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- The Designer V1.42
- (C) Ian OConnor 1994
- This program is copyright (C) Ian OConnor 1994. You may distribute the
- demo version as freely as you like as long as you do not charge more than
- a reasonable fee to do so. You may not, however, change any of the files
- supplied , other than to compress them, and any distribution must include
- them all in full.
- You may not distribute the full registered version of the Designer at
- all. The demo version has 'Demonstration Version' written in the about
- window. This software is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind,
- either expressed or implied. The author is not responsible for any damage
- or loss of data due to use of this program, these are solely the users
- concern.
- Registered users can upgrade their programs using the demo version by
- clicking on an extra button in the main window which does not appear on
- registered versions. See Designer.Guide, upgrading, for more info.
- The Designer can be run from the program disk itself or you can copy it
- onto another disk, such as a hard disk. You need not copy all the files,
- here is a description of them :
- Readme : This file.
- Designer : The program, you probably want this.
- Designer.Guide : Help file, not necessary but helpful.
- CProducer : Program required to produce C source.
- PasProducer : Program required to produce Pascal
- source.
- Directories : AllKindsDemo : All gadgets supported demonstrated.
- ToggleDemo : Toggle buttons.
- KeyDemo : Demo of keyboard shortcuts.
- MultipleDemo : Demo using multiple copies of windows.
- LocaleDemo : Demo using several languages.
- All the files must be in the same drawer as the Designer, except the
- demos. To copy to a hard drive just drag the required files to the
- destination directory, if you are upgrading a registered version
- it can be done for you.
- A preferences file will be stored on your boot disk if you Save
- preferences, when run from this boot disk in future those preferences
- will be loaded. You will probably want to do this to get rid of the
- About Window on running.
- The demo version is virtually identical to the registered version but
- the Save option on the Designer itself is partly disabled. To obtain
- the full version send 20 pounds sterling to this address :
- Ian OConnor
- 3 Askerton Close
- Nine Elms
- Swindon
- Wiltshire
- SN5 9XB
- UK
- I will then send you a full version of the designer as soon as possible.
- This will be approximately the same as the demo version with the save
- fully enabled.
- The money must be in a cheque or money order in sterling and drawable on
- a UK bank, please allow some time for delivery. The cost includes postage
- and packing, airmail if outside UK. Please state your address clearly.
- Their is no time limit on the demo, you may use it as much as you like,
- but you may not edit any of the files or re-distribute them in any form
- other than the origonal distribution.
- To produce the full demos source you cannot use the Generate option in
- the Demo Designer because this saves the current data and will not save
- it all .You must use the producers from the Shell or Workbench with the
- filenames as parameters or selected respectively.
- I hope you enjoy using this program and think it worthwhile
- Ian OConnor
- V1.0
- -First public release as demo.
- V1.1
- -Few odd bug fixes.
- -Can scale windows to use screen font.
- -Can produce a Main which should compile and run without editing.
- V1.2
- -Couple more bug fixes.
- -Supports scaling of CheckBox and MX kind in V39+.
- -V39 tags for Text and Number kinds.
- -Ability to upgrade registered versions from demo version.
- -Support inclusion of your files in produced source, which with
- -Ability to add extra parameters to produced functions allows
- -Proper Multiple Windows Support, see the MultipleDemo.
- (Pascal shared message port code did not work previously, sorry.)
- -Can now add EditHooks, DisplayHooks etc. to some gadgets.
- -Producers tidied up a bit.
- -Demos changed because of space considerations, MenuDemo and ScalingDemo
- now produce their own Main files, see V1.1.
- V1.3
- -Another bug fixed.
- -Magnify Window added to edit window screen, select from menu.
- -Merge Designer file option added, select from menu.
- -AllKindsDemo now scales to screen font and produces its own main file.
- -Scaling Demo removed.
- -Keyboard shortcuts added to edit window tools window.
- -SuperBitMap window support added.
- -Updated so that all produced menus are NewLookMenus in V39.
- -Added a few V39 tags to window tags window.
- V1.4
- -Import GadToolsBox .GUI files using GTX library, see file operations.
- -Size several gadgets simultaneously.
- -Demo executables removed to fit distribution on one FFS floppy disk.
- -MenuDemo and AllKindsDemo merged.
- -Full locale support added, requires WB3.0 include files in C.
- -Locale demo added, German is default language, English and French
- Catalogs.
- V1.42
- -Assorted feature modifications (bug fixes).
- -Couple of new code options for CProducer.