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- From smtp Sat Dec 11 05:23 MST 1993
- >From geider Sat Dec 11 11:38:19 MET 1993 remote from amigdr.gna.org
- Received: from tfd.com (port24.herndon.va.pub-ip.psi.net) by cygnus.com (4.1/SMI-4.1)
- id AA11697; Sat, 11 Dec 93 04:12:43 PST
- Received: from afp.com by tfd.com with UUCP id AA14212
- (5.65b/IDA-1.4.3 for fnf@fishpond.cygnus.com); Sat, 11 Dec 93 07:11:51 -0500
- Received: from gna.gna.org by afp.com (5.65c8/IDA/mb) with SMTP
- id AA14499 for <fnf@fishpond.cygnus.com>; Sat, 11 Dec 1993 12:03:51 -0500
- Received: from amigdr.gna.org by gna.gna.org with uucp
- (Smail3.1.28.1 #11) id m0p8S5q-0000sEC; Sat, 11 Dec 93 12:02 MET
- Received: by amigdr.gna.org (V1.16/Amiga)
- id AA0042l; Sat, 11 Dec 93 11:38:19 MET
- Received: from amigdr.gna.org by fishpond.cygnus.com; Sat, 11 Dec 93 05:23 MST
- Date: Sat, 11 Dec 93 11:38:19 MET
- Content-Type: text
- Message-Id: <9312111038.AA0042k@amigdr.gna.org>
- X-Mailer: //\\miga Electronic Mail (AmiElm 2.253)
- Return-View-To: geider@amigdr.gna.org (Frank Geider)
- Content-Length: 57083
- From: amigdr.gna.org!geider (Frank Geider)
- To: fishpond.cygnus.com!fnf
- Subject: DICEConfig2.lha
- Status: RO
- Dear Mr Fish,
- One of my friend who can't have Email Access give me his work to send you
- Please if you think that's enought interessant to be inclued in your collection
- put it on.
- Can you send me a little word if you receive this Email, because my UUCP
- connection isn't always very safe.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bien Amicalement
- Frank Geider
- __
- __ /// The Chess Player
- \\\/// FIDO: 2:320/104.10 - 2:320/213.22 - 2:320/201.81
- \XX/ USENET: geider@amigdr.gna.org - geider@amigdr.frmug.fr.net