home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- f m . c
- - curses-based binary file modifier
- - default for terminfo curses
- - compile with -DM_TERMCAP for termcap curses (an after-thought...)
- - seems to work on files, devices, and directories(read only)
- - developed for AT&T Unix 3.2.2 and Xenix 2.3.2 (System V/386)
- Copyright (c) Tony Field April-1990
- Permission is given to distribute the source and documentation files
- and/or compiled binaries associated with fm as long as no monies are
- exchanged for their use or distribution.
- No responsibility is taken for any errors on inaccuracies inherent
- either to the comments or the code of this program, but, if reported
- to me, an attempt will be made to fix them.
- Author: Tony Field
- tony@ajfcal
- */
- #ifdef AMIGA
- #define M_TERMCAP
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <curses.h>
- #ifndef AMIGA
- #define min(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
- #define max(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- #define BSIZE 256 /* size of window onto file */
- #define FIRSTL 3 /* first screen line */
- #define FIRSTH 6 /* first hex column */
- #define FIRSTA 58 /* first alpha column */
- #define FWD ('F' & 0x1f) /* next page */
- #define BAK ('B' & 0x1f) /* previous page */
- #define DON ('d' & 0x1f) /* done/quit */
- #define ASC ('a' & 0x1f) /* ascii side */
- #define HEX ('h' & 0x1f) /* hex side */
- #define UND ('u' & 0x1f) /* undo current changes */
- #define JMP ('g' & 0x1f) /* goto address */
- #define STX ('t' & 0x1f) /* text (ascii) search */
- #define SHX ('x' & 0x1f) /* number (hex) search */
- #define PRI ('p' & 0x1f) /* print to file */
- char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
- int byte_pos; /* current byte editing in buffer */
- int maybe_dirty; /* user may have changed data */
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int fp;
- char fname[200];
- char fbuf[BSIZE]; /* file i/o buffer */
- char wbuf[BSIZE]; /* work buffer copy of fbuf*/
- long fpos, fsearch; /* current file position */
- long max_fpos; /* end of file byte */
- int nbytes; /* number of bytes read */
- int key, yesno;
- char resp[100]; /* user response */
- char stext[100]; /* last ascii search string*/
- char shex[100]; /* last hex search string */
- char hexstring[50];
- long search (); /* search function */
- int nn;
- struct stat statbuf;
- int rwmode; /* file r/w or r/o mode */
- FILE *pfile = NULL; /* print file */
- if (argc == 1)
- usage ();
- /* determine size - for directories or regular files. */
- strcpy (fname, argv[1]);
- stat (fname, &statbuf);
- if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR
- || (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- max_fpos = (long) statbuf.st_size;
- else
- max_fpos = 1999999999; /* infinity??? */
- if ((fp = open (fname, O_RDWR)) == -1)
- { if ((fp = open (fname, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
- { printf ("file %s is unavailable\n", fname);
- exit (1);
- }
- rwmode = 0; /* read only */
- }
- else
- rwmode = 1; /* read/write */
- initscr ();
- erase ();
- noecho ();
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- raw ();
- nl();
- #endif
- keypad (stdscr, TRUE);
- key = 0;
- fpos = 0;
- byte_pos = 0;
- stext[0] = '\0';
- shex[0] = '\0';
- while (key != DON)
- {
- switch (key)
- {
- case FWD: /* next screen load */
- if (fpos + BSIZE < max_fpos)
- { fpos += BSIZE;
- }
- break;
- case BAK: /* previous screen load */
- fpos -= BSIZE;
- if (fpos < 0L)
- { fpos = 0L;
- byte_pos = 0;
- }
- break;
- case JMP: /* goto byte address */
- echo ();
- mvwaddstr (stdscr, 1, 20, "jump address = ");
- wclrtoeol (stdscr);
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- wgetstr (stdscr, resp);
- sscanf (resp, "%lx", &fpos);
- if (fpos < 0)
- fpos = 0;
- else if (fpos > max_fpos)
- fpos = max_fpos;
- byte_pos = fpos & 0x0ff;
- fpos &= ~((long) BSIZE - 1);
- noecho ();
- break;
- case STX: /* search ascii text */
- echo ();
- if (*stext)
- mvwprintw (stdscr, 2, 20, "( / = use '%s')", stext);
- mvwaddstr (stdscr, 1, 20, "ascii search = ");
- wclrtoeol (stdscr);
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- wgetstr (stdscr, resp);
- noecho ();
- if (resp[0] == '/' && resp[1] == '\0')
- strcpy (resp, stext);
- else
- if (*resp)
- strcpy (stext, resp);
- if ((fsearch = search (fp, resp, strlen (resp), fpos + byte_pos + 1)) != -1)
- { fpos = fsearch;
- byte_pos = fpos & 0x0ff;
- fpos &= ~((long) BSIZE - 1);
- }
- break;
- case SHX: /* search hex string */
- echo ();
- if (*shex)
- mvwprintw (stdscr, 2, 20, "( / = use '%s')", shex);
- mvwaddstr (stdscr, 1, 20, "hex search = ");
- wclrtoeol (stdscr);
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- wgetstr (stdscr, resp);
- if (resp[0] == '/' && resp[1] == '\0')
- strcpy (resp, shex);
- else
- if (*resp)
- strcpy (shex, resp);
- nn = cvthex (resp, hexstring);
- noecho ();
- if ((fsearch = search (fp, hexstring, nn, fpos + byte_pos + 1)) != -1)
- { fpos = fsearch;
- byte_pos = fpos & 0x0ff;
- fpos &= ~((long) BSIZE - 1);
- }
- break;
- case PRI:
- if (pfile == NULL)
- {
- echo ();
- mvwaddstr (stdscr, 1, 20, "print file = ");
- wclrtoeol (stdscr);
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- wgetstr (stdscr, resp);
- if (resp[0] == '\0')
- { noecho ();
- break;
- }
- if ((pfile = fopen (resp, "a+")) == NULL)
- { noecho ();
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- echo ();
- mvwaddstr (stdscr, 1, 20, "print comment = ");
- wclrtoeol (stdscr);
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- wgetstr (stdscr, resp);
- noecho ();
- printit (pfile, resp, fname, fpos + byte_pos, wbuf, nbytes, rwmode);
- break;
- case UND: /* undo current changes */
- break;
- default: ;
- }
- /* get a 256 byte block of file. copy to a working buffer (wbuf) */
- lseek (fp, fpos, 0);
- nbytes = read (fp, fbuf, BSIZE);
- memcpy (wbuf, fbuf, nbytes);
- maybe_dirty = 0;
- display (fname, fpos, wbuf, nbytes, rwmode);
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- /* allow user to modify file */
- if ((key = edit (wbuf, nbytes, fpos, rwmode)) != UND)
- { if (rwmode && maybe_dirty && memcmp (fbuf, wbuf, BSIZE))
- {
- echo ();
- mvwaddstr (stdscr, 1, 20, "apply changes (y/n): ");
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- yesno = wgetch (stdscr);
- noecho ();
- if (tolower (yesno) == 'y')
- { lseek (fp, fpos, 0);
- write (fp, wbuf, nbytes);
- }
- else
- memcpy (wbuf, fbuf, nbytes); /* in case PRInt */
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- if (pfile)
- fclose (pfile);
- close (fp);
- wmove (stdscr, LINES-1, 0);
- wclrtobot (stdscr);
- refresh ();
- noraw ();
- echo ();
- endwin ();
- exit (0);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * display () *
- * display a 256 byte block of file with hex on left and alpha *
- * on right side. *
- ************************************************************************/
- display (fname, fpos, wbuf, nbytes, rwmode)
- char *fname; /* file name */
- long fpos; /* byte # within the file */
- char wbuf[]; /* working data buffer */
- int nbytes; /* number of bytes in wbuf */
- int rwmode; /* read/write or readonly */
- { int i, j, k, m;
- char hbuf[2]; /* working buf to convert byte to hex */
- erase ();
- wmove (stdscr, 0,0);
- wprintw (stdscr, "File: %s %s\nByte: %lx",
- fname, rwmode ? "\0" : "(read only)", fpos);
- for (i = 0, j = FIRSTL; i < nbytes; i += 16, j++)
- {
- /* display hex side */
- wmove (stdscr, j, 0);
- wprintw (stdscr, "%02x", i);
- wmove (stdscr, j, FIRSTH);
- for (k = 0, m = i; k < 48 && m < nbytes; k += 3, m++)
- { ttox (hbuf, wbuf[m]);
- waddch (stdscr, hbuf[0]);
- waddch (stdscr, hbuf[1]);
- waddch (stdscr, ' ');
- }
- /* display ascii side */
- wmove (stdscr, j, FIRSTA);
- for (k = 0, m = i; k < 16 && m < nbytes; k++, m++)
- waddch (stdscr, ttoa (wbuf[m]));
- }
- /* bottom annotation */
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- { wmove (stdscr, j + 1, i * 3 + FIRSTH);
- waddch (stdscr, hex[i]);
- }
- wmove (stdscr, j + 1, FIRSTA);
- waddstr (stdscr, "0123456789abcdef");
- wmove (stdscr, 22, 0);
- waddstr (stdscr, " ^f/pgdn=forward ^h/f1=hex ^x/f3=find hex ^u/f5=undo ^g/f7 =goto");
- wmove (stdscr, 23, 0);
- waddstr (stdscr, " ^b/pgup=backward ^a/f2=ascii ^t/f4=find ascii ^p/f6=print ^d/f10=done");
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * printit () *
- * display a 256 byte block of file with hex on left and alpha *
- * on right side to a print file. *
- ************************************************************************/
- printit (pfile, comment, fname, fpos, wbuf, nbytes, rwmode)
- FILE *pfile; /* print file */
- char *comment; /* comment note */
- char *fname; /* file name */
- long fpos; /* byte # within the file */
- char wbuf[]; /* working data buffer */
- int nbytes; /* number of bytes in wbuf */
- int rwmode; /* read/write or readonly */
- { int i, j, k, m;
- char hbuf[2]; /* working buf to convert byte to hex */
- fprintf (pfile, "File: %s %s\nByte: %lx %s\n",
- fname, rwmode ? "\0" : "(read only)", fpos, comment);
- for (i = 0, j = FIRSTL; i < nbytes; i += 16, j++)
- {
- /* display hex side */
- fprintf (pfile, "%02x ", i);
- for (k = 0, m = i; k < 48 && m < nbytes; k += 3, m++)
- { ttox (hbuf, wbuf[m]);
- fputc (hbuf[0], pfile);
- fputc (hbuf[1], pfile);
- fputc (' ', pfile);
- }
- /* display ascii side */
- fprintf (pfile, " ");
- for (k = 0, m = i; k < 16 && m < nbytes; k++, m++)
- fputc (ttoa (wbuf[m]), pfile);
- fprintf (pfile, "\n");
- }
- /* bottom annotation */
- fprintf (pfile, " ");
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- fprintf (pfile, "%c ", hex[i]);
- fprintf (pfile, " 0123456789abcdef\n\n");
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * edit () *
- * allow user to modify the 256 byte block of text. *
- ************************************************************************/
- edit (wbuf, nbytes, fpos, rwmode)
- char *wbuf; /* working data buffer */
- int nbytes; /* number of bytes in wbuf */
- long fpos; /* byte # in file */
- int rwmode; /* 1 = r/w 0 = read only */
- {
- int key; /* user entered this key */
- static int vmode = HEX; /* remember hex/ascii side of screen */
- int x, y; /* screen coords. */
- int hexa, hexb, cbyte;
- int reflected; /* was a change really done */
- if (byte_pos >= nbytes)
- byte_pos = nbytes - 1;
- if (byte_pos < 0)
- byte_pos = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- mvwprintw (stdscr, 1, 6, "%lx ", fpos + byte_pos);
- whereis (byte_pos, vmode, &x, &y);
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wmove (stdscr, y, x);
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- key = mvwgetch (stdscr, y, x);
- switch (key) /* any user keys or function keys */
- {
- case FWD:
- case KEY_NPAGE:
- return (FWD);
- break;
- case BAK:
- case KEY_PPAGE:
- return (BAK);
- break;
- case KEY_UP:
- if (byte_pos - 16 >= 0)
- { byte_pos -= 16;
- }
- break;
- case KEY_DOWN:
- if (byte_pos + 16 < nbytes)
- { byte_pos += 16;
- }
- break;
- case KEY_LEFT:
- if (byte_pos - 1 >= 0)
- { byte_pos -= 1;
- }
- break;
- case '\n':
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- if (byte_pos + 1 < nbytes)
- { byte_pos += 1;
- }
- break;
- case HEX:
- case KEY_F(1):
- vmode = HEX;
- break;
- case ASC:
- case KEY_F(2):
- vmode = ASC;
- break;
- case SHX:
- case KEY_F(3):
- vmode = HEX;
- return (SHX);
- break;
- case STX:
- case KEY_F(4):
- vmode = ASC;
- return (STX);
- break;
- case UND:
- case KEY_F(5):
- case KEY_UNDO:
- return (UND);
- break;
- case PRI:
- case KEY_F(6):
- return (PRI);
- break;
- case JMP:
- case KEY_F(7):
- return (JMP);
- break;
- case DON:
- #ifdef M_XENIX
- case KEY_F(0):
- #else
- case KEY_F(10):
- #endif
- return (DON);
- break;
- default:
- if (rwmode == 0)
- break;
- /* user typed a key. If in the ascii side,
- allow the overstrike of the ascii value
- If in the hex side, ensure user types
- valid hex digits.
- reflect changes on both sides of the
- display.
- */
- reflected = 0;
- if (vmode == ASC)
- { if (isvalid (key))
- { wattrset (stdscr, A_STANDOUT);
- waddch (stdscr, key);
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- maybe_dirty = 1;
- wbuf[byte_pos] = key;
- reflect_change (byte_pos, HEX, wbuf);
- reflected = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- { hexa = hexb = 0;
- if (isxdigit (key)) /* 1st nibble */
- { wattrset (stdscr, A_STANDOUT);
- waddch (stdscr, key);
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- hexa = key;
- maybe_dirty = 1;
- key = wgetch (stdscr); /* 2nd nibble */
- if (isxdigit (key))
- { waddch (stdscr, key);
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- hexb = key;
- }
- reflected = 1;
- }
- if (hexa)
- { wbuf[byte_pos] &= 0x0f;
- wbuf[byte_pos] |= hexval (hexa) << 4;
- }
- if (hexb)
- { wbuf[byte_pos] &= 0x0f0;
- wbuf[byte_pos] |= hexval (hexb);
- }
- if (hexa || hexb)
- reflect_change (byte_pos, ASC, wbuf);
- }
- if (byte_pos < BSIZE - 1 && (reflected || key == ' '))
- { byte_pos++;
- }
- wattrset (stdscr, 0);
- if (key == UND || key == KEY_F(5))
- return (UND);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * reflect_changes () *
- * ensure the byte is placed on the screen in the appropriate panel. *
- ************************************************************************/
- reflect_change (byte, vmode, wbuf)
- int byte; /* relative byte number of wbuf to use */
- int vmode; /* HEX or ASC side. */
- char *wbuf; /* working data buffer. */
- { int x,y;
- char hbuf[2];
- whereis (byte, vmode, &x, &y);
- wmove (stdscr, y, x);
- if (vmode == ASC)
- { waddch (stdscr, ttoa (wbuf[byte]));
- }
- else
- { ttox (hbuf, wbuf[byte]);
- waddch (stdscr, hbuf[0]);
- waddch (stdscr, hbuf[1]);
- }
- #ifdef M_TERMCAP
- wrefresh (stdscr);
- #endif
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * hexval () *
- * what is the 4-bit hex value of the letter provided? *
- ************************************************************************/
- hexval (c)
- int c; /* 0123456789abcdef expected */
- {
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- return (c - '0');
- else
- return ((tolower (c) - 'a' + 10) & 0x0f);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * whereis () *
- * given the relative byte position of a byte within the 256 byte *
- * buffer, compute the screen coordinates to be used. *
- ************************************************************************/
- whereis (pos, which, x, y)
- int pos; /* relative byte position in wbuf */
- int which; /* HEX or ASC side of display */
- int *x, *y; /* returned x,y coordinate on display */
- {
- if (which == ASC)
- {
- *x = pos % 16 + FIRSTA;
- *y = pos / 16 + FIRSTL;
- }
- else
- {
- *x = (pos % 16) * 3 + FIRSTH;
- *y = pos / 16 + FIRSTL;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * ttox () *
- * for a given character, return the 2 character hex equivalent. *
- ************************************************************************/
- ttox (x, c)
- char x[], c;
- {
- x[1] = hex[c & 0x0f];
- x[0] = hex[(c >> 4) & 0x0f];
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * ttoa () *
- * return useful display equivalents for a character on the ASC side. *
- ************************************************************************/
- int ttoa (c)
- char c;
- {
- if (isvalid (c))
- return ((int) c);
- else
- return ((int) '.');
- }
- isvalid (c)
- int c;
- {
- if (c >= ' ' && c < 127)
- return (1);
- else
- return (0);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * search () *
- * search the file for a string of bytes. return the byte pointer *
- * if found. If not found, return -1 *
- ************************************************************************/
- long search (fp, s, n, here)
- int fp; /* file to search */
- char *s; /* look for this string */
- int n; /* length of s */
- long here; /* current byte position */
- {
- char buf[1000];
- int nn, i, j;
- long ptr;
- ptr = here;
- lseek (fp, ptr, 0); /* position to current byte */
- while ((nn = read (fp, buf, 1000)) != -1 && nn >= n)
- { for (i = 0; i < nn - n + 1; i++)
- { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) /* test string match */
- if (s[j] != buf[i+j])
- break;
- if (j == n)
- { return (ptr + i); /* valid match found */
- }
- }
- ptr += 1000L + (long) (1 - n); /* with n-1 overlap */
- lseek (fp, ptr, 0);
- }
- return (-1L); /* no match found */
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * cvthex () *
- * convert a string of hex 'characters' into bytes. *
- * attempt to allow blanks or not as user sees fit. *
- ************************************************************************/
- cvthex (s, sx)
- char *s; /* input string eg: c524fe */
- char *sx; /* returned packed bytes. */
- {
- int i, n;
- int c1, c2;
- n = 0;
- while (*s)
- { if (*s == ' ')
- { s++;
- continue;
- }
- c1 = hexval (*s++);
- if (*s == ' ')
- sx[n++] = c1;
- else
- { c2 = hexval (*s++);
- sx[n++] = (c1 << 4) | c2;
- }
- }
- return (n);
- }
- usage ()
- {
- printf ("Usage: fm file.name\n");
- exit (0);
- }