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- FlexCat V1.2 Documentation
- **************************
- This file describes the Usage of FlexCat V1.2, a program which generates
- catalogs and the source to handle them. FlexCat works similar to
- CatComp and KitCat, but differs in generating any source you want.
- This is done by using the so called Source descriptions, which are a
- template for the code to generate. They can be edited and hence adapted to
- any programming language and individual needs. (Hopefully!)
- Copyright and other legal stuff
- *******************************
- Copyright (C) 1993 Jochen Wiedmann
- Am Eisteich 9
- 72555 Metzingen (Deutschland)
- Tel. 07123 / 14881
- Internet: wiedmann@mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim and modified
- copies of this documentation and the program FlexCat following the terms of
- the "GNU General Public License" provided the copyright notice and this
- permission notice are preserved on all copies and the "GNU General Public
- License" (in the file COPYING) is distributed as well.
- The author gives absolutely no warranty that the program described in
- this documentation and the results produced by it are correct. The author
- cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of this
- software.
- Survey
- ******
- Since Workbench 2.1 the Amiga offers a rather pleasant system of using
- programs in different languages: The locale.library. (This is called
- localizing, that's what the name's for.)
- The idea is simple: You select a language, the english in most cases and
- write your program in the same manner as you did without localizing, except
- that constant strings are replaced by certain function calls. Another
- function call makes it possible that the user selects another language when
- the program starts. (The latter function call loads an external file, the
- so called catalog and makes the former to read the strings from the
- catalog instead of using the predefined strings.)
- These catalogs are independent from the program. All you need to do for
- adding another language is to create a new catalog file and this is
- possible at any time without changing the program.
- But there are additional tasks for the programmer: He needs to create the
- catalogs, the predefined strings and some source to handle them all. (The
- functions that are mentioned above.) FlexCat is designed to make this in an
- easy and nearly automatic manner without losing flexibility especially in
- creating the source. An example should make this clear:
- Lets assume that we want to write a HelloLocalWorld.c. Our final
- program will look like this:
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <HelloLocalWorld_Cat.h> /* You must include this! */
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- struct Library *LocaleBase;
- void main(int argc, char *argv[])
- { /* Open the library for yourself, even if the compiler supports */
- /* automatic opening. NO exit, if OpenLibrary fails: */
- /* We use the builtin strings in that case. */
- LocaleBase = OpenLibrary("locale.library", 38);
- OpenHelloLocalWorldCatalog(NULL, NULL);
- printf("%s\n", GetHelloLocalWorldString(msgHello));
- CloseHelloLocalWorldCatalog();
- if (LocaleBase)
- CloseLibrary(LocaleBase);
- }
- Note that this is quite the same as the original HelloWorld.c except for
- replacing the string "Hello, world!" by a function call and some minor
- initializing stuff.
- The above program uses a constant msgHello. A call to the functon
- GetHelloLocalWorldString replaces this by the respective string.
- These constants and strings are defined in a so called Catalog
- description file. (see Catalog description. You always start by creating
- such a file called HelloLocalWorld.cd, which could look like this:
- ; Comments ar eallowed, of course! Each line beginning with a
- ; semicolon is assumed to be a comment
- ;
- ; The language of the builtin strings:
- #language english
- ;
- ; The catalog version, used for a call to Locale/OpenCatalog().
- ; This is different to Exec/OpenLibrary(): 0 means any catalog
- ; version, other numbers must match exactly!
- #version 0
- ;
- ; This defines a string and the ID which allows to use it.
- ; The number 4 says, that this string must not be shorter than
- ; 4 characters.
- msgHello (/4/)
- Hello, world!
- By using FlexCat you create another two files from the catalog
- description: The include file HelloLocalWorld_Cat.h defines the constants
- and the HelloLocalWorld_Cat.c contains an array of strings and the
- functions OpenHelloLocalWorldCatalog(), GetHelloLocalWorldString() and
- CloseHelloLocalWorldCatalog. You don't need to know how they look, just
- use them. Especially you don't need to know anything about
- Locale.library!
- However, you might be interested, how these files look or even more, you
- might want them changed. This is the difference between FlexCat and other
- catalog generators: FlexCat is not forced to use a special builtin format
- for creating these files. Instead it uses external files, so called Source
- descriptions. This makes it possible, for example, to allow using catalogs
- with AmigaDOS 2.0. see Source description. If you use the source
- descriptions from the FlexCat distribution you can create the source files
- with the following commands:
- FlexCat HelloLocalWorld.cd HelloLocalWorld_Cat.c=C_c_V21
- FlexCat HelloLocalWorld.cd HelloLocalWorld_Cat.h=C_h.sd
- When your program is ready you use FlexCat again to create so called
- Catalog translation files, one for each language you would like to
- support. (Except english, which is builtin.) See Catalog translation. Lets
- create a german catalog translation:
- FlexCat HelloLocalWorld.cd NEWCTFILE Deutsch.ct
- This file would no look as follows:
- ## version
- ## language
- ## codeset 0
- ; Comments ar eallowed, of course! Each line beginning with a
- ; semicolon is assumed to be a comment
- ;
- ; The language of the builtin strings:
- ;
- ; The catalog version, used for a call to Locale/OpenCatalog().
- ; This is different to Exec/OpenLibrary(): 0 means any catalog
- ; version, other numbers must match exactly!
- ;
- ; This defines a string and the ID which allows to use it.
- ; The number 4 says, that this string must not be shorter than
- ; 4 characters.
- msgHello
- ;Hello, world!
- You see, it looks much like the catalog descriptions. FlexCat includes the
- comments from the catalog description, even where it is meaningless: Note
- the comment on the string length which shouldn't appear here as these
- informations must be in the catalog description only. All you have to do
- now is to fill in the informations on the version (a typical version string
- like $VER: Deutsch.catalog 1.0 (11.03.94) is expected), the language of
- the catalog translation (Deutsch for german here), the codeset (which
- should always be 0 for now, see Locale/OpenCatalog() for details) and of
- course the strings itself. FlexCat includes the original strings as
- comments, so you always know what to fill in. Finally you create the
- catalogs with commands like
- FlexCat HelloLocalWorld.cd Deutsch.ct CATALOG Deutsch.catalog
- Note, that you don't need the program itself or the source files created
- with FlexCat for the catalogs! You can create new catalogs at any time. It
- is usual to supply distributions with a file NewCatalog.ct, so users can
- create own catalogs.
- But what happens if you change the program later? Just edit the catalog
- description and use FlexCat to update the catalog translations:
- FlexCat HelloLocalWorld.cd Deutsch.ct NEWCTFILE Deutsch.ct
- All you need to do now is to enter new strings if needed.
- Installation
- ************
- FlexCat is written in pure Ansi-C (except for the localization), hence it
- should run on any Amiga and hopefully on other machines after recompiling.
- (The localizing is commented out in that case.) This holds for the created
- programs too: FlexCat is written using itself. All distributed source
- descriptions should create programs running on any Amiga and even any
- machine. (Of course you must ensure that the variable LocaleBase has the
- value NULL in the latter case.) Localizing, however, is possible
- beginning with Workbench 2.1 because the locale.library isn't available
- below.
- It is not impossible to offer localizing without the locale.library:
- The source description files C_c_V20.sd and C_h_V20.sd give an example,
- where the iffparse.library is used to replace the locale.library, if it
- is not available. This gives Localizing for Workbench 2.0. See C.
- Installing FlexCat is simple: Just copy the program to a directory in
- your search path and select a place for the source descriptions you need.
- (These are the files called something like xx_yy.sd, where xx is the
- programming language.) If you want to use FlexCat in another language than
- the english you need to copy the respective catalog files too. E.g. for the
- german language copy the file Catalogs/Deutsch/FlexCat.catalog to
- Locale:Catalogs/Deutsch/FlexCat.catalog or to
- PROGDIR:Catalogs/Deutsch/FlexCat.catalog, where PROGDIR: is
- FlexCat's program directory. See Using FlexCat source.
- Calling FlexCat from the CLI
- ****************************
- FlexCat is a CLI based program and doesn't operate from the workbench.
- It's calling syntax is
- where the arguments mean
- is the name of a catalog description to be read. This is always needed.
- Please note, that the base name of the source description is created
- from it making this case significant. See Source description.
- is the name of a catalog translation file to be read. This is needed
- for creating catalogs or for updating an old catalog translation file
- using the NEWCTFILE argument: FlexCat reads the old file and the
- catalog description and creates a new catalog translation file
- containing the old strings and possibly some empty lines for new
- strings.
- is the name of a catalog file to be created. This argument requires
- giving CDFILE as well.
- is the name of a catalog translation file to create. FlexCat reads
- strings from CTFILE, if this is given, strings missing in the catalog
- translation are replaced by empty lines. (The new catalog translation
- will contain only empty lines as strings, if CTFILE is omitted.)
- are the names of source files to be created. These shoud be given in
- the form source=template where source is the file to create and
- template is the name of a source description file to be scanned.
- For examples of command lines see Survey.
- Catalog description files
- *************************
- A catalog description file contains four kinds of lines.
- Comment lines
- Any line beginning with a semicolon is assumed to be a comment line,
- hence ignored. (The string lines below are an exception. These may
- begin with a semicolon.)
- Command lines
- Any line beginning with a '#' (with the same exception as above) are
- assumed to be command lines. Possible commands are:
- #language <str>
- gives the programs default language, the language of the strings
- in the catalog description. Default is #language english.
- #version <num>
- gives the version number of catalogs to be opened. Note that this
- number must match exact and not be same or higher as in
- `Exec/OpenLibrary'. An exception is the number 0, which accepts
- any catalog. Default is #version 0. See Locale/OpenCatalog
- for further information on catalog language and version.
- #lengthbytes <num>
- Instructs FlexCat to put the given number of bytes before a
- string containing its length. The length is the number of bytes
- in the string without length bytes and a trailing NUL byte.
- (Catalog files and hence catalog strings will have a trailing
- NUL byte. This is not always true for the default strings,
- depending on the source description file.) <num> must be
- between 0 and sizeof(long)=4, Default is #lengthbytes 0.
- #basename <str>
- Sets the basename of the source description. See Source
- description. This overwrites the basename from the command line
- argument CDFILE. See Program start. Commands are case
- insensitive.
- Description lines
- declare a string. They look like IDSTR (id/minlen/maxlen) where
- IDSTR is a identifier (a string consisting of the characters
- a-z,A-Z and 0-9), id is a unique number (from now on called ID),
- minlen and maxlen are the strings minimum and maximum length,
- respectively. The latter three may be missing (but not the characters
- (//)!) in which case FlexCat chooses a number and makes no
- restrictions on the string length. Better don't use the ID's, if you
- don't need. The lines following are the
- String lines
- containing the string itself and nothing else. These may contain
- certain control characters beginning with a backslash:
- \b
- Backspace (Ascii 8)
- \c
- Control Sequence Introducer (Ascii 155)
- \e
- Escape (Ascii 27)
- \f
- Form Feed (Ascii 12)
- \g
- Display beep (Ascii 7)
- \n
- Line Feed, newline (Ascii 10)
- \r
- Carriage Return (Ascii 13)
- \t
- Tab (Ascii 9)
- \v
- Vertical tab (Ascii 11)
- \)
- The trailing bracket which is possibly needed as part of a
- (..) sequence, see Source description.
- \\
- The backslash itself
- \xHH
- The character given by the ascii code HH, where HH are hex
- digits.
- \OOO
- The character given by the ascii code OOO, where OOO are octal
- digits. Finally a single backslash at the end of the line causes
- concatening the following line. This makes it possible to use strings
- of any length, FlexCat makes no assumptions on string length.
- A string is hence given by a description line and the following string
- line. Let's see an example:
- msgHello (/4/)
- Hello, this is english!\n
- The ID is missing here, so FlexCat chooses a suitable number. The number 4
- instructs FlexCat, that the following string must not have less than four
- characters and it may be of any length. See the file FlexCat.cd for a
- further example.
- Catalog translation files
- *************************
- Catalog translation files are very similar to catalog descriptions,
- except for other commands and having no informations on string ID and
- length. (These are taken from the catalog description.) Any string from the
- catalog description must be present (However, FlexCat omits writing strings
- into the catalog which are identical to the default string.) and no
- additional identifiers may occur. This is easy assured by using FlexCat to
- create new catalog translation files. See Survey.
- The commands allowed in catalog translations are:
- ##version <str>
- Gives the catalog version as AmigaDOS version string. Example:
- ##version $VER: Deutsch.ct 8.1 (27.09.93)
- The version number of this catalog is 8. Hence the catalog descriptions
- version number must be 0 or 8.
- ##language <str>
- The catalogs language. Of course this should be another language than
- the catalog descriptions language. The ##language and ##version
- commands must be present in a catalog translation.
- ##codeset <num>
- Currently not used, must be 0. This is the default value.
- The string from above looks like this in the catalog translation:
- msgHello
- Hallo, dies ist deutsch!\n
- See Deutsch.ct as further example of a catalog translation.
- Source description files
- ************************
- This is the special part of FlexCat. Until now there is nothing that
- CatComp, KitCat and others don't offer too. The created source should make
- it easy, to use the catalogs without losing flexibility. Any programming
- language should be possible and any requirements should be satisfyable.
- This seems like a contradiction, but FlexCat's solution are the source
- description files containing a template of the source to be created. These
- are editable as the catalog description and translation files are, hence
- FlexCat can create any code.
- The source descriptions are searched for certain symbols which are
- replaced by certain values. Possible symbols are the backslash characters
- from above and additionally sequences beginning with a %. (This is well
- known for C programmers.)
- %b
- is the base name of the catalog description. See Program start.
- %v
- is the version number of the catalog description. Don't mix this up
- with the catalog version string from the catalog translation.
- %l
- is the catalog descriptions language. Please note, that this is
- inserted as a string. See %s below. below.
- %n
- is the number of strings in the catalog description.
- %%
- is the character % itself.
- But the most important thing are the following seqences. These represent
- the catalog strings in different ways. Lines containing one or more of these
- symbols are repeated for any String.
- %i
- is the identifier from the catalog description.
- %d
- is the strings ID.
- %s
- is the string itself; this will be inserted in a way depending on the
- programming language and can be controlled using the commands
- ##stringtype and ##shortstrings.
- %(...)
- inserts the text between the brackets for any string except the last.
- This is probably needed in Arrays, if the array entries should be
- separated by commas, but the last entry must not be followed by a
- comma. You can use %(,) in that case. Note that within the brackets
- there is no replacing of % sequences. Backslash sequences, however,
- are still allowed.
- The control sequences %l and %s create strings. But how strings look
- depends on the program language. That's why the source description allows
- command lines similar to the catalog translation. These must begin with the
- first character of the line and any command must have its own line.
- Possible commands are:
- ##shortstrings
- makes longer strings to be splitted on different lines. This is
- probably not always possible or not implemented into FlexCat and hence
- the default is to create one, probably very long string.
- ##stringtype <type>
- Tells FlexCat how strings should look like. Possible types are
- None
- No additional characters are created. An image of the string is
- inserted and nothing else. No output of binary characters (the
- backslash sequences) is possible.
- C
- creates strings according to C. The strings are preceded and
- followed by the character ". Strings are splitted using the
- sequences "\ at the end of the line and " at the beginning of
- the new line. (The backslash is needed in macros.) Binary
- characters are inserted using \OOO. See C.
- Oberon
- is like string type C, except for the trailing backslash at the
- end of the line.
- Assembler
- Strings are created using dc.b. Readable ascii characters are
- preceded and followed by the character ', binary characters are
- inserted as $XX. See Assembler.
- E
- Strings are preceded and followed by the character '. A +
- concatenates strings which are spread on different lines. Binary
- characters are inserted like in C.
- Let's look at an excerpt from the file C_h.sd creating an include file
- for the programming language C.
- ##stringtype C
- ##shortstrings
- #ifndef %b_CAT_H /* Assure that this is read only once. */
- #define %b_CAT_H
- /* Get other include files */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <libraries/locale.h>
- /* Prototypes */
- extern void Open%bCatalog(struct Locale *, STRPTR);
- extern void Close%bCatalog(void);
- extern STRPTR Get%bString(LONG);
- /* Definitions of the identifiers and their ID's */
- /* This line will be repeated for any string. */
- #define %i %d
- #endif
- Including FlexCat source in own programs
- ****************************************
- Of course this depends on what source is created and hence on the source
- description. What we are talking here about are the source description
- files distributed with FlexCat. See Source description.
- All source descriptions should allow using the program without
- locale.library. However, a global variable called LocaleBase
- (_LocaleBase for assembler) must be present and initialized with NULL
- or by a call to `Exec/OpenLibrary'. No localizing is possible in the former
- case except when using the source description C_c_V20.sd. This allows
- localizing on 2.0 by repacing the locale.library with the
- iffparse.library. (A variable IFFParseBase has to be present for
- this and initialized like LocaleBase.) See C. The programmer does not
- need knowledge of these libraries except when creating own source
- descriptions.
- There are three functions and calling them is rather simple.
- - : OpenCatalog (locale, language)
- This function possibly opens a catalog. The argument locale is a
- pointer to a Locale structure amd language is a string containing
- the name of the language that should be opened. In most cases these
- should both be NULL or NIL, respectively, because the user's
- defaults are overwritten otherwise. See `Locale.OpenCatalog' for
- details.
- If the user has Deutsch and Français as default languages and the
- programs base name is XXX this looks for the following files:
- PROGDIR:Catalogs/Deutsch/XXX.catalog
- LOCALE:Catalogs/Deutsch/XXX.catalog
- PROGDIR:Catalogs/Français/XXX.catalog
- LOCALE:Catalogs/Français/XXX.catalog
- where PROGDIR: is the programs current directory. (The order of
- PROGDIR: and LOCALE: can get changed in order to suppress a
- requester like Insert volume YYY.
- OpenCatalog is of type void (a procedure for Pascal programmers) and
- hence gives no result.
- - : GetString (ID)
- Gives a pointer to the string with the given ID from the catalog
- description. Of course these strings are owned by locale.library
- and must not be modified.
- An example might be useful. Take the string from the catalog
- description example, which was called msgHello. The source
- descriptions declare a constant msgHello representing the ID. This
- could be printed in C using
- printf("%s\n", GetString(msgHello));
- - : CloseCatalog (void)
- This function frees the catalog (that is the allocated RAM) before
- terminating the program. You can call this function at any time even
- before OpenCatalog is called.
- FlexCat source in C programs
- ============================
- C source consists of two parts: A .c file which should be compiled and
- linked without further notice and an include file which should be included
- from any source part using catalog strings and which defines the ID's as
- macros.
- Two different versions are available for the .c part: C_c_V21.sd is
- a rather simple version using the respective functions of the
- locale.library and allowing localizing beginning with Workbench 2.1.
- But C_c_V20.sd replaces the locale.library with the
- iffparse.library if the former isn't available and the latter is.
- This allows localizing for Workbench 2.0 too. Programs using this should
- have an option Language and give the corresponding argument to
- OpenCatalog. This option should not be used in 2.1 and above and
- hence the language argument of OpenCatalog should still be NULL.
- Of course it would be possible to write a third version using catalogs
- with Ansii C, but I don't want to support 1.3 anymore.
- To separate the FlexCat functions OpenCatalog and CloseCatalog from
- the corresponding Locale functions with the same names and to allow
- different catalogs in one program the FlexCat functions get slightly
- modified names here: OpenXXXCatalog, CloseXXXCatalog and
- GetXXXString, where XXX is the base name from the source
- description. The concept is copied from the GadToolsBox and prooved good,
- as I think. See Source description.
- The function prototypes are:
- void OpenXXXCatalog(struct Locale *loc, char *language);
- void CloseXXXCatalog(void);
- For an example see HelloLocalWorld.c. (see Survey)
- FlexCat source in Oberon programs
- =================================
- There are two different source descriptions: Oberon_V38.sd creates
- source using Locale.mod from Hartmut Goebel. Oberon_V39.sd creates
- source using the Locale.mod distributed with AmigaOberon.
- The function prototypes are
- XXX.OpenCatalog(loc: Locale.LocalePtr; language : ARRAY OF CHAR);
- XXX.GetString(num: LONGINT): Exec.StrPtr;
- XXX.CloseCatalog();
- where XXX is the basename from the source description. See Source
- description.
- Finally an example using FlexCat source:
- MODULE HelloLocalWorld;
- IMPORT x:=HelloLocalWorld_Cat; Dos;
- x.OpenCatalog(NIL, "");
- Dos.PrintF("%s\n", x.GetString(x.msgHello));
- (* Catalog will be closed automatically *)
- (* when program exits. *)
- END Anything;
- FlexCat source in Assembler programs
- ====================================
- Assembler source is created for usage with the Aztec Assembler. This
- should not be very different to other assemblers and you should be able to
- implement own source descriptions. The source consists of two parts: A
- .asm file which should be assembled and linked without further notice
- and an .i include file which defines the string ID's and must be included
- by the using program.
- The FlexCat-function names are slightly modified to allow the usage of
- different catalogs in one file: These are OpenXXXCatalog,
- CloseXXXCatalog and GetXXXString, where XXX is the base name from
- the source description. The concept is copied from the GadToolsBox and
- prooved good, as I think. See Source description.
- As usual the function result is given in d0 and the functions save
- registers d2-d7 and a2-a7. OpenCatalog expects its arguments in a0 (pointer
- to Locale structure) and a1 (Pointer to language string) which should be
- NULL in most cases. GetString expects an string ID in d0.
- Finally an example of a program using FLexCat source:
- * HelloLocalWorld.asm
- include "XXX.i" ; Opening this is a must. This
- ; contains "xref OpenHelloLocalWorldCatalog", ...
- xref _LVOOpenLibrary
- xref _LVOCloseLibrary
- xref _AbsExecBase
- dseg
- LocNam: dc.b "locale.library",0
- dc.l _LocaleBase,4 ; Must be present under this name
- cseg
- main: move.l #38,d0 ; Open locale.library
- lea LocName,a1
- move.l _AbsExecBase.a6
- jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
- * NO exit, if OpenLibrary fails
- sub.l a0,a0 ; Open catalog
- sub.l a1,a1
- jsr OpenHelloLocalWorldCatalog
- move.l #msgHello,d0 ; Get pointer to string
- jsr GetHelloLocalWorldString
- jsr PrintD0 ; and print it
- Ende:
- jsr CloseHelloLocalWorldCatalog ; Close Catalog
- move.l _LocaleBase,a1 ; Close locale.library
- move.l a1,d0 ; this test is a must for 1.3
- beq Ende1
- jsr CloseLibrary
- Ende1:
- rts
- end
- FlexCat source in E programs
- ============================
- E differs from drastically other programming languages in one certain
- point: You cannot compile separate modules and link them together. All
- source must be in one file. The best solution for this problem is to use
- EPP from Barry Wills. (Sources: Aminet, directory dev/e, Fish disks) This
- allows you to integrate the sources created with the source description
- E21b.sd with one line:
- PMODULE 'xxx_cat'
- where xxx is the basename of your application. Without EPP you need to
- insert the FlexCat-source manually into your own source. You must insert
- the source between after your own definitions and before the first
- procedure. (Otherwise you would be forced to create and insert more than
- one file with FlexCat-source.)
- The created source contains functions get_xxx_string,
- open_xxx_catalog and close_xxx_catalog. (These slightly modified
- names are needed to allow different catalogs in one program.) Please note
- that (unlike in C, for example) you must not call get_xxx_string before
- open_xxx_catalog!
- A HelloLocalWorld.e using EPP might look like this:
- /* HelloLocalWorld.e */
- PMODULE hellolocalworld_cat
- PROC main()
- /* Open Locale.library; No exit, if failure! */
- localebase := OpenLibrary('locale.library', 0)
- /* Open the catalog file. */
- open_hellolocalworld_catalog(NIL, NIL)
- WriteF('\s\n', get_hellolocalworld_string(MSG_HELLO_WORLD))
- close_hellolocalworld_catalog()
- Further development of FlexCat
- ******************************
- I don't expect much further development for I think FlexCat to be rather
- complete. Of course I'm open for suggestions, tips or critics. Especially I
- offer to include new string types because this is possible with very minor
- changes.
- I would be pleased, if someone would send me new source descriptions and
- I could introduce them into further distributions. Any programming language,
- any extensions, provided that they are prooved good by testing the source in
- a real existing program. And I would appreciate receiving new catalogs. It
- is enough to insert the strings in the file NewCatalogs.ct which is part
- of the distribution.
- Credits
- *******
- My thanks go to:
- Albert Weinert
- for KitCat, the predecessor of FlexCat which has done me valuable
- things, but finally wasn't flexible enough.
- Reinhard Spisser und Sebastiano Vigna
- for the Amiga version of texinfo. This documentation is written using
- it.
- The Free Software Foundation
- for the original version of texinfo and many other excellent software.
- Matt Dillon
- for DICE and especially for DME.
- Alessandro Galassi
- for the italian catalog.
- Lionel Vintenat
- for the E source description and its documentation, the french catalogs
- and bug reports.
- The people of #AmigaGer
- for answering many stupid questions and lots of fun, for example
- stefanb (Stefan Becker), PowerStat (Kai Hoffmann), \ ill (Markus
- Illenseer), Quarvon (Jürgen Lang), ZZA (Bernhard Möllemann), Tron
- (Mathias Scheler), mungo (Ignatios Souvlatzis), \ jow (Jürgen
- Weinelt) und Stargazer (Petra Zeidler).
- Commodore
- for the Amiga and Kickstart 2.0. Keep on developing it and I'll be an
- Amiga-user for the next 8 years too. ;-)
- Index
- *****
- .cd Catalog description
- .ct Catalog translation
- .sd Source description
- Adress Disclaimer
- Ascii-Code Catalog description
- Assembler Assembler
- Author Disclaimer
- AztecAs_asm.sd Assembler
- AztecAs_i.sd Assembler
- C C
- Catalog description Catalog description
- Catalog translation Catalog translation
- CLI Program start
- Contributions Future
- Control characters Catalog description
- Copyright Disclaimer
- Credits Credits
- C_c_V20.sd C
- C_c_V21.sd C
- C_h.sd C
- Deutsch.ct Catalog translation
- Distribution Disclaimer
- E E
- E21b.sd E
- E21b_defs.sd E
- E21b_procs.sd E
- FlexCat Future
- FlexCat source Using FlexCat source
- FlexCat.cd Catalog description
- Future Future
- Installation Installation
- Internet Disclaimer
- Mail Disclaimer
- Oberon Oberon
- Oberon_V38.sd Oberon
- Oberon_V39.sd Oberon
- Permissions Disclaimer
- Prohibitions Disclaimer
- Requirements Installation
- Source description Source description
- Survey Survey
- Using FlexCat source Using FlexCat source
- Workbench Program start