home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /** DoRev Header ** Do not edit! **
- *
- * Name : database.c
- * Copyright : Copyright 1993 Steve Anichini. All Rights Reserved.
- * Creation date : 11-Jun-93
- * Translator : SAS/C 5.1b
- *
- * Date Rev Author Comment
- * --------- --- ------------------- ----------------------------------------
- * 03-Jul-93 5 Steve Anichini Near total rewrite of database functions
- * 01-Jul-93 4 Steve Anichini Made CopyDBNode() a macro
- * 01-Jul-93 3 Steve Anichini Added support for SOURCEDIR
- and SOURCEFILE for CreateCommand()
- * 21-Jun-93 2 Steve Anichini First Release.
- * 12-Jun-93 1 Steve Anichini Beta Release 1.0
- * 11-Jun-93 0 Steve Anichini None.
- *
- *** DoRev End **/
- #include "DropBox.h"
- /* State Machine Defines */
- #define SM_START 1
- #define SM_ACHAR 2
- #define SM_LBRA 3
- #define SM_RBRA 4
- #define SM_BCHAR 5
- #define SM_CHAR 6
- #define SM_END 7
- #define SM_ERROR 8
- struct List *DataBase = NULL;
- struct List *MyNewList(ULONG type)
- {
- struct List *temp = NULL;
- if(!(temp = (struct List *) AllocVec(sizeof(struct List), MEMF_PUBLIC)))
- return NULL;
- NewList(temp);
- temp->lh_Type = type;
- return temp;
- }
- void InitDB()
- {
- if(!(DataBase = MyNewList(NT_DBNODE)))
- leave(NO_DATABASE);
- }
- void CleanList(struct List *list)
- {
- struct Node *temp = NULL;
- if(list)
- {
- while(!IsEmpty(list))
- if(temp = RemoveNode(NULL,list))
- FreeNode(temp);
- FreeVec((UBYTE *)list);
- }
- }
- void FreeNode(struct Node *nd)
- {
- switch(nd->ln_Type)
- {
- case NT_PATNODE:
- FreeVec((UBYTE *)nd);
- break;
- case NT_DBNODE:
- CleanList(((struct DBNode *)nd)->db_Pats);
- FreeVec((UBYTE *)nd);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- struct Node *NewNode(ULONG type)
- {
- struct Node *temp;
- struct List *list;
- switch(type)
- {
- case NT_DBNODE:
- if(temp = (struct Node *) AllocVec(sizeof(struct DBNode), MEMF_PUBLIC))
- if(list = MyNewList(NT_PATNODE))
- FillDBNode((struct DBNode *) temp, "--Unamed--", "", "",
- else
- {
- FreeVec((UBYTE *)temp);
- temp = NULL;
- }
- break;
- case NT_PATNODE:
- if(temp = (struct Node *) AllocVec(sizeof(struct PatNode), MEMF_PUBLIC))
- FillPatNode((struct PatNode *)temp, "#?.", PFLG_NOFLAG);
- break;
- default:
- temp = NULL;
- break;
- }
- return temp;
- }
- void InsertNode(struct Node *nd, struct Node *where, struct List *list)
- {
- if(where->ln_Pred)
- Insert(list, nd, where->ln_Pred);
- else
- AddHead(list, nd);
- }
- struct Node *RemoveNode(struct Node *node, struct List *list)
- {
- if(node)
- {
- Remove(node);
- return node;
- }
- else
- return RemTail(list);
- }
- void FillDBNode(struct DBNode *node, char *name, char *dest,
- char *com, char *template, ULONG flags, struct List *pats)
- {
- strcpy(node->db_Name, name);
- node->db_Nd.ln_Type = NT_DBNODE;
- node->db_Nd.ln_Pri = 0;
- node->db_Nd.ln_Name = node->db_Name;
- strcpy(node->db_Pat, "") ; /* Null string for compat. */
- strcpy(node->db_Dest, dest);
- strcpy(node->db_Com, com);
- strcpy(node->db_Template, template);
- node->db_Flags = flags;
- node->db_Pats = pats;
- }
- void FillPatNode(struct PatNode *node, char *pat, ULONG flags)
- {
- strcpy(node->pat_Str, pat);
- node->pat_Nd.ln_Type = NT_PATNODE;
- node->pat_Nd.ln_Pri = 0;
- node->pat_Nd.ln_Name = node->pat_Str;
- node->pat_Flags = flags;
- node->pat_Reserved = 0;
- }
- void CopyDBNode(struct DBNode *dest, struct DBNode *src)
- {
- struct List *list = NULL;
- struct PatNode *pn = NULL, *pn2;
- FillDBNode(dest, dest->db_Name,src->db_Dest,
- src->db_Com, src->db_Template,src->db_Flags, NULL);
- if(src->db_Pats)
- if(list = MyNewList(NT_PATNODE))
- {
- pn = (struct PatNode *) src->db_Pats->lh_Head;
- while(pn->pat_Nd.ln_Succ)
- {
- if(pn2 = (struct PatNode *)NewNode(NT_PATNODE))
- {
- FillPatNode(pn2, pn->pat_Str, pn->pat_Flags);
- AddTail(list, (struct Node *)pn2);
- }
- pn = (struct PatNode *)pn->pat_Nd.ln_Succ;
- }
- dest->db_Pats = list;
- }
- }
- struct List *FindDBNode(char *file)
- {
- struct DBNode *temp;
- struct PatNode *temp2;
- char pat[DEFLEN];
- struct List *list = NULL;
- struct DBNode *new = NULL;
- BOOL found;
- if(!(list = MyNewList(NT_DBNODE)))
- return NULL;
- temp = (struct DBNode *) DataBase->lh_Head;
- while(temp->db_Nd.ln_Succ)
- {
- if(temp->db_Pats)
- {
- temp2 = (struct PatNode *) temp->db_Pats->lh_Head;
- found = FALSE;
- while(!found && (temp2->pat_Nd.ln_Succ))
- {
- ParsePatternNoCase(temp2->pat_Str, pat, DEFLEN);
- if(MatchPatternNoCase(pat, file))
- {
- found = TRUE;
- if(!(new = (struct DBNode *) NewNode(NT_DBNODE)))
- {
- if(IsEmpty(list))
- {
- CleanList(list);
- list = NULL;
- }
- return list;
- }
- CopyDBNode(new, temp);
- strcpy(new->db_Name, temp->db_Name);
- AddTail(list, (struct Node *)new);
- }
- else
- temp2 = (struct PatNode *) temp2->pat_Nd.ln_Succ;
- }
- }
- temp = (struct DBNode *) temp->db_Nd.ln_Succ;
- }
- if(!IsEmpty(list))
- return list;
- else
- {
- CleanList(list);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- int SetState(int cur, char c)
- {
- switch(cur)
- {
- case SM_START:
- if(c != '[')
- {
- if(c != ']')
- return SM_ACHAR;
- else
- return SM_ERROR;
- }
- else
- return SM_LBRA;
- break;
- case SM_ACHAR:
- if(c == '[')
- return SM_LBRA;
- else
- if(c == ']')
- return SM_ERROR;
- else
- if(c != '\0')
- return SM_ACHAR;
- else
- return SM_END;
- break;
- case SM_LBRA:
- if((c != '[') && (c != ']'))
- return SM_BCHAR;
- else
- return SM_ERROR;
- break;
- case SM_BCHAR:
- if(c != ']')
- return SM_ERROR;
- else
- return SM_RBRA;
- break;
- case SM_RBRA:
- if((c != '[') && (c != ']'))
- {
- if(c != '\0')
- return SM_CHAR;
- else
- return SM_END;
- }
- else
- return SM_ERROR;
- break;
- case SM_ERROR:
- return SM_ERROR;
- break;
- }
- return SM_START;
- }
- ULONG ParseToken(struct DBNode *node, struct WBArg *warg, char *com, char *tok)
- {
- char *temp, reallytemp[2];
- int state;
- char storage[DEFLEN], dir[DEFLEN];
- NameFromLock(warg->wa_Lock, dir, DEFLEN);
- AddPart(dir, warg->wa_Name, DEFLEN);
- strcpy(storage, dir);
- *(PathPart(storage)) = '\0'; /*For SOURCEDIR */
- temp = tok;
- reallytemp[1] = '\0';
- if(*temp)
- state = SM_START;
- else
- state = SM_END;
- while(state != SM_END)
- {
- switch(state)
- {
- case SM_START:
- break;
- case SM_ACHAR:
- reallytemp[0] = *temp;
- strcat(com, reallytemp);
- case SM_LBRA:
- temp++;
- break;
- case SM_BCHAR:
- if(!strnicmp(temp, COM,strlen(COM)))
- {
- strcat(com, "\"");
- strcat(com, node->db_Com);
- strcat(com, "\"");
- temp += strlen(COM);
- }
- else
- if(!strnicmp(temp, DEST1, strlen(DEST1)))
- {
- strcat(com, "\"");
- strcat(com, node->db_Dest);
- if(node->db_Flags&DFLG_CREATE)
- {
- // Pray the stack doesn't overflow!!!
- char *t2, name[DEFLEN], thetemp[DEFLEN];
- strcpy(name, warg->wa_Name);
- t2 = strrchr(name, '.');
- if(t2)
- *t2 = '\0';
- strcpy(thetemp, "");
- AddPart(thetemp, name, DEFLEN*2);
- AddPart(thetemp, "a", DEFLEN*2);
- t2 = FilePart(thetemp);
- if(t2)
- *t2 = '\0';
- strcat(com, thetemp);
- }
- strcat(com, "\"");
- temp += strlen(DEST1);
- }
- else
- if(!strnicmp(temp, SOURCE, strlen(SOURCE)))
- {
- if(!strnicmp(temp, SOURCEDIR, strlen(SOURCEDIR)))
- {
- strcat(com, "\"");
- strcat(com, storage);
- strcat(com, "\"");
- temp += strlen(SOURCEDIR);
- }
- else
- if(!strnicmp(temp, SOURCEFILE, strlen(SOURCEFILE)))
- {
- strcat(com, "\"");
- strcat(com, warg->wa_Name);
- strcat(com, "\"");
- temp += strlen(SOURCEFILE);
- }
- else /* SOURCE */
- {
- strcat(com, "\"");
- strcat(com, dir);
- strcat(com, "\"");
- temp += strlen(SOURCE);
- }
- }
- else
- break;
- case SM_RBRA:
- temp++;
- break;
- case SM_CHAR:
- strcat(com, temp);
- break;
- case SM_ERROR:
- return PT_BADTOKEN;
- } /* end of switch */
- state = SetState(state, *temp);
- }
- strcat(com, " ");
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- ULONG CreateCommand(struct DBNode *node, struct WBArg *warg, char *com)
- {
- char str[DEFLEN];
- char *tok[64];
- int numtoks = 0, i;
- strcpy(str, node->db_Template);
- tok[numtoks] = strtok(str, " ");
- while(tok[numtoks])
- {
- numtoks++;
- tok[numtoks] = strtok(NULL, " ");
- }
- strcpy(com, "");
- for(i = 0; i < numtoks; i++)
- if(err = ParseToken(node, warg, com, tok[i]))
- return err;
- return err;
- }
- struct Node *OrdToPtr(UWORD ord, struct List *list)
- {
- int i = 0;
- struct Node *temp;
- BOOL found = FALSE;
- temp = list->lh_Head;
- while(temp->ln_Succ && !found)
- if(i == ord)
- found = TRUE;
- else
- {
- i++;
- temp = temp->ln_Succ;
- }
- if(!found)
- return NULL;
- else
- return temp;
- }
- UWORD PtrToOrd(struct Node *ptr, struct List *list)
- {
- UWORD i = 0;
- struct Node *temp;
- BOOL found = FALSE;
- temp = list->lh_Head;
- while(temp->ln_Succ && !found)
- if( ptr == temp)
- found = TRUE;
- else
- {
- i++;
- temp = temp->ln_Succ;
- }
- if(!found)
- return ~0;
- else
- return i;
- }
- ULONG CountNodes(struct List *list)
- {
- ULONG i = 0;
- struct Node *temp;
- temp = list->lh_Head;
- while(temp->ln_Succ)
- {
- i++;
- temp = temp->ln_Succ;
- }
- return i;
- }
- ULONG Sort(struct List **list)
- {
- struct List *new = NULL;
- struct Node *nd = NULL, *nd2 = NULL, *pred;
- BOOL found;
- if(!(new = MyNewList((*list)->lh_Type)))
- return NO_MEM;
- else
- {
- nd = (*list)->lh_Head;
- while(nd->ln_Succ)
- {
- Remove(nd);
- if(IsEmpty(new))
- AddHead(new, nd);
- else
- {
- pred = NULL;
- nd2 = new->lh_Head;
- found = FALSE;
- while(nd2->ln_Succ && !found)
- if(stricmp(nd->ln_Name, nd2->ln_Name) <= 0)
- {
- Insert(new, nd, pred);
- found = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- pred = nd2;
- nd2 = nd2->ln_Succ;
- }
- if(!found)
- AddTail(new, nd);
- }
- nd = (*list)->lh_Head;
- }
- FreeVec((UBYTE *)(*list));
- *list = new;
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- }