home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Program KeyDemo;
- {************************************************}
- {* *}
- {* (C) Ian OConnor 1994 *}
- {* *}
- {* This program demonstrates implementing *}
- {* GadTools Gadgets keyboard shortcuts as *}
- {* documented. *}
- {* *}
- {************************************************}
- Uses exec,intuition,gadtools,graphics,amiga,diskfont,
- workbench,utility,keydemowin;
- const
- winname : string = 'CON:5/20/400/50/Key Demo Output'#0;
- var
- done : boolean;
- class : long;
- code : word;
- pimsg : pintuimessage;
- dummy : long;
- pgsel : pgadget;
- gadnumber : long;
- dummybool : boolean;
- PresentMXSelected : byte;
- PresentCycleActive : integer;
- PresentColor : integer;
- SliderPos : integer;
- ScrollerTop : integer;
- begin
- {* Change output window slightly. *}
- {* Only affects workbench running. *}
- WBWindowName:=@winname[1];
- writeln('Key Demo begins...');
- if openlibs then
- begin
- if openwindowmainwindow then
- begin
- PresentMXSelected:=0;
- PresentCycleActive:=0;
- PresentColor:=0;
- SliderPos:=0;
- ScrollerTop:=0;
- done:=false;
- repeat
- dummy:=wait(bitmask(mainwindow^.userport^.mp_sigbit));
- pimsg:=gt_getimsg(mainwindow^.userport);
- while(pimsg<>nil) do
- begin
- class:=pimsg^.class;
- code:=pimsg^.code;
- pgsel:=pgadget(pimsg^.iaddress); {* do not reference unless gadgetup or gadgetdown *}
- gt_replyimsg(pimsg);
- {* Gadget Handling *}
- gadnumber:=99;
- case class of
- idcmp_closewindow :
- gadnumber:=QuitButton;
- idcmp_vanillakey :
- case upcase(chr(code)) of
- 'B' :
- gadnumber:=ButtonGadget;
- 'Q' :
- gadnumber:=QuitButton;
- 'S' :
- dummybool:=ActivateGadget( mainwindowgads[StringGadget], mainwindow, nil);
- 'I' :
- dummybool:=ActivateGadget( mainwindowgads[IntegerGadget], mainwindow, nil);
- 'C' :
- begin
- GT_SetSingleGadgetattr(mainwindowgads[CheckBoxGadget], mainwindow,
- GTCB_Checked,long(not gadselected(mainwindowgads[CheckBoxGadget])));
- gadnumber:=CheckBoxGadget;
- end;
- '0'..'3' :
- begin
- presentmxselected:=code-ord('0');
- GT_SetSingleGadgetattr(mainwindowgads[MXGadget], mainwindow,
- GTMX_Active, presentmxselected);
- gadnumber:=mxgadget;
- end;
- 'Y' :
- begin
- if chr(code)='Y' then dec(PresentCycleActive);
- if chr(code)='y' then inc(PresentCycleActive);
- if PresentCycleActive>3 then
- PresentCycleActive:=0;
- if PresentCycleActive<0 then
- PresentCycleActive:=3;
- GT_SetSingleGadgetattr(mainwindowgads[cycleGadget], mainwindow,
- GTCY_Active, PresentCycleActive);
- gadnumber:=cyclegadget;
- end;
- 'P' :
- begin
- if chr(code)='P' then dec(PresentColor);
- if chr(code)='p' then inc(PresentColor);
- if PresentColor>(1 shl mainwindowdepth)-1 then
- PresentColor:=0;
- if PresentColor<0 then
- PresentColor:=(1 shl mainwindowdepth)-1;
- GT_SetSingleGadgetattr(mainwindowgads[PaletteGadget], mainwindow,
- GTPA_Color, PresentColor);
- gadnumber:=palettegadget;
- end;
- 'L' :
- begin
- if chr(code)='L' then dec(SliderPos);
- if chr(code)='l' then inc(SliderPos);
- if SliderPos>15 then
- SliderPos:=15;
- if SliderPos<0 then
- SliderPos:=0;
- GT_SetSingleGadgetattr(mainwindowgads[SliderGadget], mainwindow,
- GTSL_Level, SliderPos);
- gadnumber:=slidergadget;
- end;
- 'R' :
- begin
- if chr(code)='R' then dec(ScrollerTop);
- if chr(code)='r' then inc(ScrollerTop);
- if ScrollerTop>8 then
- ScrollerTop:=8;
- if ScrollerTop<0 then
- ScrollerTop:=0;
- GT_SetSingleGadgetattr(mainwindowgads[ScrollerGadget], mainwindow,
- GTSc_Top, ScrollerTop);
- gadnumber:=scrollergadget;
- end;
- end;
- idcmp_gadgetup :
- begin
- gadnumber:=pgsel^.gadgetid;
- case pgsel^.gadgetid of
- StringGadget :
- writeln('String entered : ',getstringfromgad(mainwindowgads[StringGadget]));
- IntegerGadget:
- writeln('Integer entered : ',getintegerfromgad(mainwindowgads[IntegerGadget]));
- CycleGadget :
- PresentCycleActive:=code;
- PaletteGadget :
- PresentColor:=code;
- SliderGadget :
- SliderPos:=code;
- ScrollerGadget :
- ScrollerTop:=code;
- end;
- end;
- idcmp_gadgetdown :
- begin
- gadnumber:=pgsel^.gadgetid;
- case pgsel^.gadgetid of
- mxgadget :
- presentmxselected:=code;
- ScrollerGadget :
- ScrollerTop:=code;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {* These are the same for both gadgetup and vanillakey *}
- {* so to save code do only once. *}
- {* Not much saving in these case but can get important. *}
- case gadnumber of
- ButtonGadget :
- writeln('Button Activated.');
- QuitButton :
- begin
- done:=true;
- writeln('Bye...');
- end;
- CycleGadget :
- writeln('Cycle Active : ',PresentCycleActive);
- PaletteGadget :
- writeln('Palette Color : ',PresentColor);
- CheckBoxGadget :
- writeln('CheckBox checked ? : ',gadselected(mainwindowgads[CheckBoxGadget]));
- MXGadget :
- writeln('MX Selected : ',presentmxselected);
- SliderGadget :
- Writeln('Slider Position : ',SliderPos);
- ScrollerGadget :
- Writeln('Scroller Top : ',ScrollerTop);
- end;
- pimsg:=gt_getimsg(mainwindow^.userport);
- end;
- until done;
- closewindowmainwindow;
- end
- else
- writeln('Error : Could not open window.');
- closelibs;
- end
- else
- writeln('Error : Could not open libraries.');
- end.