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- 0m
- 41m 0m
- 40m 41m 32mDiceConfig V2.0 31m 0m
- 40m 41m 0m
- 40m 41m 32m© 33mLF31m 33mSoft 32m1992-9331m 0m
- 40m 41m 0m
- 0m
- 0;33;1m ^ 0m
- 0;33;1m/31m!33m\0m CAUTION : DiceConfig 2.0 is WORKBENCH ONLY, and need KS 2.0+ &
- 0;33;1m¯T¯0m ~~~~~~~~ ReqTools.library 38+.
- 0;4;1mDisclamer :0m
- DiceConfig V2.0 is SHAREWARE, Following is for EVALUTIONs versions only
- as REGISTERED version CAN'T be distribued in any ways :
- - All part of this distribution MUST NOT be changed in any way ( Except
- for use of archivers ( Lha, ... ) or crunchers ( PowerPacker,
- TurboImploder, ... ). I add the .cd file for making new catalogs.
- are not mine but New catalogs are wellcome ( feel free for sending a
- copy ).
- - DiceConfig mustn't be sold with commercial product.
- - The price of DiceConfig disk must be resonable, not higher than a
- Fred Fish disk.
- - Distribution is granted for Fred Fish and CAM libraries.
- - The registered version MUST NOT be distribued or copied in any way.
- 0;4;1mTo register :0m
- The register fees is only 100 FF, $20 (or equivalent in other currency)
- This give you a free update.
- My address is :
- Laurent Faillie
- "Les Vuardes"
- 74930 Pers-Jussy
- 0;4;1mShort introduction :0m
- DiceConfig is a new frontend for Dice C compiler, with a fine (I hope!)
- GUI based on GadTools.library and feeling of WB 2.0+. Under 2.1+, it can
- be localized. It run Dcc using System() or it can send commands to an
- ARexx port ( to Csh for example ). Work even if Arexx isn't running !
- The GUI is font sensitive and can be iconified using standard zoom gadget.
- DiceConfig can be customized by setting Tools Type in its icon & filling
- a configuration file. As in V1.x, up to 16 externals libraries can be
- linked using gadgets.
- Unlike most of EVALUATION versions, no options dislabed ( you can save,
- load any number of project you want ) but a #?*@ requester come up every
- 2 minutes.
- 0;4;1mTools types :0m
- EXECUTE (default) : Use System() for running the compiler.
- AREXX : Send CMD as an Arexx message.
- AREXX_PORT=<name> : In Arexx mode, the name of an ARexx port.
- (default :rexx_csh).
- START_CMD=<command line>
- : Command to run at the beginning of DiceConfig.
- ie: for starting a slave CSH... See Start_CSH script.
- (default : nothing).
- RX_END_CMD=<cmd> :In Arexx mode,command to send when the user quit
- DiceConfig2.0. (Default : bye).
- CMD=<command line> :The command for running the compiler. Use a C-like
- format where %f is swapped w/ a name of a file holding
- all sources files name ( See @ option of DCC ),
- %r is swapped w/ the name of the output
- file ( the name of the project).
- (Default : Dcc @%f -o%r)
- CMD_AFF=<cmd> : Command for displaying errors messages.
- (Default : More)
- CMD_ED=<cmd> : Editor. (Default : Ed)
- DBG_LIB=<library> : A link-library added if DEBUG <> 0. eg debug.lib
- (default : None)
- NOTE: Other debug options may be added after the library name. eg:
- DBG_LIB=Debug.lib -lDDebug.lib -d1
- Link w/ Debug.lib, DDebug.lib and add a debug level 1 hunk.
- CC_STACK=<stack size>
- : The stack for the compiler (default : 10000).
- CMD_STACK=<cmd> : In ARexx mode, the name of stack command.
- eg for Csh : stack %d. (Default : Nothing)
- TOOLS_STACK=<stack size>
- : The stack for CMD_AFF & CMD_ED.
- NOTE : DiceConfig always laught CMD_AFF & CMD_ED using System().
- 0;4;1mThe configuration file :0m
- DiceConfig V2.0 need a configuration file named
- dcc:config/DiceConfig.cfg
- (0) 42m TST0 Test file 0m
- (1) 42m -2.0 -ms -// 0m
- (2) 42m Math 0m
- (3) 42m -lm 0m
- 42m 0m
- Line 0 contain the file version 'TST0'. Only the 4 firsts characteres
- are important,
- Line 1 contain always specified options ( like OS version ),
- Further couple of lines contains libraries to link with. First the
- name diplayed in the gadget ( as line 2 ), and, secondly , the dcc's
- options. In this example, only one gadget is used [Math] and , when
- selected, '-lm' is added in DccOpts.
- All lines starting by '#' is ignored (comments).
- Note : You can still use 1.x version of DiceConfig ( for simple file
- project for example ) as configuration file of 1.x is
- Dlib:DiceConfig.cfg
- 0;4;1mThe GUI :0m
- DiceConfig V2.0 is basicaly a window:
- ______________________________________________________________0m
- 42m[C]43m 32mDiceConfig V2.031m 42m[I][D]0m
- 40m | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |0m
- | Files List Project 42m[¯¯¯¯33m131m¯¯¯¯]40m |0m
- | Stat42m[][¯¯¯¯33m431m¯¯¯¯]40m +------------------------+ 42m[33m231m]40m Dir 42m[¯¯¯¯33m331m¯¯¯¯]40m |0m
- |Output42m[][¯¯¯¯33m531m¯¯¯¯]40m | 42m 41m 40m | |0m
- | Regs42m[][¯¯¯¯33m631m¯¯¯¯]40m | 42m 41m 40m | Libraries |0m
- | | 42m 41m 40m | |0m
- |42m[][¯¯33m731m¯¯][][¯¯¯33m831m¯¯]40m | 42m 41m 40m | 42m[¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯][¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯]40m|0m
- |42m[][¯¯33m931m¯¯][][¯¯33m1031m¯¯]40m | 42m 41m 40m | 42m[¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯][¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯]40m|0m
- | Code Datas | 42m 41m 40m | 42m[¯¯¯¯¯43m¯¯¯]42m[¯¯43m¯¯¯¯¯42m¯]40m|0m
- | 33m1131m 33m1231m | 42m 33m2 131m 41m 40m | 42m[¯¯¯¯43m¯42m¯¯¯43m]42m[¯43m¯42m¯¯¯¯43m¯42m¯]40m|0m
- | New42m[]40m 33m 31m Unix42m[]40m | 42m 41m 40m | 42m[¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯43m]42m[¯¯¯¯¯¯43m¯42m¯]40m|0m
- | 33m1331m Prototype42m[]40m | 42m 41m 40m | 42m[¯¯¯¯¯¯43m¯¯42m][¯¯¯¯43m¯¯42m¯¯]40m|0m
- | 33m1431mIn line calls42m[]40m | 42m 30;41m^31;40m | 42m[¯¯¯¯¯43m¯42m¯¯][¯¯¯43m¯42m¯¯¯¯]40m|0m
- | 33m1531mDynamic stack42m[]40m | 42m 30;41mv31;40m | 42m[¯¯¯43m¯¯¯¯¯]42m[¯43m¯¯¯¯¯¯42m¯]40m|0m
- | +------------------------+ 42m[¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯][¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯]40m|0m
- | Debug42m[#¯¯33m1631m¯¯¯][]40m 42m[¯¯Add¯¯][¯Edit¯][Remove]40m 42m[ Compile ]40m |0m
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------+0m
- 33m1731m 33m1831m 33m1931m 33m200m
- C,I,D are the standard WB's gadget ( respectively Close, Iconify and
- Depth),
- 1: Enter the name of the project ( executable's name ),
- 2 & 3: The directory where the executable is created,
- 4: The profiling level ( see dcc doc ),
- 5: Select the output file class ( Executable, Pure, asm or object ),
- NOTE: If object is selected, project name and destination directory are
- ignored, resulting files are stored in the current directory, w/ the source's
- name w/ a .o
- 6: Registers level ( see -mr -mR ... in Dcc docs ),
- 7: The target processor (68000,020,030),
- NOTE: 68010 users should use 68000.
- 8: The MPU (68881,882),
- 9: Code's model ( Small or Large ),
- 10: Datas' model,
- 11: Set the 'new' option,
- 12: Set the Unix compatibility,
- 13: Set if Dcc check prototyping,
- 14: Use #pragmas
- 15: Set the dynamique stack option,
- 16: Debug level, ( doesn't touch dcc's -d )
- 17: Add a file in list,
- 18: Edit the selected file,
- 19: Remove the selected file from the list,
- 20: Start compilation,
- 21: Files' list. Contain all sources' files ( .c,.a or .o but no .h )
- 22: Libraries to link with.
- Use menu item for loading or saving projects. When you load a project
- all options is set as saved, exept for Debug reseted to 0.
- Setting Debug level different than 0 produce a #define DEBUG=level and
- inclusion of a symbol hunk. Setting Debug to 0 doesn't define DEBUG at
- all.
- 0;4;1mBugs & tips :0m
- * 2.07.54R version of Dice have a mistake causing Dcc to delete objects
- files if compilation is successfull. So -new option can't work !. You can
- find 2 CSH scripts named Multi_Dcc_F.sh for using this feature. Set
- DiceConfig 2.0 in Arexx mode, run a slave CSH (done by Start_Csh script)
- and set
- CMD=Multi_Dcc_F %f %r
- The best answer is to modify Dcc ( source is in cc directory ). Line 1125
- add 'if(!NewOpt)' as following :
- /*
- * Delete temporary objects
- */
- if(!NewOpt){
- NameNode *nn;
- for (nn = GetHead(&FList); nn; nn = GetSucc(&nn->n_Node)) {
- if (nn->n_IsType & IS_TMP)
- remove(nn->n_In);
- }
- }
- * DiceConfig may not find Dice if it is not resident and if his path
- is not specified in the starting shell. It's because, paths are locals.
- Two answers :
- - Set DiceConfig in Arexx mode and the new slave shell creat the path
- ( see Start_CSH script ),
- - CSH 5.31+ can set a global path ( path -g )
- * In Arexx mode, don't hit CTRL-C or CTRL-D in the shell window. It seems
- that the window store breaks signals and it's not possible to start new
- compilation in this shell.
- * If an options of Dcc is wrong ( or unsuported ), DiceConfig may say
- the compilation is successfull but nothing is done. Start in Arexx mode
- and errors are printed in the shell window.
- * The GUI is font sensitive, Topaz/8 is used if default font is too large.
- On the other hand, short fonts cause an overlaping of gadgets ( 'cause
- some have a fixed width ).
- * If you use auto-openning of shared libraries, remember that Dice doesn't
- check for a version number. ( During the betha-testing, preversion of
- DiceConfig cause a guru only on a 3000. After many hours of #?%$!, i found
- the system have only reqtools v37 instead of 38 ... Fixed in this version )
- * Note for priors versions of Dice: DiceConfig 2.0 is basicaly for dice
- v 2.07.54R, but it work w/ older versions. Remember: Do not use option
- unsuported. In a first time, try in ARexx mode for watching if no options
- hurt Dcc.
- 0;4;1mFuturs :0m
- - Gadget for setting OS version,
- - Icons for project,
- - AppIcon, AppWindow,
- - An help mode (but I have curently some problemes w/ AmigaGuide.library),
- - Use of DMake instead of Dcc for bether support of dependancies ( as
- Dcc doesn't check for a change in a .h file),
- - real support of Arexx ( not only for sending commands to Csh ),
- 0;4;1mInformations :0m
- DiceConfig 2.0 was programmed on a 68010 based A1000, 6Mb, HD 52Mb,
- WB 2.1, KS 37.210, with Dice V2.07.54R and Csh 5.19 & 5.31. The GUI
- was created using GadToolsBox V2.0b © 1991-1993 Jaba Development.
- Dice & Csh are © M.Dillon ( Csh 5.19 by U.Dominik Mueller & 5.31 by
- Andreas M. Kirchwitz). ReqTools.library is © Nico François.
- The Rexx routine is based on rxsend of CSH 5.19.
- The sources code of DiceConfig 2.0 is 70Kb long, and take 3 minutes
- to compile. It was tested also on a standard WB3.0 A1200 ( 68020 ),
- WB3.0 & KS 3.1 A2000 (68000), WB2.1 A3000 (68030) and KS3.1 WB3.1
- A4000.
- DiceConfig 2.0 was successfuly tested w/ Enforcer & MungWall.
- Installer and Installer project icon
- (c) Copyright 1991-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- Reproduced and distributed under license from Commodore.
- Installer can be found in your WB 2.0+ installation disk.
- Tanks to Sebastien Bouchex for Betha testing.
- Tanks to Frank Geider for many DPs he send to me,
- Tanks to Bruno Anthoine for the test on A1200,
- Tanks to Animage Production for the ßtest on A3000 w/ enforcer,
- Tanks to Matt Dillon for Dice,Dmouse, and many other tools flying over
- my system,
- Tanks to SomeWare for importing registered version of Dice in FRANCE.
- Tanks to Fred Fish for his libraries.
- He!! Commodore, don't forget olds machives: Amiga 1000 still better
- than PCs or Macs ... Support the OLD FATHER.
- 0;4;1mThe history :0m
- 1.0 02-09-1992 First version. Freeware and Cli based, few options
- and only 10 libraries...
- 1.1 26-06-1993 aesthetics changes only.
- 2.0ß8 02-10-1993 first full working Betha version.
- 2.0ß9 12-10-1993 Add keys to configurations and projects files, move
- configuration to Dcc:Config/. Bugs & MungWalls hits
- fixes. File field of requester doesn't still holding
- garbages characteres. Fixe -@ bug of default CMD.
- Add CMD_STACK tools type.
- 2.0ß10 19-10-1993 Add locale's code. Creat french catalog.
- Add shareware requester.
- 2.0 06-11-1993 Release of DiceConfig 2.0, fixe a bug if reqtools < 38
- is installed ( see bugs & tips ).