
- or .h file you select. Note that you can change the pattern
- for selection or just type a specific file name, if you
- wish. The editor is executed with the RUN command, so that
- it has its own task and this program doesn't wait for it to
- end. This allows the editor to stay on the screen while you
- proceed to the other steps, or execute 2 or more editors at
- the same time.
- This step executes the cc-like processor for the compiler
- you have chosen. The check-box options just below this
- gadget are interpreted properly for the chosen compiler.
- The Verbose option affects not only the compile step, but
- also allows you to see the commands that this program uses.
- This step is minimally implemented at this time. It will
- execute the program you just compiled to try it out. I tend
- to be a printf-in-the-source-code debugger, so I'm not very
- familiar with some of the tools available.
- Several handy utilities can be executed from here. Most are
- C language specific. Currently, all of these utilities will
- print their output on the screen. In a future version of
- this program, they will probably be redirected to create
- output files instead, which can then be browsed.
- This step will copy the file(s) you select back to the
- directory that they came from. You can also directly edit
- the target directory name to the right of this gadget. This
- program will only remember the one most recent directory that
- you "OPENed" a project from, so if you "OPEN" files from
- several different directories, you will have to remember
- where to put them back.
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- The CTags and CTagSel programs are now included (with source)
- along with a couple of ARexx programs to interface them to
- CPump. CTags is a (very slightly) modified version of the
- program available on Fred Fish disk #197 by Ken Arnold, Jim
- Kleckner, Bill Joy, and G. R. (Fred) Walter. The CTags program
- builds a list of procedure names defined within a C source
- program.
- The EdTag.rexx drives this program to collect a list
- of procedures in ALL the .c source programs in the working
- directory and feeds this list to the CTagSel program. The CTagSel
- program then builds a ListView gadget in a new window to allow
- you to scroll through the list of procedure names and select one
- for editing. The EdTag.rexx then takes the output of the CTagSel
- program and invokes the AmigaDos "Ed" editor on the proper
- source program and positions the display to the procedure name
- that you selected. At this time, the "Ed" editor is the only one
- supported for this process.
- The "EdTag Bld" entry in the edit tools list invokes this entire
- process. The "EdTag" entry in the Utility list bypasses the CTag
- build and invokes CTagSel using the tag list built by a previous
- use of "EdTag Bld". This can be usefull when working on a large
- project when you don't want to rebuild the tag list for every
- edit.
- The "EdErr" entry in the Utility list does a similar type of
- thing with the error listing file from the DICE compiler. This
- entry only works with DICE at this time. This allows you to
- select an error message and start the "Ed" editor at the line
- of the error you select.
- The CTagSel program is actually a pretty handy little utility.
- It can be invoked with basically any text file as input and will
- present this file in a ListView gadget. The text of the line you
- select is put in the Arexx clip list under the name CTagSel. There
- are hard-coded limits in the program of 1000 lines of text and
- 40000 characters of text.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Future Plans:
- Planned improvements are: including either the HCC or NorthC
- compiler, and redirecting certain utility outputs to files for
- later browsing.
- I thought about adding an ARexx port, but if you could make good
- use of it, you could just drive the programs that this one
- does directly from ARexx and be better off. I would also like
- to figure out how to use the DMEMacros from Fred Fish disk 146
- or possibly rewrite them for the new ED 2.0, now that it talks
- ARexx. I have also thought about making use of the Revision
- Control System (RCS) on Fred Fish disk 451 as an option for the
- Open and Save functions. CWeb from Fred Fish disk 551 is also a
- possibility.