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- ====================
- Author : Simon John Raybould (sie@fulcrum.co.uk)
- Mod Date : 14th August 1992
- Version
- =======
- $Id: curses.doc,v 1.4 1993/06/12 20:24:20 sie Exp $
- Modification History
- ====================
- $Log: curses.doc,v $
- Revision 1.4 1993/06/12 20:24:20 sie
- Minor updates
- Revision 1.3 92/06/29 22:33:08 sie
- Added some more function descriptions.
- Revision 1.2 92/06/23 22:38:14 sie
- Documentation for amiga curses library.
- Description
- ===========
- Curses is a screen manipulation package that is used quite extensively
- in the UNIX environment.
- I wrote this because I had several UNIX programs that used curses that
- I wanted to port to the Amiga.
- Version 2.00 and above now support ANSI sequences to allow curses
- applications to be executes through the serial port to a terminal or
- over a modem to a terminal or terminal package such as "Term20" or
- "jrcomm". To enable this, simply set the environment variable
- "cursestype" to "ansi" before running the program. If this variable is
- not set, curses will open a custom screen.
- The default number of colours for the custom screen is now 2 (black
- and white). To enable 8 colours, call start_color() before initscr().
- has_colors() will return TRUE if start_color() has been called else it
- will return FALSE.
- If you require further documentation to that provided here then I
- would recommend:
- "Programming with curses" by John Strang ISBN 0-937175-02-1
- published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
- This book is very good and very cheap (10 pound in the UK).
- Short descriptions of functions provided
- ========================================
- int initscr(void)
- This must be called before any window can be created or
- manipulated. It creates "stdscr" and "curscr". curscr is a copy of
- what curses thinks is currently on the display. Calling
- wrefresh(curscr) will redraw the entire screen and is useful for
- noisy modem lines. This is usually called when the user types ^L
- or sometimes ^R in older programs.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int endwin(void)
- This should be called before exiting a curses program.
- It frees all memory used and dismantles all structures.
- It closes the custom screen and window used if curses is used in
- non-ANSI mode.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int beep(void)
- Produces an audible beep from the speaker. This beep is similar in pitch
- and duration to the beep from a terminal when a BEL (^G) character is
- received. If curses is running in ANSI mode, a BEL character will
- be sent to the terminal.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int flash(void)
- Flashes the display by complementing the background colour. With the
- default black background, this will flash the screen yellow. If
- curses is being used in ANSI mode, a BEL character will be sent to
- the terminal.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int baudrate(void)
- Returns current baudrate. On the Amiga, it just returns 19200. It is
- used to decide how much to refresh over slow serial lines such as
- modems.
- Return value
- ============
- 19200 is returned.
- int box(WINDOW *win, char vert, char hor)
- Draws a box around the INSIDE edge of the window.
- win - pointer returned from newwin or subwin, or stdscr even.
- vert - character to use for the vertical.
- hor - character to use for the horizontal.
- Either of the characters may be zero. In this case, the defaults of
- "|" and "-" will be used for vertical and horizontal respectively.
- ----
- The box drawn is INSIDE the window. Therefore any of the clear routines
- will effect the box if carried out on its window. The normal thing
- to do is open two windows, one for the box two columns wider and
- two lines higher than the window for the text. Then use the inner
- window for the text. This way the box is only drawn once.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int cbreak(void)
- int nocbreak(void)
- cbreak() puts the terminal into CBREAK mode, making characters typed
- available immediately.
- nocbreak() sets NOCBREAK mode and characters are not available until
- carriage return is pressed.
- The default is NOCBREAK mode, so most programs call cbreak() before
- doing any reads on the keyboard for interactive use.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int crmode(void)
- int nocrmode(void)
- As cbreak() and nocbreak() as shown above.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int clearok(WINDOW *win, int flag)
- If flag is TRUE then it is OK to clear the window on the next refresh.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int leaveok(WINDOW *win, int flag)
- If flag is TRUE then curses doesn"t care where it leaves the
- cursor. If possible, the cursor will not be displayed.
- The default is FALSE and the cursor is displayed correctly.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- WINDOW *subwin(WINDOW *orig, int lines, int cols, int beg_line, int beg_col)
- Creates a new window within another window. The original window has
- its pointer passed as "orig".
- The new window will be at line "beg_line" and column "beg_col" of the
- window pointed to by "orig". It will be of size "lines" lines of "cols"
- columns.
- A sub-window is part of its surrounding window. When the surrounding
- window is refreshed, the sub-window is refreshed as well.
- Return value
- ============
- On success, a pointer to a new window is returned.
- On failure, a NULL pointer is returned.
- WINDOW *newwin(int lines, int cols, int beg_line, int beg_col)
- Creates a new window at line "beg_line" and column "beg_col",
- "lines" high by "cols" wide.
- The new window has its own data structures and does not affect any
- data in other windows. It is only refreshed by a call like
- wrefresh(win) where "win" was returned by this function.
- Return value
- ============
- On success, a pointer to a new window is returned.
- On failure, a NULL pointer is returned.
- int delwin(WINDOW *win)
- Deletes a window and frees the associated memory. This should be done if
- the window is no longer used.
- It is not necessary to free all windows, endwin() will free all windows
- still allocated before returning.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int mvwin(WINDOW *win, int new_line, int new_col)
- Moves a window to a new position on the screen. This position is relative
- to the top left of the screen and NOT to the start of any surrounding
- window in the case of sub-windows.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int nl(void)
- int nonl(void)
- nl() - Causes newline to newline/carriage return mapping on output and
- return to newline mapping on input.
- nonl() - disables this.
- The DEFAULT is that mapping is done (nl).
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int echo(void)
- int noecho(void)
- echo() causes characters read from the keyboard to be echoed to the
- display. noecho() prevents the echo, this is useful when reading
- keys that you don"t want echoed to the screen.
- The DEFAULT is that echoing is performed (echo).
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int nodelay(WINDOW *win, int flag)
- nodelay() sets nodelay mode if "flag" is TRUE. When in nodelay mode,
- getch() will return ERR if there is no input pending. The DEFAULT is
- nodelay not set and getch() will block, waiting for at least one char
- in CBREAK mode or a line followed by carriage return in non CBREAK
- mode.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int has_colors(void)
- int start_color(void)
- int init_color(int n, int r, int g, int b)
- has_colors() is to check if colours are available on this terminal.
- On the Amiga, it will return TRUE if start_color() has been called
- else it will return FALSE.
- start_colour() is to tell the terminal that you wish to use colour. In
- Amiga curses, this MUST be called before initscr() or it will have no
- effect because initscr() sets up the screen and needs to know how many
- colours you want.
- init_color() will alter the Red, Green and Blue content of colour n.
- r, g and b are in the range 1 to 1000. The colour number "n" is in the
- range 0 to 15 and it should be noted that colour 0 is the background
- colour. Initially the foreground is set to colour 1 but can be changed
- with the attron() or attrset() function to any of the colours 1 to 15,
- 0 is not allowed as this is the background. If 0 is selected, the
- foreground colour will be set to 1.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int keypad(WINDOW *win, int flag)
- If "flag" is TRUE then the ANSI sequences for the function keys and
- the cursor keys will be converted to the tokens KEY_UP, KEY_HELP,
- e.t.c. The DEFAULT is that the ANSI sequences will returned. So to
- cause special keys to be returned as tokens in the standard screen,
- add the following line:
- keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int printw(char *fmt, ...)
- int wprintw(WINDOW *win, char *fmt, ...)
- int mvprintw(int line, int col, char *fmt, ...)
- int mvwprintw(WINDOW *win, int line, int col, char *fmt, ...)
- Produce formatted output similar to printf(3).
- printw() - prints at the current position in stdscr.
- wprintw() - prints at the current position in win.
- mvprintw() - prints at line "line" column "col" in stdscr.
- mvwprintw() - prints at line "line" column "col" in "win".
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, number of formats successfully replaced is returned.
- On error, -1 is returned.
- scanw(char *fmt, ...)
- wscanw(WINDOW *win, char *fmt, ...)
- mvscanw(int line, int col, char *fmt, ...)
- mvwscanw(WINDOW *win, int line, int col, char *fmt, ...)
- Produce formatted input similar to scanf(3).
- scanw() - scans at the current position in stdscr.
- wscanw() - scans at the current position in win.
- mvscanw() - scans at line "line" column "col" in stdscr.
- mvwscanw() - scans at line "line" column "col" in "win".
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, number of formats successfully replaced is returned.
- On error, -1 is returned.
- int scrollok(WINDOW *win, int flag)
- When flag is true, curses will automatically scroll the window up one
- line when output goes off the bottom of "win".
- E.g.
- scrollok(stdscr, TRUE);
- "stdscr" will then be automatically scrolled up one line when output goes
- off bottom.
- The DEFAULT is that the window will NOT be scrolled, the bottom line
- will be used over and over again without scrolling.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int scroll(WINDOW *win)
- The window "win" is scrolled up one line.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int setscrreg(int top, int bottom)
- int wsetscrreg(WINDOW *win, int top, int bottom)
- Sets the scrolling region from line "top" to line "bottom" inclusive.
- Only the region between these two lines is scrolled when scroll() is
- called or when output moves off the end of line "bottom", the region
- is scrolled up one line (if scrollok() has been called).
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int touchwin(WINDOW *win)
- Will force the window to be completely refreshed on the next call to
- refresh() by dumping all optimization information. This can be useful if
- the state of the screen is unknown or if a window was obscured by
- another window which was not a subwindow of the one it covered. Then
- you may need to touchwin() the window that was covered and refresh it.
- If you have several windows and wish to redraw the entire display,
- such as when ^L is pressed in many applications, you could touchwin
- all of your windows, clear the screen and refresh each one in turn.
- The recommended way to do this however is to simply wrefresh(curscr).
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int addch(char c)
- int waddch(WINDOW *win, char c)
- int mvaddch(int int line, int col, char c)
- int mvwaddch(WINDOW *win, int line, int col, char c)
- addch(c) - Prints character "c" at current screen position in "stdscr".
- waddch(win, c) - Prints character "c" at current screen position in "win".
- mvaddch(line, col, c) - Prints character "c" at line "line" column "col" in
- "stdscr".
- mvwaddch(win, line, col, c) - Prints character "c" at line "line" column
- "col" in win.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int addstr(char *str)
- int waddstr(WINDOW *win, char *str)
- int mvaddstr(int line, int col, char *str)
- int mvwaddstr(WINDOW *win, int line, int col, char *str)
- addstr(str) - Prints string "str" at the current screen position in "stdscr".
- waddstr(win, str) - Prints string "str" at current screen position in "win".
- mvaddstr(line, col, str) - Prints string "str" at line "line" column "col"
- in "stdscr".
- mvwaddstr(win, line, col, str) - Prints string "str" at line "line"
- column "col" in window "win".
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int attrset(UBYTE attrs)
- int wattrset(WINDOW *win, UBYTE attrs)
- These routines set the attributes for "stdscr" or the specified window
- (in the case of wattrset()) to the value specified in "attrs". This is
- usually used to get the attributes to a known state before using
- attron() and attroff() to add and remove extra attributes
- respectively. The danger is that all previous attributes are lost and
- replaced by the new ones. Consequently they are not really necessary.
- See attron() and attroff().
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int attron(UBYTE attrs)
- int wattron(WINDOW *win, UBYTE attrs)
- These routines add the attributes specified in "attrs" to those
- already set for "stdscr" or the window specified (in the case of
- wattron()). Any previous attributes that are not directly affected by
- the changes will be left as they were. This is the preferred way to
- set and unset attributes as it has no effect on other attributes.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int attroff(UBYTE attrs)
- int wattroff(WINDOW *win, UBYTE attrs)
- These routines remove the attributes specified in attrs from those set
- for stdscr or the window specified in the case of wattroff(). Any
- previous attributes that are not directly affected by the changes will
- be left as they were. This is the preferred method of resetting
- attributes rather than calling attrset.
- Example:
- attron(A_REVERSE)
- addstr("This is in inverse");
- attroff(A_REVERSE);
- refresh();
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int standout(void)
- int wstandout(WINDOW *win)
- int standend(void)
- int wstandend(WINDOW *win)
- These routines set and reset inverse video mode.
- Example
- =======
- standout();
- addstr("This is inverse video");
- standend();
- addstr("This is normal video");
- refresh();
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int erase(void)
- int werase(WINDOW *win)
- These routines will empty the screen buffer and will cause the screen
- to be cleared on the next call to refresh().
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int clear(void)
- int wclear(WINDOW *win)
- These routines will empty the screen buffer and will cause the screen
- to be cleared on the next call to refresh(). Similar to erase() except
- that these will call clearok() as well. If possible, a clear sequence
- will be sent to the screen whereas erase() just fills the buffer with
- spaces.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int clrtobot(void)
- int wclrtobot(WINDOW *win)
- On the next call to refresh(), the window will be cleared from the
- current position to bottom righthand corner.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int clrtoeol(void)
- int wclrtoeol(win)
- On the next call to refresh(), the window will be cleared from the
- current position to the end of the line.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int delch(void)
- int wdelch(WINDOW *win)
- int mvdelch(int line, int col)
- int mvwdelch(WINDOW *win, int line, int col)
- These routines delete the character at the current position, the rest
- of the line to the right of this character is slid along to the left
- to fill the gap. This can be very useful in editors and the like.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int getch(void)
- int wgetch(WINDOW *win)
- int mvgetch(int line, int col)
- int mvwgetch(WINDOW *win, int line, int col)
- These routines return the next character from the keyboard. If
- cbreak() has been called then they return as soon as there is a
- character to read else they wait for a <CR> before returning. If
- nodelay() has been called then they will return a character if there
- is one or ERR if not.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, the character read is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int getstr(void)
- int wgetstr(WINDOW *win)
- int mvgetstr(int line, int col)
- int mvwgetstr(WINDOW *win, int line, int col)
- These routines should be used to read a string in from the keyboard.
- Delete is processed for you.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int inch(void)
- int winch(WINDOW *win)
- int mvinch(int line, int col)
- int mvwinch(WINDOW *win, int line, int col)
- These routines return the character at the current position in the
- window or stdscr if the window is not required.
- The routines that take a line and column move the cursor to that
- position in the window and then return the char at that position.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int insch(void)
- int winsch(WINDOW *win)
- int mvinsch(int line, int col)
- int mvwinsch(WINDOW *win, int line, int col)
- These routines insert a character at the current window position, or at
- the specified position in the "mv" cases. The remainder of the line is
- shifted along to the right to make room. The character at the far right
- is lost.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int insertln(void)
- int winsterln(WINDOW *win)
- These routines insert one line at the current window position.
- All of the lines below are shifted down and the bottom line is lost.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int deleteln(void)
- int wdeleteln(WINDOW *win)
- These routines delete one line at the current window position.
- All of the lines below are shifted up into the space and the bottom line
- is left blank.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int move(int line, int col)
- int wmove(WINDOW *win, int line, int col)
- These routines set the current coordinates to "line" and "col". The
- next text added to this window will then go at this position.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int refresh(void)
- int wrefresh(WINDOW *win)
- refresh() will cause all outstanding characters for stdscr to be sent.
- wrefresh() will do the same a refresh but on the window specified.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int wnoutrefresh(WINDOW *win)
- int doupdate(void)
- Will cause "win" to be refreshed when doupdate() is next called.
- You can then wnoutrefresh() several windows and make one call to
- doupdate() to do all the updates at once.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned
- int fixterm(void)
- This function does nothing on the Amiga, it is provided to allow
- programs that use it to link without trouble.
- Return value
- ============
- OK is returned.
- int flushinp(void)
- This function empties the keyboard buffer. It will trash all
- characters that have been buffered up.
- Return value
- ============
- OK is returned.
- int idlok(WINDOW *WinPtr, int flag)
- This fuction enables hardware insert & delete line. This does not
- currently have any effect.
- Return value
- ============
- OK is returned.
- int saveterm(void)
- int resetterm(void)
- saveterm() saves the current terminal settings and resetterm() resets
- the terminal to the state it was in when the last save was done. On
- the Amiga, they have no effect.
- Return value
- ============
- OK is returned.
- int savetty(void)
- int resetty(void)
- savetty() saves the current terminal settings and resettty() resets
- the terminal to the state it was in when the last save was done. On
- the Amiga, they have no effect.
- Return value
- ============
- OK is returned.
- int mvcur(int oldline, int oldcol, int newline, int newcol)
- This will move the cursor to the position specified by "newline" and
- "newcol". The move is immediate and so refresh() does not need to be
- called, in fact a call to refresh() will cause the cursor to be moved
- after the last char printed during that refresh.
- oldline and oldcol are currently ignored.
- Return value
- ============
- On Success, OK is returned.
- On error, ERR is returned