home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /** DoRev Header ** Do not edit! **
- *
- * Name ! : DropBox.c
- * Copyrigit : Copyright 1993 Steve Anichini. All Rights Reserved.
- * Creation date : 11-Jun-93
- * Translator : SAS/C 5.1b
- *
- * Date Rev Author Comment
- * --------- --- ------------------- ----------------------------------------
- * 26-Jun-93 4 Steve Anichini Split DropBox.c into DropBox.c and DropE
- * 21-Jun-93 3 Steve Anichini Added support for underscore in gadgets.
- * 21-Jun-93 2 Steve Anichini First Release.
- * 12-Jun-93 1 Steve Anichini Beta Release 1.0
- * 11-Jun-93 0 Steve Anichini None.
- *
- *** DoRev End **/
- #include "DropBox.h"
- #include "window.h"
- #ifdef LATTICE
- int CXBRK(void) { return(0);}
- int chkabort(void) { return(0);}
- #endif
- struct Library *IFFParseBase;
- struct Library *IconBase;
- struct Library *WorkbenchBase;
- struct Library *CxBase;
- struct Library *GadToolsBase;
- struct Library *UtilityBase;
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase = NULL;
- struct DiskObject *dobj = NULL;
- struct MsgPort *myport = NULL, *brokerport = NULL;
- struct AppIcon *appicon = NULL;
- struct AppMenuItem *appitem = NULL;
- CxObj *broker, *filter, *sender;
- struct NewBroker mybroker =
- {
- 0,
- 0,
- };
- ULONG cxsigflag, apsigflag, winsigflag = 0;
- BOOL end_flag = FALSE;
- BOOL FirstSave = TRUE;
- UBYTE **ttypes;
- BOOL modified = FALSE;
- struct GenPref MainPrefs =
- {
- 0,
- 0,50,
- 640,100,
- {0,0,0}
- };
- /* Globals for SAS/C cback.o */
- long _stack = 5120;
- char *_procname = "DropBox";
- long _priority = 0;
- long _BackGroundIO = 0;
- void InitLibraries()
- {
- if(!(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary("intuition.library", DEF_LOWEST_REV)))
- leave(NO_INTUILIB);
- if(!(GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
- OpenLibrary("graphics.library", DEF_LOWEST_REV)))
- leave(NO_GFXLIB);
- if(!(GadToolsBase = OpenLibrary("gadtools.library", DEF_LOWEST_REV)))
- leave(NO_GADLIB);
- if(!(UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library", DEF_LOWEST_REV)))
- leave(NO_UTILLIB);
- if(!(IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library", DEF_LOWEST_REV)))
- leave(NO_ICONLIB);
- if(!(WorkbenchBase = OpenLibrary("workbench.library", DEF_LOWEST_REV)))
- leave(NO_WORKLIB);
- if(!(CxBase = OpenLibrary("commodities.library", DEF_LOWEST_REV)))
- leave(NO_CXLIB);
- }
- void InitCX(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- UBYTE *hotkey;
- /* Commodities Stuff */
- if(!(brokerport = CreateMsgPort()))
- leave(NO_PORT);
- mybroker.nb_Port = brokerport;
- cxsigflag = 1 << brokerport->mp_SigBit;
- /* Parse Args */
- ttypes = (UBYTE **) ArgArrayInit(argc, argv);
- mybroker.nb_Pri = (BYTE) ArgInt(ttypes, "CX_PRIORITY", 0);
- mybroker.nb_Name = NAME;
- mybroker.nb_Title = TITLE;
- mybroker.nb_Descr = DESC;
- hotkey = (UBYTE *) ArgString(ttypes, "HOTKEY", THEHOTKEY);
- if(!(broker = CxBroker(&mybroker, NULL)))
- leave(NO_BROKER);
- if(!(filter = CxFilter(hotkey)))
- leave(NO_FILTER);
- AttachCxObj(broker, filter);
- if(!(sender = CxSender(brokerport, EVT_HOTKEY)))
- leave(NO_SENDER);
- AttachCxObj(filter, sender);
- if(CxObjError(filter))
- leave(NO_FILTER);
- }
- void InitIcons()
- {
- UBYTE *menu;
- if(!(dobj = GetDiskObjectNew("DropBox")))
- leave(NO_ICON);
- dobj->do_Type = NULL;
- if(!(myport = CreateMsgPort()))
- leave(NO_PORT);
- apsigflag = 1 << myport->mp_SigBit;
- dobj->do_CurrentX = ArgInt(ttypes, "ICON_X", NO_ICON_POSITION);
- dobj->do_CurrentY = ArgInt(ttypes, "ICON_Y", NO_ICON_POSITION);
- if(!(appicon = AddAppIconA(0, 0, NAME,
- myport, NULL, dobj, NULL)))
- leave(NO_APPICON);
- menu = (UBYTE *) ArgString(ttypes, "APPMENU", "YES");
- if(!stricmp(menu, "YES"))
- {
- if(!(appitem = AddAppMenuItemA(1, 0, "DropBox...", myport,
- NULL)))
- leave(NO_APPITEM);
- }
- ActivateCxObj(broker, 1);
- }
- void initialize(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- ULONG err = 0;
- UBYTE *popup;
- UBYTE *file, *dir = NULL, buf[DEFLEN];
- UBYTE *temp = NULL;
- struct DimensionInfo dinfo;
- LONG x, y;
- LONG pri;
- InitLibraries(); /* Open all required libraries */
- InitCX(argc, argv); /* Add us!to the commodities broker list */
- pri = ArgInt(ttypes, "TASK_PRI",0); /* Get task priority tool type */
- if(pri)
- SetTaskPri(FindTask(NULL), pri);
- file = (UBYTE *) ArgString(ttypes, "PREFS", NULL);
- if(file)
- {
- strcpy(buf, file);
- temp = PathPart(buf);
- *temp = '\0';
- dir = buf;
- file = FilePart(file);
- }
- InitIO(file, dir, NULL); /* Init the filenames */
- if(err = JustLoad())
- {
- DisplayErr(err);
- CleanDB();
- InitDB();
- }
- else
- FirstSave = FALSE;
- InitIcons();
- if(!SetupScreen()) /* Set windows to be centered */
- {
- if(GetDisplayInfoData(NULL,(UBYTE *)&dinfo,
- sizeof(struct DimensionInfo),DTAG_DIMS,
- GetVPModeID(&(Scr->ViewPort))))
- {
- x = dinfo.Nominal.MaxX - dinfo.Nominal.MinX;
- y = dinfo.Nominal.MaxY - dinfo.Nominal.MinY;
- DropBoxLeft = (x- DropBoxWidth)/2;
- DropBoxTop = (y - DropBoxHeight)/2;
- SelectLeft = (x - SelectWidth)/2;
- SelectTop = (y - SelectTop)/2;
- }
- CloseDownScreen();
- }
- popup = (UBYTE *) ArgString(ttypes, "CX_POPUP", "NO");
- if(!strnicmp(popup, "YES", 3))
- ShowWindow();
- }
- void CleanWindow(struct Window *win)
- {
- struct IntuiMessage *imsg = NULL;
- while(imsg = GT_GetIMsg(win->UserPort))
- GT_ReplyIMsg(imsg);
- }
- void CleanApp()
- {
- struct AppMessage *msg = NULL;
- while(msg = (struct AppMessage *)GetMsg(myport))
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
- }
- struct MenuItem *GetItem(struct Menu *menu, UWORD mnum, UWORD inum)
- {
- register struct MenuItem *temp = NULL;
- while(mnum && menu)
- {
- menu = menu->NextMenu;
- mnum--;
- }
- if(menu)
- {
- temp = menu->FirstItem;
- while(inum && temp)
- {
- temp = temp->NextItem;
- inum--;
- }
- }
- return temp;
- }
- void ExtractExt(char *ext, char *src, UWORD length)
- {
- char *temp, *file;
- if(file = FilePart(src))
- {
- temp = strrchr(file, '.');
- if(temp)
- {
- strncpy(ext, "#?", length);
- strncat(ext, temp, length);
- }
- else
- strncpy(ext, "", length);
- }
- else
- strncpy(ext, "", length);
- }
- void NewEntry(char *name)
- {
- BOOL ans = FALSE;
- int error = 0;
- struct DBNode *temp;
- struct PatNode *ptemp;
- char ext[DEFLEN];
- struct EasyStruct new =
- {
- sizeof(struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- };
- new.es_Title = ENTRY;
- new.es_TextFormat = ENTRYTEXTFORMAT;
- new.es_GadgetFormat = ENTRYGADGETFORMAT;
- ans = EasyRequest(DropBoxWnd, &new, 0);
- if(ans)
- {
- if(!DropBoxWnd)
- error = ShowWindow();
- if(!error)
- {
- if((temp = (struct DBNode *) NewNode(NT_DBNODE)) &&
- (ptemp = (struct PatNode *) NewNode(NT_PATNODE)))
- {
- UpdateDB();
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(DropBoxGadgets[GD_File_Types],
- DropBoxWnd, NULL, GTLV_Labels, (ULONG) ~0, TAG_END);
- AddNode((struct Node *)temp,DataBase);
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(DropBoxGadgets[GD_File_Types], DropBoxWnd, NULL,
- GTLV_Labels, (ULONG) DataBase, TAG_END);
- ExtractExt(ext,name, DEFLEN);
- FillPatNode(ptemp, ext, PFLG_NOFLAG);
- AddNode((struct Node *)ptemp, temp->db_Pats);
- UpdateDB();
- Select(temp);
- ActivateGadget(DropBoxGadgets[GD_Name], DropBoxWnd, NULL);
- modified = TRUE;
- }
- else
- DisplayErr(NO_MEM);
- }
- else
- DisplayErr(NO_WINDOW);
- }
- }
- struct DBNode *PutUpSelection(struct List *found)
- {
- ULONG oldflags;
- BOOL hide = FALSE, ok = FALSE;
- struct IntuiMessage *msg;
- struct Gadget *gad = NULL;
- ULONG class;
- UWORD code, select = 0;
- if(!Scr)
- if(SetupScreen())
- return (struct DBNode *)found->lh_Head;
- if(OpenSelectWindow())
- {
- if(!DropBoxWnd)
- CloseDownScreen();
- return (struct DBNode *)found->lh_Head;
- }
- if(DropBoxWnd)
- {
- oldflags = DropBoxWnd->IDCMPFlags;
- ModifyIDCMP(DropBoxWnd, NULL);
- }
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(SelectGadgets[GD_SelectGad], SelectWnd, NULL,
- GTLV_Labels, (ULONG) found, TAG_END);
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(SelectGadgets[GD_SelectGad], SelectWnd, NULL,
- GTLV_Selected, select, TAG_END);
- while(!hide)
- {
- WaitPort(SelectWnd->UserPort);
- while(msg = GT_GetIMsg(SelectWnd->UserPort))
- {
- gad = (struct Gadget *) msg->IAddress;
- class = msg->Class;
- code = msg->Code;
- GT_ReplyIMsg(msg);
- switch(class)
- {
- if(gad == SelectGadgets[GD_Cancel])
- {
- hide = TRUE;
- ok = FALSE;
- }
- else
- if(gad == SelectGadgets[GD_Ok])
- {
- hide = TRUE;
- ok = TRUE;
- }
- else
- if(gad == SelectGadgets[GD_SelectGad])
- select = code;
- break;
- GT_BeginRefresh(SelectWnd);
- GT_EndRefresh(SelectWnd, TRUE);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- CloseSelectWindow();
- if(DropBoxWnd)
- ModifyIDCMP(DropBoxWnd, oldflags);
- if(ok)
- return (struct DBNode *) OrdToPtr(select, found);
- else
- return NULL;
- }
- void ExecuteCommand(struct AppMessage *appmsg)
- {
- char com[DEFLEN*2];
- struct DBNode *node = NULL;
- struct List *fnodes = NULL;
- BPTR con;
- register int i;
- for(i = 0; i < appmsg->am_NumArgs; i++)
- if(fnodes = FindDBNode(appmsg->am_ArgList[i].wa_Name))
- {
- if((MainPrefs.gp_Flags&GFLG_SELECTWIN)
- && (CountNodes(fnodes) > 1))
- node = PutUpSelection(fnodes);
- else
- node = (struct DBNode *)fnodes->lh_Head;
- if(node)
- {
- if(err = CreateCommand(node, &appmsg->am_ArgList[i], com))
- DisplayErr(err);
- else
- {
- char constr[DEFLEN];
- if(node->db_Flags & DFLG_SUPOUTPUT)
- strcat(com, " <nil: >nil: ");
- if(node->db_Flags & DFLG_CREATE)
- {
- struct DiskObject *dj;
- char dir[DEFLEN], *st;
- BPTR lock;
- lock = NULL;
- strcpy(dir, node->db_Dest);
- AddPart(dir, appmsg->am_ArgList[i].wa_Name,DEFLEN);
- st = strrchr(dir, '.');
- if(st)
- *st = '\0';
- lock = Lock(dir, ACCESS_READ);
- if(!lock)
- lock = CreateDir(dir);
- if(!lock)
- DisplayErr(NO_CREATEDIR);
- else
- {
- dj = NULL;
- if(MainPrefs.gp_Flags & GFLG_SAVEICON)
- if(dj = GetDefDiskObject(WBDRAWER))
- {
- PutDiskObject(dir, dj);
- FreeDiskObject(dj);
- }
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- }
- sprintf(constr, "CON:%d/%d/%d/%d/DropBox Output/SIMPLE",
- MainPrefs.gp_IOLeft, MainPrefs.gp_IOTop,
- max(MainPrefs.gp_IOWidth,80),
- max(MainPrefs.gp_IOHeight, 40));
- if(!(node->db_Flags & DFLG_SUPOUTPUT))
- {
- if(con = Open(constr, MODE_OLDFILE))
- {
- if(SystemTags(com, SYS_Input, (ULONG) con,
- SYS_Output, (ULONG) con, TAG_DONE))
- DisplayErr(STAGS_FAIL);
- Close(con);
- }
- else
- if(SystemTags(com,TAG_DONE))
- DisplayErr(STAGS_FAIL);
- }
- else
- if(SystemTags(com,TAG_DONE))
- DisplayErr(STAGS_FAIL);
- } // End else/CreateCommand()
- } // end If(node)
- CleanList(fnodes);
- }
- else
- NewEntry(appmsg->am_ArgList[i].wa_Name);
- }
- BOOL Safe(struct Window *wnd)
- {
- LONG err = 0;
- struct EasyStruct safe =
- {
- sizeof(struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- };
- safe.es_Title = SAFE;
- safe.es_TextFormat = SAFETEXTFORMAT;
- safe.es_GadgetFormat = SAFEGADGETFORMAT;
- switch(EasyRequest(wnd, &safe, 0))
- {
- case 0:
- return FALSE;
- case 1:
- return TRUE;
- case 2:
- if(FirstSave)
- {
- FirstSave = FALSE;
- PrefIO(TRUE);
- }
- else
- if(err = JustSave())
- DisplayErr(err);
- else
- modified = FALSE;
- return !modified;
- }
- }
- void HandleAppMsg()
- {
- struct AppMessage *appmsg = NULL;
- while(appmsg = (struct AppMessage *)
- GetMsg(myport))
- {
- switch(appmsg->am_ID)
- {
- case APPICON:
- if(!appmsg->am_NumArgs)
- ShowWindow();
- else
- ExecuteCommand(appmsg);
- break;
- case APPMENU:
- ShowWindow();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *) appmsg);
- }
- }
- void HandleCxMsg()
- {
- CxMsg *msg;
- ULONG msgid, msgtype;
- while(msg = (CxMsg *) GetMsg(brokerport))
- {
- msgid = CxMsgID(msg);
- msgtype = CxMsgType(msg);
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *) msg);
- switch(msgtype)
- {
- case CXM_IEVENT:
- switch(msgid)
- {
- case EVT_HOTKEY:
- ShowWindow();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- switch(msgid)
- {
- ShowWindow();
- break;
- HideWindow();
- break;
- ActivateCxObj(broker, 0);
- break;
- ActivateCxObj(broker, 1);
- break;
- case CXCMD_KILL:
- if(modified)
- {
- if(Safe(DropBoxWnd))
- end_flag = TRUE;
- }
- else
- end_flag = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void loop()
- {
- ULONG sigrcvd;
- sigrcvd = Wait(apsigflag|cxsigflag|winsigflag);
- if(sigrcvd&apsigflag)
- HandleAppMsg();
- if(sigrcvd&cxsigflag)
- HandleCxMsg();
- if((sigrcvd&winsigflag) && DropBoxWnd)
- HandleIntuiMsg();
- }
- void CleanCX()
- {
- struct AppMessage *appmsg = NULL;
- if(broker)
- DeleteCxObjAll(broker);
- if(appitem)
- RemoveAppMenuItem(appitem);
- if(appicon)
- RemoveAppIcon(appicon);
- if(brokerport)
- {
- while(appmsg=(struct AppMessage *)GetMsg(brokerport))
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)appmsg);
- DeletePort(brokerport);
- }
- if(myport)
- {
- while(appmsg=(struct AppMessage *)GetMsg(myport))
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)appmsg);
- DeleteMsgPort(myport);
- }
- if(dobj)
- FreeDiskObject(dobj);
- ArgArrayDone();
- }
- void CleanLibraries()
- {
- if(CxBase)
- CloseLibrary(CxBase);
- if(WorkbenchBase)
- CloseLibrary(WorkbenchBase);
- if(IconBase)
- CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- if(GadToolsBase)
- CloseLibrary(GadToolsBase);
- if(GfxBase)
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)GfxBase);
- if(IntuitionBase)
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
- }
- void leave(ULONG err)
- {
- if(err)
- DisplayErr(err);
- if(Clip)
- FreeNode((struct Node *)Clip);
- if(DropBoxWnd)
- {
- CleanWindow(DropBoxWnd);
- CloseDropBoxWindow();
- }
- if(Scr)
- CloseDownScreen();
- CleanDB();
- CleanCX();
- CleanLibraries();
- OpenWorkBench();
- exit(err);
- }
- void DisplayErr(ULONG err)
- {
- struct EasyStruct Errstruct =
- {
- sizeof(struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "DropBox Warning!",
- "Error:\n %s\nDos Error:\n %s",
- "OK"
- };
- struct AlertMessage MyAlert[] =
- {
- {0,14, " DropBox ", 0xFF},
- {0,24, " Alert ", 0xFF},
- {80,34," ", 0x00}
- };
- LONG DosErr = 0;
- register WORD i;
- WORD temp;
- char Buffer[100];
- BOOL usealert = FALSE;
- DosErr = IoErr();
- if(DropBoxWnd)
- {
- DisplayBeep(Scr);
- if(DosErr <= 0)
- {
- Errstruct.es_TextFormat = (UBYTE *)"Error:\n %s";
- (void)EasyRequest(DropBoxWnd, &Errstruct,NULL, error[err]);
- }
- else
- {
- Fault(DosErr, NULL, Buffer, 100);
- EasyRequest(DropBoxWnd, &Errstruct,NULL, error[err],
- Buffer);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(!IntuitionBase)
- {
- if(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 33))
- usealert = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- DisplayBeep(NULL);
- if(DosErr <= 0)
- {
- Errstruct.es_TextFormat = (UBYTE *)"Error:\n %s";
- (void)EasyRequest(NULL, &Errstruct,NULL, error[err]);
- }
- else
- {
- Fault(DosErr, NULL, Buffer, 100);
- EasyRequest(NULL, &Errstruct,NULL, error[err],
- Buffer);
- }
- }
- if(usealert)
- {
- strcpy(MyAlert[2].AlertText, error[err]);
- if((temp = strlen(MyAlert[2].AlertText)) < 59)
- for(i =0; i < 59-temp; i++)
- strcat(MyAlert[2].AlertText, " ");
- DisplayAlert(RECOVERY_ALERT, (UBYTE *) &MyAlert, 40);
- }
- }
- }
- void main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- initialize(argc, argv);
- while(!end_flag)
- loop();
- leave(NO_ERROR);
- }