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Text File | 1993-09-03 | 52.0 KB | 1,253 lines |
- Enforcer
- FindHit
- LawBreaker
- Move4K
- RebootOff
- SegTracker
- Enforcer Enforcer
- Enforcer V37 - An advanced version of Enforcer - Requires V37
- Enforcer - A tool to watch for illegal memory accesses
- Enforcer will use the MMU in the advanced 680x0 processors
- to set up MMU tables to watch for illegal accesses to memory
- such as the low-page and non-existent pages.
- To use, run Enforcer (plus any options you may wish)
- If you wish to detach, just use RUN >NIL: <NIL: to start it.
- You can also start it from the Workbench. When started from Workbench,
- Enforcer will read the tooltypes of its icon or selected project icon
- for its options. (See the sample project icons)
- Enforcer should only be run *after* SetPatch.
- If SegTracker is running in the system when Enforcer is started,
- Enforcer will use the public SegTracker seglist tracking for
- identifying the hits.
- The options for Enforcer are as follows:
- QUIET/S - This tells Enforcer to not complain about any invalid
- access and to just build MMU tables for cache setting
- reasons -- mainly used in conjunction with an
- Amiga BridgeBoard in a 68030 environment so that
- the system can run with the data cache turned on.
- In this case,
- RUN >NIL: Enforcer QUIET
- should be placed into the startup-sequence right
- after SetPatch.
- TINY/S - This tells Enforcer to output a minimal hit. The
- output is basically the first line of the Enforcer
- hit. (see below)
- SMALL/S - This tells Enforcer to output the hit line, the
- USP: line, and the Name: line. (This means that
- no register or stack display will be output)
- SHOWPC/S - This tells Enforcer to also output the two lines
- that contain the memory area around the PC where
- the hit happened. Useful for disassembly.
- This option will not do anything if QUIET, SMALL or
- TINY output modes are selected.
- STACKLINES/K/N - This lets you pick the number of lines of stack
- backtrace to display. The default is 2. If set
- to 0, no stack backtrace will be displayed. There
- is NO ENFORCED LIMIT on the number of lines.
- STACKCHECK/S - This option tells Enforcer that you wish all of
- the long words displayed in the stack to be checked
- against the global seglists via SegTracker.
- This will tell you what seglist various return
- addresses are on the stack. If you are not
- displaying stack information in the Enforcer hit
- then STACKCHECK will have nothing to check.
- If you are displaying stack information, then
- each long word will be check and only those which
- are in one of the tracked seglists will be
- displayed in a SegTracker line.
- The output will show the PC address first and
- then work its way back on the stack such that you
- can read it from bottom up as the order of calling
- or from top down as the stack-frame backtrace.
- AREGCHECK/S - This option tells Enforcer that you wish all of
- the values in the Address Registers checked via
- SegTracker, much like STACKCHECK.
- DREGCHECK/S - This option tells Enforcer that you wish all of
- the values in the Data Registers checked via
- SegTracker, much like STACKCHECK.
- DATESTAMP/S - This makes Enforcer output a date and time with each
- hit. Due to the nature of the way Enforcer must
- work, the time can not be read during the Enforcer
- hit itself so the time output will be the last time
- value the main Enforcer task set up. Enforcer will
- update this value every second as to try to not
- use any real CPU time. The time displayed in the
- hit will thus be exact.
- (Assuming the system clock is correct.)
- The date is output before anything from the hit
- other than the optional introduction string.
- DEADLY/S - This makes Enforcer be a bit more nasty. Normally,
- when an illegal read happens, Enforcer returns 0
- as the result of this read. With this option,
- Enforcer will return $ABADFEED as the read data.
- This option can make programs with Enforcer hits
- cause even more hits.
- FSPACE/S - This option will make the special $00F00000 address
- space available for writing to. This is useful for
- those people with $00F00000 boards. Mainly Commodore
- internal development work -- should only be used
- in that enviroment.
- VERBOSE/S - This option will make Enforcer display information
- as to the mapping of the I/O boards and other
- technical information. This information maybe useful
- in specialized debugging.
- LED/K/N - This option lets you specify the speed at which
- the LED will be toggled for each Enforcer hit.
- The default is 1 (which is like it always was)
- Setting it to 0 will make Enforcer not touch
- the LED. Using a larger value will make the
- flash take longer (such that it can be noticed
- when doing I/O models other than the default
- serial output) The time that the flash will
- take is a bit more than 1.3 microseconds times
- the number. So 1000 will be a bit more than
- 1.3 milliseconds. (Or 1000000 is a bit more than
- 1.3 seconds.)
- PARALLEL/S - This option will make Enforcer use the parallel port
- hardware rather than the serial port for output.
- RAWIO/S - This option will make Enforcer stuff the hit report
- (special IO) into an internal buffer and then from the main
- Enforcer process output the results via the
- RawPutChar() EXEC debugging LVO. Since the output
- happens on the Enforcer task it is possible for a
- hit that ends in a system crash to not be able to
- be reported. This option is here such that tools
- which can redirect debugging output can redirect
- the Enforcer output too.
- FILE/K - This option will make Enforcer output the hit report
- (special IO) but to a file insted of sending it to the hardware
- directly or using the RAWIO LVO. A good example of
- such a file is CON:0/0/640/100/HIT/AUTO/WAIT.
- Another thing that can be done is to have a program
- sit on a named pipe and have Enforcer output to it.
- This program can then do whatever it feels like with
- the Enforcer hits. (Such as decode them, etc.)
- *NOTE* It is not a good idea to have Enforcer hits
- go to a file on a disk as if the system crashes
- during/after the Enforcer hit, the disk may
- become corrupt.
- STDIO/S - This option will make Enforcer output the hit report
- (special IO) to STDOUT. This option only works from the CLI as it
- requires STDOUT. It is best used with redirection or
- pipes.
- BUFFERSIZE/K/N - This lets you set Enforcer's internal output buffer
- for the special I/O options. This option is only
- valid with the RAWIO, FILE, or STDIO options.
- The minimum setting is 8000. The default is 8000.
- Having the right amount of buffer is rather
- important for the special I/O modes. The reason
- is due to the fact that no operating system calls
- can be made from a bus error. Thus, in the
- special I/O mode, Enforcer must store the output
- in this buffer and, via some special magic,
- wake up the Enforcer task to read the buffer and
- write it out as needed. However, if a task is
- in Forbid() or Disable() when the Enforcer hit
- happens, the Enforcer task will not be able to
- output the results of the hit. This buffer lets
- a number of hits happen even if the Enforcer task
- was unable to do the I/O. If the number of
- hits that happen before the I/O was able to
- run gets too large, the last few hits will either
- be cut off completely or contain only partial
- information.
- INTRO/K - This optional introduction string will be output
- at the start of every Enforcer hit. For example:
- INTRO="*NBad Program!" The default is no string.
- PRIORITY/K/N - This lets you set Enforcer's I/O task priority.
- The default for this priority is 99. In some
- special cases, you may wish to adjust this.
- It is, however, recommended that if you are using
- one of the special I/O options (RAWIO, FILE, or
- STDIO) that you keep the priority rather high.
- If the priority you supply is outside of the
- valid task priority range (-127 to 127) Enforcer
- will use the default priority.
- NOALERTPATCH/S - This option disables the patching of the EXEC
- Alert() function. Normally Enforcer will patch
- this function to provide information as to what
- called Alert() and to prevent the Enforcer hits
- that a call to Alert() would cause.
- ON/S - Mainly for completeness. If not specified, it
- is assumed you want to turn ON Enforcer.
- QUIT=OFF/S - Tells Enforcer to turn off. Enforcer can also be
- stopped by sending a CTRL-C to its process.
- When running, a set of MMU tables that map addresses that are not
- in the system's address map as invalid such that any access to them
- will cause an access fault. Enforcer will then display this fact
- and generate a diagnostic message as to what the illegal access
- was. The first memory page (the one starting at location 0) is
- also marked as invalid as many programming errors cause invalid
- access to these addresses. These addresses are completely off
- limits to applications.
- When an access violation happens, a report such as the following
- is output.
- 03-Apr-93 21:26:18
- WORD-WRITE to 00000000 data=4444 PC: 07895CA4
- USP: 078D692C SR: 0000 SW: 0729 (U0)(-)(-) TCB: 078A2690
- Data: DDDD0000 DDDD1111 DDDD2222 DDDD3333 DDDD4444 DDDD5555 DDDD6666 DDDD7777
- Addr: AAAA0000 AAAA1111 AAAA2222 AAAA3333 AAAA4444 AAAA5555 07800804 --------
- Stck: 00000000 07848E1C 00009C40 078A30B4 BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB
- ----> 07895CA4 - "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 0000007C
- PC-8: AAAA1111 247CAAAA 2222267C AAAA3333 287CAAAA 44442A7C AAAA5555 31C40000
- PC *: 522E0127 201433FC 400000DF F09A522E 012611C7 00CE4EAE FF7642B8 0324532E
- Name: "New_Shell" CLI: "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 0000007C
- LONG-READ from AAAA4444 PC: 07895CA8
- USP: 078D692C SR: 0015 SW: 0749 (U0)(F)(-) TCB: 078A2690
- Data: DDDD0000 DDDD1111 DDDD2222 DDDD3333 DDDD4444 DDDD5555 DDDD6666 DDDD7777
- Addr: AAAA0000 AAAA1111 AAAA2222 AAAA3333 AAAA4444 AAAA5555 07800804 --------
- Stck: 00000000 07848E1C 00009C40 078A30B4 BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB
- ----> 07895CA8 - "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000080
- PC-8: 247CAAAA 2222267C AAAA3333 287CAAAA 44442A7C AAAA5555 31C40000 522E0127
- PC *: 201433FC 400000DF F09A522E 012611C7 00CE4EAE FF7642B8 0324532E 01266C08
- Name: "New_Shell" CLI: "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000080
- 25-Jul-93 17:15:06
- Alert !! Alert 35000000 TCB: 07642F70 USP: 07657C10
- Data: 00000000 DDDD1111 DDDD2222 DDDD3333 0763852A DDDD5555 DDDD6666 35000000
- Addr: AAAA0000 AAAA1111 AAAA2222 AAAA3333 AAAA4444 0763852A 07400810 --------
- Stck: 076385A0 00000000 0752EE9A 00002800 07643994 00000000 0762F710 076305F0
- ----> 076385A0 - "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000098
- Here is a breakdown of what these reports are saying:
- In the first report, the first line is the date stamp.
- The first line of each report describes the access violation
- and where it happened from. In the case of a WRITE, the data
- that was being written will be displayed as well. If an instruction
- mode access caused the fault, there will be an (INST) in the line.
- The first line may also contain the BUS ERROR message. This will
- be displayed when an address that is valid in the system lists
- causes a physical bus fault during the access. This usually
- will happen with plug-in cards or when a hardware problem causes
- some form of system fault. Watch out, if this does show up, your
- system may be unstable and/or unreliable.
- The second line (starts USP:) displays the USER stack pointer (USP),
- the status register (SR:), the special status word (SW:). It then
- displays the supervisor/user state and the interrupt level. This
- will be from (U0) to (U7) or (S0) to (S7) (S=Supervisor) Next
- is the forbid state (F=forbid, -=not) and the disable state (D or -)
- of the task that was running when the access fault took place.
- Finally, the task control block address is displayed (TCB:)
- The next two lines contain the data and address register dumps from
- when the access fault happened. Note that A7 is not listed here.
- It is the stack pointer and is listed as USP: in the line above.
- Then come the lines of stack backtrace. These lines show the
- data on the stack. If the stack is in invalid memory, Enforcer will
- display a message to that fact.
- If SegTracker was installed before Enforcer, the "---->" lines
- will display in which seglist the given addresses are in based on the
- global tracking that SegTracker does. (See docs on SegTracker)
- If no seglist match is found, no lines will be displayed.
- One line will be displayed for each of the stack longwords asked
- for (see the STACKCHECK option) and one line for the PC address of
- the Enforcer hit. (The PC line is always checked for is SegTracker
- is installed.) The lines are in order: hit, first stack find,
- second stack find, etc. This is useful for tracking down who
- called the routine that caused the Enforcer hit.
- Next, optionally, comes the data around the program counter when the
- access fault happened. The first line (PC-8:) is the 8 long-words
- before the program counter. The second line starts at the program
- counter and goes for 8 long words.
- The last line displays the name of the task that was running when
- the access fault took place. If the task was a CLI, it will display
- the name of the CLI command that was running. If the access fault
- was found to have happened within the seglist of a loaded program,
- the segment number and the offset from the start of the segment will
- be displayed. (Note that this works for any LoadSeg()'ed process)
- Note that the name will display as "Processor Interrupt Level x"
- if the access happened in an interrupt.
- The other output that could happen is when a program or the OS
- calls the EXEC Alert function. Enforcer catches these calls
- and will display the alert information as seen above. (With the
- data and time if needed)
- Enforcer is for software testing. In this role it is vital.
- Software that causes Enforcer hits may well not be able to run on
- newer hardware. (Enforcer hits of high addresses on systems not
- running Enforcer but with a 68040 will most likely crash the system)
- Future systems and hardware will make this even more important. The
- system can NOT survive software that causes Enforcer hits.
- However, Enforcer is NOT a system protector. As a side effect, it
- may well keep a system from crashing when Enforcer hits happen, but
- it may just as well make the software crash earlier. Enforcer is
- mainly a development and testing tool.
- Enforcer causes no ill effects with correctly working software.
- If a program fails to work while Enforcer is active, you should
- contact the developer of that program.
- This is Enforcer V37. Bryce Nesbitt came up with the original
- "Enforcer" that has been instrumental to the improvement in the
- quality of software on the Amiga. The Amiga users and developers
- owe him a great deal for this. Thank you Bryce! Enforcer V37,
- however, is a greatly enhanced and more advanced tool.
- Enforcer V37 came about due to a number of needs. These included
- the need for more output options and better performance. It also
- marks the removal of all kludges that were in the older versions.
- Also, some future plans required some of these changes...
- In addition, the complete redesign was needed in order to also
- support the 68040. The internal design of Enforcer is now set up
- such that CPU/MMU specific code can be cleanly accessed from the
- general house keeping aspect of the code. The MMU bus error
- handling is, however, 100% CPU specific.
- Since AbsExecBase is in low memory, reads of this address are slower
- with Enforcer running. Caching AbsExecBase locally is highly
- recommended since it is in CHIP memory and on systems with FAST
- memory, it will be faster to access the local cached value. (In
- addition to the performance increase when running Enforcer) Note
- that doing many reads of location 4 will hurt interrupt performance.
- When the Amiga produces an ALERT, EXEC places some magic numbers
- into some special locations in low memory. The exact pattern
- changes between versions of the operating system.
- Enforcer will patch the EXEC function ColdReboot() in an attempt to
- "get out of the way" when someone tries to reboot the system.
- Enforcer will clean up as much as possible the MMU tables and then
- call the original LVO. When Enforcer is asked to quit, it will
- check to make sure it can remove itself from this LVO. If it can
- not, it will not quit at that time. If run from the shell, it will
- display a message saying that it tried but could not exit. Enforcer
- will continue to be active and you can try later to deactivate it.
- Enforcer will also patch the EXEC function Alert() in an attempt to
- provide better tracking of other events in the system. It is also
- patched such that dead-end alerts will correctly reset the system
- and be displayed. With this patch in place, the normal alerts will
- not be seen but will be replaced by the Enforcer output shown
- above. See LawBreaker for a more complete example of this.
- 68020 NOTES
- The 68020 does not have a built-in MMU but has a co-processor
- feature that lets an external MMU be connected. Enforcer MMU code
- is designed for use with 68851 MMU. This is the some-what 68030
- compatible MMU by Motorola. Enforcer uses the same code for both
- the 68030 and the 68020/68851. For this reason, 68020/68851 users
- should see the 68030 NOTES section.
- 68030 NOTES
- The 68030 uses cycle/instruction continuation and will
- supply the data on reads and ignore writes during an access
- fault rather than let the real bus cycle happen. This means
- that on a fault caused by MMU tables, no bus cycle to the
- fault address will be generated. (For those of you with analyzers)
- In some cases, the 68030 will have advanced the Program Counter
- past the instruction by the time the access fault happens.
- This is usually only on WRITE faults. For this reason, the PC
- may either point at the instruction that caused the fault or
- just after the instruction that caused the fault. (Which could
- mean that it is pointing to the middle of the instruction
- that caused the fault.)
- Note that there is a processor called 68EC030. This processor
- has a disabled or defective MMU. However, it may function well
- enough for Enforcer to think it has a fully functional MMU and
- thus Enforcer will attempt to run. However, even if it looks like
- the MMU is functioning, it is not fully operational and thus may
- cause strange system activity and even crashes. Do not assume
- that Enforcer is safe to use on 68EC030 systems.
- 68040 NOTES
- Enforcer, on the 68040, *requires* that the 68040.library be
- installed and it requires an MMU 68040 CPU. The 68EC040 does not
- have a MMU. The 68LC040 does have an MMU and is supported. Enforcer
- will work best in a system with the 68040.library 37.10 or better
- but it does know how to deal with systems that do not have that
- version.
- Due to the design of the 68040, Enforcer is required to do a number
- of things differently. For example, the MMU page size can only be
- either 8K or 4K. This means that to protect the low 1K of memory,
- Enforcer will end up having to mark the first 4K of memory as
- invalid and emulate the access to the 3K of that memory that is
- valid. For this reason Enforcer moves a number of possible
- structures from the first 4K of memory to higher addresses. This
- means that the system will continue to run at a reasonable speed.
- The first time Enforcer is run it may need to allocate memory for
- these structures that it will move. Enforcer can never return this
- memory to the system.
- In addition to the fact that the 68040 MMU table size is different,
- the address fault handling is also different. Namely, the 68040 can
- only rerun the cycle and not continue it like the 68030. This means
- that on a 68040, the page must be made available first and then made
- unavailable. Make this work, Enforcer will switch the instruction
- that caused the error into trace mode and let it run with a special
- MMU setup. When the trace exception comes in, the MMU is set up
- back to the way it was. Enforcer does its best to keep debuggers
- working. Note, however, that the interrupt level during a trace of
- a READ will end up being set to 7. This is to prevent interrupts
- from changing the order of trace/MMU table execution. The level
- will be restored to the original state before continuing. Since T0
- mode tracing is also supported, there are also some changes in the
- way it operates. T0 mode tracing is defined, on the 68040, to cause
- a trace whenever the instruction pipeline needed to be reloaded.
- While on the 68020/030 processors this was normally only for the
- branch instructions, in the 68040 this includes a large number of
- other instructions. (Including NOP!) Anyway, if an Enforcer hit
- happens while in T0 tracing mode, the trace will happen even on
- instructions that normally would not cause a T0 mode trace. Since
- this may actually help in debugging and because it was not possible
- to do anything else, this method of operation is deemed acceptable.
- Another issue with the 68040 is that WRITE faults happen *after* the
- instruction has executed. (Except for MOVEM) In fact, it is common
- for the 68040 to execute one or more extra instructions before the
- WRITE fault is executed. This design makes the 68040 much faster,
- but it also makes the Program Counter value that Enforcer can report
- for the fault much less likely to be pointing to the instruction
- that caused it. The worst cases are sequences such as a write fault
- followed by a branch instruction. In these cases, the branch is
- usually already executed before the write fault happens and thus the
- PC will be pointing to the target of the branch. There is nothing
- that can be done within Enforcer to help out here. You will just
- need to be aware of this and deal with it as best as possible.
- Along with the above issue, is the fact that since a write fault may
- be delayed, a read fault may happen before the write fault shows up.
- Internally, enforcer does not do special processing for these and
- they will not show up. Since another hit was happening anyway, it
- is felt that it is best to just not report the hit. Along the same
- lines, the hit generated from a MOVEM instruction may only show as a
- single hit rather than 1 for each register moved.
- On the Amiga, MOVE16 is not supported 100%. Causing an Enforcer hit
- with a MOVE16 will cause major problems and maybe cause Enforcer or
- your task to lock. Since MOVE16 is not supported, this is not a
- major issue. Just watch out if you are using this 68040
- instruction. (Also, watch out for the 68040 CPU bug with MOVE16)
- The functions CachePreDMA(), CachePostDMA(), and CacheControl() are
- patched when the 68040 MMU is turned on by Enforcer. These
- functions are patched such the issues with DMA and the 68040
- COPYBACK data caches are addressed. The 68040.library normally
- deals with this, however since Enforcer turns on the MMU, the method
- of dealing with it in the 68040.library will not work. For this
- reason, Enforcer will patch these and implement the required fix for
- when the MMU is on. When Enforcer is asked to exit, it will check
- if it can remove itself from these functions. If it can not, it
- will ignore the request to exit. If Enforcer was run from the CLI,
- it will print a message saying that it can not exit when the attempt
- is made.
- If you wish to make a debugger that works with Enforcer to help
- pinpoint Enforcer hits in the application and not cause Enforcer
- hits itself, here are some simple tips and a bit of code.
- To trap a hit requires a number of things to work.
- First, the debugger itself must never cause an Enforcer hit.
- For help on that, see the "DEBUGGERS: NOT CAUSING A HIT"
- Second, the debugger must be global. That is, you must be
- able to deal with a task getting a hit that is not the task
- under test. There are a number of simple ways to deal with
- this, and I will leave this up to the debugger writer.
- (One method will be shown below)
- Third, the debugger must start *AFTER* Enforcer starts.
- If it is started before Enforcer, the hits will not be
- trapped. (Note that this is not a problem)
- A very important point: The code needs to be fast for
- the special case of location 4. This is shown in the
- code below. It is very important that this be fast.
- Note that it is much prefered that debuggers use the
- method described below for trapping hits. It should
- be much more supportable this way as any of the tricky
- work that may need to be done in the hit processing
- will be handled by Enforcer itself. If you wish the
- hit decoded, you can capture the Enforcer output via a
- pipe or some other method (such as RAWIO) or you can
- leave that issue up to the user.
- Now, given the above, the following bits of code can be
- used to get the debugger to switch into single-step mode
- at the point of the Enforcer hit. You can also set some
- data value here to tell your debugger about this.
- ;
- ; The following code is inserted into the bus error vector.
- ; Make sure you follow the VBR to find the vector.
- ; Store the old vector in the address OldVector
- ; Make sure you already have the single-step trap vector
- ; installed before you install this. Note that any extra
- ; code you add in the comment area *MUST NOT* cause a bus
- ; fault of any kind, including reading of location 4.
- ;
- ; This is the 68020 and 68030 version...
- ;
- EnforcerHit: ds.l 1 ; Some private flag
- MyTask: ds.l 1 ; Task under test
- MyExecBase: ds.l 1 ; The local copy
- OldVector: ds.l 1 ; One long word
- NewVector: cmp.l #4,$10(sp) ; 68020 and 68030
- beq.s TraceSkip ; If AbsExecBase, OK
- ;
- ; Now, if you wish to only trap a specific task,
- ; do the check at this point. For example, a
- ; simple single-task debugger would do something
- ; like this:
- move.l a0,-(sp) ; Save this...
- move.l MyExecBase(pc),a0 ; Get ExecBase...
- move.l ThisTask(a0),a0 ; Get ThisTask
- cmp.l MyTask(pc),a0 ; Are they the same?
- move.l (sp)+,a0 ; Restore A0 (no flags)
- bne.s TraceSkip ; If not my task, skip
- ;
- bset.b #7,(sp) ; Set trace bit...
- ; If you have any other data to set, do it now...
- ; Set as setting the EnforcerHit bit in your data...
- addq.l #1,EnforcerHit : Count the hit...
- ;
- TraceSkip: move.l OldVector(pc),-(sp) ; Ready to return
- rts
- ;
- ; This is the 68040 version...
- ;
- NewVector040: cmp.l #4,$14(sp) ; 68040
- beq.s TraceSkip040 ; If AbsExecBase, OK
- ;
- ; Now, if you wish to only trap a specific task,
- ; do the check at this point. For example, a
- ; simple single-task debugger would do something
- ; like this:
- move.l a0,-(sp) ; Save this...
- move.l MyExecBase(pc),a0 ; Get ExecBase...
- move.l ThisTask(a0),a0 ; Get ThisTask
- cmp.l MyTask(pc),a0 ; Are they the same?
- move.l (sp)+,a0 ; Restore A0 (no flags)
- bne.s TraceSkip ; If not my task, skip
- ;
- bset.b #7,(sp) ; Set trace bit...
- ; If you have any other data to set, do it now...
- ; Set as setting the EnforcerHit bit in your data...
- addq.l #1,EnforcerHit : Count the hit...
- ;
- TraceSkip040: move.l OldVector(pc),-(sp) ; Ready to return
- rts
- In order not to cause Enforcer hits, you can do a number
- of things. The easiest is to test the address with the TypeOfMem()
- EXEC function. If TypeOfMem() returns 0, the address is not
- in the memory lists. However, this does not mean it is not a
- valid address in all cases. (ROM, chip registers, I/O boards)
- For those cases, you can build a "valid memory access table"
- much like Enforcer does. Here is the code from Enforcer for
- the base memory tables:
- /*
- * Mark_Address(mmu,start address,length,type)
- */
- /*
- * Special case the first page of CHIP RAM
- */
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,0,0x1000,INVALID | NONCACHEABLE);
- /*
- * Map in the free memory
- */
- Forbid();
- mem=(struct MemHeader *)SysBase->MemList.lh_Head;
- while (mem->mh_Node.ln_Succ)
- {
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,
- (ULONG)(mem->mh_Lower),
- (ULONG)(mem->mh_Upper)-(ULONG)(mem->mh_Lower),
- ((MEMF_CHIP & TypeOfMem(mem->mh_Lower)) ?
- mem=(struct MemHeader *)(mem->mh_Node.ln_Succ);
- }
- Permit();
- /*
- * Map in the autoconfig boards
- */
- if (ExpansionBase=OpenLibrary("expansion.library",0))
- {
- struct ConfigDev *cd=NULL;
- while (cd=FindConfigDev(cd,-1L,-1L))
- {
- /* Skip memory boards... */
- if (!(cd->cd_Rom.er_Type & ERTF_MEMLIST))
- {
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,
- (ULONG)(cd->cd_BoardAddr),
- cd->cd_BoardSize,
- }
- }
- CloseLibrary(ExpansionBase);
- }
- /*
- * Now for the control areas...
- */
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,0x00BC0000,0x00040000,VALID | NONCACHEABLE);
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,0x00D80000,0x00080000,VALID | NONCACHEABLE);
- /*
- * and the ROM...
- */
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,
- 0x00F80000,
- 0x00080000,
- /*
- * If the credit card resource, make the addresses valid...
- */
- if (OpenResource("card.resource"))
- {
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,0x00600000,0x00440002,VALID | NONCACHEABLE);
- }
- /*
- * If CD-based Amiga (CDTV, A570, etc.)
- */
- if (FindResident("cdstrap"))
- {
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,0x00E00000,0x00080000,VALID | NONCACHEABLE);
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,0x00B80000,0x00040000,VALID | NONCACHEABLE);
- }
- /*
- * Check for ReKick/ZKick/KickIt
- */
- if ((((ULONG)(SysBase->LibNode.lib_Node.ln_Name)) >> 16) == 0x20)
- {
- mmu=Mark_Address(mmu,
- 0x00200000,
- 0x00080000,
- }
- "A master's secrets are only as good as the
- master's ability to explain them to others." - Michael Sinz
- None?
- FindHit FindHit
- FindHit - A tool that can locate the source file and line number
- that a SegTracker report happened at.
- FindHit will read the executable file and if there is debugging
- information in it, will try to locate the source file and line
- number that correspond to the Enforcer hit HUNK/OFFSET.
- FindHit uses the Lattice/SAS/MetaScope standard 'LINE'
- debug hunk to locate the closest line to the hunk/offset given.
- Note that this can only happen if the executable has the
- LINE debugging turned on. (The LawBreaker program has this
- such that you can test this yourself.)
- In SAS/C 6.x, you need to compile with DEBUG=LINE or better
- and do not use the link option of NODEBUG.
- In SAS/C 5.x, you need to compile with -d1 or better.
- Note that FindHit works with the old SAS/C 5.x 'SRC '
- debugging information too. This is required for -d2 or
- higher debugging support. However, I do not have 'SRC ' hunk
- documentation and thus FindHit may be very specific to the
- SAS/C 5.x version of this hunk.
- In DICE (2.07 registered being the one I tried) the -d1
- debug switch also supports the 'LINE' debug hunk and
- works with FindHit.
- In HX68 and CAPE, you need to add the DEBUG directive to
- the assembly code program. (See LawBreaker source)
- For other languages, or other versions of the above, please
- see the documentation that comes with the language.
- FILE/A - The executable file, with debugging information.
- OFFSETS/A/M - The HEX offset (with or without leading $)
- If a hunk number other than the default
- is needed, it is expressed as hunk:offset.
- The default hunk is that of the last argument
- or hunk 0 if no hunk number has been given.
- For example: 12 $22 $3:12 22 4:$12 32 $0:$32
- will find information for:
- hunk $0, offset $12
- hunk $0, offset $22
- hunk $3, offset $12
- hunk $3, offset $22
- hunk $4, offset $12
- hunk $4, offset $32
- hunk $0, offset $32
- FindHit FooBar $0342 $1:4F2 3:$1A 2C
- badcode.c : Line 184
- No line number information for Hunk $1, Offset $4F2
- badcode2.c : Line 12
- See the Enforcer documentation about issues dealing with the
- exact location of the Enforcer hit. The line given may
- not be exactly where the hit happened.
- The way I use this is to always have line debugging turned on
- when I compile. This does not change the quality of the code
- and takes only a small amount of extra disk space. However,
- what I do is to link the program twice: Once to a file called
- program.ld which contains all of the debugging information.
- Then, I link program.ld to program, stripping debug information.
- The command line for SLINK or BLINK is as follows:
- BLINK program.ld TO program NODEBUG
- I keep both of these on hand; with program being the one I
- distribute and use. When a hit happens, I can just use program.ld
- with FindHit to get the line number and source file that it happened
- in. This way you can distribute your software without the debugging
- information and still be able to use FindHit on the actual code.
- (After all, that link command does nothing but strip symbol and
- debug hunks)
- Note that this program does nothing when run from the Workbench
- and thus does not have an icon.
- "Quantum Physics: The Dreams that Stuff is made of." - Michael Sinz
- LawBreaker LawBreaker
- LawBreaker - A quicky test of Enforcer
- This is a quick test of Enforcer and its reporting abilities.
- This program is used to make sure that Enforcer is correctly
- installed and operating. LawBreaker works from either the CLI
- or Workbench. It will try to read and write certain memory
- areas that will cause an Enforcer hit or four.
- LawBreaker will also do an Alert to show how Enforcer reports
- an Alert.
- Note that the LawBreaker executable has debugging information
- in it (standard LINE format debug hunk) such that you can
- try the FindHit program to find the line that causes the hit.
- Just run it...
- When running Enforcer, you will see some output from Enforcer.
- Output on a 68030 machine would look something like this:
- 25-Jul-93 17:15:04
- WORD-WRITE to 00000000 data=0000 PC: 0763857C
- USP: 07657C14 SR: 0004 SW: 04C1 (U0)(-)(-) TCB: 07642F70
- Data: DDDD0000 DDDD1111 DDDD2222 DDDD3333 0763852A DDDD5555 DDDD6666 DDDD7777
- Addr: AAAA0000 AAAA1111 AAAA2222 AAAA3333 AAAA4444 0763852A 07400810 --------
- Stck: 00000000 0752EE9A 00002800 07643994 00000000 076786D8 000208B0 2EAC80EE
- Stck: 487AFD12 486C82C4 4EBA3D50 4EBAEA28 4FEF0014 52ACE2E4 204D43EC 88BC203C
- ----> 0763857C - "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000074
- Name: "Shell" CLI: "LawBreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000074
- 25-Jul-93 17:15:04
- LONG-READ from AAAA4444 PC: 07638580
- USP: 07657C14 SR: 0015 SW: 0501 (U0)(F)(-) TCB: 07642F70
- Data: DDDD0000 DDDD1111 DDDD2222 DDDD3333 0763852A DDDD5555 DDDD6666 DDDD7777
- Addr: AAAA0000 AAAA1111 AAAA2222 AAAA3333 AAAA4444 0763852A 07400810 --------
- Stck: 00000000 0752EE9A 00002800 07643994 00000000 076786D8 000208B0 2EAC80EE
- Stck: 487AFD12 486C82C4 4EBA3D50 4EBAEA28 4FEF0014 52ACE2E4 204D43EC 88BC203C
- ----> 07638580 - "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000078
- Name: "Shell" CLI: "LawBreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000078
- 25-Jul-93 17:15:04
- BYTE-WRITE to 00000101 data=11 PC: 0763858A
- USP: 07657C14 SR: 0010 SW: 04A1 (U0)(F)(D) TCB: 07642F70
- Data: 00000000 DDDD1111 DDDD2222 DDDD3333 0763852A DDDD5555 DDDD6666 DDDD7777
- Addr: AAAA0000 AAAA1111 AAAA2222 AAAA3333 AAAA4444 0763852A 07400810 --------
- Stck: 00000000 0752EE9A 00002800 07643994 00000000 076786D8 000208B0 2EAC80EE
- Stck: 487AFD12 486C82C4 4EBA3D50 4EBAEA28 4FEF0014 52ACE2E4 204D43EC 88BC203C
- ----> 0763858A - "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000082
- Name: "Shell" CLI: "LawBreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000082
- 25-Jul-93 17:15:04
- LONG-WRITE to 00000102 data=00000000 PC: 07638592
- USP: 07657C14 SR: 0014 SW: 0481 (U0)(-)(D) TCB: 07642F70
- Data: 00000000 DDDD1111 DDDD2222 DDDD3333 0763852A DDDD5555 DDDD6666 DDDD7777
- Addr: AAAA0000 AAAA1111 AAAA2222 AAAA3333 AAAA4444 0763852A 07400810 --------
- Stck: 00000000 0752EE9A 00002800 07643994 00000000 076786D8 000208B0 2EAC80EE
- Stck: 487AFD12 486C82C4 4EBA3D50 4EBAEA28 4FEF0014 52ACE2E4 204D43EC 88BC203C
- ----> 07638592 - "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 0000008A
- Name: "Shell" CLI: "LawBreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 0000008A
- 25-Jul-93 17:15:06
- Alert !! Alert 35000000 TCB: 07642F70 USP: 07657C10
- Data: 00000000 DDDD1111 DDDD2222 DDDD3333 0763852A DDDD5555 DDDD6666 35000000
- Addr: AAAA0000 AAAA1111 AAAA2222 AAAA3333 AAAA4444 0763852A 07400810 --------
- Stck: 076385A0 00000000 0752EE9A 00002800 07643994 00000000 0762F710 076305F0
- ----> 076385A0 - "lawbreaker" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000098
- Now, using FindHit, you would type:
- FindHit LawBreaker 0:82
- and it will tell you the source file name and the line number
- where the hit happened. See the FindHit documentation.
- If enforcer is not running, the program should not cause the
- system to crash. It will, however, write to certain areas
- of low memory. Also, it will cause read access of some
- addresses that may not exist. This may cause bus faults.
- "Quantum Physics: The Dreams that Stuff is made of." - Michael Sinz
- There are 4 known Enforcer hits in this code and 1 alert, however,
- they will not be fixed. ;^)
- Move4K Move4K
- Move4K - Moves as much out of the lower 4K of RAM as possible
- On 68040 systems, as much of the lower 4K of CHIP RAM as possible
- is removed from system use.
- On 68040 systems the MMU page sizes are 4K and 8K. Enforcer
- uses the 4K page size. Since watching for hits of low memory
- is a vital part of Enforcer, this means that the first 4K
- of RAM will be marked invalid. On current systems, only
- the first 1K of RAM is invalid and thus 3K of RAM in that
- first 4K will end up needing to be emulated in Enforcer.
- In order to reduce the overhead that this causes (and the
- major performance loss) this program will try to move as much
- from that first 4K as possible and make any of the free
- memory within the first 4K inaccessible.
- Enforcer itself also has this logic, but it may be useful
- to be able to run this program as the first program in
- the Startup-Sequence (*AFTER* SetPatch) to try to limit
- the number of things that may use the lower 4K of RAM.
- Just run it... Can be run from CLI or Workbench
- Any available memory in the lower 4K of CHIP RAM is removed
- plus a special graphics buffer is moved if it needs to be.
- After running this program you may have a bit less CHIP RAM
- than before. You can run this program as many times as you
- wish since it only moves things if it needs to.
- This program will do nothing on systems without a 68040.
- It does not, however, check for the MMU and thus it will
- move the lower 4K even if the CPU is not able to run Enforcer.
- V39 of the operating system already does have the lowest
- MMU page empty and thus this program will effectively do
- nothing under V39.
- "Eloquence is vehement simplicity"
- None.
- RebootOff RebootOff
- RebootOff - A keyboard reset handler to turn off Enforcer
- This is a simple utility that will turn off Enforcer when a
- keyboard reset happens.
- This utility uses the feature of the A1000/A2000/A3000/A4000
- Amiga systems to turn off Enforcer when the user does a
- keyboard reset (ctrl-Amiga-Amiga). This utility requires that
- your Amiga supports (in hardware) the keyboard reset system.
- The reason this was written was such that Enforcer could be
- "quit" just before you reboot your Amiga 3000. The reason for
- this is that it will then let the kickstart not need to be reloaded
- and thus let utilities such as RAD: work across Reboots. Note
- that this does *not* help in the case where the Amiga reboots
- under software conditions. It is only for keyboard resets.
- Just run it from either the CLI or Workbench. It installs
- a handler and exits. On a keyboard reset, it will turn Enforcer
- off before it lets the reset continue... (max time of 10 seconds)
- Installs a small reset handler object and task into the system.
- About 3700 bytes needed the first time it is run.
- If Enforcer is not running, nothing will happen at Reset time.
- If Enforcer can not quit, the reset system will continue to try
- to quit Enforcer until the hardware timeout happens...
- From the home of the imaginary deadlines:
- "It will take 2i weeks to do that project." - Michael Sinz
- SegTracker SegTracker
- SegTracker - A global SegList tracking utility
- A global tracking utility for disk loaded files including
- libraries and devices. If placed in the startup-sequence
- right after SetPatch, it will track all disk loaded segments
- (other than those loaded by SetPatch)
- SegTracker will patch the DOS LoadSeg(), NewLoadSeg(), and UnLoadSeg()
- functions in order to track the SegLists that are loaded.
- SegTracker keeps these seglist stored in a "safe" manner and
- even handles programs which SegList split.
- The first time the program is run, it installs the patches
- and semaphore. After that point, it just finds the semaphore
- and uses it.
- By using SegTracker, it will be possible to better identify
- where Enforcer hits come from when dealing with libraries
- and devices. Basically, it is a system-global Hunk-o-matic.
- External programs can then pass in an address to SegTracker
- either via the command line or via the given function pointer
- in the SegTracker semaphore and get back results as to what
- hunk and offset the address is at.
- To work with the function directly, you need to find the
- the semaphore of "SegTracker" using FindSemaphore().
- The structure found will be the following:
- struct SegSem
- {
- struct SignalSemaphore seg_Semaphore;
- SegTrack *seg_Find;
- };
- The function pointer points to a routine that takes an address
- and two pointers to long words for returning the Segment number
- and Offset within the segment. The function returns the name
- of the file loaded. Note that you must call this function
- while in Forbid() and then copy the name as the seglist may
- be UnLoadSeg'ed at any moment and the name string will then
- no longer be in memory.
- typedef char (* __asm SegTrack(register __a0 ULONG Address,
- register __a1 ULONG *SegNum,
- register __a2 ULONG *Offset));
- The above is for use in C code function pointer prototype
- in SAS/C 5 and 6.
- SHOW/S - Shows all of the segments being tracked.
- DUMP/S - Displays all of the segment elements being tracked.
- FIND/M - Find the hex (in $xxxxx format) address in
- the tracked segments. Multiple addresses
- can be given.
- Options are not available from Workbench as they require
- the CLI. However, you can run SegTracker from Workbench
- to install it.
- /*
- * A simple program that will "find" given addresses in the SegLists
- * This program has been compiled with SAS/C 6.2 without errors or
- * warnings.
- *
- * Compiler options:
- *
- * Linker options:
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <exec/semaphores.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <dos/rdargs.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_sysbase_pragmas.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "FindSeg_rev.h"
- #define EXECBASE (*(struct ExecBase **)4)
- typedef char (* __asm SegTrack(register __a0 ULONG,
- register __a1 ULONG *,
- register __a2 ULONG *));
- struct SegSem
- {
- struct SignalSemaphore seg_Semaphore;
- SegTrack *seg_Find;
- };
- #define SEG_SEM "SegTracker"
- #define OPT_FIND 0
- #define OPT_COUNT 1
- ULONG cmd(void)
- {
- struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- struct Library *DOSBase;
- struct RDArgs *rdargs;
- struct SegSem *segSem;
- char **hex;
- SysBase = EXECBASE;
- if (DOSBase = OpenLibrary("dos.library",37))
- {
- memset((char *)opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
- if (!(rdargs = ReadArgs(TEMPLATE, opts, NULL)))
- {
- PrintFault(IoErr(),NULL);
- }
- else if (CheckSignal(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C))
- {
- }
- else if (segSem=(struct SegSem *)FindSemaphore(SEG_SEM))
- {
- if (opts[OPT_FIND])
- {
- for (hex=(char **)opts[OPT_FIND];(*hex);hex++)
- {
- char *p;
- ULONG val;
- ULONG tmp[4];
- ULONG c;
- val=0;
- p=*hex;
- if (*p=='$') p++; /* Support $hex */
- while (*p)
- {
- c=(ULONG)*p;
- if ((c>='a') && (c<='f')) c-=32;
- c-='0';
- if (c>9)
- {
- c-=7;
- if (c<10) c=16;
- }
- if (c<16)
- {
- val=(val << 4) + c;
- p++;
- }
- else
- {
- val=0;
- p=&p[strlen(p)];
- }
- }
- /*
- * Ok, we need to do this within Forbid()
- * as segments can unload at ANY time, including
- * during AllocMem(), so we use a stack buffer...
- *
- */
- Forbid();
- if (p=(*segSem->seg_Find)(tmp[0]=val,&tmp[2],&tmp[3]))
- {
- char Buffer[200];
- stccpy(Buffer,p,200);
- tmp[1]=(ULONG)Buffer;
- VPrintf("$%08lx - %s : Hunk %ld, Offset $%08lx",tmp);
- /*
- * Now get the SegList address by passing the
- * same pointer for both hunk & offset. Note
- * that this is only in the newer SegTrackers
- * To test if this worked, check if the result
- * of this call is either a hunk or an offset.
- */
- (*segSem->seg_Find)(val,&tmp[0],&tmp[0]);
- /*
- * This "kludge" is for compatibility reasons
- * Check if result is the same as either the hunk
- * or the offset. If so, do not print it...
- */
- if ((tmp[0]!=tmp[2]) && (tmp[0]!=tmp[3]))
- {
- VPrintf(", SegList $%08lx",tmp);
- }
- PutStr("\n");
- }
- else VPrintf("$%08lx - Not found\n",tmp);
- Permit();
- }
- }
- }
- else PutStr("Could not find SegTracker semaphore.\n");
- if (rdargs) FreeArgs(rdargs);
- CloseLibrary(DOSBase);
- }
- else if (DOSBase=OpenLibrary("dos.library",0))
- {
- Write(Output(),"Requires Kickstart 2.04 (37.175) or later.\n",43);
- CloseLibrary(DOSBase);
- }
- return(rc);
- }
- The earlier this command is run, the better off it will be in
- tracking disk loaded segments. Under debug usage, you may
- wish to run the command right *AFTER* SetPatch.
- Some things may not call UnLoadSeg() to free their seglists.
- There is no way SegTracker can follow a seglist that is not
- unloaded via the dos.library call to UnLoadSeg(). For this
- reason, SegTracker adds new LoadSeg() segments to the top
- of its list. This way, if any old segments are still on
- the list but have been unloaded via some other method
- they will not clash with newer segments during the find operation.
- Note that the resident list is one such place where
- UnLoadSeg() is not called to free the seglist. Thus,
- if something is made resident and then later unloaded
- it will still be listed as tracked by SegTracker.
- In order to support a new feature in CPR, the SegTracker function
- got a "kludge" added to it. If a segment is found, you can then
- call the function again with the same address but with having
- both pointers point to the same longword of storage. By doing
- this, the function will now return (in that longword) the
- SegList pointer (CPTR not BPTR) of the file that contains
- the address. The reason this method was used was such that
- it was compatible with older SegTracker versions. In older
- versions you would not get the result you wanted but you would
- also not crash. See the example above for more details on how
- to use this feature. The SegTracker FIND option has been
- expanded to include this information.
- Due to the fact that I am working on a design of a new set of
- debugging tools (Enforcer/SegTracker/etc) I do not wish to
- expand the current SegTracker model in too many ways.
- "Quantum Physics: The Dreams that Stuff is made of." - Michael Sinz